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Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 24 Jul 1772

To Mr John Ibbetson Esq Farnacres 24th July 1772 Sir Inclosed we send you the Lead Mill Account from the 6th April 1771 to the 25th April last upon which there is a Gain of £912.3.11. You will be pleased to observe that on counting our Stock last year there appeared to be one piece more than by Account of Lead made at the Mill and therefore we concluded that as the piece could not be there unless it had been made at the Mill, it was accordingly given credit for on our Account

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Adams – 26 Jul 1772

To Mr. Thos. Adams - Attorney at Law Newcas 26th July 1772 In Alnwick I have received your Letter inclosing the Draft of the intended Deed between Sir Wr Blackett & Lord Crewes Trustees & have shewn the same to one of Sir Wr Blacketts Counsell with whom I consulted before I wrote to Dr. Sharp. The plan upon which you have drawn the Draft is not agreeable to what I mentioned in my Letter to Doctor Sharp owing in all lik

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 31 Jul 1772

To Mr. Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 31st. July 1772 Sir I have examined the Assays of ore from Low Coalcleugh & Whitewood veins and find the former yields 8oz. 0 p[enny]w[eigh]t. 20 g[rain]s and the latter 7oz. 7 p[enny]w[eigh]t. 0 g[rain]s to a fother so you may refine them together & indeed it may be as well to smelt the ore together as you propose & I desire to know what the produce will be of 20 bings at the ore & Sla

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 31 Jul 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 31st July 1772 We have reced both your Letters, one of the 22nd and the other of the 27th inst the latter inclosing the Operation for the present Month. The Bullion weighs 506 Ounces but, there is a part which we doubt will not prove fine we beat a piece of Slag or Clay out of a hole in it ourselves. You did very well in giving Nicholas Temperley and Thomas Brown some of our Rum. As the Cot

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 1 Aug 1772

To Mr. Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas 1st . August 1772 Sir I have received your Letter of the 29th Ulto. inclosing me Mr. Thurlow’s Receipt for one hundred & fifty seven pounds ten shillings for the half years Composition for Weardale Tithe Ore due to him from Sir Walter Blackett on the 22d. Ulto. & have given you Credit for the same in the Account between us. I am concerned for my Brother & wonder what will be the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Trevelyan – 3 Aug 1772

To Walter Trevelyan Esq. at <Bluits> Newcas 3d August 1772 Yorkshire [Note: possibly Bluits Inn in York] Sir Your Green frock laced Suit was sent this Morning by the Fly in a Box directed to you to be left at the Golden Lyon in Northallerton till called for - Mr Blackett will write to London directly for the Eal Basketts as you desire - & I have ordered a Kit of Salmon to be sent to Edwd. Meynall Esqr. ag

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 11 Aug 1772

To Messrs. Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 11th. Augst 1772 In Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have drawn a Bill on you for Seven hundred Pounds payable to Messsr. Bell Cookson & Co. or Order Twenty days after this date which I desire you will accept and when paid place to Account as usual with Sir Walter Blackett I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 11 Aug 1772

To Mr. John Grey Attorney at Law Newcas 11th. Augst. 1772 in Berwick upon Tweed Sir Mr Lawson Armstrong has been with Sir Walter Blackett complaining that Willm. Archibold’s People have interrupted his Tenants in the Enjoyment of his Fishery in the Tweed called Canny which adjoins to Hobshole. that they have destroyed the Boundary of White Sands Fishery wch. was set up in Sir Walter’s presence. & that they have take

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 11 Aug 1772

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 11th August 1772 Dear Sir On Saturday the first inst. we sent you a Box containing 506 Ounces of Bullion good weight. There is a part which does not seem to be quite fine but we hope the over weight will make that good, if it does not, we will make an allowance out of the value of the next Cake. We are with best respects Dear Sir your most hble Servt W & S PS Pray have you heard how the tryal Mr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 11 Aug 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 11th Aug 1772. On Sunday Evening I received your Letter of the 6th inst and take the very first opportunity of writing to you about the Fume. I wd not have you dispose of more than two or three Casks of it because we expect to receive a Proposal from London very soon in consequence of sending the last Cask there, wch we received from you. As to the Chimneys I understood I had clearly ordered that they should be raised and I desire they may be set forw

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Forster – 12 Aug 1772

To Mr. Forster at Lucker Newcas. 12th. Augst 1772 Near Belford Sir Mr Ralph Forster having made his Valuation of Lucker Tithes, free Land, Cottages and Stints for this year Sir Walter Blackett bids me offer them to you in preference to any other, and would be glad, as you know the Value of them, that you would as soon as possible let me know what you will give him for them.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Nebh Blagdon – 14 Aug 1772

To Captn. Nebh. Blagdon Newcas. 14th. Augst 1772 Deputy Water Bailiff at Shields Sir Sir Walter Blackett desires his Compliments and will be obliged to you if you will Employ some Fishermen to catch Soles and other Fish on Monday Morning next for his Entertainment to the Judges etc on that day. what they can get should be at the Mansion house before Twelve o’Clock, or a Messeng

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Aug 1772

To Mr. Darwin - Greys Inn Newcas. 17th. Augst 1772 London Sir I have reced your Letter of the 12th. instant inclosing me Anthy. Wrights receipt for Five hundred pounds for Sir Edward Winningtons half Years interest due 6th. instant on Sir Walter Blacketts Mortgage of Wallington & have given you Credit for the same in the Account between us. In the same Letter I received a Copy of our Account set

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Forster – 18 Aug 1772

To Mr. Forster at Lucker near Newcas. 18th. Augst 1772 Belford Sir In Answer to your Letter of the 15th. instant, Sir Walter Blackett expects Eighty Pounds for Lucker Tithes, free Land Cottages & Stints for the present Year. Mr. Ralph Forsters valuation is £99.5s.0d which is so little short of former Years that Sir Walter thinks the Rent may Continue the same. You will please to let me know by

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 19 Aug 1772

Mr John Holmes Farnacres Aug 19th 1772 Dear Sir I have this day drawn upon you for One Hundred and Fifty Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Eleven Pence being the amount of 506 Ounces of Bullion at 5s 11 1/2 P Ounce. I expect another Cake will be sent you from Newcastle upon the 5th of next Month. I am Dear Sir Your most hble Servt N W Junr Farnacres Aug 19th 1772 Sir

Letter – John Reay to Mary Loraine – 20 Aug 1772

To Mary Loraine in Hexham Aldston Augt 20th 1772 Kind Frd I take this opportunity by the bearer to mention, That having occasion for two hundred pieces of Lead to send to London I mentioned a price to Thos Marshal when I was at Hexham last week, that he told me was not agreable to thee to sell for as I want to have it soft Lead, a knowing the Quality of your, I shall consent to give fourteen pounds per Fother, yt I expect is better than Markett prices – I shall take it a favou

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Forster – 25 Aug 1772

To Mr. Forster at Lucker near Newcas. 25th Augst 1772 Belford Sir I have laid your Letter of the 21st instant before Sir Walter Blackett, in which you offer him only Seventy Pounds for Lucker Tithes free Lands Stints & Cottages for this Year. he thinks it too little, (after all reasonable Allowances made for the part Sold off) But however is unwilling to treat with any other about Them &

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 25 Aug 1772

To Mr. Ralph Forster at Cambo near Newcas. 25th. Augst 1772 Wallington Sir When I was at Wallington I mentioned to you a proposal Sr. Edwd. Blackett had made to Sr. Walter about dividing their Estate at Winlington. I then told you something of the Nature of that Estate & shall at the next Opportunity you give me acquaint you further with the particulars necessary for you to know before you and

Letter – Henry Richmond to Lawson Armstrong – 28 Aug 1772

To Mr. Lawson Armstrong at Newcas. 28 Augst 1772 Ulgham near Morpeth Sir By Sir Walter Blacketts direction I send you, as above, a Copy of Mr. Greys Letter in Answer to mine about the Dispute between the Tenants of his Fisheries & your’s - And also a Copy of the Testimonies of some old People examined by Mr. Grey about it - These you will Please to Compare with those you took & then form your Judgement

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 31 Aug 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 31st Aug 1772 I inclose you a Plan of the Ground as divided & set out for yourself and the Workmen at Langley Lead Mill as also an account showing the Rents set upon each Farm and I desire you will immediately on Recet. hereof or as soon after as your convenience will permit Shew the Men both the Plan and Account and let me know their resolution. It is proposed to alter the Cottage and Helm into Four Byers and to inclose the several Fields which will c

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Reay – 31 Aug 1772

To Mr John Reay Farnacres 31st Aug 1772 Sir Agreable to my promise I now take the first opportunity of acquainting you that you may have the Quantity of Lead you want for £13.10..pFodder. I am Sir Your most hble Servt N W Junr PS In case you take our Lead you will be so obliging as apply to Messrs Henry & Son & Airey Merchants in Newcastle who gave the disposal of it.

Letter – John Smeaton to John Holmes – 2 Sep 1772

Farnacres 2 Septemr 1772 Mr Smeaton advised Mr Holmes that a Cake of Silver Bullion weighing 1116 3/4 Ounces would be sent from Newcastle by the London Waggon on Saturday yr 5th inst.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 4 Sep 1772

To Messrs. Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 4th. Septemr 1772 In Foster Lane London Genten. I have this day sent you by Thos. Jennings the London Carrier three pieces of fine Silver weighing together Two Thousand & Seventy Eight Ounces & a half which I desire you will place to Accot. as usual with Sir Walter Blackett at the Market Price & advise me on your receipt of Them I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 4 Sep 1772

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 4th. Septr 1772 Sir I have received by the Hexham Carrier two pieces of Silver Bullion from Dukesfield Refinery, one Weighing Six hundred & Sixty four Ounces & the other Seven hundred & forty Ounces & have given the Refinery Credit for the same. I wish you would make an Assay of the Slag Lead of Coalcleugh Ore - I do not suppose much is made by Refining it, & the mixing i

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 5 Sep 1772

To Mr. John Grey Attorney at law Newcas. 5th. Septr 1772 in Berwick upon Tweed Sir Mr Lawson Armstrong is inclined to refer the Dispute about Canney Fishery & has wrote to his Friends in Berwick to advise him who is a proper person to be his Referee - Sir Wr. Blackett would wish to have Mr Lambert & desires you will give his Compliments and ask him if he will allow him to name him - Mr. Armstron
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467