To Mr Thos. Emerson Headlam Newcas. 20th Novr. 1771
Sir Sir Walter Blackett is told that the Ferry Boat at Sudwick, near Sunderland is well contrived and of good Accommodation: & therefore would be obliged to You if you could before you go to Hexham, send a person, you have a good opinion of, to take the Dimensions & make a Draft & Estimate of the Charge of Building such a Boat; & that you will Place the Expence of doing
To Mr Alvey Darwin Newcas. 23rd Novr. 1771
Greys Inn London
Sir Sir Wr. Blackett is so hurried that he desires me to write you in Answer to what you say about Mr Cooksons wanting his £100 that he would have it raised out of the India bonds he purchased in May last & desires you will send him a proper instrument for the sale of so much of them & then Mr Cookson may have his Money as soon as he pleases or his occasions req
The Govrs of Greenwich Hospital Newcastle November 25th 1771
Bought of I Baker and Company
12 Barrs Square Iron 6.3.26 at 20/s £6 19 7 1/2
The Governors of Greenwich Hospital Newcastle November 25th 1771
Bought of Willm Nesbitt
1 Bundle strong Hoops 0.3.26 at 22s/ £1 1 7
1 Do. Nail Rods 2. - at 21/ 10 6
1 12 1
To Mr Ralph Heron Attorney at Law Newcas. the 30th Novr. 1771
In Hexham
Sir Yesterday I received the Articles for the building Hexham Bridge dated 28th July 1767; which you sent me for Sir Walter Blackett: & I have this Morning delivered the same to him.
Sir Walter tells me you gave him the paper dated paris 24th Octo[be]r 1770 respecting the said Bridge & therefore I here inclose you your Letter advising the r
To Messrs. Boreham & Douglass In Newcas. 6th Decemr 1771
Berwick upon Tweed
Gentn. Mr William Brown proposes to be at Tweedmouth on Tuesday Evening the 31st instant, & desires you will against that time have the Water down & the Shafts & other parts of the Colliery in such Condition that he may be able to make a view of the same. & also that you will have the Fire Engine in such repair that he may be a
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 6th December 1771
Dear Sir
I reced your Letter of the 23rd Ult and have this day drawn upon you for £183.1.3 being the amount of 606 Ounces of Bullion at 6s 1/2d P Ounce. I am Dear Sir
Your most Hble Servt
N W Junr
PS. I expect soon to send you another Cake of Bullion.
Farnacres 6th December 1771
Sir Ten Days after date Pay Messrs Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Saint or their O
To Mr John Salter Farnacres 6th December 1771
Dear Sir
Some time ago it was usual for the Receivers of the Derwentwater Estate to make presents of Mustard to the Brother Officers but on account of the badness of the manufacture that was dropped our old friend at Greenwich Mr John Maule has however often reminded us of their want of Mustard. It now happens that a new Manufacturer of this Comodity is begun at Hexham at which they so far excel their neighbours that they have a gre
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 6th December 1771
Your Letters of 22d & 29th Ult are now before me in answer to which this is to acquaint you that I think it will be proper to leave a Blank in every operation paper for the Weight of the Bullion til it is Weighed here and then it may be filled up with the proper Weight. The Operation Papers to the 26th October last will now all agree. I am glad you think there might yet be an advantage by drying the Coals... moderation is good you see
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie Alston 7th Decr. 1771
The above is a Copy of what I wrot you the 15th of Last Month & as I think you would ceartainly before now have Answered it had it reached your Hand & having received no Answer I have sent his by a Differant conveyance where I shall be sure of your receiving it. Therefore I once more earnestly beg an Answer, all the Leases in Alston Moor make a Pay once or twice every Year & I should really be sorey of Lord Carlis
To Mr Wm Westgarth at Coalcleugh Newcas. 8th Decr. 1771
I am sorry you have had so severe a fit of Illness but glad you are now better. Your not being able to at the time appointed to settle your Account will be inconvenient – however as there is no difference between the draught you sent & my Acct. but in Reay & westgarths & Jonan Kitsons Articles for Candles (each of which are only 149.5.0 instead of £150 4s 6d) if you alter the
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 9th Decemr. 1771
Sir Walter desires you will buy for him as soon as you can at any of the stationers where you can meet with it, a Book entitled the History of London Bridge printed about the year 1750 - there are two editions of it in Octavo, but he wants the larger one which is most likely the later publication & he desires you will send it by the Fly Coach directed to him - I believe the Coach
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 10th December 1771
I received your Letter of the 10th inst inclosing the Operation for last Month which so far as I can judge is quite right in every respect.
In my last I desired you might not do anything til you came here, as to the Walling the Shaft but if there should be any inconvenience in not getting it done immediately I would have you proceed and you may take any Stones you can get at the old Peat House. I desire none of Dilston old Wood m
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 12th Decemr 1771
Dear Sir
On Saturday the 7th instant we delivered to the London Carrier a Box containing 720 3/4 Ounces of Bullion in Nine Pieces, two small ones, which we doubt not you will receive safe on Saturday the 20th instant and are Dear Sir
Your most Hble Servts
Walton & Smeaton
PS Mr Walton Senr is the bearer hereof.
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 13th December 1771
The Evening after I wrote you last viz the 10th inst I reced your Letter of the 9th and think it will be proper to agree wth John Davidson to do the Work, upon the Terms you mention as I realy think the price is, tho sufficient, not too much to have all finished as it ought to be; and I desire youll lose no time in getting an Agreement made for there will certainly be a scarcity of Workmen on Account of the great damages by the Flood. I
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie Alston 13th Decr. 1771
Your esteem’d Favour of 5th Instant is rec’d. I have this Day drawn on you, a Copy of the Bill belaw which I hope you will except my Son goes this Day to NewCastle to get Cash for it as allso to consult Mr Atkinson about the disposal of the Lead unsold so soon as he returns & the Pays made will write more Particularly.
Alston 13th Decr 1771
£300 One Month after date please top Pay Mr. Jos. Hilton or Order Thr
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver 13th of Decr. 1774
Dear Sir,
It always before last year was customary to make the Greengill Pay before Christmass the workmen expect it but I expected to have seen you before now and especially as you told my Son at Newcastle that you would see me before you left Cumberland I put of writing till I heard of your living this County, I therefore send this to acquaint you that your shair of Greengill & Howblagill will be £110 Mr. Atkinson sa
To Richard Wilson Esq at Leeds Newcas. 13th Decemr. 1771
Inclosed is Bell & Cos bill on Glyn & Co for Three hundred pounds: payable 30 days after this date and endorsed to you. I send you this Bill inpart of the Rents I have received from your Kenton Tenents – for as Mr King is not ready with his rent, tis better I should remit this Sum into your hands than keep it in mine waiting his Motions. You will please to ad
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 27th December 1771.
Dear Sir
I reced the favor of your Letter of the 21st instant and have this day drawn upon you for Two Hundred and Fifteen Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Six Pence being the amount of 720 3/4 Ounces of Bullion at 6s 1/2 d P Oz after deducting £1.15 for the Gun Powder which you have been so kind as pay Mr <Belland> for.
By this Weeks Carrier we send you a Box containing 488 Ounces of Bullion in five large & Three
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 30 Decemr 1771
The Bullion including the 12 Ounce piece weighed just 488 Ounces so you will enter it all in the Blank for Operation ending the 28th December inst. I shall be glad to hear you got well home & am
Your Hble Servt
N W Junr
PS You said nothing about the Plate of Iron for the Bellows instead of Lead and I quite forgot it myself but I dare say you understand how it is to be fixed so as to admit of Wedging.
To Mr James Hebdin Clerk to Newcas. 30th Decr. 1771
Richd Wilson Esq ... Leeds ... Yorkshire
On the 13th instant I sent a Bill for £300 of which the above is a Copy, [see letter of same date to Richard Wilson] by the post directed to Richd Wilson Esq Leeds, Yorkshire on Account of his Kenton Rents and desired he would advise the receipt of it, but have not yet been favoured with a Letter about it—so that I do not know wh
To Richard Wilson Esq at Leeds Newcas. 30th Decr. 1771
On the 13th instant I sent you a Bill for Three hundred pounds on Account of your Kenton Rents; of which the above is a Copy: but have had no Letter of Advice that you have received it
As you know well the Equity of my requiring a Receipt for money remitted you, I am satisfied you would have wrote me directly, or at least have ordered your Clerk to have done so, if you h
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 7th January 1772
I reced your Letter of the 31st Ult. together with the Assays for Operation ending the 28th Ult and Plan of Mill Close etc.
The last Cake of Bullion when reckoned to weigh 476 Ozs falls short of the Assays 23 Ozs 16 Dqt but when the 12 Ounces are added as appears by the Operation 488 it will then be short 11 Ozs 16 Dwt.
The Hedge or Stone Dyke rather, as you set it out by the abovementioned Plan will I think answer very wel
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 2 Jany. 1772
Inclosed you have the Alston Moor Pay Bills where my Lord Carlisle is concern’d the Level carrying up to Greengill West End I expect will be fineshed the Vein cut & Tryal made in Do. at or before Christmass next as to the Discovery of the Veins at or near Howblagill as they lay in fresh Ground cannot give any particular account about them but expects some discovery may be found on or about the Time mentioned of Greengill West En
To Jerrard Strickland Esq Newcas 3rd Janry 1772
I received the favour of your letter but I do not know of any person likely to buy such an Estate in Yorkshire as you describe but I will enquire among our married men and if any them seem inclined to such a purchase I shall acquaint you immediately. My wife joins me in compliments and wishes for many happy years, to you a & Miss Stricklands
I am etc
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver 4th January 1772
Your Sons Favour of the 27th Last Month with a Bill Inclosed Value £50: I received in due Time the Pays you are concerned in was made the 26th Last Month but as I have not Settled with Mr. Atkinson nor do I know exactly what Cash is in his Hand, so cannot settle with you till that is done. I intend being at Newcastle or send my Son next weeke & after our Return from thence will send you a Copy of the Pay Bills & also l