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Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 19 Aug 1676

Mr Hen Nelthorpe Newcastle Aug[us]t the 19th 1676 Sir At yo[u]r leasure bee pleased to send mee my Account Currant; And the Sooner that you send itt the more you will oblidge M:B:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Theodore Jacobson – 19 Aug 1676

Mr Theadore Jacobson Ditto [Newcastle 19 August 1676] Sir This is to give you notice that Shippes Guedeperes is well arrived In this River who delivered mee yo[u]r letter of the p[ri]mo present accordinge to yo[u]r Order thereby shall furnish him w[i]th a Loadinge of good Coales And Reimbursse my selfe upon you w[he]n needfull; for the Cost and Chardges thereof; I have noe more to Enlardge upon Save onely to Advise you That next Post I hope to send you the Invoyce of £5 Shepper Pells

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Blackett – 22 Aug 1676

Brother Edw[ar]d Newcastle Aug[us]t the 22d: 1676 I Rec[eive]d In due time yo[u]rs of the 18th present; the Inclosed for Arnold Burdett shall God willinge send forward p[er] very first oppertunity ~ I doe Continue my resolution of being att Billingham God spareinge mee health and life the 26th present and upon the 28th I shall expect yo[u]r Compa[ny]; where I am very certayne you will bee a Welcome Guest ~ I have one Standinge by mee who desires to bee remembered

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 22 Aug 1676

Honest Unckle Eden Newcastle Aug[us]t the 22d: 1676 I can Informe you of noe Newes; Butt that you may here att Stockton; Nor have I any business to imp[ar]te unto you worth the Postidge; Save onely to Inquier after all yo[u]r well faire; for further businesse of concernem[en]t shall omitt till meetinge; Intendinge God willinge to give you a visitt Saturday next the 26th present and my Brother Edward will meete mee there the 28th beinge p[er] Monday after <as> hee hath promised me

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Wells – 22 Aug 1676

Mr Jno: Wells Ditto [Newcastle 22 August 1676] Sir I thank you for yo[u]rs of the 19th for Answer unto w[hi]ch send mee w[ha]t Billes you will or can att 10/d [days] date or 10/d [days] Sight I will accept of them; but if you cannott draw att that Sight yo[u]r Billes are nott for my use ~ Leed £11 p[er] fudder of 21Cwt Rye 3S Oates 15d Malt 2S 2d Beanes 2S w[ha]t Pease 2S 8d p[er] Bues [Bushell] I am Sir M:B:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 22 Aug 1676

M[esseu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle Aug[us]t the 22d 1676 Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 17th w[hi]ch requieringe little Answer; will Cause Brevity this is onely for Covert to the Inclosed bill of £190 upon Mr Claude Hayes of w[hi]ch I pray p[ro]cure the needfull w[he]n due ~ Sir I pray bee pleased to buy mee and send p[er] first oppertunity of Shippinge a Silver Server as wee call itt in English w[hi]ch is a thinge to serve Sweete Meates upon; yo[u]

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 22 Aug 1676

Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto [Newcastle August 22 1676] Sir My last to you was of the 18th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eived] yo[u]rs of the 18th ditto w[i]th an Account of my 300 p[iec]es Leed p[er] Edward Alderson as allsoe a Bill for £190: upon Claude Hays London; both w[hi]ch is booked In Conformity w[i]th you; I take notice because I am afraid you remittance my money att 21/u [usance] I hope yo[u]r next will bee at 3 usance but all is well; Sir you have noe

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Blackett – 25 Aug 1676

Broth: Ed: Ditto [Newcastle 25 August 1676] I writt you p[er] last Post that my Intention was to bee att Billingham God p[er]mittinge health upon the 26th beinge tomorrow And my hopes are to see you there on Monday the 28th Instant accordinge to yo[u]r p[ro]misse noe News but that my Bother W[illia]m and W[illia]m Creagh are come home As also the 2 Ladyes I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 25 Aug 1676

Mr Cha: & Jam: Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 25 August 1676] Sirs my last to you was of the 18th present to w[hi]ch Referrs you Since none from you soe the less to Inlarge upon; none will offer mee above £7 p[er] last for yo[u]r Tarr soe I am Resolved to keepe itt until yo[u]r Advice come For yo[u]r Planke And Timber yett none hath offered mee one Farthinge Chapman I hope will come att last of w[ha]t Passes you shall God willinge have Punctuall advice from Sir MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nathaniel Smith – 25 Aug 1676

Mr Nath: Smith: Ditto [Newcastle 25 August 1676] Sir The last weeke I findinge a Good oppertunity I sent for a Boate full of yo[u]r pap[er; w[hi]ch I now have In my handes beinge 130 Reame besides the 9 bottles of Oyle one where of I doe accept off, Givinge you many thankes for the same; the other <8th> being none of the very best I sold for 16S w[hi]ch <was> all I could p[ro]cure; For yo[u]r Pap[er] I can nott meete w[it]h Chapman as yett but hopes shall doe itt shortly

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 25 Aug 1676

M[esseu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle Aug[us]t the 25th 1676 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 19th present; I hope the Bill of £50 upon Ben Smart is payd you ere this if nott Immediately Returne mee the Bill ~ W[he]n James Renwicke Arrives I shall demand the 4 Petty-Coates; the Charge w[hi]ch you have beene att about dyinge the same I have placed to yo[u]r Creditt ~ Pray take notice I have this day vallued upon you £100 payable 14/d [days] Sight

Letter – Michael Blackett to Theodore Jacobson – 26 Aug 1676

Mr Theadore Jacobson Newcastle Aug[us]t the 26th 1676 Inclosed you have the Invoyce of Jasper Shuttlepote his <Lon..> amountinge unto With £3: p[ai]d the Ma[ste]r as p[er] his InclosedReceipt £50:0:10 w[hi]ch Sumed Accordinge to yo[u]r Order have this day vallued upon you payable 10 dayes after date to Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] or Order w[hi]ch pray lett be Complyed w[i]th all; And wherein you Judge mee further Able to Serve you upon all Accounts pray freely dispose of him t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 26 Aug 1676

M[esseu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 26 August 1676] Sirs Inclosed is a Bill for £58:8:10 of w[hi]ch I pray p[ro]cure the needfull I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 26 Aug 1676

Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto [Newcastle 26 August 1676] Sir My last to you was of the 22th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 25 ditto w[i]th a bill of £75 upon Mr Ben Durant of this place; If you were to Study my last; you could nott proceed better then you doe; the perfect Exchange I suppose you thinke is So favourable because it be butt 13½ p[er]% [percent] losse That you will send mee Billes whereby I loose 2 p[er]% [percent] more for Sir is th

Letter – John Rushworth to William Blackett – 31 Aug 1676

Sr, Within these 3 dayes some have been with mee, one relating to the Lord Chancellor the other to the Attorney Genl to know when the Coales would come which the Towne supplyed them withal the last sumer. You see what expectation there is, what was then done was by consent of your sergeants at law. Wee may perhaps stand in need of a Friend at Councill Table and none will be more our Friend then the Lord Chancellor, nor none to plead for us like the Atturney General but doe what you will a Frie

Letter – Daniel Collingwood to Henry Cavendish – 1 Sep 1676

My Lord, Sr William Blackett was with me to desire me to give your Lordsp the satisfaction that the lead which my Lord Widdrington bought of him was imployed for the covering of the Holy island Fort, and that the King ordred the monyes to be payed me & I upon the request of my Lord Widdrington payed it to Mr Winlow a Marchant in Berwick who payed it to my Lord afterwards as he says I am Your Lordships most humble servt Dan Collingwood [annotated on verso:] Mr Daniell Collingwoo

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 1 Sep 1676

Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle 7ber [September] 1mo [primo – 1st] 1676 Sirs I have before mee both yo[u]rs of the 22d and 26th present [past?] for Answer unto w[hi]ch may please take notice that In the first place I have delivered yo[u]r Inclosed to young Mr Ellison whose Christian name is John~ <Renwijeke> [Renwicke] nott yett arrived; when hee doth I shall take care to demand of him the Small box; and advise you In due time how all proves; but I quest

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 8 Sep 1676

Edenbrugh 8th Sept 1676 Recaved then of Sr James Standsfeilds in full for his part concern in the charges expended by me in working the Lead Mines of Glen Lyon, the some off fiftien pound sterlinge . I say recd £15: stg by me Wm Blackett

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 9 Sep 1676

1676 Sr James Standsfeild his acct for Wanlock head Lead Mines Debitt For your three quarter part of the Charges expended from the begining till this present day 9 September 1676 as per particulars given & now sent £310. 4.3 Credit Pr monyes received by me & by my order of Sr James as per acct stated with Sr James wch comes to £243:11:7d From which deduct £4 ster: don Sr James Govd as

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 9 Sep 1676

1676 Disbursed by mee Wm Blackett for Driving the leed mines att Wanlock head for Sr James Standsfield ¾ parts & my selfe ¼ part, I say paid out att severall times as followeth £ ster s d 167<5> May 27 For disbursed til that day as p the particulars given Sr Ja S 283 5 10 June 13 For 12 bars of iron bought of George Galbraith qt 36 stone 9lb At 2s 4d 4 0 8 For 30 dailes of Capt Dick

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 9 Sep 1676

Mr Ed: Willett Ditto Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs acceptable Lines of the 11th present for answer unto w[hi]ch may please take notice; that all yo[u]r complem[en]ts I shall Answer w[i]th Silence; you know I am noe French Man; bit In playne English w[ha]t Entertaynement you Rec[eive]d here from my hands was neither accordinge to yo[u]r deserts nor nott soe much worth as thankes ~ I am Endeavouringe to send you a Vessell or two w[i]th Coales w[hi]ch I hope to gett effected

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 9 Sep 1676

M[esseu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto Sirs Inclosed is a Small Bill of w[hi]ch I pray procure the needfull and make ready against next Post; to accept my Bill for £50 or £100; you see how bold I make w[i]th you I am Sure I spare you nott I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 9 Sep 1676

Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto Sir My last to you was of the 26th Aug[us]t To w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 8th present; have observed the Contents thereof, but shall say very little to itt att present onely I will say itt over againe and <Insiste> <itt> w[he]n I have done; that same Matte of the last p[ar]cell of one you sent mee was 6 Gilders better then other some Mattes; And noe disaster happened to any of them In the least; worth Speakinge of but e

Letter – Michael Blackett – 9 Sep 1676

In you will have some of myne In your handes; for pray as itt doth come In be remittinge me, hopeing ere this come to hand; you will be In Cash, and that allonge w[i]th the answer hereof; you will remitt mee some; w[hi]ch I pray you doe; And as much as you cann, or are In Cash; I am seekinge oppertunity for the sending you more Leed w[he]n yo[u]r Markett gives Encuradgem[en]t; for either Leed or Coales; Grindstones or any other Comodity thos Kingdome affoards; doe but be pleased to advise mee; A

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Ward – 9 Sep 1676

Mr James Warde Ditto Sir Inclosed is a bill for the £10:10 w[hi]ch I Rec[eive]d of W[illia]m Leacke upon yo[u]r account S[ai]d Leacke is att present In this River unloadinge from Norway; If you will have mee to Speake to him; upon any businesse; upon yo[u]r Answer itt shall bee done; And wherein I may bee thought Capaple [capable] of Serveinge you upon all occations pray freely dispose of him that is Realy MB:
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467