Mr Robt Jackson Ditto [Newcastle August 5 1676]
If you cann furnish mee w[i]th any Doll[e]rs 4S6d or 4S6 ½ or bills att 12 or 15 dayes sight; pray send mee of either Sort to w[ha]t Sume you cann procure to the vallue of £600 and if you cann helpe mee In this business you will very much oblidge mee; but before I conclude pray lett mee tell you; that whether you can help mee or nott I desire yo[u]r Answer p[er] first conveniencey and soe I remayne; w[i]th my Respects to yo[u]r g
Mr Jno Wells Ditto [Newcastle August 5 1676]
If there bee any doll[e]rs to be procured In yo[u]r place att 4S6d or 4S6 ½ or bills att 12 or 15 dayes sight I desire you to procure mee of either sort all that ever you cann to the vallue of £600 or £800 St[erlin]g, p[ro]vided you can order yo[u]r business soe; as that I may Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs before Tusday Noone next upon w[hi]ch <teacanes> soe the Greater Sume you can promace mee the greater kindnesse you will doe
Mr Math: Lamb Ditto [Newcastle August 5 1676]
In the first place God bee thanked wee are both very well, hopeinge this will find you In the like Condit[i]on
secondly pray observe that I leave nothing of my Customer the Esq[ui]re about my Rent nor doe you write one word to mee of itt w[hi]ch I wonder a little att but Consideringe yo[u]r businesse and my lazynesse if you will excuse mee I will soone excuse you soe In short att this time I only desire to heare fro
Mr Hen Nelthorpe Newcastle Aug[us]t the 8th 1676
I have before me yo[u]rs of the P[ri]mo present wherein takes notice that Mr Chaytor had remitted you £100: upon my account; upon Sam: Sheaphard att 3/d[ays] Sight and that you had p[ro]cured acceptance of the same w[hi]ch is well; if the money be received; pray pay itt to Mr Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] if nott be pleased to Endorsse s[ai]d Bill unto them and lett them Rec[ei]ve itt upon my account accordinge as I desired In
M[esseu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 8 August 1676]
My last to you was of the 5th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you soe the lesse to Inlardge upon this onely servinge for Covert to the Inclosed bill of £100 upon Capten John Welwang of w[hi]ch I pray procure the needfull upon the account of :MB:
I am afrayed I shall bee forced to drawe £100 or £200 upon you either this very Post or the next; By honouringe of my Billes God willin
Newastle: August the: 8: 1676
Mr Robert: Thorowgood
yours: of the first curant came to hand I hope <erre> this yow have found Mr Partis and recd an accoumpt of him as to your owne Concerne, he is Like to prove a knave as to mine he writs me that hath brought home per your acoumpt and mine sixty five hogsheads of tobacco and now he pretends you are Left in the Countrey. he confessed to Mr William <Argly> of Newcastle that he had brought in his ship 44 hogsheads of tobacco fo
Unckle Bucke Newcastle Aug[us]t the 9th [16]76
<Yester> night I received yo[u]r letter by Henry Lanes for Answer doe w[ha]t you will w[i]th my horsses for the Orderinge of them I wholy leave to yo[u]r discression and w[ha]t ever you doe itt shall bee to my Sayisfaction; And shall be very Ready to repay you all Charges
I doe nott att all fancey my Tennant Esq[ui]re <Fowler>; to this day I want my Rent; nor doe I heare one word from him; soe pray accquain
Mr : Mathew Lamb: Ditto [Newcastle 9 August 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 7th present; Esq[uire] Fowler I doe nott like att all; nor doe I heare any newes of his money; soe pray Speake to him againe and Ask him w[ha]t hee Intends to doe
I am this morning for the Pay soe shall nott Inlarge further; then to advise you that wee are God be thanked very well, hopeing that these will finde you In the same Condition soe desireinge heartily to bee Remembered to
Mr Jno: Wells Ditto [Newcastle 9 August 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 7th And therein a bill of £100 upon Peter Bar w[hi]ch I accept of; And accordinge to yo[u]r Order did send you yo[u]r money by Cuthbert Fowler; w[hi]ch I hope came Well to yo[u]r handes
If you can spare mee a bill of another for £100 or £200: att same Sight you will doe a kindnesse unto
Brother Edward: Newcastle Aug[us]t the 9th 1676
I know you are forgettfull soe shall make bold to putt you in minde of yo[u]r promise; of yo[u]r little Pretty Spanyell Dogg; w[i]th your promises to send mee
secondly bee pleased to take notice; that I Rec[eive]d yo[u]r lett[e]r and therein severall peices of Parchm[en]t w[hi]ch you say are of Concernm[en]t whether they bee; or bee nott; you may bee certayne I shall deliver them Carefully accordinge to yo[u]r
Mess[eu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle Aug[us]t the 11th 1676
My last to you was of the 8th present to w[hi]ch referrs you Since none from you Soe the less to Inlarge upon this Serveing Cheifely for Covert to the Inclosed Bill of £100 drawne upon Mr Peter Bar; by John Wells of Stockton of which I pray pr[oc]ure the needfull upon the account of M:B:
Recaved then of Sr James Standsfeild for his quarter part Concern of the Leed Myns at Eagell & in full of his part Charges thair till 25 July last as <Paupts stated> then - the som of forty eight pond five shillings Sterling.
I say recd by me £48-5 Stg
Wm Blackett
Which som in the hand pray send to Jno Curtice of Wanloch head
Mess[eu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 12 August 1676]
I have before mee both yo[u]rs of the 8th All yo[u]r Complements shall answer w[i]th Silence; onely In playne English; I wish att any time; I might bee thought Capable; to serve either you or any of yo[u]r Freinds; In this Place; as a Retaliation In some Measure of all the favours I have Rec[eive]d from you ~
Inclosed is a Bill of £50 of w[hi]ch pray procure the needfull; Pray advise mee p[er
Mr Geo: Moore Newcastle Aug[us]t the 12: [16]76
I have before mee yo[u]rs of this date from AmsterDoem; by w[hi]ch takes notice of yo[u]r Draught upon mee from thence for £16:=:=: payable att w[ha]t date or Sight I know not however s[ai]d Bill who p[re]sented; shall be accepted; and w[he]n due shall be punctually Complyed w[i]thall. And according to yo[u]r order; After I have p[ai]d the same; shall Reimbursse my Selfe upon you att Lond[on] not doubting butt you wi
Mess[eu]rs Cha and Ja Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 12 August 1676]
My last to you was of the 5th Aug[us]t to w[hi]ch referres you Since w[hi]ch have landed all yo[u]r Goodes; both out of John Fell and Hen: Lawes this day beinge Saturday and Markett day Could doe nothinge as to the disposall thereof; upon Monday next being the 14th present I Intend God willinge; To Offer yo[u]r Goods as I thinke Fit; to severall Marchants; If I can dispose of them to Content shall doe itt; if nott; w
Lo: Brother Ditto [Newcastle 15 August 1676]
I carefully delivered yo[u]r pap[er]s of Greate concerne unto my Cousin Jno ~
Noe newes allonge this Close all is now well enough, onely there is a report you are goeinge to bee Marryed; w[i]th my Lady Yorkes Daughter, and that you went to the Wells a purpose to see her
I intend God willinge to bee at my Unckle Edenes upon Saturday com a Senight the 26th present; and there abide most part of the weeke followinge pray
Mr James Ward Newcastle Aug[us]t the 15th 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 10th present thereby takes notice that you have Endevoured to Charge the £10:10:=: upon mee; w[hi]ch I rec[eive]d of W[illia]m Lecke upon yo[u]r account but could nott effect yo[u]r designes In soe much that you desire mee to send you a bill for itt or to Order Capten Mayson to pay itt ~
In w[hi]ch I must begg yo[u]r excuse for I never Traded w[i]th Capten Mayson in my life upon my o
Mess[eu]rs Cha and Ja: Bankes Newcastle Aug[us]t the 15th 1676
My last to you was of the 12th present to w[hi]ch referres you now has before mee yo[u]rs of the 1mo [first] present w[i]th the account of my Leede and Coales w[hi]ch God willinge shall examine and p[er] next advise you how I find the same ~
I have Offered yo[u]r Tarr to severall Marchants In Towne but cannott bee bidd above £7 p[er] last for itt In my oppinion itt will nott bee Cheaper; Soe I am resolve
Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto [Newcastle 15 August 1676]
My last to you was of the 5th Aug[us]t 1676 to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 10th 11th and 12th present; butt nott a farthinge remitted mee w[hi]ch I doe Wonder att; Immagine the more I desire you to remitt mee money; the longer you will bee a remittinge itt soe I shall desire you noe more nor will I after this say soe much; as one word in that perticular; Soe take yo[u]r owne time; but I am affrayd
Mess[eu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 15 August 1676]
In yo[u]rs of the 10th I take notice of the Receipt of £100 upon my account of Henry Nelthorpe GoldSmith: w[hi]ch is very well ~
I wish yo[u]r Brother Ed: a Good Voyadge I am in hast
Mr Jno: Wells Newcastle Aug[us]t 16th 1676
In the absence of my Ma[ste]r Mr Michaell Blackett I send you for yo[u]r Bill £100 p[er] Cuthbert Fowler the bearer hereof I am P:L:
M[esseu]rs Hu: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle Aug[us]t the 18th 1676
In the first place pray take notice that I have this day vallued upon you the followinge Bills vizt
one for £150: payable 12/d[ays] Sight to Sir Ralph <Conyers>
Barronett or order vallue of him £150
one for £200: payable 12/d[ays] Sight payable to Mr
Nicholas Fennwick or order vallue of him £200
one for £120: payable 10/d[ays] Sight to Mr Jno Dun
Me[sseu]rs Cha & Ja Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 18 August 1676]
My last to you was of the 15th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you soe the less to Inlardge upon I have examined yo[u]r account of my Leed and Coales; w[hi]ch I have found righ[t] and booked accordingly ~
for <p[ro]ar> [proper] Tarr I can nott here find above £7 p[er] last att w[hi]ch price I can nott resolve to sell itt att w[ith]out yo[u]r Advice w[hi]ch pray lett mee have p[e
Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto [Newcastle 18 August 1676]
My last to you was of the 15th present to w[hi]ch Referrs you Since none from you soe the less to Inlardge upon I have onely to advise you this last parcell of Tow as one Matt Soe. I never had Tow more dredfull nor worse; the Customer hath Cheated you <baserly>; for I shall say no more onely that I will have noe more Tow from Holland for I find the Hollandders nott to here deall welle; such Cheates they putt upon men as Can n
M[esseu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 19 August 1676]
yo[u]rs of the 12th and 15th came both to my hand together the last Post; w[hi]ch Requires little Answer more then my hearty thankes; for yo[u]r Care of Receiving and Payinge w[i]th needful; All Bills I remitt and Charge upon you ~
Sir I desire to know if you Can p[ro]cure a hansome Tricktrack bord; As will have In Frame usually vizt w[i]th holes Allonge Each side to marke the Game and Chess bo