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Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 6 Apr 1771

To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn Newcas. 6th April 1771 London Sir Matters being settled about the Loan of the Four Hundred pounds, Trust money which I remitted you in Novr. last & which you then placed to my Credit in the Accot. between us, I have drawn a Bill on you dated this day & payable at Sight, as you allowed me to make it, to Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co. or Order for the said Four

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 9 Apr 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 9th April 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir The inclosed hand Bill was distributed early Yesterday Morning: nevertheless the Guild was neither numerous nor noisy - A Motion was made by Mr Smith the Surgeon & seconded by Captn. Maud, to thank the Lord Mayor of London & Aldern. Oliver: but it was cooly received & their request for the Guild hall refused by the Mayor. but to day they h

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 9 Apr 1771

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 9th April 1771 Sir I hope this Dry Weather will enable you to deliver some Lead from Dukesfield Mill. as soon as it is practicable I would have you deliver first 1000 pieces of Kilhope Ore Lead, then 1000 p[iece]s Allanheads, & then 1000 p[iece]s refined Lead - & you will let 1/10 th part of the first two thousand p[iece]s be Slag. I desire to have your pay as soon as you can & th

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Child – 12 Apr 1771

To Robert Child Esqr Member of Parliament Newcas. 12th April 1771 Temple Bar London Gentlemen Inclosed is Bell Cookson & Cos. bill on Glyn & Hallifax for One hundred pounds which I send you by the Desire of Walter Trevelyan Esqr. to be placed to the Accot of Sir John Trevelyan. You will please to place the same accordingly and advise me of the Receipt of it. I am etc HR £100 . . Newcastle Bank

Letter – Henry Richmond to Adam Sibbitt – 13 Apr 1771

To Mr Adam Sibbitt at Ancroft Greens Newcas. 13th April 1771 to the Care of Mr Anthony Lambert at Tweedmouth Sir I received your Letter of the 8th instant inquiring about Unthank Colliery but as I have not yet rec[eiv]ed Instructions form Sir Wr. Blackett I can say no more at present than that when any thing is determined about her you will be informed of it. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 13 Apr 1771

To Mr Holmes Farnacres 13th April 1771 Dear Sir I this day delivered to the Carrier Fras. Ridley who will arrive in London on the 27th instant a Box contg. 1089 Ounces of Bullion which will I hope arrive Safe. I am etc N W Junr PS Youll Observe part of the sides of the abovementioned Bullion is Soiled which happened just when it was taking off but I hope the Quality of the Silver will not be hurt by this; if it should, we must

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Apr 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 15 April 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir If the Bishop of Durham should dye, it will most probably be Advantagious for you to be near his Successor, to get the Composition for the Lot Ore or Ninth part of the Ore of Weardale Mines, renewed without loss of time: if it can be done upon the Terms you hold the same of the present Bishop; which is £350 a year. You cannot consistently with prudence, g

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Apr 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 16th April 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir Inclosed is Mr Thos. Gills Letter - what I have learnt about him is, that partly from want of Capital and Business , & partly from his Intimacy with Mr Storey the Tanner & others of that Stamp he failed. that since his failure he has behaved well - & while Captn Boves was here was his Clerk - but is now out of bread - & that what he

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 16 Apr 1771

To Mr John Bell at Hexahm Abbey Newcas. 16 April 1771 Sir Sir Walter Blackett says he would have Mrs Rumney continued Tenant of the hall Orchard, if she chuses it, for this year (Only) at the Rent of Thirteen pounds a Year. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 20 Apr 1771

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 20th April 1771 Sir If you have no Objection, & if you think there is time enough to give Notice to all persons concerned, I would wish to have the Mills pay made on Mayday: otherwise it cannot be made till the 15 May as I shall be engaged about other Business. So when you have considered about it you will send me Notice; that I may be at a Certainty. & if you fix on the first of May for the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 21 Apr 1771

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 21st April 1771 Sir I desire to know how there happens to be an Arrear of £26 . 5s . 0d due from Jos Angus the Tenant of Woodcroft ; when I desired you to take Care that all that was due from him to Sir Walter Blackett might be secured in time. while we had power under the Deed of Sale of T Estate to secure it. I desire your Answer, for I doubt Mr Ward will not easily allow you to distrain if necess

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 23 Apr 1771

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin - Grays Inn Newcas. 23rd April 1771 London Sir I received your Letter, by this post, dated 20th instant; inclosing me Sir Walter Blacketts bill on me for the Sum of One hundred pounds dated 20th instant & payable to you or Order, which you have endorsed as having received the contents & therefore have placed it to your Credit, in the Accot. between Us, thinking it best to register it there. And to Balance it I ha

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Apr 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. in half Moon Street Newcas. 24th April 1771 Piccadilly, London Honrd. Sir The pay for the Lead Mills amounts to £5156 . 4s . 0½d and is to be made on the 1st of next Month & I am now busy in getting the Accots. and the Money ready for it. And the Rent day at Wallington will be the Monday following. After these Affairs are over I will make out such a State of the Case as you direct about the Compositions & the Lea

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 3 May 1771

To Richard Wilson Esqr. in Leeds Newcas. 3rd May 1771 Yorkshire Sir Mr Joseph King being afraid that the Chimney at the End of his dwelling house will fall very soon, as the Rent from the Gable increases, has employed Mr Robt. Grey, one of our Ma[ste]r Builders here, to view and estimate the Charge of taking down and rebuilding the Same. Mr King being very pressing for the repair to be made immediately, I have sent you on the oth

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 4 May 1771

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 4th May 1771 Sir We beg leave to acquaint you that we have this day Drawn upon you at ten days after Date payable to Messrs Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington and Saint or their Order £328.19.4 being for 1089 Ounces of Silver at 6s 1/2d. Respecting the fixing the price of the Silver we are very agreable that it should be as on the day of its arrival in Town; and indeed we always ourselves took that for Granted but as you say

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 7 May 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 7th May 1771 We reced your Letter of the 1st instant wth. the several Inclosures all Safe. Cowhill Cross Vein Lead No 1 Assay 7 oz 15 Dwt 13 8/10 Gns pr fodder No 2 do 6 13 12 6/10 which is very well worth Refining but at the present price of Lead the Black Slag will not answer however there is no hurry about it and in case Lead should fall it will do to Refine amongst the Refineable Slag from the Grey Slags you will therefore take care to let us know s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 10 May 1771

Extract from Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 10th May 1771 to John Ibbetson Esq. In obedience to the Boards order of the 1st Decr. last requiring an Account of the Produce and expenditure at Langley Lead Mill from the commencement of the Work to that time distinguishing the several Articles therein particularly mentioned we beg leave to lay before the Board the Inclosed Account; which we have taken the liberty to make out to the 6th Ult. for the following reasons; that on the 1

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 10 May 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 10th May 1771   We have this day received your Letter of the 7th inst including Two Assays of Lead from which the last Cake of Bullion was extracted as also a Paper showing the produce of the Litharge In point of Weight compared with the Lead Refined and we desire youll make another Tryal of the same kind. With regard to the Litharge Slags as it appears the difference in produce in favor of the Hearth is not considerable that our Bellows may be ha

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 14 May 1771

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 17th May 1771 Dear Sir This Weeks London Carrier brings you 433 1/4 Ounces of Bullion which will we hope arrive Safe on the 1st of June. Youll observe the Weight of the several pieces is marked on the back of each with Ink as we could not get a set of Stamp figures in Newcastle; if you find it answers in the way we shall continue to do it in the same manner but in case it does not youll be so good as furnish us with a set of figures and we

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 18 May 1771

To Richard Wilson Esqr. at Leeds Newcas. 18th May 1771 Yorkshire Sir Mr King is not ready with his Rent, nor can promise to pay it sooner than two Months. So I have sent you Bell Cookson & Cos. bill on Glyn & Hallifax for three hundred & fifty pounds on Account of what I have received of your other Tenants. The Bill is payable at one Month from this day and you will please to advise me of your receipt of it. The d

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Charnley – 19 May 1771

To Mr Wm Charnley Farnacres 19th May 1771 Dear Sir I desire youll order to be got ready with all convenient dispatch a Book Bound in rough Calf & ruled as the sheet sent herewith and that youll send it by the Hexham Carrier John Corbett on Friday directed to Mr Mulcaster at Langley Lead Mill to the care of Mr Chrisr. Bell in Hexham. I am Dr Sir yr ser. NW Jr. PS. The above Book must contain 2 Quires of your best English Fools cap.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 19 May 1771

To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 19th May 1771 Mr Mulcaster The Bullion came Safe and its Weight was 433 1/4 Ounces, not 434 1/2, so youll observe go make it agree with the real weight when you make out the Operation. Your Letter of the 15 inst I received last Night and have given directions for a Book agreeable to your desire and conformable to the precedent sent one. On further considering about the Refining the Black Slag I think it will be right to refine it

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 20 May 1771

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 20th May 1771 Sir Inclosed is Sir Walter’s Bond to Mrs Gordon for Two Thousand five hundred pounds executed this day. & also Sir Walter’s Order upon the Accountant of the Free British Fishery for Three hundred & Seventy pounds ten Shillings for <9 & ½> years dividend due 22nd Ulto. Sir Walter desires you will lay out Two Thousand pounds of the Money to be received on the Bond to

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 21 May 1771

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 21st May 1771 Sir, As I was in want of Money to pay for some waste Ore raised at Old Greengill & also would in a few Days want Cash towards supporting my Lords Workmen in Alston Moor, I made free to take Thirty Pounds of Mr Ramshay of Naward as you wrot in your Letter that I might get what Cash I wanted from Mr Ramshay or draw on you; the Bellows were got to Stanhope the 6th Instant & we are now beginning to smelt & as the smelt mill and B

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 23 May 1771

To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse Newcas. 23rd May 1771 In Weardale Sir I hear so bad an Accot. of the Bishop of Durhams Health & the probability appears so great that we shall in a little time hear of his Death, that I cannot help repeating to you my desire that, to prevent any Altercation, you will order all the ore to be drawn to the day, from time to time, as soon as possible, after it is severed from the Vein - & tha
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467