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Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 11 Feb 1770

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bart. M.P. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 11th Febry 1770 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Mr Darwin writes that no more than £500 can be paid of the Money saved on transferring the Mortgage of Wallington & that he hopes I may be able to do without that too; so I have been considering and find by postponing Dukesfield pay I may hold out till the purchase money for Woodcroft is to be paid, Mr Richd. Brown says he has misla

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 13 Feb 1770

To Mr John Bell at the House late Mr Ellis’s Newcas. 13 Febry 1770 In Hexham Sir Since what I wrote you on the 3rd instant about Mrs Jurin’s complaint of the people pulling down the Wall and going along Hexham Bridge to the damage both of it and her Tenant, I have seen your Letter and Thos. Chatty’s; and heard Mr Blackett’s Acct. of the impatient Temper that prevails among the subscribers and others - to make use of this Bridge before it is

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 16 Feb 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 16 Febry 1770 Sir I have received by the Carrier the piece of Silver from Dukesfield Refinery, which weighs Eight hundred & fifty nine ounces & and half. & there is a little piece broken off that weighs abo[u]t. an ounce, which I will give you when I see you; as I cannot safely send it to London as I intend to do the rest. Pray what are the Mill Clerks about, that they have not yet sent

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 18 Feb 1770

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres. 18th February 1770 I inclose you several Operations corrected from yours which I desire youll examine and if you find them right that you will Copy them and send the Copys Signed, together with those now sent you. This you will do at your Leisure as I am in no hurry about them; tho' at the same time I must own I would like to have them as soon as your convenience will permit. We have bad Weather now and I fear as it is Windy the Race will b

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 19 Feb 1770

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 19th February 1770 We have fixed to pay the Lead Carriers on the 22nd of March being a Thursday when all the Carriers will be at home and on the day following we shall make the Lead Mill Pay, being the 23rd of March, of which we desire you will give immediate Notice. The Lead Mill Pay must be made to the 18th March inclusive at which time we would have the Operation made out and no Operation for February, it will be that Langley Mill Operation from 27th J

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 20 Feb 1770

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres. 20th February 1770 Dear Sir This day’s post brought your letter of the 17th instant and I have this day Drawn upon you for £170 16.7 for 563 1/2 Ounces of Silver at 6s - 12d and for Carriage 12s 1d As I do not find the least inconvenience in having the silver cut I shall certainly continue to get it cut agreeable to your desire. My wife joins in best regards to all your family and I am Dear Sir, Your most Hble Servt

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 25 Feb 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 25th Febry Piccadilly, London Sir I am sorry for the death of Mr Robt. Harrison and for the Loss I believe it is to the old people and the more so as I have heard something to the disadvantage of the Elder Brother tho I do not at present recollect what it is but I much doubt his skill and steadiness - however, till Sir Walter orders otherwise you may try him keeping a very close

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 26 Feb 1770

Part of Mr Walton Junrs Letter of 26th of February To Mr Smeaton I have ordered all the Lead in the Warehouse and Yard at Newcastle to be Overhauled and after the Carriage is done, that is, after all the Lead which was delivered to Christmas last, when the Carriage was Stopped is got to Newcastle we must have that Overhauled too in order that we may know whether there is any awanting or not. This will not cost anything extraordinary, as they will Weigh it at the same Time, and Pile it

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 27 Feb 1770

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 27th February 1770 This day I reced. your Letter with the selv. Papers inclosed. You will take off the Piece of Silver all in one piece as you mention and afterwards cut it into four Pieces and Box it up in as little Room as you can I would have the Box so made that either Top or Bottom may be taken off. I think you are quite right in what you propose as to the Washing. The Lead Carriers must Hire and get in all the Lead against the 20th of March if poss

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Newham Nicholson – 2 Mar 1770

To Mr Newham Nicholson. Farnacres. 2nd March 1770 Mr Nicholson I desire youll send me by the Bearer, who will wait for it, a particular Account of the Stock of Materials belonging to the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital in the Lead Warehouse Viz A Weigh Beam with Chains and Wood Bottoms framed wth Iron Weights of Cast Iron with Rings weighing Cwt Qrs at 12 s p cwt Small weights Weighing lbs at 1 1/2d P lb A Pair of Triangles and an Iron Swivel If ther

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 2 Mar 1770

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 2nd March 1770 If it should so happen that the Carriers cannot get the Lead to Newcastle by the 10th instant you must Spur them to get it there against the 16th but this I would have you do as from yourself in the following manner. Go to Hexham on the 10th and make a particular Enquiry whether there is any Lead left between the Mill and Hexham, at Hexham, and between Hexham and Newcastle; if you find all gone to Newcastle your business will be Over but i

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 2 Mar 1770

To Mr George Douglas in Berwick upon Tweed Newcas. 2nd Mar 1770 Sir Mr Bell and Mr Forster will be at Tweedmouth on Tuesday Evening the 20th of this Month and I hope you will be prepared to pay both the Fishery and Colliery rents to Mr Bell on Tuesday the 21st instant; and desire that you will be so good as acquaint the other Tenants of his coming and that the rent day is fixed to be on Wednesday the 21st inst. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 3 Mar 1770

To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo near Newcas. 3 March 1770 Wallington Sir I received a letter last post from Sir Walter in which he bids me write to you, Mr Duffield and Mr Geo. Brown as follows - That he would have all the old and new plantations properly fenced - the roads and Hedges taken Care of - the head of the Low Lake at Rothley to be proceeded on in the Summer, according to a plan which will be sent to them drawn by Mr Lancelot Brown. &a

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Hunter – 3 Mar 1770

To Mr Willm. Hunter Attorney at Law Newcas. 3 March 1770 Hexham Sir I received your Letter inclosing your’s and your Fathers promissory Note to Sir Walter Blackett for three hundred pounds, payable on demand; which I shall give to Sir Walter . I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Mar 1770

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. M.P. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 3 March 1770 Piccadilly London Honrd Sir I believe the Tenants of Unthank Colliery are not working as if they intended continuing their Lease & question even that they are working the Colliery as they ought to do, but I have desired Mr Wm. Brown, who is going into that Neighbourhood to view & make a Report of the State of the Colliery and Engine. I have w

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 4 Mar 1770

To Mr John Bell at The house late Mr Ellis’s Newcas. 4 March 1770 Hexham Sir As to John Anderson’s claim of 10s a year for the piece of ground sold Mr Douglas, nothing is yet done in it, not having got any direction from Sir Walter about it, it was a very odd Thing in Mr Robson to sell that ground without first settling the Matter with the Tenant, who had it under Lease. However Anderson is so much in Arrear that he may very well wait until Sir W

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 14 Mar 1770

To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 14 March 1770 Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir I hope your going abroad will be for your Health. My prayer will be that it may. I shall in your Absence endeavour to regulate your affairs according to the Instructions you have given me and according to the best of my Judgement in the other Matters that those Instructions do not extend to. The Attorney for Mr Ward tells

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 18 Mar 1770

Mr John Holmes. Hexham 18th March 1770 Sir Yesterday was delivered to set out the same day 995 Ounces of Bullion to the Newcastle Waggon which we hope you will receive in due Course; the Cake was cut in four Pieces and the Box was damaged by a fall before delivered to the Waggoner &We are            Sir Your most Hble Servt NWJunr                            JS

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 Mar 1770

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt. M.P. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 23 March 1770 Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir My Brother is not yet returned from London, but the Gentlemen of the Newcastle Bank will lend you a thousand pounds on your Bond at £ 4 & 2s p Cent. Which if you approve of Mr Darwin may fill up a Bond accordingly to Matthew Bell of Newcastle upon Tyne Esq. and one of the Aldermen of the said Town and on the Bond being sent to me

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 23 Mar 1770

To Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 23 March 1770 Sir Angus the Woodcroft Tenant was with me today - he said he came about getting his Lease which Sr. Wr. Blackett told him was in my hands; and that your Brother Hunter was with him when Sir Wr. Told him so. I told him it was a mistake - that I never saw such a Lease nor remembered hearing any thing of its being executed - he said he executed it and paid you a Guinea for it. I told him again that this was

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 27 Mar 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 27 March 1770 Sir I should be glad if you could be here on Thursday next and bring Joseph Angus’s Article with you. As to the Lease I never saw it nor ever knew it was executed by Sir Walter. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 Mar 1770

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. M.P. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 28 March 1770 Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir Mr Ward’s Attorney tells me the Woodcroft deeds will be ready to be sent by the Fly Coach that will set out on Friday morning. They will be directed to Mr Darwin, who is to attend the execution of them & take your Surrender of the Copyhold, as Deputy of the Bishops Steward. The Salmon was shipt last Saturday in the P

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 28 Mar 1770

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 28 March 1770 Sir If Mr Wards Attorney keeps his word with me I shall send you by the Fly Coach that will set out early on Friday Morning the Conveyance Deeds of Woodcroft from Sir Wr. Blackett to Cutht. Ward Esq as the same have been settled by Mr Fawcett for Mr Ward and Mr Wilson for Sir Walter. but without offence to council I could wish you would cast your Eye over these deeds and if you do not find any thing amiss th

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 1 Apr 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. omitted 1st April 1770 Sir The Account I have from Mr John Bell about Isaac Walton agrees with your Character of him and therefore I desire you will send to him to call upon me any day after Thursday when I shall return from Wallington. - for I think the sooner a good Clerk is fixed at Rookhope Mill the better it will be for Sir Walter Blackett. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 2 Apr 1770

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. M.P. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 2nd April 1770 Piccadilly London Honrd Sir My Brother says he can borrow £2000 on your bond at £4 per centm. - he does not tell me of whom, but that the Sum cannot be divided and will be wanted again in about Eighteen Months. I expect he will send me a Bond to inclose, that if you Chuse to have this Money you may execute and return it. and on my receiving the M
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467