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Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 9 Sep 1769

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 9th Septr 1769 Sir As I said, when we talked of the Matter, so I still think Sir Walter would not chuse, so soon after Mr Soulsbys Death, to let the Tithe of Hallington Mains to any other than his Ex[ecu]tors; so this Matter may rest for this Year, except you in time receive other directions from Sir Walter. But you will certainly do right to press for the Eight Years Arrear as much as you decen

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 14 Sep 1769

To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse in Weardale Newca[stle] 14th Septr 1769 Sir Sir Walter Blacketts directions about the Allowance of Ten pounds a Year to Mr Joseph Peart were that it should be paid him yearly at Mich[aelma]s till you have Orders to the Contrary. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Archbold – 18 Sep 1769

To Mr William Archbold at West Ord near Berwick upon Tweed Newca[stle] 18 Septr 1769 Sir Sir Walter Blackett has let the Fisheries to Messrs Douglass & Lambert for one Year from Mich[aelm]as next, and they are to have the Close in which Robert Sythe’s house stands: according to the Agreement made with You: Of this I thought it right to inform You & am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 18 Sep 1769

To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo near Wallington Newca[stle] 18th Septr 1769 Sir Sir Walter has let Messrs Douglass and Lambert the fisheries, at the old rent for one Year from Mich[aelma]s next. And they are to have the little Close, near the Bridge, wherein Robert Sythe’s Cottage house stands, for 30s a Year. But you remember by the Agreem[en]t made with William Archbold, that Sir Walter was to make and keep in repair the Dike or fence on the East Side of this

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 22 Sep 1769

Mr Mulcaster  Farnacres 22nd September 1769 Your Letter of the 18th Instant now lies before me and in Answer I am now to acquaint you that you may let Mr George Ridley have 1/2 a Fodder of Refined Lead at the Rate of Fourteen Pounds PFodder and having nothing to do about the Carriage which is equal to allowing him one penny PStone for the Carriage. It must be paid for on taking away. With regard to the Slags the whole us left to your Management and I have not the least

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 24 Sep 1769

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s Hexham Newca[stle] 24 Septr 1769 Sir Mr Greenwell sho[ul]d make two plans of the disputed Ground between Hexham and Blanchland; one to be sent here & the other for Mr Heron’s use; who I think should go to Allanheads with you & take the examinations of the Witnesses, & send me Copies of them; but if Mr Heron is engaged you may to prevent loss of time take them yourself. I wish much that Mr Marriot w

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 24 Sep 1769

To Mr Ralph Forster at Wallington Newca[stle] 24th Septr 1769 Sir The Duke of Northumberland lays claim to 58 Acres of Land in Ingo, which he says is in possession of Sir Wr Blacketts Tenants and for which a Rent of 8s a Year has been paid to Coll Schutz; and alledges that as the Collls Lease expires at Ladyd[a]y next this 58 a[cres] must be surrendered up. Now this rent of 8s a Year is an Old vicondale Rent paid for a Rake, that has immem

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 26 Sep 1769

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 26 Sept 1769 Sir Sir Walter Blackett bids me write you that he will be at the Meeting at Chollerford on Thursday next and would have you be there by Ten o’Clock that Morning; that he may talk over with You any matters of business that occur to you. Among the others you will mention the Wood you wrote me about. And Mrs Soulsby’s Arrear for the tithe of Hallington Mains. Sir Walter desires y

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Trevelyan – 30 Sep 1769

To Wr Trevelyan Esqr at Bessingby near Burlington Yorkshire Newca[stle] 30 Sepr 1769 Sir Inclosed herewith are Bell and Cos two bills on Glyn & Co one for Thirty pounds and the other for twenty pounds, as above, which I have placed to your Acco[un]t and desire you will please to advise me of your receipt of them by the return of the post, they being payable at a short date. Sir Walter bids me acquaint you that he has a Letter from the Duke of Portland that he will be glad to s

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 6 Oct 1769

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 6th Octor 1769 Sir Sir Walter Blackett has made me the Trustee for the payment of the two annual sums I wrote you about, namely, Ten pounds a Year to Matt Lee and Seven pounds ten Shillings a year to Edward Fenwick during their respective Minorities and for their use and behoof respectively; with power to assign the payments, & therefore as you think the Mothers of the young Men are proper p

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 6 Oct 1769

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 6th October 1769 Dear Sir This day I delivered to the London Carrier a Box directed to you containing 660 Ounces of Bullion which will I hope arrive Safe on Saturday the 21st instant when my Partner and I shall be glad to hear from you. I have paid for the Carriage which is 15 Shillings. I am              Dear Sir Your most Hble Servt N Walton Junr.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 6 Oct 1769

Mr Mulcaster                                                         Farnacres 6th October 1769 Both your Letters are now before me, and in answer this to inform you, that I have received the piece of Silver and sent it away as 660 Ounces ; it is a very pretty piece as I ever saw. I do not approve of your going to Alston to settle Accts and must insist upon every thing of that kind being done at Langley Mill for the time

Letter – Nicholas Walton to George Douglas – 6 Oct 1769

Part of Mr Walton Junrs Letter of 6th Oct 1769 to Mr G Douglass I send this to Inform you that I have paid Mr Airey & Son One Hundred and Two Pounds Thirteen Shillings & 31/2 for 98 Pieces of Lead including the Charge of Shipping, sent you to Berwick; we will settle the amount when we have the pleasure of meeting at Whittingham. PS You have a Copy of the Acct below. Mr George Douglass. To Thomas Airey & Son Dr   1769 F C Q Lb

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 10 Oct 1769

To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newca[stle] 10th Octor 1769 Sir When you have read the inclosed Letter to Mr Duffield I desire you will Seal and Send it him. & Sir Walter desires you will direct Mr Duffield in surveying such part of the Estate as may be the most material to the valuation of it. When you have an opportunity I wish you would enquire of the Clarks, or other old people, whether Sir Walter got any Share of Whelpington C

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Duffield – 10 Oct 1769

To Mr Thos Duffield at Wallington Newca[stle] 10th Octor 1769 Sir Sir Walter Blackett bids me write You that as Lady Loraine is so very pressing for the loan of his Theodolite again he could wish Mr Forster and you could contrive to finish the Survey of the most material part of Cooks farm against Saturday next and leave the rest will the Spring & so let her Ladyship have the Instrument for the present. Sir Walter desires you will come

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Oct 1769

To Mr Darwin at Elston near Newark Nottinghamshire Newca[stle] 17th Octor 1769 Sir I have sent you on the other Side Copies of Mr Hollands Letter and your Clerks Letter about the £25000 & am much affraid there will be some disappointment to Sir Walter and Mr Savage in this Affair. I shall acquaint Sir Walter by this post of the Contents of Mr Hollands Letter: so that you will very likely have a Letter from him from The Duke of Portlands. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 17 Oct 1769

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt at the Duke of Portland near Worksop Nottinghamshire Newca[stle] 17th Octor 1769 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Inclosed is a Copy of what I received by this days post from Mr Darwin’s Clerk; by which it appears uncertain that the £25000 will be paid on the 6th of Novemr as was expected. Mr Darwin’s Clerk writes that Mr Savage and his Solicitor are both out of Town, so that he cannot get the Contents of Mr Hollands L

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Duffield – 26 Oct 1769

To Mr Thos Duffield at Wallington Newca[stle] 26th Octor 1769 Sir A Man who travels the Country with Earthen Ware, has offered about Ten Stone of Tippings of Sheet Lead to sale, to one of our Glaziers here; who brought him to me, as he had said he bought it of Sir Wr Blacketts Gardiner at Wallington. What he has signed and declared also before our Magistrates, is that he bought the whole quantity on Tuesday the 24th instant of Mrs Duffield a

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 28 Oct 1769

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 28th Octor 1769 Sir The Receivers of Greenwich hospital tell me they apprehend Sir Wr Blackett has cut some Wood in Sams Island that belongs to the hospital: for they say, as Sir Wr pays a Rent he cannot have a right to cut wood for Sale, except he has it by Lease or deed – I should be glad to find that you know, or have any papers that can inform you, how the Rent of 40s a Year has become payab

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 4 Nov 1769

To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newca[stle] 4 Novr 1769 Sir I have sent you, as you desired, by the Cartman, the plan of Fenwick Estate: & when you have got a Copy made of it you may send me either the Original or the Copy as you please. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 5 Nov 1769

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres. 5th November 1769 Dear Sir We recd. Mrs Holmes favor of the 20th Ult. in due Course but being then on a Journey we now take the first Opportunity of writing in consequence thereof to inform you that we ha e drawn upon you for £200.2.6 being the amount of the Ounces of Bullion at 6 -1/2d POunce and 15s for Carriage. The Bill is dated the 6th and made Payable Ten days after date. We are glad to hear of Mrs Jenkinson's safe arrival i

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 7 Nov 1769

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 7 Novr 1769 Sir Sir Walter Blackett has ordered Woodcroft to be advertised to be sold. You will see the Advertisement in the next Saturdays papers, I expect, & that any person desirous of viewing the same may apply to you or to Joseph Angus the Tenant at Woodcroft; so you will take Care to give him directions in time; to show the farm and all belonging to it to any that may want to see

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 7 Nov 1769

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newca[stle] 7 Novr 1769 Sir I hope this will find you replaced & well in your chambers in Greys Inn Inclosed I send you Bell & Cos bill on Glynn & Co for Two hundred and Eighty pounds, payable 20 days after 30 ult[im]o which I intend for the quarterly payments to 31st Decemr next; and you will please to send me for it the usual receipt to be a voucher to my Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blacket

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 14 Nov 1769

Mr Mulcaster                                                    Farnacres 14th November 1769 We recd your Letter of the 5th & 6th Instant in due course and now take the first convenient opportunity of acquainting you that as John Barnatt has behaved so Ill we must leave it to your discretion to discharge him or not as you shall think right & to employ such Person in his stead as you see most proper for the good of the Undert

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 15 Nov 1769

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 15th November 1769 Dear Sir By the London Carrier who set out from Newcastle on Saturday last we send you 484 Ounces of Silver which we hope you will receive Safe on the 25th Instant when we shall be glad to hear from you and are with best respects to yourself and Family. Dear Sir your most Hble Servts               NW Junr               JS
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467