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Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 20 Aug 1771

To Mr John Grey Attorney at Law Newcas. 20 Augst. 1771 Berwick upon Tweed Sir The Road from Scrammerston etc through Unthank and Middle Ord & West Ord into Scotland was always represented by the late Mr Wm. Robson Mr Geo: Douglass and others as a private Road; & consistently with that Notion Sir Walter Blackett covenanted with his Lessees of Unthank Colliery to repair the same - but those Lessees having now other Objects

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 23 Aug 1771

To Mr John Bell at Hexham Abbey Newcas. 23th Augst. 1771 Sir Inclosed is my receipt for the half years int[eres]t due to me from Mr White, which I am obliged to you for receiving for me. Sir Walter will not come to Hexham to morrow; intending to go to Alnwick on Sunday. if I hear any Thing further to night, when he returns from Seaton Delaval, I will add a postscript, or write you by the Coach tomorrow. Sir Walter has subscribed

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 26 Aug 1771

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 26th Augst. 1771 Sir I have received by the Hexham Carrier the box Containing the two pieces of Silver from Dukesfield refinery. The Weight of one piece is five hundred & thirty eight Ounces & the other Seven hundred & fifty Ounces & a half. The Killhope Lead will not bear refining at the price which Lead is now sold at - so you may send it or Comon just as you please with respect

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 29 Aug 1771

To Mr Holmes Farnacres 29th August 1771 Dear Sir I have this day drawn upon you for £217.5.6 being the Amount of 719 1/4 Ounces of Bullion at 6s1/2d P Ounce. The Bullion being cut into so many pieces will I doubt make it more difficult to Pack, so as to prevent its moving than before but we will take care to pack what comes in future, better than that last sent for I observed it was very loose in the Box which was too large for it. I have been very poorly for some

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 30 Aug 1771

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 30th Augst. 1771 in Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have this day sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier, three pieces of fine Silver Bullion containing nineteen hundred and seven ounces & a half which I desire you will place to Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett Bt. as usual at the Market price & advise me on your receipt of them. I am etc HR a p[iec]e q[

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ramsay Lawrie & Paxton – 2 Sep 1771

Newcas. 2nd Septr. 1771 Same day - Wrote to Messrs Ramsay Lawrie & T & J Paxton in above form exactly under direction to Jno. Lawrie Merch[an]t in Tweedmouth.

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Archbold – 2 Sep 1771

To Mr Will. Archbold at West Ord Newcas. 2nd Septr. 1771 near Berwick Sir I have laid before Sir Walter Blackett the several proposals sent me for a Lease of his Fisheries in the Tweed; in pursuance of the Advertisement in the Newspapers, & Sir Walter bids me write you that another proposal being equal to yours it is necessary some addition should be made to each, that he may determine which to accept. And further as each of you

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Sep 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 9th September 1771 Your Letters of 7th August and 2d & 5th instant are now before me and I wish much to have a Tryal made of Mr Tweddells sort of Coals you mention in the former of those Letters and that as soon as your convenience can admit of it. I am glad to find your produce so good last Operation and hope it will continue to be as good in future, and have no doubt of your best endeavours to that end, though we cannot always expect it I se

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Ions – 9 Sep 1771

To Mr Thomas Ions Monday Night Mr Ions I desire youll call upon me here tomorrow Evening (Tuesday) with an Acct of the Number of Pigs of Greenwich Hospital Lead that have been delivered at Newburn since the last Lead Carriers Pay was made in which Number you must include the Lead which you found amongst the Sand, three pieces as I remember. You must not fail letting me have this Account tomorrow as I shall not wait upon the Gentlemen at the Audit til I get it. If you could se

Lease – John Egerton to Walter Blackett – 10 Sep 1771

Memorandum That on this tenth day of September in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy one It is agreed between the Right Reverend John Lord Bishop of Durham of the one part and Sir Walter Blackett Baronet of the other part that the said Lord Bishop Doth hereby demise and let to the said Sir Walter Blackett the Lot Ore or the Ninth part of all the Lead Ore raised within the Parishes of Stanhope and Wolsingham in the County Palatine of Durham from the Ninth day of June last

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 11 Sep 1771

To Mr Darwin - Greys Inn Newcas. 11th Septemr 1771 London Sir I received your Letter of the 7th instant inclosing me Anthy. Wrights receipt for £500 for the ½ years intrest due from Sir Wr. Blackett to Sir Edw. Winnington on the Mortgage of Wallington on 6 Augst. last and have given you Credit for that Sum in the Account between us. And inclosed I return you the Duplicate of that Account signed by me; having rec

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ramsay Lawrie & Paxton – 13 Sep 1771

Newcas. 13th Septr 1771 Same day - Wrote to Messrs Ramsay Lawrie & T & J Paxton in above form under direction to Mr John Lawrie Merch[an]t in Tweedmouth.

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Archbold – 13 Sep 1771

To Mr William Archbold at West Ord Newcas. 13th Septr. 1771 near Berwick upon Tweed Sir Sir Walter Blackett has received your proposal dated 30 Augst. & your Additional One dated 5th instant by which you propose to give him £430 . 10s . 0d a Year for his Fisheries in the River Tweed which he accepts and has given directions this post to Mr John Grey Attorney in Berwick to draw a Memorandum according to the terms of your proposals

Letter – Henry Richmond to Douglas Lambert & Foster – 13 Sep 1771

To Messrs. Douglass Lambert & Forster Newcas. 13th Septr 1771 under direction to Geo Douglass in Berwick Gentn. Sir Walter Blackett bids me acquaint you that he rec[eiv]ed the proposal you sent to me for a Lease of his Fisheries in the River Tweed But that he having received one more advantagious than yours he has accepted It. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 13 Sep 1771

To Mr John Grey Attorney at Law Newcas. 13th Septr 1771 in Berwick upon Tweed Sir Mr William Archbold of West Ord has offered Sir Walter Blackett Four hundred & thirty pounds Ten Shillings a Year for his Fisheries in the River Tweed call’d high & Low Bells with Needle Eye & White Sands together with the little close in which R Seyths house stands, & has proposed Messrs. John Berry & Wm. Atkinson of Tweedmouth a

Letter – Henry Richmond to Adam Sibbitt – 14 Sep 1771

To Mr Adam Sibbitt - Ancroft Greens Newcas. 14th Sepr 1771 To the Care of Mr Anthy. Lambert at Tweedmouth Sir Sir Walter Blacketts Colliery at Unthank being to be let against the first of Janry next, I acquaint you of it according to your desire in your Letter of the 8 of April last; wherein you said you would be glad to treat about her when at Liberty. If you continue to have any Thoughts of taking this Colliery I am ready to recei

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 16 Sep 1771

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 16th September 1771 Dear Sir On the Sixth inst I delivered a Box of Bullion to the Carrier containing 717 Ozs 10 dwt which will I hope come safe to your hands on Saturday first. The particular Weight of each piece you have as below; but as I sometimes find it difficult to get all the pieces Weighed Separate, without losing a Weeks Carriage & as you say in your Letter of the 19th Ult that there is no need of sending the particular Weights, but on

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Sep 1771

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn Newcas. 17th Sepr 1771 London Sir Sir Walter Blackett has no Occasion to furnish any Scales or triangles or any other Weights & Measures for Hexham than those ordered in my Letter of 6th Augst. last. however as the Weights and Measures you mention will not I suppose be any great Addition to the Expence you may order those but not the Scales and Triangles. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Douglas Lambert & Foster – 19 Sep 1771

To Messrs Douglass Lambert & Forster Newcas. 19th Septr 1771 In Berwick Gentn. I desire you will pay Mr John Grey Twenty two pounds ten Shillings being Sir Wr. Blacketts proportion at one shilling & threepence in the pound of the Sum remaining unpaid of the Charge of obtaining the Act for the Improvement of the Fisheries in the Tweed. Take Mr Greys receipt on this Order & Sir Wr. Blackett will allow you the same in your A

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 19 Sep 1771

To Mr John Grey In Berwick upon Tweed Newcas. 19th Septr 1771 Sir I received your Letters of the 13 & 14 instant & in Answer to the former I have sent you an Order on the other Side for Messrs. Douglass Lambert & Forster to pay you Twenty two pounds ten shillings, which you say is Sir Wr. Blackett’s proportion at one shilling & threepence in the pound, of the Sum remaining unpaid of the Charge of obtaining the Act for the I

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Brooks – 20 Sep 1771

To Mr George Brooks at the Bishop of Durhams Newcas. 20th Septr 1771 Palace - at Bishop Auckland Sir I received your Letter wherein you mention that Ten Guineas was paid Mr Halhead on Acco[un]t of the Agreem[en]t for the Lot Ore & hope Sir Wr. Blackett will pay you the Same. I have looked back into my Acco[un]t & & find you are right & shall very readily pay you that Sum & the fees for inrolling the Lease of the inclosures t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 20 Sep 1771

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 20th Septr. 1771 In Foster Lane London Gentlemen Inclosed are two Copies of your Account with Sir Walter Blackett; one of which I have signed & if you find them right you will please to sign the other & return it to. Etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 20 Sep 1771

To Richard Wilson Esqr. at Leeds Newcas. 20th Sepr 1771 Yorkshire Sir Mr King paid me his half Year’s Rent yesterday; and inclosed are two Copies of my Account of Kenton Rents for the half Year Ending at Martin[ma]s last, the balance whereof is Two hundred & seventy three pounds ten Shillings & Eleven pence: for which Sum I have sent you inclosed Bell & Cos. bill on Glyn & Co indorsed to you or orde

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 22 Sep 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 22d September 1771 We have reced your Letter of the 15th inst & deserve it's Contents. With regard to Mr Tweddle's Coals we do not see any great hurry at all necessary and therefore youll not do any thing further about them til we see you or give you some other directions. It will certainly be proper to use the Coals which Nich. Temperley gets us for Reducing for that purpose only. If Old Cowslitts Ore proves as by for

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 26 Sep 1771

To Mr John Grey Attorney at Law Newcas. 26 Sepr 1771 In Berwick upon Tweed Sir Inclosed I return you the Agreement for the Fisheries signed by Sir Wr. Blackett; which you will please to give to Mr Archbold & partners. I am etc HR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467