To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 22nd Sept 1770
in Foster Lane London
Gentlemen I sent you yesterday by Matt Lee the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Seven hundred and Eighty nine ounces which I desire you will place to Acct. with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Markett Price and Advise me on your receipt of it. And I have drawn a Bill on you for Six hundred pounds dated this day & payable to
To Messrs. Simond & Hankey Merchants Newcas. 22 Sept 1770
in London
Gentlemen Inclosed is my bill on Plumb & Browne for Six hundred Pounds dated this day and payable to you or order at Twenty five days which I desire you will place to Sir Walter Blacketts Account & advise me accordingly. I am etc HR
Newcas. 22nd Sept 1770 £600 . 0 . 0
Twenty five days after date pay to Messrs. Simond & Hankey,
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 22nd September 1770
Dear Sir
Yesterdays Post brought me your favor of the 18th instant acknowledging the Receipt of the Box which we wrote about the 16th instant and I have this day drawn upon you for £93.28.11 being for 310 Ounces of Bullion at 6s 1/2d P Ozs & Six Shillings for Carriage.
We shall have another Cake of Silver by the latter end of this Month about the above Size but of that I am not yet quite certain not having had an As
To John Ibbetson Esqr. (A Part). Farnacres 23rd September 1770
The Carriers of the Hospitals Lead have lately been obstructed in passing along the Glenwelt Turnpike Road near Hexham in their way from Langley Mill to that place but we are in hopes of getting the matter very soon settled: we notwithstanding think it necessary to acquaint the Board with what has been done as the Directors may think it proper to be advised further. A Case has been Stated by the Hospitals Solicit
Part of Mr Walton Junrs. Letter of 23rd September 1770 to Mr Smeaton
I have attentively considered that part of your Letter relative to the Mill and Mill Agents and so entirely concurr with you in Opinion that I think it cannot be put better than in the way you mention. In the meantime I will endeavour to be informed what the Company have done by getting some Person to make the Enquiry, without you think we might ask Mr Tweedale the Question notwithstanding his appearing averse to l
To Revd. Mr Stoddart at Chollerton Newcas. 23rd Sept 1770
near Hexham
Sir I cannot get Sir Walter Blackett’s answer, in time, to the request of the Gentlemen of Chollerford Club: but as I believe he would readily accommodate them with the great room in Hexham Abbey for the Ball they intend to give I have given direction to have it cleaned and in readiness for them against the 7 of November & am etc HR
To Mr John Grey Atty at Law in Newcas. 24 Sept 1770
Berwick upon Tweed
Sir As Mr Thos Armorer is not at Age I doubt there will be some difficulty in paying his share of the money due on Sir Walter’s Bond at this time. But if you will please to send a Copy of the Bond I can judge better for I have not a Copy of it nor ever saw it nor do I know whether the Trustees have a power of calling in the principal or any part of it - bu
To Richd. Wilson Esqr at Leeds, Yorkshire Newcas. 25 Sept 1770
Sir I am sorry to have to return you the Duplicate of my Rental for Martins. last which you have not signed. I shall be obliged to you if you will please do so and return it. I have had Sir Walter Blacketts Land Steward viewing Bryan & Wm. Lowry’s farm and he is of opinion it is let at its full worth, but that in Consideration of a Lease of 15 or 21 years a Tenant may
Part of Mr Walton Junrs. Letter of 25th September 1770 to Mr Chris Bell
Til some answer is got from the Commissioners of the Glenwelt Road I think it will be perfectly right for the Carriers to ommit offering the Lead twice a day or as often as they please; the first time they come to the Barr each day I suppose they will be let thro' paying for the Carriage and Horses; the Second time they will I apprehend be stopped without they pay a gain and so on. Now I would have the Carr
Part of Mr Walton Junrs. Letter of 25th September 1770 to Mr Jno. Jobling
I desire youll be expeditious as possible in getting the measures of the Roads compleated and let me know how the distances turn out. The Weather is indeed so bad that there's scarce doing anything.
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 25th September 1770
I have sent you (or rather desired Wm. Laybourne to pay you) Thirty Pounds and indeed upon considering your Letter on second reading I think I should have sent you One Hundred Pounds for as you have laid out £100 more than you have had on Account you ought to have had that - I desire for the time to come you will always call for Money when you want it as it is at all Times ready for you.
You must see Mr Bell about the Carriag
Mr. Mulcaster. Farnacres 27th September 1770
As the Man at the Turnpike Gate has Orders to let the Carriages pass taking notice how often they do so in a day and only to take pay once a day there is no Occasion for you to do any thing now but get an Account from the Carriage Men how often they pass every day In order that we may be enabled to check Mr Benjamins Acct.
I have reced your Letters and think what you have done in consequence of my Letter inclosing the Case etc
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 28th September 1770
I have this day tryed the Weight of the Assays and find the Produce to be as follows:
Oz Dwt Gns
No. 1 per fodder 7 16 19 2/10
No. 2 per Do 28 18 4 8/10
No. 3 per do 345 16 8 4/10
From this it is Evident that all the Litharge which comes from the Silver Test should be kept by itself and Refined over again and it shows that the several Tests (from which the pieces are drawn afte
Part of Mr Walton Jnrs Letter of 28th September 1770 to Mr Smeaton
Copy of Walton & Smeatons Letter of 28th September 1770 to Mr Ibbetson
Extract from Mr Mulcasters Letter of 24 September 1770 to NWalton Junr relative to Assays made from Litharge Lead.
The above were sent Mr Smeaton along wth sd Letter to him.
I have wrote to Mr Mulcaster and told him I think the several Tests from whence the pieces are taken which are afterwards put into the Refining Test should not be
To Mr Robert Lowes (a Part). Farnacres 28th September 1770
Dear Sir
We inclose you a Sketch showing the Situation of the Roads and Carriers Farms, between Hexham and Langley Mill, and some Memorandums how the Lead Carriers are circumstanced and desire you will attend the first Meeting of the Commissioners of the Glenwelt Road and endeavour to get every thing so fixed that the Hosple. Lead Carriers may have no further interruption. We are etc
Walton & Smeaton
To Robert Child Esqr & Co Bankers Newcas. 28 Sept 1770
Temple Bar London
Gentlemen Inclosed is Bell & Cos. Bill on Glyn & Co. for Sixty pounds; which I send you by the desire of Walter Trevelyan Esqr., to be placed to Acct. I desire you will do so & advise me accordingly. I am etc HR
£60 . . Newcastle Bank 21st Sept 1770
Twenty five days after date pay to the Order of Mr Henry Richmond
To Messrs. Simond & Hankey Merchants Newcas. 28 Sept 1770
in London
Gentlemen Inclosed is Bell & Cos bill on Glyn & Co for Eighty Pounds which I send you by the desire of Walter Trevelyan Esqr. to be placed to his Account. I desire you will do so and advise me accordingly. I am etc HR
£80 . . Newcastle Bank 21st Sept 1770
Twenty five days after date pay to the Order of Mr Hen Richmond Eighty Pound
To Messrs. Simond & Hankey Merchants Newcas. 29th Sept 1770
in Bishopsgate Street London
Gentlemen On the 22nd instant I sent you a Bill for Six hundred pounds drawn by me on Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Foster Lane & payable to you or Order at twenty five days from That date desiring you to place the same to Acct. with Sir Walter Blackett & advise me accordingly. As I ought to have had Advice of this Bill by this days post, at
To Mr John Grey Atty at Law in Newcas. 29th Sept 1770
Berwick upon Tweed
Sir I see by the Copy of the Bond, which you have sent me, that Sir Walter Blackett may pay Mr. Thos. Armorer’s Money to Mr Collingwood; if he will give proper discharges for it according to what I wrote on the 18th instant, making only such variation as his signing as a Trustee occasions - but as you say Mr. Collingwood will not sign a receipt till the
A Mr Msr Le Chevr Blackett Seigneur Anglois Newcas. 30th Septem 1770
Chez Mr Louis Julien Rue Simon le Franc à Paris
Honrd. Sir I have remitted £600 pounds to Mr. Simond and sent him the third present of pine Apples. Inclosed is the Venison Acct. & agreeable to your Letter of the 12th instant from Brussells no more will be killed, but for the Guild. I delivered your message to Mr Lanct. Brown, who understood readily the impropriety of hi
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 30th September 1770
Since I received your Letter inclosing the three last Assays, I have often thought about the Litharge taken from the Silver Test, and am in some doubt whether putting the Litharge into a Test again, before it is Reduced into Lead, is so proper as to reduce it first; so as the Litharge Swims upon the Surface of the Melted Lead in the Test, the Rich Litharge may be blown off at the Gate before it leaves the Silver, this would undoubtedl
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 5th October 1770
Above I send you an Extract of a Letter reced here on Tuesday last and desire you will take care that the Silver is taken off as clean as possible at all Times. I have not yet heard how the Gentlemans Assay turned out, when I do, you shall be Informed til then it is not certain whether the Cake was fine or not; but I suppose there will be ground of Complaint tho' Small. I am
Your most Hble Servt
NW Junr
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres. 5th October 1770
Dear Sir
I reced your favor of the 29th Ult by last Tuesdays Post and am sorry to find there is a likelihood of our Bullion not turning out so fine as it ought. I have given directions to our Workmen & hope for the time to come we shall find all right. If the Assays you have sent to the Server should not prove fine we must make you an Allowance of the difference that has been Occasioned, and in time to come for such difference
1770 Octr. 5 Sent Philip Metcalfe Mr Trevelyan’s Ltr, datd. Paris 21 Sept. last & wrote him to let Mr Laidler see it & send the answer to it to me & that I will direct & forward it to Mr Trevelyan. HR
To Mr George Douglass in Berwick Newcs. 5th Octor 1770
upon Tweed
Sir The agreement which Mr Lambert Mr Forster & you made with Sir Walter Blackett for his fisheries of High and Low Bells & also Needle Eye & WhiteSands & Archbold’s Close was only for one Year which expired at Michas last. Sir Walter is still abroad & I have not had any application from you & your partners for a new Ageemt. which I have been