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Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 16 Feb 1771

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 16th Feby 1771 Sir, On the 11th Instant my Father wrot you with Stanhope Lead Mine Pay Bills Smelt Mill repair Bill & Alston moor Pay Bills & the Cash Accot between Lord Carlisle & him which were put in your Letters. I hope have received them safe & to Satisfaction I now inclose to receipts from Mr Charles Atkinson One from George Foster one from George Crooks, One from Wm Whitfield which hopes will arrive safe and if you meet with anyt

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 18 Feb 1771

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 18th Febry 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Inclosed is Jos. Lowry’s Agreement for the house at Cambo on behalf of George <Pougfer> , who called upon me on Tuesday last on his return from viewing what was taken for him - he wanted to see the Article, which as he desired I read to him, & asked him if he had any Objection to signing it - he said he had met you on the road & did not inten

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 20 Feb 1771

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 20th Febry 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Inclosed is Mr Forsters Estimate of the several Things required by Mr <Poughfer>: which I received last Night. Mr Peareth desires me to acquaint you that George Newlands, one of the Beadmen of St. Thomas’s Hospital, is so weak that he cannot live many days - PS. we have had three remarkable fine days: & the farmers in dry situations are busy

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 22 Feb 1771

To Richd. Wilson Esqr. Leeds Yorkshire Newcas. 22 Febry 1771 Sir Mr King having this day paid me his Rent I have inclosed herewith sent you two parts of my Accot. of Kenton Rents for Maydy. last. The balance of which is £ 300 . 1 . 8½d & inclosed you have Bell & Cos. bill of Glyn & Co. for that sum, indorsed by me. I have signed one part of the Accot. & you will please to sign the other & return it to me & a

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 23 Feb 1771

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn Newcas. 23rd Febry 1771 London Sir It is likely we shall soon determine on lending the Four Hundred pounds, remitted you in November last, on the Mortgage of an Estate in the County of Durham: as there is now no appearance of the Stocks affording a reasonable Interest for it. I mention this, that in Case I should draw a Bill on you for that Sum at 20 or 25 days date it may be no inconvenience to you to

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 25 Feb 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 25th Febry 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Inclosed is a Copy of Mr Fawcett’s Opinion about pressing the Hospital to a Suit at Law about the Tithe of Wallington. & also an Estimate how much the several Things you have ordered will cost. Mr Fawcett promises his Opinion in a post or Two on the Notice given by the Lessees of Unthank Colliery, Mr Bell is at Berwick receiving t

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Watson – 26 Feb 1771

To Mr Wm. Watson at Sunderland Newcas. 26th Febry 1771 by Durham Sir Mr Maughan was with me this Morning & I have given him money to pay for your ore, finding it the shortest way for us both. I hope you are recovered of your accident & am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 26 Feb 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 26th February 1771 Your Letter of the 21st instant came to my hands on Sunday Evening and I am much concerned at the Acct of Mrs Hilton junr being so poorly but as Mr Joseph wrote to me on 23rd instant and says nothing about this I hope Mrs Hilton may be better again. I would have you close your Accts on the last Saturday of March which will be on the 30th. If you can get all the Ore brought in last year and also the 25 Bings from Blagill Smelted

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 27 Feb 1771

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 27th February 1771 Dear Sir I reced. both your Letters and am obliged to you for the Account you gave me of the Silver not arriving according to my first information. As to the trouble you mention giving me I had none; but am sure you had by my sending advice of the Cake going from Newcastle sooner than it realy did; however you must be kind enough to excuse that, as I realy did not know of its not going agreable to my first intimation til the day be

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Feb 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 27 Febry 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Mr Busby has not had a university Education, nor can I find that his Abilities as a School Master are very Eminent - but he is regular industrious young Man, of a good person & Countenance , his Air and Carriage grave: tho there is an Affectation in him that is disagreeable, & which spoils a good voice and Utterance he otherwise would ha

Letter – William Darwin to Walter Blackett – 1 Mar 1771

Extract from Mr Darwins Lre to Sr Wr. Blackett Greys Inn 1 March 1771 Sir “I have seen Mr Chester who tells me the Deeds for the purchase of the Estate for the Augmentation of Ninebanks Chapel in North[umber]land were sent down on the 29 Janry 1770 Now above a year ago: I think he said to Dr Sharp of Durham, so that the Delay is in the Country & not here,”

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 1 Mar 1771

To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas. 1st March 1771 Sir Sir Walter desires to have one of the Subsisting Leases of a Farm in the Wallington Estate sent to him. So I desire you will let me have Thos. Dobson’s Jos. English’s or any other that is in force, as soon as you can after your arrival from Berwick. I hope you are well & am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Mar 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in Half moon Newcas. 3rd Mar 1771 Street, Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Inclosed is one of the subsisting Leases of Wallington Estate & also Copy of a Case drawn by Mr Fawcett for the Opinion of Council in London whether Notice given by the Lessees of Unthank Colliery will determine the Lease on the 1st Janry next. He sent it me late last night & has not yet given me his own opinion. Mr Bell will go to Hexham

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 5 Mar 1771

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 5 March 1771 Sir I think the meeting you propose to have on the 20 instant with the East hand Wainmen a very proper Measure and hope they will Engage on the Old terms - it has been said that Greenwich Hospital intend to bring their Lead our Way this Year & That perhaps makes Mr Reynoldson suppose the Carriers will be difficult to deal with - if they should be so and should ask an Advance price I t

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 5 Mar 1771

To Mr John Bell at Hexham Abbey Newcas. 5 Mar 1771 Sir Above is a copy of what I received from Sr Wr. Blackett this post; in his Letter he desires you will Enquire into the true State of this Case, & what is the Occasion of the delay of perfecting the purchase: which you know Sir Walter lent Mr Hunter some Money on Account of. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 6 Mar 1771

To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo near Wallington Newcas. 6th March 1771 Sir In a Letter from Sir Wr. Blackett last Night he says Mr Poughfer has been with him about Cambo and that there’s an End of that Matter with him - he gives up any further thought about it. So Sir Walter has sent back the Article signed by Lowry, which is here inclosed and which he would not have remain in force in respect to Lowry so will finish that Matter with him directly. Sir

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 6 Mar 1771

To Mr Thos. Maughan at Newhouse Newcas. 6th March 1771 in Weardale Sir Mr Ricardson of Nunwick near <Penreth> in Cumberland has wrote to Sir Wr. Blackett about a Leadmine called Dryside in Burnhope in Weardale which was leased by you to William Archer Nichs. Walton and John Thompson. Archer had a half Walton & Thompson the other half as he says. And then he goes on telling Sir Walter that “Sometime after th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 7 Mar 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 7th March 1771 I desire youll not make out the Operation til the 6th day of April inclusive which will then take in Six Weeks and I would have the Lead Mill Pay Bill to take in all to that day except you receive any Ore between this and then and I wd have that not even entered in the Operation but included in the Succeeding Operation. There must be a Computation made of what we may expect will be produced by the Litharge Slags and other Slag Hearth Ends

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Jonathan Hilton – 8 Mar 1771

To Messrs. Jona. & Jos. Hilton. Farnacres 8th March 1771 Mr Hiltons As I dont know how soon the Accts of Lead Ore delivered at Langley Mill last year may be wanted by the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital I desire you will no longer delay sending it to me as the Michs. Accounts must certainly be finished now; if they are not I beg you will take every step in your power to get them finished & send them with the above amount of delivery as soon as you can

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 8 Mar 1771

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 8 March 1771 Sir Mr Salkeld has not given me, in his general Account for last Year, the quantities of Lead made from the different sorts of Ore, namely, Allanheads Coalcleugh and Weardale: without I cannot tell how the produce of each has been. I desire you will speak to him to send me such an Account as I need to have. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Mar 1771

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 8th March 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Inclosed is Mr Ricardson’s Letter, which I have wrote to Mr Maughan about; and also Mr Woods Letter which is very Much in favour of Mr Busby. Your 2nd. Letter of Saturday last about him came with your first, so no mention shall be made of what is said in it concerning him. I have sent Mr Ra. Forster Jos. Lowrys Article, with your directions abou

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Mar 1771

To Mr Darwin in Greys Inn London Newcas. 10th March 1771 Sir I have reced your Letter of the 6th inst. inclosing me William Berneys receipt for £500 for the use of Anthy. Wright for the half year’s Intst. due to Sr Ed. Winnington on the 6th of last Month on the Mortgage of Wallington and have given you Credit for the same in our Account and I hope this receipt will be a sufficient discharge to Sir Walter . As to the £400 Trust

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 10 Mar 1771

Part of Postscript of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 10 Mar 1771 to Mr Chr Bell I beg to know by return of Post what Lead is in Hexham and on the Road between the Mill and there and between Hexham & Newburn as near as you can come at it; & I desire youll get all down as fast as possible. If the Dilston and Thornbrough people can give us one day more a piece from Hexham I should like it, but dont desire it without you see it necessary. You may tell the Carriers that unless

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Hilton – 11 Mar 1771

To Mr Joseph Hilton Farnacres 11th March 1771 Dear Joe We intend having the Lead Mill Pay at Hexham on Thursday the 25th of next Month and desire youll give Mr Mulcaster such assistance as he may have Occasion for in preparing the Pay Bill. You are desired to give Notice to Mr Soppett that we shall not be at Alston this Spring Recet & therefore he is to bring or send the Lowbyer Rent to Hexham against Monday or Tuesday the 22nd & 23rd of nex

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 12 Mar 1771

To Mr John Bell at Hexham Abbey Newcas. 12th March 1771 Sir I have a Letter from Sir Walter Blackett to night that he has determined to appoint Mr Busby of Gateshead the Curate at Hexham & hopes the Trustees of the School will agree to chuse him School Master. & as to Mr Orton who was Mr Rumneys Curate Sir Wr. hopes if Mr Busby wants an Usher that Mr Orton & he may settle matters between them - but more of this when we meet as a
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467