To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Wallington Newca[stle] 1st Augst 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
Mr Darwin says the Articles for the purchase of Hexham Ferry are now executed by all the parties. As to the plan & Mem[oran]d[u]m about Langtihead boundary he says he does not remember seeing it.
I have sold 8000 p[iece]s of Lead, of the comon sort, to Mr Sorsbie for 14s a fo[the]r not being able to get more & not daring to wait any longer lest others s
To Mr Isa Hunter at Dukesfield NewCa[stle] 1st Augst 1769
Yesterday I rec[eiv]ed by the Hexham Carrier the two p[iece]s of Silver from Dukesfield refinery the weight of one of them is 732 oz & the w[eigh]t of the other 520 oz. I am etc HR
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 4th Augst 1769
I desire you’l let me know, as soon as you can learn it, the usual place of abode & other proper description of Edward Fenwick the father of Edward Fenwick the Minor; about whom I wrote you on the 29th Ult[im]o. I do not know the direction to Mr Jno Greenwell the Surveyor: but if I can learn it any how I will let you have it. P.S. If John Pringle, or any body else, is a t
To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 4th Augst 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
I have sent by the Cartman the Mortgage deed from You & Sir John Trevelyan to Mrs Groteste for £4000, which came Yesterday by the Fly from London. I opened it and the Letter, inclosed in it from Mr Radcliffe, as you bade me; but did not meet with the discharge to be given you by Mr Trevelyan, which Mr Darwin said would be sent with the Deed. I have therefore inclo
To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 5th Augst 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
Inclosed is a Copy of Dr Blackstones Opinion on the four Queries in the Case about the Tithes of Wallington, Rothley etc claimed by Greenwich Hospital. The opinion is much in your favour; but Mr Yorks, Mr Dunnings, & Mr Fawcetts are to be had before a Judgement can be formed.
Mr Walton told me to day he found they should have a dispute with You about the Suit to
To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newca[stle] 7th Augst 1769
I have sent to go by the Fly that will set out to morrow morning for London a small box directed for you containing the Mortgage Deed from Sir Wr Blackett & Sir John Trevelyan to Mrs Groteste for £4000, Executed by Sir Walter. I have paid the Carriage of it and should be glad to know that you receive it safe. I am much obliged to you for the trouble about the Candles and
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Newca[stle] 7th Augst 1769
On the 4th instant I sent you by Fryer Todd the London Carrier two pieces of fine Silver Containing twelve hundred & fifty two ounces, as below, which I desire you will place to Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett Bt as usual at the Markett price and advise me on your receipt of them. I am etc HR
732 at p[er] oz
520 at p[er] oz
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 8th August 1769
Dear Sir
On the 28th Ult. I wrote you an Acct. 606 1/4 Ozs of Bullion sent by London Carrier. I forgot to mention the having paid £- 13s6d Carriage.
The reason of my Writing to you at this Time is to desire you will send me the Assay Scales as soon as they can possibly be got ready as our Works are rather at a Stop for want of them. The other Scales are arrived but I have not had time to unpack them yet. I desire youll exc
Mr. Mulcaster Farnacres 8th August 1769
As the Small Quantities of Ore you mention are much in your way and look as if they would do without Washing it will certainly be right to get them Smelted but in future I desire youll take care not to Smelt Ore which requires Washing; I certainly should have liked that all the Old Ore was Smelted before the New was begun with, but surely you nev
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres. 8th August 1769
Since writing to you before this day I find we have an immediate Demand for Common Lead GHO (and therefore send this to acquaint you that you must as soon as possible get to Work on the Unrefineable sort of Ore and send the Lead produced therefrom in such manner as to come in the most expeditious way to Newcastle and in case there is an
To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newca[stle] 11th Augst 1769
I forgot in my last Letter to mention to you that Dr Dechair has wrote Sir Walter Blackett that he is going abroad and that he has in his Absence empowered Mr <Const> to receive the interest money as it shall become due. Sir Walter desires you will pay it accordingly. I am etc HR
To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 11th Augst 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
The Meeting at Cornhill about the Fisheries will be on Wednesday next; so I propose going on Tuesday to Berwick, and seeing Messrs Lambert & Douglass that Evening: & next day to go to Cornhill, and return home on Thursday. If any Thing for my direction occurs to you, further than you have given me, I shall be glad to receive it. I am etc HR
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 13th Augst 1769
If Mr Lowes delays giving you Edwd Fenwicks description I desire you will endeavour to learn only where his usual place of abode was & what Occupation he followed – for Sir Walter does not intend to meddle with the mortgage, but to give the young man something; payable when he comes of Age.
As to what you say about the Letter from My Brother, I suppose it must have been
To Mr Jos. Hilton Farnacres 14th August 1769
Dear Joe
I inclose you Arnisons Notes which I desire youll make out afresh and send the new ones with Recets Signed by him, or return those now sent so as to be here on Sunday.
Let Mr Mulcaster know he may Smelt the Small Quantities provided they dont take more than a days Work or two, and after that he must
Accts. of Assays
Time when
Assays made
1769. Oz Dwt. Gr.
26 July. Lead from which Silver was taken PFodder. 8 12 17 4/10
Windy Brow. 3 13 12
Crossgillhead. 8 6 14 4/10
7August Do 9 19 16 8/10
Peatstackhill. 2 18 19 2/10
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 19th August 1769
Dear Sir
Your Letter of the 12th instant now lies before me and I have this day Drawn upon you for £181.4.8 being the amount of 606 1/4 Ounces of Silver at 5s11d3/4 POunce and including 13s6d for Carriage, after deducting 13s8d for Carriage of and Repairing Assay Scales, as P Account below.
I am much obliged by your kind congratulation on my Recovery and in return I have very great satisfaction when I congratulAte you on
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 20th August 1769
I am glad to hear you have got the Chimneys finished and that you have reced. the Silver Scales Safe as I am also that you have got to Work up in the Unrefineable Ore which you must continue til further order. Dont take off the Silver yet as the Quantity of Lead is so very small, unless you think or find it will be more convenient to do so than otherwise in which case I would have you keep the piece of Silver at your own House or perhaps
To Mr Geo Douglass in Berwick upon Tweed Newca[stle] 21st Augst 1769
I have told Sir Walter Blackett of your & your partner’s proposal to take his Fisheries. But he does not chuse to let them for more than a Year at present; & for that time he bids me write you that you may have them at the same rent you now pay him; which is £330 a y[ea]r for the Bells & £30 a year for Beedle Eye & White sands & you may have the Close in which Sy
Mr John Salter. Farnacres. 22nd August 1769
Dear Sir
This days Post brought me your obliging favor of the 19th instant informing that you had sent 50 Casks of Bone Ashes on Board of the Choice, and desiring to know how many more will be wanted in answer. I take the earliest opportunity of acquainting you, that we wish to receive 50 Casks more, and the sooner they come the better as the roads to our Lead Mill soon break up, and are very bad afterwards. Those now desired will ma
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newcastle 25 Augst 1769
Inclosed is my rec[eip]t for the £9 you re[ceiv]ed of Mr White for my use w[hi]ch you will please to give him & I am obliged to you for your trouble about it.
I have not had any answer yet from Mr Walton about the distress Mr Smeaton not being yet come. I think you should acquaint Mr Heron of this Affair Sir Wr having determined as I told you that such Law business as ar
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres August 26. 1769
I send this to inform you that Mr Smeaton and I shall be at Langley Mill on Monday Morning or rather Noon on the 4th of next Month being Monday Sennr. and advise youll speak to the Smelters to come to Work so as that we may see them at Work.
As it is troublesome sending Victuals from Hexham pray Provide some Dinner for us, a lit
To Richard Wilson Esqr at Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 5 Septr 1769
In my Letter of the 16th June I sent you an Estimate of some repairs that were necessary to be done this Year at the houses on Curry and Pattison’s farms at East Kenton. The Roof of one of them is now much worse than it was then; the Slates are Slid for some Yards in length and will very soon be down; which will break many of them & enhance the charge of Reparation. Somethin
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 5 Septemr 1769
I desire you will give directions that the Lead of the Langtihead ore be marked O & that you will let me know the Name of the Smelter at Rookhope Mill whose Lead is stamped with C – for it is all lighter than any other Lead Sir Wr has, not a pig of it weighing Eleven stone. Pray let Mr Harrison know that this is taken Notice of and that he is thought blameable for it. I shoul
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 5th Septemr 1769
Yesterday I saw Mr George Robson about the Tithe of the Allotment, w[hi]ch Sir Ralph Milbank got, of Hexham Common; and find he claims an Exemption from Tithe by reason of a Modus, w[hi]ch he says extends to the Allotment.
I wish you would let me know if there is such a Modus, and how much it is, & what Sort of receipt is given for it, and also that you would make a State
To John Simpson Esqr at Bradley Newca[stle] 6th Septr 1769
I have enquired about the Hot Walls done by Geo Robson Junr for Sir Wr Blackett at Wallington, as you desired; & find that the price was ten pence a Square Yard. that there were Flews of ten Inches in Width in the Middle of the Wall – that the Covers of the Flews were of Flags prepared by the Mason, but laid on by Robson – that on each Side of these Flews the Walls we