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Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 30 Apr 1770

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newcas. 30th April 1770 Sir Mr Christr. Johnson of Durham came to me this Afternoon along with Mr Mowbray who was Mr Wards Attorney about the purchase of Woodcroft till now that something new has started, which is as Mr Johnson tells me a Necessity of having Copies of the several Deeds in the Schedule before the Money can be paid. I told him this was impossible to be got done neither was it material as Mr Ward had

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 4 May 1770

A Monsieur Monsieur Le Chevalier Blackett Bt. M.P. Seigneur Anglois Chez Monsr. Vandenclooster Banquier Newcas. 4th May 1770 A Bruxelles & Oostende Honrd Sir I received your Letters from London of the 23rd of last month and shall be attentive to the several particulars contained in them: and I shall remit £100 to Mr Darwin in a little time & £1000 in July to Messrs Simond and Hankey;

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 4 May 1770

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 4th May 1770 Your Letters of 22nd and 30th Ult. are now before me. I think what you have done about Barnatt perfectly right and we must leave it to you to do your best in future as circumstances shall happen but if you have opportunity of engaging a good Refiner I would be clear of Barnatt whenever that comes in the way. It was strange that the last Operation fell so short in Silver; is it not possible that a good deal of Unrefineable Or

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 5 May 1770

To Mr Ralph Forster at Wallington Newcas. 5 May 1770 Sir Mr Wm. Brown has sent to me today the inclosed notes for Walling[to]n & Denham Colliery & sent also some of the people for their money; but as I cannot pay Lady Loraine’s share nor know how much of the Charge of the Engine Sir Wr. intends to take upon himself I thought it best to put them & him off till this day senight in the morning when something must be done in it f

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 6 May 1770

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 6th May 1770 I expected to have seen Wm. Laybourne the latter end of the last Week but as he is not yet come I have this day Ordered Cast Iron for the Litharge to run upon and you will receive it as soon as possible. I am Your Hble Servt N W Junr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 7 May 1770

To Mr Chr. Johnson Atty. at Law Newcas 7 May 1770 in Durham Sir Mr Darwin write me that he cannot at present get copies of the deeds you want. A Gentleman, in whose hands part of them are lodged being out of town. You will allow me to repeat what I said to you (when you desired me this day senight to tell Mr Darwin you would apply to him in a post or two for these copies at Mr Ward’s expence) “that the getting them or not befor

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 8 May 1770

To Mr Geo. Douglass Newcas. 8 May 1770 in Berwick on Tweed Sir As Mr John Bell, on his return from Berwick told me you could not pay him the £100 for the year’s rent for the Unthank Colliery due Janry last, but promised to send it me in Newcastle bank notes in a months time, I did expect to have heard from you. As I have not, I give you the trouble of this Letter to beg you will remit me that Sum without delay, as I

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Sharp – 9 May 1770

To The Revd. Dr. Sharp at Hartburne Newcas. 9 May 1770 near Morpeth Sir I have a letter from Sir Wr. Blackett ordering me to pay you one hundred pounds tow[ard]s the Augmentation of the Chapel of Falstone; wch I shall be ready to do whenever you please to call or send for it. if the latter you will please to send a proper receipt, mentioning that you have reced the money of Sir Wr. Blackett by my hands, I have also Sir Wrs ord

Letter – Henry Richmond to Mary Jurin – 12 May 1770

To Mrs Jurin at Mr Simpson’s Newcas. 12 May 1770 at Bradley Madam Your Tenant brought me the Favour of your Letter yesterday; but I could not enter into Treaty with him abot. the Boats, till some agreement is made between Sir Walter Blackett and you about the Materials of them. I think the sooner this is done the better, and I shall be ready to treat with you or any you please to appoint, about them. I shall speak

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 13 May 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 13 May 1770 Sir Tho’ it may be an advantage to the Country to have the pay made before Stagshaw Bank fair as you propose yet I cannot agree to fix a day for the pay before I have the Acct. brought in and therefore desire you will not raise any expectation of a pay against that time. Get the Accounts ready as soon as you can and then I will consider after I have looked over them when I can make the pay. We

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 14 May 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 14 May 1770 Sir Mr Saint has been with me today about a Book of Blank tickets wch you have sent him directions to print for the Rookhope Lead Carriage but wch he wants an Explanation of - As you said nothing to me I cod not say anything to him. So the Matter is suspended till we see one another & have the Nature of such a Measure better discussed than it has yet been. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Matthew Reynaldson – 15 May 1770

To Mr Mw. Reynaldson at Blaydon Newcas. 15 May 1770 Sir I desired you to let me know every week what Lead you receive, but you have not sent me an Acct. for the last week. You must either come to morrow or send me an Acct. that I may know what I have to sell. I am afraid we shall be behind everybody in the Lead Carriage this year so beg you will be as diligent in your part of that business as possible. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 15 May 1770

To Mr John Bell at Hexham Newcas. 15 May 1770 Sir I write to you by Mr Simpson’s desire whom I have seen today, & who says that tho Mrs Jurin did at first suppose she had a Right to the Boats & Rope etc yet she now does not claim them, but allows that they are included in Sir Walter Blacketts purchase. For he says he has satisfied her that in the treaty he had with Sir Wr. abo[u]t, the Boat & Boatrake all the property she had in t

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 16 May 1770

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Newcas. 16 May 1770 Gray’s Inn London Sir Inclosed I send you Bell Cookson & Cos. bill on Glyn & Hallifax for four hundred pounds payable at 20 d[ays] from 11 inst. Sir Wr Blackett bid me send you a bill for this Sum in May to enable you to discharge some tradesmens bills that he left unpaid. So you will please to place the same to his Credt. in your Acct with him & send me a Receipt acco

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 18 May 1770

To Richard Wilson Esq. at Leeds Newcas. 18 May 1770 Yorkshire Sir Mr King tells me he has wrote you that he cannot conveniently pay his rent at this time, & that he has proposed paying you interest as usual, for the forbearance: So I thought it best to remit you your three hundred pounds on Acct. of the Rents I have received: & accordingly have sent you inclosed Bell Cookson & Cos. bill on Glyn & Hallifax f

Letter – Henry Richmond to Revd Oliphant – 22 May 1770

To The Rev. Mr Oliphant at Rothbury Newcas. 22nd May 1770 Sir I have Sir Walter Blacketts Order to pay two Apprentices fees of Thirty pounds each for two of your Sons. But as he expressly orders me to take Care that the Money is applyed to That use only you must not expect I can pay it until the Masters of the Boys come with you to receive it & bring the Indentures along with them. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Jonathan Hilton – 22 May 1770

To Mr Jonat. Hilton. Farnacres 22nd May 1770 Sir, Soon after the application of the Lessees of Lead Mines in Alston Moor for the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital to contribute towards the making of Roads for Carriage of the Lead Ore from the Mines we wrote the Secretary of Greenwich Hospt and have the pleasure to inform you that the Board have been pleased to impower us to contribute Fifty Pounds towards the Expense of the Ore Carriage Roads within the Ma

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 May 1770

To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. at Messrs Hope Newcas. 23 May 1770 & Compy in Amsterdam Honrd Sir Your Letter from Brussels came in six days, & I was glad to find by it that you were better. It is Opportunity rather than Occasion that prompts me to write now: for nothing material has happened since my Last. Our patriots indeed have sent a Remonstrance in haste to the Throne; which is but a poor production and signed only as the Instru

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 23 May 1770

Part of Mr Walton Junrs Letter of 23rd May 1770 to Mr Smeaton. I have agreed for a Lease of a Cellar or Warehouse in Sandgate for Fourteen Years and you are joint with me; we are to be free on twelve Months Notice. It is for lodging the Lead in and will I dare say hold any Quantity we shall ever have occasion to put into it. The Rent is £8.8 p Annum and a Person constantly on the Spot of whom it is taken will keep an Account of the Lead brought in by the Carriers from time to time

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 23 May 1770

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 23rd May 1770 Dear Sir Your Letter of the 12th Instant I was favoured with on my return from a little Journey I had been taking Northward. I have this day Drawn upon you for £142.2.9 Payable as usual Ten days after date Particulars as follows: 474 Ounces of Silver Bullion at 6s - 1/2d £143.3.9 Deduct a Miners Compass 1.1 £142.2.9

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 24 May 1770

To Mr Chrisr. Johnson Attorney at law Newcas. 24 May 1770 in Durham Sir Inclosed I send you, according to your desire, a Copy of the Deputation to take the Surrenders of Sir Walter Blackett and myself to Mr Ward; & also Copy of those Surrenders from us to him; and shall be very glad to see you on Monday as you propose. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Matthew Reynaldson – 29 May 1770

To Mr Reynaldson at Blaydon Newcas. 29 May 1770 Sir I should be glad to know what you are a doing. I desired you to send me every week an Acct. of what Lead you have received and yet I am forced to write every Week for it - last Wednesday you said you expected to get all the Lead in that day or the day following and yet you have not made up your Tickets so that we cannot get a pay made tho’ all the Country is waiting for it. Pray let me

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 29 May 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 29 May 1770 Sir I have received your Accts. this morning and have fixed your pay to be on Thursday Se’night, the seventh of June. So you will give notice accordingly at Stagshaw and on Sunday; & will be here on Monday Evening, receive your money on Tuesday, go home on Wednesday, and pay it away on Thursday. If you have any objection to the day I have fixed, you may alter it to any other you think more con

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 1 Jun 1770

Part of. Mr Walton Junrs Letter of 1st June 1770 to Mr Smeaton. Mr. Mulcaster writes me that the Stamp Mill cannot go when the Refinery is at Work it takes when the Work together more Water than will Work four pair of Bellows and the Troughs which carry the Water to the Refinery Wheel will not even contain so much Water as is necessary to Work the Stamp Mill and Refining bellows at one Time.

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 2 Jun 1770

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newcas. 2 June 1770 Sir I have received the Deed for the Purchase of Hexham Ferry Boat & Boat rake, by Mr <Burden>. & Mrs Jurin has sent me the Letters of Attorney which I have got Mr Colpitts to execute today, & shall, as she desires, return the same to her by tomorrows post, at the Hermitage, near Hexham so I conclude I shall hear soon that the Surrenders are made to Sir Wr. Blacket
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467