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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Nov 1770

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 3d November 1770 We inclose herewith your Recet. for Fifty Pounds and according to Promise have sent you a Ream of Papers by Corbett. The Assays No. 13 and 14 turned out as below.   Oz Dw Gn No. 13 33 11 7 2/10 p Fodder No. 14 440 p Fodder   The Assays for Operation ending the 27th give 7 oz 14 dwt 8 4/10 Gns P Fodder. The Piece of Silver Weighed 582 1/2 Ounces, to have answered the Assay exactly

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 4 Nov 1770

Part of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 4th Novemr, 1770 to Mr Chr Bell Upon looking over the Lead Carriers Accounts we find James Johnson is paid 10s too much and Wm Pattison 10s too little being only mistakes in the casting up of their Accounts. It will oblige us if you will take the first opportunity of acquainting those Carriers with the above mistakes and that we shall expect to have them rectified at the next Pay or sooner as shall be found most convenient.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 5 Nov 1770

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 5th November 1770 Dear Sir We have this day Drawn upon you for £46.3 being the amount of the last Silver received by you Viz. 384 1/2 Oz at 6s..1/2d. By last Saturdays Carrier we sent you a Box containing Five Hundred and Eighty two and one half ounces of Bullion which will be at London on Saturday <Sennit?>. The Carriage is not paid. Youll Observe we have not made the Allowance of 7s/8d this time; we intended to have deducted i

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Nov 1770

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 9th November 1770 We have examined the several Operation Papers since the 26th of May last and find the following Mistakes which we have rectified and desire youll do the same with the Copies kept by you in case you find the Alterations agree with your Accounts. In the Operation ending the 26th May you had set down 331 Pieces of Refineable Slag Lead as made within the Operation ending then and 1123 Pieces as Stock which if you had realy made

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 10 Nov 1770

Part of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 10th November 1770 to John Ibbetson Esq In our Letter of the 20th April 1768 giving an Account by the Boards Order of the Agents necessary to be employed in establishing the Lead Mill, together with their Salaries, we particularly mentd. That the two new ones would be necessary, Viz a Mill Agent for taking Charge of the Works at the Mill, and a Clerk of the Deliverys of the Ore at Alston Moor; To the former we recommended Mr Peter Mulca

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 12 Nov 1770

Part of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 12th Novemr. 1770 to Jn Ibbetson Esq   We understand that the Commissioners of the Glenwelt Turnpike Road at an advertised meeting for taking into consideration the mode of carrying Lead thro' Summerrodds Barr in order to avoid Payment of Tolls have come to a resolution of taking the Opinion of two of the most Eminent Council in the Kingdom, but that the case is to be communicated to us before it is sent. We have already apprized the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 Nov 1770

To Sr Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. in half Moon Street Newcas. 12th Novemr 1770 Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir There are few Things can give me greater Satisfaction than the knowledge that you are well after your return to England will do. Your Letter of the 4 instant from Paris, which I have received today, gives me hope that I shall receive such an Acct. Your horses were taken in from grass about ten days ago; in about three weeks time I understand they will be f

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 14 Nov 1770

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 14 Novemr 1770 Sir Of the list of Subscribers to Hexham Bridge, which you sent me, Sir Ed. Blackett, Mr Ridley, Mr Ord, & Mr Biggs have paid their whole subscriptions - the two Mr Errington’s have paid their 1st & 2nd payments and Sir Ra. Milbanke his first payment, here in the Country, but Sir Ralph Steward declines paying any more till Satisfaction is made for some damages done by getting Sto

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 14 Nov 1770

Part of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 14th November 1770 to John Ibbetson Esq. The Lead Mill Agent represents that as the Weather often proves so precarious, as if to admit of Winning one years Stack of Peats every Summer, and on that Account it being necessary to have been a considerable Quantity before hand; it would be a great saving in the use of them if one had Peat Houses to contain a double Quantity to what we have Housing for at present, there being necessarily a grea

Letter – Walter Blackett to Fletcher Norton – 15 Nov 1770

15th Novr. 1770 Mr. Speaker However particular, however unreasonable & uncalled for, what I am about to say, may seem to be, or whatever light of myself may appear, I must beg leave to open myself to the house upon a point which for some months hath greatly disturbed me; & the only apology I can offer for (then abruptly) troubling the House with a matter which merely concerns myself, is, that I am conscious although compelled to do it. Diffident of myself, forsaki

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 16 Nov 1770

Mr Mulcaster                       Farnacres 16th November 1770 Your Letter with the Operation for last Month  came safe to hand and having examined the Operation we stil find you have one piece of Refined Lead more in Stock than you should have considering the Quantity made  according to your Account and the Quantity delivd. and Sold at the Mill.  The Stock of Rampgill Ore in the last Operation is 319 Bings 2 Cwt by the Quantity received and Smelted it s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 16 Nov 1770

Mr Chrisr.  Bell.                           Farnacres 16th November 1770 Mr Bell As soon as our other Business would permit we took under our consideration the Lead Carriage between Langley Lead Mill and the Hospitals Warehouse in Newcastle and have determined to make an advance of One Penny Per Piece, the prices and conditions as below and you are desired to acquaint all the Carriers with this alteration.  We are Sir your most Hble Servts Nic

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 20 Nov 1770

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. MP. in Halfmoon Street Newcas. Tuesdy 20th Novr 1770 Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir I am very glad you are well after yr travels & have not reced Cold by the boisterous passage from Calais & it is a pleasure that my Native place afforded you a terra firma. Inclosed is the Newspaper contg. Mr Lamberts Acct. of Dr Blacks & Dr Saunders’s Experimts. on Coxlodge Water & another with Dr Rotherham’s reply to it! The Rent day at

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 Nov 1770

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. MP. in Half Moon Street Newcas. 23 Novemr 1770 Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir Mr Forster and Mr Sadler were both here, at the Fair, yesterday when I received your Letter about WhiskerShield. Mr Sadler thinks there are some grounds between it and your boundary; but they will view it as soon as the Snow is off the ground - for we have had a great deal, & a severe frost for two days, but now it is open, rainy weather again. Sir Edward

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 23 Nov 1770

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 23rd Novemr 1770 in London Sir Inclosed is Bell Cookson & Cos. bill on Glyn & Hallifax for Four Hundred Pounds, as above; which I desire you will place to my Account & advise me of the receipt of. This £400 is part of my Sister Lowthians Fortune, & was, on her Marriage, settled in Trustees, of whom I am one; & having been lately lent on Mortgage in my Name, & now paid in again,

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 24 Nov 1770

To Mr John Holmes.                         Farnacres 24th November 1770 Dear Sir I reced. your obliging favor of the 19th instant by Thursdays Post and have this day drawn upon you for £175.11.7 being the Balance of Account due from you as below.  I take no notice of the Five Penny Weight as I intend to let them remain for any small deficiencys which may hereafter come in the way. Silver now Sells at Newcastle for Six Shillings POz and has done so f

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Robson – 25 Nov 1770

To Mr Geo. Robson at Halnaby Newcas. 25 Novr 1770 Yorkshire Sir Mr Ra. Forster, in pursuance of what passed when you and he were in my Office, has viewed the damage done by getting Stones for Hexham Bridge in Sir Ra. Milbanks Estate at Windyhirst which you asked £20 for and assures me he cannot make it amount to £10. However Sir Walter Blackett being very unwilling to have any dispute with Sir Ra, about this Matter, will pay w

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 25 Nov 1770

To Coll. Forster Esq. at Alnwick Newcas. 25 Novr 1770 Sir Hexham Bridge & the roads to it being finished I take the Liberty of mentioning to you that no part of the Duke of Northumberlands Subscrn. of £200 has yet been paid and of desiring to know whether you have any Orders about it - if not - I submit it to your Consideration whether there would be any Impropriety in your intimating to his grace that this Money is now due.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 29 Nov 1770

To Mr Thos. Maughan at Newhouse Newcas. 29 Novr 1770 in Weardale Sir I have fixed your pay to be on Wednesday the 12th of next month so you will take Care to be here on Sunday the 9th to receive your Money on the 10th go home on the 11th & pay it away, as I said before on the 12th. You will all be provided with Arms. I am etc HR PS. Allanheads and Coalcleugh pays will be the 13th PS. wrote the other Stew

Letter – Henry Richmond to File note – 1 Dec 1770

1770 Dec 13 Sent the Lres [Letters] as usual to the Church wdns. of the sevr parishes appointing Monday the 24 inst for the distribution of Sir Wrs. usual Charity.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 2 Dec 1770

Part of Mr Walton Junrs Letter of 2nd December 1770 to Mr Smeaton The Weather has been tollerable last Week.  Monday a fine day - Tuesday Snow and Sleet all day - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday fine - Saturday Cold but fair til about Seven o Clock when it began to rain and continued til past Eleven when I went to my Chamber. This day fine, but promises some kind of Fall before tomorrow morning.  In general the whole Week Colder than Common at this Season.  They have already had mor

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Dec 1770

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in Half Newcas. 3 Decr 1770 Moon Street, Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Last week I was at Wallington receiving your Rents which the Tenants paid up very well Except as usual Geo Tweddle, the Clarks & J Spearman. J Aynsley paid only £20 he has signed a Request that you will release him of the house & farm at Whitsuntide next. I could not get any Accot. of WhiskerShield further tha

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to John Cleaver – 8 Dec 1770

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver 8th Dec. 1770 Sir, As Christmass is now very near & my Lord Carlisle & you have hitherto pay’d your Leadmine workmen at that Time every Year thinks it right to acquaint you that the same time should be observ’d in future, your shair to make Alstonmoor Pays will be £15 and as Immagion Cash in Mr. Atkinson’s hand for your shair of Lead sold may give me an order to draw on him or otherwise as you Please, & as there will be cash wante

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 8 Dec 1770

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 8 Decr. 1770 Sir, As Christmas is now very near & my Lord Carlisle has hitherto Payed his Lead Mine Workmen at that Time every year, I think it right to acquaint you that the same should be observed in futter [future] there being no possibility of geting the Ore smelted before Next Summer the Roads are so very bad that the Bellows which are now at NewCastle cannot be removed from there before April at the soonest. Therefore have given you on the ot

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Dec 1770

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 9th Decemr. 1770 I received your Letters of the 25th and 28th Ult as also the Operation for November and approve of what you propose about the Refining; I think if it had been otherwise settled than you have done it, it would have been wrong. From your Account of the Alteration of the Refinery Wheel every thing turns out exactly right and as Mr Smeaton proposed and must remain so til we see it necessary to alter
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467