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Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Mar 1771

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 8th March 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Inclosed is Mr Ricardson’s Letter, which I have wrote to Mr Maughan about; and also Mr Woods Letter which is very Much in favour of Mr Busby. Your 2nd. Letter of Saturday last about him came with your first, so no mention shall be made of what is said in it concerning him. I have sent Mr Ra. Forster Jos. Lowrys Article, with your directions abou

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 8 Mar 1771

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 8 March 1771 Sir Mr Salkeld has not given me, in his general Account for last Year, the quantities of Lead made from the different sorts of Ore, namely, Allanheads Coalcleugh and Weardale: without I cannot tell how the produce of each has been. I desire you will speak to him to send me such an Account as I need to have. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 10 Mar 1771

Part of Postscript of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 10 Mar 1771 to Mr Chr Bell I beg to know by return of Post what Lead is in Hexham and on the Road between the Mill and there and between Hexham & Newburn as near as you can come at it; & I desire youll get all down as fast as possible. If the Dilston and Thornbrough people can give us one day more a piece from Hexham I should like it, but dont desire it without you see it necessary. You may tell the Carriers that unless

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Mar 1771

To Mr Darwin in Greys Inn London Newcas. 10th March 1771 Sir I have reced your Letter of the 6th inst. inclosing me William Berneys receipt for £500 for the use of Anthy. Wright for the half year’s Intst. due to Sr Ed. Winnington on the 6th of last Month on the Mortgage of Wallington and have given you Credit for the same in our Account and I hope this receipt will be a sufficient discharge to Sir Walter . As to the £400 Trust

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Hilton – 11 Mar 1771

To Mr Joseph Hilton Farnacres 11th March 1771 Dear Joe We intend having the Lead Mill Pay at Hexham on Thursday the 25th of next Month and desire youll give Mr Mulcaster such assistance as he may have Occasion for in preparing the Pay Bill. You are desired to give Notice to Mr Soppett that we shall not be at Alston this Spring Recet & therefore he is to bring or send the Lowbyer Rent to Hexham against Monday or Tuesday the 22nd & 23rd of nex

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 12 Mar 1771

To Mr John Bell at Hexham Abbey Newcas. 12th March 1771 Sir I have a Letter from Sir Walter Blackett to night that he has determined to appoint Mr Busby of Gateshead the Curate at Hexham & hopes the Trustees of the School will agree to chuse him School Master. & as to Mr Orton who was Mr Rumneys Curate Sir Wr. hopes if Mr Busby wants an Usher that Mr Orton & he may settle matters between them - but more of this when we meet as a

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 13 Mar 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 13th March 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir I received your Letter of the 9th about Mr Busby time enough to write last Night to Mr Bell who is at Hexham, to wait upon the Trustees of the School with your Compliments & Recommendation of him. I have seen him this morning & he thankfully accepts your offer of the Curacy, and makes no doubt of succeeding to the School; as he knows, he says, th

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 15 Mar 1771

To Richd. Wilson Esqr. at Leeds - Yorkshire Newcas. 15th March 1771 Sir Mr Robson has returned me my half year’s Rental of your Estates at Kenton for Mayday last, with the Duplicate of it. on Account of the Mistakes that were in it, which I am quite ashamed of. - but the hurry of sending you the Money on the day I received it, which was a busy one with me, has occasioned and must apologise for them. I have rectified & returned the Accot. &

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Mar 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. half Moon Street in Newcas. 15th March 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Inclosed are Copies of what I have received from Mr Maughan in answer to Mr Ricardson’s Charge about Thos. Thompson by which it appears That Thompson had 1/8th in the Grant of the Tack. - that this Tack was nothing more than a memorandum made in your Books without mentioning any length of time - that this Tack has often been forfeited, by not working - t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Mar 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Barot. M.P. Half Moon Street Newcas. 16th March 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir I have received Mr Thurston’s Agreement for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Mines, & shall endeavour to remit Money to Mr Darwin half-yearly for the Composition - for I suppose he will not require the payment quarterly, tho it is so stipulated. this I should know. Mr Bell says he acquainted the Trustees of Hexham School about Mr Busby, as you ordered, bu

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 16 Mar 1771

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn Newcas. 16 March 1771 Sir I think the best Way will be for me to draw upon you for the hundred pounds for Sir Matt. Featherstonehaughs and Sir Thomas Salisburys Subscriptions to Hexham Bridge; being their second & third payments - their first having been placed to Sir Walter Blackett’s Account by you and did not come into my Cash Account but as Sir Walter pleases this should, & it will be useful as I have

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 17 Mar 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 17th. March 1771 I propose making the Lead Carriers Pay on Wednesday the 27th instant of which I desire youll give Notice to all the Carriers immediately. You must bring your Books with you wherein the Carriers acknowledge to be accountable for the Lead they receive and the Books wherein the Tickets and Checks are. As to the Stamp Mill or any other Work that is done before the Lead Mill Pay which does not relate to wh

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 17 Mar 1771

To Mr Chr Bell Farnacres 17 March 1771 Mr Bell The Lead Carriers are to be pd. on the 27th being Wednesday Sennit and I desire youll give Notice to such Carriers as come in your way immediately. I am Your Hble Servt NW Junr PS Pray send the inclosed to Mr Mulcaster tomorrow as he is desired to give publick Notice of the Lead Carriers Pay on Tuesday. If by any means he sh be prevented coming I desire youll give publick Notice

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 19 Mar 1771

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 19th March 1771 Sir, In a Letter to you the 11 Feby Last I inclosed Paybills for Stanhope Burn Lead Mine repairs of the Lead Mill and Alston Moor Mines from Michs 1769 to Michs 1770 with some other Accounts & would be glad to know if you received them as they were put in four Letters in order to save Postage the Grants for Howblagill & a Vein North of Do. Granted by the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital were forfeited by not working the same

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to John Cleaver – 19 Mar 1771

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver 19th March 1771 Sir, In a Letter to you of 11th Feby last I inclosed you a Copy of Greengill & Peatstack Paybill from Michos 1769 to Michos 1770 with some other accounts which I hope you have received the Grants for Howblagill & a vein North of Do. Granted by the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital were forfitted by not Working the same according to custom but the said Commissioners are still willing to revue the said Grants one your or my L

Letter – Henry Richmond to Boreham & Douglas – 21 Mar 1771

To Messrs. Boreham & Douglass in Newcas. 21st March 1771 Berwick upon Tweed Gentlemen Sir Walter Blackett having taken the Opinions of Eminent Council upon the Article signed by you & delivered at Wallington of your Intention of quitting his Colliery at Unthank on the 1st of Janry next bids me acquaint you that he is advised he cannot with Safety accept the Surrender of the Lease therof without the Consent in Writing under t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 22 Mar 1771

To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse Newcas. 22nd March 1771 in Weardale Sir Mr Thurlow, the new Rector of Stanhope, has agreed to take the same Composition for Weardale Tithe Ore that the Bishop of Chester had, and the Articles for that purpose are signed. So there will be no Occasion to make any further distinction between the Ore got before the 22nd Janry last and since, You will take the first Opportunity of acquainting Mr Hunter & Mr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 23 Mar 1771

To Mr Ra. Forster at Cambo near Newcas. 23rd March 1771 Wallington Sir I had a Letter from Sir Walter last Night in which he says “As I told Sir Wm. Loraine when I was in the Country that I gave up the farm into his hands the Sadlers are to make their next payment to him” So you will acquaint Sir William Loraine and them accordingly. And Sir Walter desires you will also acquaint Robt. Lawson of Hudspeth near Elsdon, who ha

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 Mar 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. Half Moon Street Newcas. 23rd March 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir The Trustees of Hexham School have not yet had a Meeting to chuse a Master; but Mr Bell says they intend having One soon, & thinks there is no doubt but they will chuse Mr Busby. Some of them had a notion of postponing the Election and having the School taken care of for the benefit of Mrs Rumney; and thought the Curacy might be managed so too - But Mr Busby

Letter – Henry Richmond to Boreham & Douglas – 26 Mar 1771

To Messrs. Boreham & Douglass in Newcas. 26th March 1771 in Berwick upon Tweed Gentlemen I have your Letter dated 23rd instant, & am sorry to find you so very much misapprehend the meaning of what I wrote you on the 21st instant, By that Letter I acquainted you with the opinions of which Sir Wr. Blackett had taken upon your Notice to him. What was further contained in that Letter was by way of friendly Advice to you, from m

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 26 Mar 1771

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 26th March 1771 Sir Agreeable to your Letter of the 13th instant advising me that you had received Sr. Mw. Featherstonehaugh’s £66 . 13s . 4d & Sir J Salisbury’s £33 . 6s . 8d being the Remainder of their Subscriptions to Hexham Bridge & that you had placed these two Sums amounting to One Hundred pounds to Sir Walter Blacketts Accot. and that he had allowed me to draw upon you for it

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 26 Mar 1771

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas. 26th Mar 1771 Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have drawn a Bill on you for Four Hundred pounds payable to Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co. or Order thirty days after the Date hereof which I desire you will accept & place to Accot. with Sir Walter Blackett. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Mar 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street in Newcas. 27th March 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Mr Gibson cannot recollect your giving Him Judge Gould’s paper about the Laws for apprehending Offenders on the Borders of England and Scotland - I have found the inclosed, which I suppose has been copied from that paper, tho I am not sure of it; as no Minute had been made how I came by it, nor do I recollect what became of the Original. Mr Busby

Letter – Jonathan Sorsbie to Mary Loraine – 27 Mar 1771

Newcastle 27 March 1771 Madam I had last night yours, and I think you seem to be a little out of Humour, upon no consideration let us quarrel, it was certainly so, that I have got 643 p/s of your common lead & 211 P/s of Slagg as I got all the Lead you then at this River, your Mils [acct] the Publick weigher in this Town, and my good Friends in London who got the lead but these Gentlemen I would not trouble on this <acct> unles ther was a nicety for it – together must

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 30 Mar 1771

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 30th March 1771 Dear Sir Your Letter of the 23d instant is now before me. I have this day drawn upon you for £204.19.3 being the amount of 678 1/2 Ounces of Bullion at 6s 1/2d P Ounce. I am etc N W Junr Farnacres 30th March 1771 Sir Ten days after date Pay Messrs Bell Cookson Carr & Co or their Order Two Hundred and four Pounds 19s & 3d. Value reced and place it to Acct as advised by Sir You
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467