To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. M.P. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 11 April 1770
Piccadilly London
Honrd Sir I have this day received of my brother Two Thousand pounds which he says you have borrowed of Mr Robinson Wakefield; & have given him my receipt for the Money, which he required. I have paid him Seven Guineas for <procyration> Money , which he said it was his rule to have directly. I have by this post remitted
To Peter Simond Esq. Merchant Newcastle 11th April 1770
Sir Inclosed I send you Bell Cookson & Cos. four Bills on Glyn & Hallifax for Two Thousand pounds, as above, which I desire you will place to the Credit of Sir Wr. Blacketts Account and that you will please to advise me by return of the post that you have received these Bills and placed them accordingly. Sir Walter having settled it that
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 13th April 1770
Dear Sir
We have this day Drawn upon you for Three Hundred and one Pounds Thirteen Shillings for 995 Ounces of Silver at 6-1/2d and including Carriage etc.
We are Dear Sir your most Hble Servt
Nich. Walton Junr
J Smeaton
Dear Sir. Farnacres 13th April 1770
Ten days after date pay to Mssrs Bell, Cookson, Carr, Airey & Saint or their Order Three Hundred and One Pounds Thirteen Value rece
Part of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 14th Apr 1770 to J Ibbetson Esq
We have been applied to by some of the principal Lessees of Mines in Alston Moor to lay it before the Board of Directors that they should contribute with them towards making convenient Roads in Alston Moor for the Carrying of the Lead Ore. The Governor & Company Wilkinson's Company and Sir Lanc. Allgood have already upwards of £400 in this Work of which Roads the Hospital has equally the advantage
To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. M.P. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 14 April 1770
Piccadilly London
Honrd Sir I return you Thanks for the Interest you have been pleased to allow me for my £200 and for the offer you are so good as make with respect to any further Sum. The day I received your Letter I charged this £200 in my Cash Acct.; as I have also done Major Carr’s One hundred pounds which I received on the 13th instant. An
To Peter Simond Esq. Merchant Newcastle 14th April 1770
Sir Inclosed I send you Bell Cookson & Cos. bill on Glyn and Hallifax for Three hundred pounds payable at Twenty days from this day: which I desire you will place to Acct. with Sir Wr. Blackett & that you will please to advise me by return of the post that you have received the Bill & placed it accordingly I am etc HR
£300 . .
To Walter Trevelyan Esq. Newcas 14th April 1770
under cover to Sir Wr. Blackett in London
Sir Inclosed is Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Glyn & Hallifax for Sixteen pounds Seventeen shillings & Eightpence for the balance of the Account between us. I shall be glad to
know that you receive the bill Safe I am etc HR
£16 . 17 . 8 Newcastle Bank 14th April 1770
Twenty days after date pay to th
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 15th April 1770
As the Weather seems now promising we hope the Lead Carriage may very soon be got to Work; but dont set them on till you see the Roads so dried as to make it in your Opinion proper to begin. Mr Hilton will call upon you in his way to Alston and inform you which of the Carriers are to be discontinued we shall notwithstanding here repeat what was given him. Thomas Corbett John Kirsopp John Wren and Wm Wren are not to carry Lead either fro
To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. M.P. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 16 April 1770
Piccadilly London
Honrd Sir I cannot think of anything material to write about at present; having in my two last letters mentioned all that has occurred. only lest any delay should happen in the payment of Mr Errington’s Money for want of a discharge from yourself, it may be right, as the Note is not endorsed, to sign the inclosed Authority to give
To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. M.P. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 18 April 1770
Piccadilly London
Honrd Sir The Merchant in Rotterdam that you Enquire after, must be Mr. Chas. Allan; who has been several times here. & whom you must have seen. His Father Mr Lyonel Allan, who married a Sister of Lady Tankerville’s , was employed in Mr Wilkinson’s Executorship to sell the IBL Lead in Rotterdam, that is the Mark at this day of yo
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 19th April 1770
Barnatt met us yesterday as we were going to Throckley with a very Penitent face indeed. All the Answer we gave his Supplications were, that we could give him no Encouragement, but should write to you upon it, and in the mean time advised him to go home. We don't imagine that he will ever be otherwise than he has been and therefore cannot expect any lasting Reformation, however if you think it will serve the present purpose to give h
An Accnt of Lead sent to Newcastle from Langley Mill 1768 & 1769
No of Pieces
Refined Lead or GHL 7393
Refined Slag Lead or GHRS 366
Common Lead or GHO 5169
Common Slag Lead or GHOS 104
Total. 13032
To Mr Thomas Airey & Son. Farnacres 19th A
Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 21st April 1770
Dear Sir
By this Weeks London Carrier we send you a Cake of Bullion weight 474 Ounces which we hope you will receive Safe on Saturday the 5th of May.
We should be glad to know whether you look upon it that the Silver, as soon as delivered to the Carrier, is at your risk or the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital.
Mr Smeaton proposes setting out for Austhorpe tomorrow. We are Dear Sir
Your most Hble Servt
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 21 April 1770
Sir Inclosed herewith is my bill on Plumb & Browne for Three hundred & fifteen pounds payable at 20 days from this date; wch. I send you on Acct. of the quarterly payments you have to make for Sir Wr. Blackett between 31 March last & 30 June next & desire you will send me a receipt for the same to be a Voucher to my Acct. with him & that you will express it in the usual
Part of Messrs Walton & Smeaton's Letter of 23rd April 1770 To
Mr. Chrisr Bell
The Lead Carriers seem to be throwing out that they expect more price, or they will not carry any more Lead, be this as it may we are determined not to make the least alteration in our prices, and if we are driven to alter the Channel in which our Lead comes to Markett the Hexham Carriers may possibly wish they had continued carrying on the present footing. The Hospital have Tenants in the Neighb
To Mr Newham Nicholson. Farnacres. 23rd April 1770
Mr Nicholson
I would have you see some of the Carriers this day as by Accident and you may let them know that we did want a small Quantity of Lead brought down with all Expedition as we had promised it but that if they should disappoint us in the delivery it will not be any inconvenience to us further than that as we should be always glad to Oblige our Customers, when we can, and their Sterness at present will entirely prevent
At a Meeting of the Directors of Greenwich Hospital at Salters Hall on Wednesday 25th April 1770
A Letter from the Receivers dated the 14th Instant was read. Resolved That they be directed and empowered for the reasons they have given, to contribute the sum of £50 towards the making of Ore Carriage Roads in Alston Moor to be laid out on the place mentioned in their said Letter, or elsewhere as shall be found most convenient.
N Walton Junr will be obliged to Mr Brown for informing him whether Mr Bell and he can accommodate the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital with a place for their Lead conformable with their Agreement with the Corporation; and if they can, whether they (Mr Bell and Mr Brown) could let the Lead be brought to the place immediately, or they must have some, and what time til that may be done.
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 29 April 1770
Sir I am desirous of knowing what is now doing at Rookhope Mill as well as what has been done ever since Xmas. for I have no Acct. either of the Smeltings delivery or Stock without wch. I cannot settle the last years Accts. and therefore beg you will as soon as possible send me the Months Acct. for Decemr. & let the rest follow when you are able to make them out. pray is Walton fixed
To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newcas. 30th April 1770
Sir Mr Christr. Johnson of Durham came to me this Afternoon along with Mr Mowbray who was Mr Wards Attorney about the purchase of Woodcroft till now that something new has started, which is as Mr Johnson tells me a Necessity of having Copies of the several Deeds in the Schedule before the Money can be paid. I told him this was impossible to be got done neither was it material as Mr Ward had
A Monsieur
Monsieur Le Chevalier Blackett Bt. M.P.
Seigneur Anglois
Chez Monsr. Vandenclooster Banquier Newcas. 4th May 1770
A Bruxelles & Oostende
Honrd Sir I received your Letters from London of the 23rd of last month and shall be attentive to the several particulars contained in them: and I shall remit £100 to Mr Darwin in a little time & £1000 in July to Messrs Simond and Hankey;
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 4th May 1770
Your Letters of 22nd and 30th Ult. are now before me.
I think what you have done about Barnatt perfectly right and we must leave it to you to do your best in future as circumstances shall happen but if you have opportunity of engaging a good Refiner I would be clear of Barnatt whenever that comes in the way.
It was strange that the last Operation fell so short in Silver; is it not possible that a good deal of Unrefineable Or
To Mr Ralph Forster at Wallington Newcas. 5 May 1770
Sir Mr Wm. Brown has sent to me today the inclosed notes for Walling[to]n & Denham Colliery & sent also some of the people for their money; but as I cannot pay Lady Loraine’s share nor know how much of the Charge of the Engine Sir Wr. intends to take upon himself I thought it best to put them & him off till this day senight in the morning when something must be done in it f
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 6th May 1770
I expected to have seen Wm. Laybourne the latter end of the last Week but as he is not yet come I have this day Ordered Cast Iron for the Litharge to run upon and you will receive it as soon as possible. I am
Your Hble Servt
N W Junr
To Mr Chr. Johnson Atty. at Law Newcas 7 May 1770
in Durham
Sir Mr Darwin write me that he cannot at present get copies of the deeds you want. A Gentleman, in whose hands part of them are lodged being out of town. You will allow me to repeat what I said to you (when you desired me this day senight to tell Mr Darwin you would apply to him in a post or two for these copies at Mr Ward’s expence) “that the getting them or not befor