Cousen Will: ditto [Newcastle 22 July 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 20th And accordinge to yo[u]r desire I send S[i]r James a Release; w[hi]ch I thinke will bee to content; Soe pray Receive the money of him; and take the trouble to bring itt alonge w[i]th you If noe otherwise can bee Bid pray put S[i]r James In minde that hee promised mee, to remitt mee my money either to this place; or to London, but In Short you know my businesse as well as I doe my selfe, soe referres itt t
M[esseu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle July 22d: 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs the 18th present; for Answer as in my last; pay nott Mr Clipsham a farthinge, for the reasones best knowne to my selfe and about Signeinge the Release I sent you lett him use his discretion yo[u]r Brotheres is nott yett come here; when I see them shall deliver yo[u]r letter I hope they will bee here this night And allsoe that they will bee as free w[i]th mee as lodge att my house the ti
Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto [Newcastle 22 July 1676]
My last to you was of the 18 present to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]res of the 24th ditto; I am glad you have bespaken the 40 Mattes Tow desired; but am affreayd they will nott prove as you say (vizt) without deceite but if they be I can Assure yo[u]r Freind hee will have noe badd Customer of mee, soe hee may very well take a little more then ordinary care In my businesse. And if I find hee done. And that hee bee
I have heare taken upon me to present you with these few unpolished lines: for to intimate the recept of your most affectionat letter: of the 18 present; which informed me of the continuance, of your good: healths; I bless God we partisapate of the same merci; my Brother and Sister Bridges present thare duti unto you & my Mother; I will assure you we have received as kinde a reception from them as any persons wtsoever since our departure from Newcasll: for which we most stand indebted
ditto the 22: 1676
Mr Merrall
Thes att present are to aquaint you that your bill of twelve pounds payable to Mr <Clegett> is payd and per last to your accoumpt pray send per First oppertunity 6 Rims [reams] of your best cut paper at 6s 6d per Rim 6 Rims of large paper: 6 Rims of £2 6 Bundals of £2 and six of quarter not else at present but that I am
yours to command
Ra: Grey
[f 141A:]
Accompt of the Mo.e disbursed by the Laird of Edzell for the furthering of the Lead Worke <Upon> the partics Following Sume
£ s d
In the first for the hyre of four horse from Bruntilland to Edzell
being 40 myles at 3s pr mylle for the horse Inde 24:00:00
It for the hyre of 4 horses transporting the <pachars> brought 01:04:00
From Bruntilland to the leadmynes at 6s pr horse Is
It for 5 pound 1/2 in weightof Iron to make wadges &am
Mr Wm Nepheu Ditto July the 28th 1676
I have before mee yo[u]res of the 17th present w[hi]ch I Rec[eive]d by yo[u]r Freind Mr Nathaniell Smith to whome did offer my Assistance In his affaires To the utmost of my power; about w[hi]ch shall expect his further order from Sunderland who shall find mee very Ready to serve him upon all accounts I have also profered him money; but hee hath taken none; Mr Hum: Willett of London is w[i]th mee at present; who desires to be remembered
Mr Jo: Strother Ditto [Newcastle 28 July 1676]
My last to you was of the 19th June: 76: to which referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]res of the 14th and 22d past first p[er] Gothenburg and the latter p[er] W[illia]m Leacke who God be thanked is well arrived herew[i]th you will have a letter from M[e]ss[eu]rs Bankes of Hambrough [Hamburg] to that purpose that they will accept yo[u]r bill or bills for the Rf. 400: that you are Indisbursse for mee Soe you may chardge itt
Mr Nicho: Verlane Ditto [Newcastle 28 July 1676]
My last to you was of the 26th May 1676 To w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 22d present whereby takes notice that all my Leed is Sold Exceptinge 13 p[iec]es Sir if any money be In Cash or that you dare trust mee till moneyes be In Cash I desire you to send mee 6 Kittes and 6 Fagattes. of the very best Steele that is to be procured in yo[u]r place and upon sight of yo[u]r account if the same I will doe
Mr Walter Chayter [Chaytor]: Newcastle July the 28 1676
My last to you was of the 22d present To w[hi]ch referes you Since none from you Soe the less to Inlardge upon this beinge Cheifly to confirm my former and to desire you upon Receipt hereof to remitt mee some money if possible I have nott heard from you this Weeke w[hi]ch is a little Strange unto mee; If you would take the trouble upon you, as to write mee once a weeke, though you remitted mee noe money; yett to
Mess[eu]rs Cha & Ja: Bankes: Newcastle July the 28th 1676
My last to you was of the 1mo [primo – first] July; To w[hi]ch referes you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 27th and 30th past 7th and 14th present; I am ashamed to have soe many of yo[u]rs before mee unanswered; the best excuse is the very truth; that I have for some time; beene merry w[i]th some freinds who came from London on purpose to give mee a visitt; They beinge now gone; I am no
Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle July the 29th: [16]76
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 25th present w[hi]ch before I answer pray take notice that I have Shipped aboard of James Stott a Ipswich Man 2 dryed Salmon and a little box; who I hope may bee w[i]th you as soone as this; bee pleased to enquire after him and Rec[eive]d s[ai]d thinges; the Salmon yo[u]r brother bought for his Lady. In the box you will find 4 Petty=Coats w[hi]ch pray lett yo[u]r Mayd doe as much a
Mr Michael Clipsham 29 ditto [July] 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 28th present I doe assure you I shall nott presse you very much to Signe the Release soe use yo[u]r discretion; And where as you say you doe Expect Intrest from me fore the time that I have had yo[u]r money In my hands; give mee leave to tell you; that a man that had any Reason In him would never have written such lines; itt was allwayes Ready but never demanded; but seeing you are resolute In t
Mr Rich: Cros[s]man: Newcastle July the 29th: [16]76
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 24th present by w[hi]ch I doe very well understand w[ha]t Sort of Stuff t'is you desire I can furnish you att any time w[i]th w[ha]t quantity you please provided you will give mee 3 weekes or a Monethes notice aforehand; wee call itt here Potters Oare. And is allwayes Sold about £7 p[er] Tonn free aboard at present I may come to gett you 5S abated, att w[hi]ch price If you cann make yo[u
Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle Aug[us]t the 4th 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 27th past w[hi]ch requ[ir]es little Answer Soe that I have the less to Inlardge upon this serveinge cheifly to advise you that this day I have made bold to vallue upon you five hundred pounds In one bill payable 12/d[ays] Sight to Mr Robert Ellison or Order vallue of him here; w[hi]ch I intreate you will lett bee Complyed w[i]th all Towards dischardge of w[hi]ch I send you Inclosed
To Ditto [Mr Hum: Willett and Company] Newcastle August the 4th 1676
By this mornings Post I writt you the needfull w[i]th three Inclosed Bills and Since meeting w[i]th another of £60 I thought to good to send itt you Towards the discharge of my Greate draught upon you I shall send you more w[he]n I can gett them; but noot before you may be certayne I am in hast
Mr Geo: Harison Newcast;e Aug[us]t the 5th: 1676
I Suppose Mr Nath[aniel]: Smith did desire you to send unto mee w[ha]t pap[er] I writt for; as also his 10 bottles of Oyle Soe pray by the bearer here of W[illia]m Rayne Send the said 10 Bottles of Oyle and as much pap[er] as hee can carrey besides; pray see that hee be full loaden; for the Mercha[nt] advantage
I ordered Tho: Grayinge to leave w[i]th you 2 Reames of pap[er] and 6 hattes; I wonder I heard no
Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto [Newcastle August 5 1676]
My last to you was of the 28th July to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 4th and 7th present In the former have the good newes; of Edward Aldersons safe arrivall for w[hi]ch God be thanked I take notice of the Saile of my Grindstones att 13½ Gilders p[er] Chalder as allso of the Sale of my Coales; pt [part] att 12½ and pt [part] att 12¼ hoedt both w[hi]ch please mee very well; all things is to
Mess[eu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle August 5 1676]
My last to you was by yesterdayes Post advisinge you of £500: Charged upon you And withall Remittinge you £403:7: In 4 bills w[hi]ch letter I hope came safe to yo[u]r hands
Sir upon Receipt bee pleased to Repayre unto Mr Henry Nellthorppe deliver him the Inclosed letter and be earnest w[i]th him for the £100 therin mentioned; w[hi]ch I question nott but hee will Immediately pay you if hee has
Mess[eu]rs Cha and Jam Bankes Ditto [Newcastle August 5 1676]
My last to you was of the 28 of July to w[hich referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 25th past w[i]th 2 Inclosed bills of Loadinge I am att present In haste soe shall nott Inlarge; only will advise you that both Hen[ry]: Lawes and John Fell; is God be thanked this day arrived I shall say noe more this Post; God willinge next Post will write you att lardge In the meane time Remaynes M:B:
Mr James Cooke Ditto [Newcastle August 5 1676]
If you cann furnish mee w[i]th any Doll[e]rs att 4S6 ½ or bills att 12 or 15 dayes sight; pray send mee either Sort; to w[ha]t Sume you cann procure to the vallue of £1000; and if you cann helpe mee In this business; w[i]th either doll[e]rs or bills you will very much oblidge mee; and soe I remayne; but before I conclude pray lett mee tell you; that whether you can help mee or nott I desire yo[u]r Answer p[er] very first Convenien
Mr James Ward Ditto [Newcastle August 5 1676]
Mr Leake brought mee this day £10:=10:= w[hi]ch hee sayth is In full for yo[u]r 1/13 pt [percent] profitt of the last Summer Work and this East Countrey Voyadge the money I Rec[eive]d; if you can draw itt upon mee; at Sight yo[u]r Bill shall be hono[u]red by him that is M:B:
Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Ditto [Newcastle August 5 1676]
I perceive that Mr Walter Chaytor of Rotterdam remitted you £100 upon my account In W[illia]m Harris his bill upon Samuall Shephard payable 3/d[ays] Sight paym[en]t of w[hi]ch I doe nott question butt you will have procured ere this Come to hands; if soe I might Intreate you upon Receipt hereof to pay the s[ai]d £100 unto Mr Hum[phrey]: Willett and Company <Marchents> In yo[u]r place for last Post I drew upon them £5:=0 toward
August the 5: 1676
To Mr Richardson be send per first opportunity an end of the best English hops
yours Ra: Grey
Mr Hester
yours I rec’d in advice of soap sent which is neadful now, being you have delayed so long in sending of it considering how long it is since I writ to you for soape, you may emagen that our fare would be pa[i]d of befor that it could cume to hand which should have ben the chefe time of disposing of it, so pray order it sum other way, for I know not how to <vend> it being so long withoyt I shall give it <house roume> while such time as you dispose of it not