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Report – Albert de Rochefort – 1 Sep 1669

NIEUCASSEL Nieucassel is a sea port, frequented by all the Nations of the world, for the quantity and excellence of the coal which is loaded there, which is brought from the mines that are to be found in the outskirts of this big town and also of the lead and the pure tin, which makes it one of the busiest ports in the Kingdom. It is situated on the banks of the River of Tyne, which divides it into two unequal parts, both on the side of a hill declining gently to the great quay, which r

Will & inventory – Thomas Mowbray – 2 Mar 1670

The last will and testament of Thomas Mowbray nuncupative late of Duxfield in the Countie of Northumberland declared the second of March 1669: before Jphn Mowbray & george Lee as followeth: First I give & bequeath my soule unto Almightie god & my bodie to buryed in the parish church or churchyard of Slayley as my friends shall order & appoint, Item I give Legate & bequeath unto my brother Robert Mowbray my cloake & a paire of Boots All the rest of my goods & cha

Letter – Henry Cavendish to William Blackett – 6 Jun 1671

Sr I receved yours of the 2d yesterday, and since the disorder that happened wth you at Newcastle I have named you twice in my letters to Winsor as one of the best servts his Majte hath at Newcastle; I am soe obedient to Orders I sent you that I receved from Court after you had suppressed the Mutiny, there is noe harme in being formall in obedience. I writ to the Major and you all yesterday and sent to Mr secretary Trevor. All my Childeren that are here wth me in the House hath and have had th

Letter – Henry Cavendish to William Blackett – 19 Jun 1671

London June the 19th (71) Sr I give you very many thanks for two affectionate Letters I receved from you since the Mutiney of the Keele men with you. I had writ sooner to you but that I stayed to heare from my Lord Arlington I having two letters perticulerly named you as most active in the reduceing these disorderly Keelemen and that you was not only servisable to his Maj.tie in your station as Magestrate of the Towne but as deputy Liftennant and Captain of a foote Company. I know and rest a

Inventory – Robert Mowbray – 12 Nov 1671

A true and perfect inventory of all the Goods and chattels moveable late Robert Mowbrayes of Duxfeild hall in the parish of Slaley and in the Countie of Northumberland yeoman lately deceased valued and apprized the 12th day of November in the yeare 1671 by Lewis ffairlambe and Thomas ffairlambe of Duxfeild Richard Wainman of Steele hall and John Mowbray of the Steele as followeth £ s d Imprimis his purse house and apparel 5.00.00 from four

Will & inventory – Ann Sharp – 27 Apr 1672

Ane Sharpe of Duxfeild in the County of Northumberland being sick in [‘of’ crossed through] body but of good and parfe[c]t memory thanks be to almighty god and cal[l]ing to rememberance the uncartan Estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please god to call I doe make const[it]ut[e] ordane and declare this my last will and testyment in manar and forme fol[l]owing revoking and anul[l]ing by these presence all and ev[e]ry testyment and testaments w

Letter Patent – George Villiers to Thomas Wentworth – 6 Jun 1673

George Duke Marquis and Earl of Buckingham & Lord [Lieutenant?] of the Westrides [?] of the County of Yorks and of the Citty and County of the Citty and Aynsty of York To Sir Thomas Wentworth Kn[igh]t & Baronett Captain [?] By vertue of the power and authority now given by the statute of Letters pattent under the Greate Seale of England bearing date the two and twentieth day of November in the nineteenth year of his Majestys raigne I doe constitute and appoint you Sir Tho[mas]

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 22 Nov 1673

Newc November the 22 1673 Mr Haster Hon Sir In my last letter which was yesterday I sent yow a bill of exchange upon George Potts since which Mr Moses Tring hath ben with me and I have paid hime forty five pounds and have heare incossed [inclosed?] sent yow his bill for ye value upon Mr George Potts; yr Maisters [shipmasters] have now <by land> from Scarbrough having lost his anchors and cables and could not bring the <ess…> away til he had this money to defray his charg

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Watling – 29 Nov 1673

Newc No 29 1673 Mr Wm Waitling Sir this at present is to aquant yew that Mr Hayward hath orded his wife and Mr Landham topay you 60 £ per my acct; wch pray you Recd your last prunes I recd the best ones right; but the midell sort wanted 2 <..> in every dozen and proved very bad of what we ussually had from yew; soe we hoap you will make abatement Not further but that I am y s Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 29 Nov 1673

Newc November th 29 1673 Sir yours of the 15 currant came saife to hand I haveing beine sicke of the goute ever since the receit of yors; I trated by my man wth Mr Hill and Mr Cawood and other M[asters] about the caridge of lead; but cannot prevale coals soe grate a price; they will not undr double the raight and thare is noe such incuridgemente; I sould 2 parcles of lead this weeke for 11£ 5S and some dearer; I the perceave the Turkey fleet is not sayled soe I hope yew have yoused

Letter – Ralph Grey – 29 Nov 1673

Newcastel November 29th 73 Right Honble After my services ; this at present is to aqiante you I have ordered mr John Goude master of the Good Hope of Soule to pay y[ou?] my acct thirty £ and mr John Hill master of the John of Hull will pay over his stocke being <100 L> at least; We heare that Mr John Thorpe in wch we had our pepor cownes and Raysings is taken by the Dutch privatrs and suncke for ther is noo nowes of him and mr James Shrive; if lost I must intreat the same quant

Letter – Ralph Grey to Edward Hodgson – 29 Nov 1673

Newcastl November the 29th 73 Sir I make bold to truoble you with this inclossed bill of exchange for forty £ upon Mr John Groanes merchant; wch pray receive by my acct; and if you find an oppertunity remit it heare if not I shall in quire heare of some; and be pleasted to writ me two lynes of the accoptants and paymente if there be any concerns I can serve you or any freind of yours comande your frendes and servente Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 29 Nov 1673

To Mr Wm Peacocke Newcastel November the 29th 73 Mr Wm Peacocke Yrs of the 29th No came to saife to hand; to my coussin Briggs who presents his servis to you; I perceve by your <good> intentions as for 100 or 200 pcs of small leed; the truth is we have not sold any under 11£ 6 S or 11£ 10S the fother Mr Blackett; did profer 11£ 6S for all we had I have prevayled with my cousene Briggs that you shal have one or 2 hundred pcs to in coridge you to deale with us and a coresspo

Letter – Ralph Grey – 2 Dec 1673

Newcastle December th 2d 1673 Honorable Sir Yours of the 25 came to saife hand giving ann acct of the recit of the box of oar; and thoughts of it since which I trated with the gentamen employed by the grovers heare; who hath agreed to dd [deliver] 6 tunns heare in the spring which is all redy above grownd to have it well washed and drist Oare at 6 £ pr fo to be paid at the waying of the said ore; and lykewise they to be bound and you for to be free; if you have accason for a 100 pcs

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 2 Dec 1673

Newcastle December 2nd 1673 Mr Pott Sr yours of the 27 came to saife hand wheare in I perceive Mr Hester hath presented yew with the two bill of : I have chased my fittr ; to see that all sayles have a good loading of coles all <bring> the like; It cannot be that coles can be soe good as in sumer ; when they are new led and dry; but they shall have as good coles as the river can afard and att markett prise; considering the time of the year; I shall inquire for Mr Olsen when he

Letter – Ralph Grey – 5 Dec 1673

Ne[wcastle] ditto 5 1673 Right Honble Yours of 26 No[vember] came to saife hand; and according to your ordr I shall pay your bill to Mr Charles Cotterill for 50£ If load coles wth me shall have the best and cheapr for yor sake; In my last I gave you ann acct ; I orderd Mr Gould to pay your 30£ and Mr Jo.n Hill 100 £ and I have ordered Mr Walter Barnard of graves end to pay your 20£ upon bond dew the 4 Jan Next ; Mr Atkinson is in Burlington pear [pier?] soe we shall not nead the s

Letter – Ralph Grey – 5 Dec 1673

Newcastle December th 5th 1673 Hon Sir I have not heard that Mr Richardson hath paid your freind for my sones borde; wch troubles mee I have order him to char[ge] a bill upon Mr Richardson for his board and other nescessarys and to pay what money he is indebted wth thanks; so cleare for his ½ year pray bestow two lynes of as me ; to inform me how he imporves in his lerning Wholy comiting him to your care this what is needfull Ra Grey

Letter – John Wescombe to Ralph Grey – 9 Dec 1673

Desembr 9 1673 Sir I have not bene honrd with anny of yors alonge tyme; and now are oblidged to till yew we shall never have a more favarable tyme them at present for getting sattisfackson of the Judge of the admralty of towne; the damaidg and intrest of the butter: wee <obtaine > at <yours>; all we desire att courte in favor of yor <lynes> Mr Morgen ordrd me to advise yew of it; and to ordr the arrist wch yew had sent to <bondicks> to be putt into the hands

Letter – Ralph Grey – 12 Dec 1673

Newc December 12 1673 S This at present is to aquant yew ; that i rec[eved] a letter from Mrs <Landfam> who writ mee she could not find yew; that she had beene at severall times of the White Lyon in Southwick; but could hear of noe such I am afrade it is an excuse; wch if it be I shall goe on wth my sute against hur and put hur In more charges; therfour I leave hur with out excuses pray doe me the faver as to send your man to hur to demand it Not further Y H Sarvant RA Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 12 Dec 1673

Newc December th 12 1673 Right Hon<ble> This at present is to intreat yew; to find me per first <dyzon> of mace two duzon of nutmegs one duzon of cloves one duzon of sinnemonds and send them per the first oppertunity; if shipps be not ready send one duzon of nutmegs per land this what needfull from yo Humble sarvant Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 19 Dec 1673

Newc[astle]Desember th 19 1673 Right Honble This at present is to aquaint yor honor that Mr Atkinson is come but sunke wth in the harber that as good as lost; that is wine saved and some hopps but <denised> but are good ar loss; soe I intreat yew as per <former> to ship me the same parsell excepting prunes for I can by [buy] them hear for 12s and for peper I hope you will use me kindly Mr Cotterall yr frend is not come but was blowen of as I was informed but I hop will be in

Letter – Ralph Grey – 19 Dec 1673

Newc[astle]Desember th 19 1673 Hond Sir yours of the 14th currant came to saife hand wth the enclosed; wch I showed our consell; who would be satisfied in the grant ; In what kings raine and buy whome granted to Millar and Quaretis; and whether a grant from the king or a lease as Bowes pretends granted by his anchestors; we had much adoe <whend.l> a tryell last assizes for 10 yrs rent paid yew and your predissesers; I hope yow will secure hus if the sute goe against hus; and be

Letter – Ralph Grey to unknown Grey – 19 Dec 1673

Newcastle Desembr the 19 1673 Cousson Grey This at present is to aquant you; that I have Rcd your bill of exchange for 60£ of Mr Samuell London; I have sent you hear a bill of Exchg of tenn pounds wch pray Rec[eiv]e per my acct; I perceive per George that yor cusson Allon is for buying a shipp; I shall venture a loading of coles with him wich wth charges will amount to 1/16 part; I hope the flett is wth you — this; all frinds is hear well and desire to be remembered to you this w

Letter – Ralph Grey – 20 Dec 1673

Newc Desembr 23 1673 Sir Yours of the 20th currant wth the inclosed saife to hand for wch and oure great care in our concerns wch are very much <ingaided> to you; I have sent the inclosed forward to Mr Wigfall my frend in London to deliver the letters and to receve the accts from Mr Humphrey Wharton; Since my last Mr Robert Cooke wife is dead they say with greafe; for when she came for to risk into business; she found herself not in a condition to pay above ? part that sh

Letter – Thompson to John Wescombe – 20 Dec 1673

Dessa 20th 1673 Mr Wescombe I have recd yor currant telling me tis fitt tyme to prosicut the maine <leue..> of the Butter ton and forton to paris; but if nether Mr Morgen nor yew can remebr it I cannot forgett taht thare is 2000£ due to me of Mr Morgens part of the monys expounded in sute and untill I have it ether from him or yew; I shall not part wth any thing; I have already beene sufficiently abused both by Mr Morgen and yew about it; and now <that we> make proper <
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467