£250 Alston 8 Jany 1772
Sir, One Month after date Please to pay to Mr. Jos. Hilton or order two Hundred & fifty Pounds Value recd advised by Jona Hilton
To Mr Geo. Lavie Silk Mercer Pallmell London
To William Charleton Esqr at Alnwick Newcastle 8 Janry 1771 [sic]
Having this day received from Sir Walter Blackett the Eighty pounds ten shilling which you gave him for me I have inclosed herein sent you a receipt for the same
I am etc HR
£50 Newcastle Bank 4 Janry 1772
Twenty five Days after date pay to the order of Mr.Heny
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas the 10th Janry 1772
Inclosed I send you three Bills as above - the first wch is for One Hundred & fifty seven pounds ten shillings is meant for Mr Thurlows half years Composition due 22d instant - the second for Two hundred & Twenty pounds is for the quarterly payments you have to make for Sir Walter Blackett to the 31st March next - & the third is intended for the half years intere
Received 10th of January 1772 of Mr. Charles Atkinson Fortynine Pounds twelve shillings and 8¾ being in full for John Cleaver Esqr Shair of Lead for the year 1770.
£49.12.8¾ Rec’d by Jos. Hilton
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 13th Janry 1772
I have this day received by the Hexham Carrier a Box containing two pieces of Silver from Dukesfield Refinery the weight of one of which is Nine Pounds & Twenty ounces & the other is Eight hundred & Sixty Nine Ounces. I am sorry for the Accident to your Knee & hope a little time & Care will bring it to rights again. I shall speak to Mr Reynoldson when
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 15th January 1772
Dear Sir
I have this day drawn upon you for One Hundred and Forty Seven Pounds Eight Shillings and Four Pence being the amount of Four Hundred Eighty Eight Ounces of Bullion at 6s 1/2d P Ounce. We shall scarce be able to send you another Cake before the beginning of February.
My Father desires me to return you thanks for your obliging enquiries after him; he arrived safe and well and joins me in wishing what you desire. He is inde
To Collingwood Forster Esq. at Newcas 16th Janry 1772
I acquainted Sir Walter Blackett this morning of the Sum you offered for the 10/19ths of the pastureship Corn Tithes of Lucker Moor _ the 77 acres of land & the Corn Tithes of the detached pieces of Ground that are said to have been ancient Encroachments of the said Moor _ which Sum namely Five hundred pounds he agrees to take.
So you will prepare a Drau
To Messr Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 18th Janry 1772
Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier two pieces of fine silver containing Seventeen hundred & Eighty nine ounces, as below, which I desire you will place to Accdt with Sir Walter Blackett, as usual, at the Market price & advise me on your receipt of them I am etc HR
920 at p.oz
869 at p.oz
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 18th Jany. 1772
I wrote you on the 2nd Instant inclosing the Alston Moor Pay Bills which hopes you have recd you will see by the inclosed that Stanhope Lead Mine Smelt Mill, & other Pays were made the 14th Instant the Bills of Do you have inclosed the Bill to Jacob Vickers & Ptnrs £93.17.6 was all expended in repairing the Law Level & that with the Waste of Smelting the Ore as I wrot you on the 22nd June Last makes Stanhopeburn a loos
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 18th January 1772
I reced your Letter of the 13th inst on Wednesday & herein send you an exact Copy of the Stock of Materials at & belonging to Langley Mill. I thought it necessary to do this as a certain way of your having an exact duplicate of what we now have.
We have no inducement to alter our method of Smelting Slags and I am glad you can give us so agreable an account of our present Workmen in that way and that they get so well away w
To Mr John Mann, Attorney at Law Newcas 20th Janry 1772
I received your Letter of the 19th instant inclosing <me> one of our Exchange Banknotes, No.D.580, for five pounds, wch you desired me to give as your Contribution towards the. Relief of the poor Sufferers in Newcastle by the late Inundation. I have accordingly it to Bell Cookson & Co, that is, our Old Bank & seen it entered in their Book as
To Mr John Fenwick _ in Roberts’s Place Newcastle 22nd Janry 1772
I have received your Letter inclosing me a Receipt for Forty seven pounds Ten Shillings for the Year’s Interest due to you from Sir Walter Blackett this day - and in return I send you inclosed Bell & Cos Bill on Glyn & Co for the same Sum payable to me or order & endorsed to you & I have got it payble at 25 Days from th
To Mr Hunter. Attorney at Law Newcas 24 Janry 1772
In Hexham
I have acquainted Sir Walter Blackett with the contents of your Letter; who proposes to set out for London on Monday next, & will take the Deeds with him. As to the Surrenders they may be sent by the post as soon as passed; which he hopes you will not lose any time in getting done.
I am etc HR
To Mr Darwin - Greys Inn Newcas 27th Janry 1772
Sir Walter set out for London this morning & expects to get thither on Saturday Evening or Sunday Morning. I have sent with him directed for you the purchase Deeds of Overhuntrods Estate which you are to deliver to Mr. Chesters Chancery Office as soon as some Admittances necessary to Compleat the Title can be obtained at Hexham Court, &
To Sir Walter Blackett Bt. Member of Parliament Newcas Wednesday 29th Janry 1772
in Half Moon Street Piccadilly London
Hond Sir
I hope you are well after your Journey, which from the Weather we have had here I fear has been an unpleasant one. The Meeting yesterday about the Bridge was more numerous than had been expected. & the result so far as I can learn it, is to employ the Rawlings to bore above & below the Bridge: & then to have Mr. Milne down at the r
To Mr. John Grey Attorney at Law Newcas 29th Janry 1772
in Berwick upon Tweed
I wrote you on the 20th Augst. last that Sir Walter Blackett desired you would examine whether the Road thro’ Unthank Middle -Ord & West Ord towards Scotland is a Public or a private Road - but have not yet received any Accotof your Success particularly as to Mr Pringle of Akeld’s Testimony. the Season of the Year will scar
To Sir Walter Blackett Bt. Member of Parliament Newcas Saturday 1st. Febry 1772
in Half Moon Street Piccadilly London
Hond Sir
Richard Abridge was paid his Wages before he set out, & I have since paid Samuel Tomlins, the Cook, in full of his wages and for his Journey; having first settled with him the House Notes. Dr. Fawcett who has been seized suddenly with a Cholera Morbus & was very ill of it, is quite recovered & able to do duty again. I have paid
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 4th February 1772.
I reced your Letter of the 26th Ult by Mr Labourne and observe its contents.
I have examined the Operation and find it quite right and approve of your having omitted the Refining.
As to the Silver I would have you take it off at twice.
We have a very hard Frost and about 5 or 6 Inches in thickness of Snow. I am
Your hble Servt
N W Junr
To Mr. Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas 5 Febry 1772
I reced your Letter of the 1st. instant inclosing me Mr Thurlows receipt for £157. 10s. 0d for his 2 years Composition for weardale Tithe ore due 22d Ulto. & have given you Credit for the same in our Accot. I am glad to hear Sir Walter is got well to Town & thank you for the Accot. of it. The frost is so very intense that it is expected the River here will be froze u
To Sir W. Blackett Bt. MP. in Half Moon street Newcas 8 Febry 1772
Piccadilly London
Honr. Sir
By your Letter, which I received last night, I think you have not received mine of the 1st instant, therefore I have inclosed a Copy of it. I have seen Mr Simpson Mr Peareth Mr Blackett Mr Beag & the Recorder & they all agree that no Alteration can be made in the Resolution come to, with Mr Thompsons Consent, at the last Meeting for the Ponteland
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver 8th Feby. 1772
Inclosed you have a Copy of Greengill West End & Howblagill Pay Bills & by the Accots you will see I have £30.12.7¼ of your Money in my Hand which I will be accountable for, I wrote Mr. Charles Atkinson Novr. Last desiring him to let me know how much of your Cash he had in his Hand his Ansr was that he had only about £30 but when my Son Ballanced Accots with him it proved £49.12.8¾ the reason he give then was that he
To. Mr George Carr Farnacres 10th February 1772
If Corbett or Johnson shd bring a Box of Bullion I desire youll be so good as order it to Mr Henry Aireys in Pilgrim Street and at the same time I beg you'll be so obliging as tell them that all the Bullion they bring for the time to come must be delivered at Mr Henry Aireys instead if Gateshead. I am
Sir. your most hble Servt
N W Junr
To Mr Henry Airey Farnacres 10th February 1772
Dear Brother
I have ordered the Bullion to be delivered at your House instead of Mrs Marleys in Gateshead and as it is a valuable commodity I beg you'll be so obliged to you for informing me thereof by Letter directed to me at Farnacres near Gateshead and put into the Newcastle Post Office. Youll be so good as excuse the Liberty I have taken with you on this Occasion as the bringing the Bullion over to Gateshead is not only tr
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 10th February 1772
I have reced your Letter of the 6th inst and think you did perfectly right in stopping the Work on Acct of the Frost. I suppose you are now going currently again as all the Snow is gone with us and the Weather quite mild.
I reced yours of the 26th of January with the Operation inclosed which I acknowledged the Recet of by Letter dated the 4th inst. I then desired the Bullion to be taken off at twice which I now repeat and you mus
To Mr. George Douglas in Berwick upon Tweed Newcas 13th . Febry 1772
I received your Letter that you intend to finish this ensuing Summer the Road through Middle Ord Estate, which you were to have done about four Years ago; I do not know that Sir Walter Blackett will now chuse to have it finished; for your Letter came so little a while before he set out for London that there was not time to consider the Matter, & so I can give you no Answer to it I am etc