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Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 12 Sep 1676

M[esse]urs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 12 September 1676] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 7th present I question nott but the Silver Server will give Content w[hi]ch I shall demand w[he]n please God In Thorpe arrives the Cost there of I have placed to yo[u]r Creditt ~ I know not w[ha]t tis you call terme Madame; w[ha]t I desire is a payre of Tables, Such as is usually in Coffee houses the backe sid[e] there of is a draught board or a Game they call

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 12 Sep 1676

Mess[eu]rs Cha &: Ja Bankes Newcastle 7ber [September] the 12th 1676 Sirs My last to you was of the 9th present To w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you Soe the less to Inlarge upon; This Serves Cheifly to advise that Enquireinge after the Truth of w[ha]t I was Informed about the quantity of Tarr In Towne and w[ha]t more was expected I found my freindes Report to be very True; Soe meetinge w[i]th a Chapman that bid mee money I did resolve yo[u]rs should goe and w[i]th much ad

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Crossman – 12 Sep 1676

Mr Rich: Crosman Ditto [Newcastle 12 September 1676] Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 7th present And accordinge to yo[u]r Order thereby have bought you 12 Tonn of Pott[e]rs Oare [Note 1.] for £6:10S p[er] Tonn the Oare is all bigg p[iec]es noe dirt amongst itt I short without Expectation And I thinke pretty reasonable In price beinge to be delivered a board free of all Charges w[ha]t soever Soe my Comission and freight is all you are to pay above s[ai]d price of £6:10S:= But n

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Crossman – 15 Sep 1676

Mr Richard Crossman Newcastle 7ber [September] the 15th 1676 Sir I have Since my letter found out a Vessell for yo[u]r purpose; Soe In Conformity to yo[u]r order have Shipped and Consigned unto Mr Jacques Hays of Ostend 40 Caskes of Round Potters Oare [Note 1.] amounting unto as p[er] the Inclosed account thereof £71:4:9d w[hi]ch Sume this day have vallued upon you payable 6/d [days] After Sight to M[esseu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] or Order to w[hi]ch pray lett the needfull Honou

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 15 Sep 1676

M[esse]urs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 15 September 1676] Sirs Inclosed you have a bill for £71:4S:9d upon Mr Richard Crossman of w[hi]ch procure the needfull and Advise mee yo[u]r thoughtes of him; upon whome s[ai]d Bill is drawne; I mean how farr one to tenture to trust him this pray keepe to yo[u]r selfe I am M:B:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 15 Sep 1676

Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Ditto [Newcastle 15 September 1676] Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 9th present w[i]th my account Currant and Account of Intrest; the former of w[hi]ch I have Examined; wherein In one Article you give mee Creditt for Rec[eive]d of Mr Is: Vincke £120:16:10d I thinke itt was butt £120:14S 10d: the Rest is all right and that Small Error is nott worth Speakinge of Especially itt beinge to my advantage, but Sir for all my sayinge I am very Ready to doe itt you good,

Letter – Ralph Grey to Joshua Pannell – 15 Sep 1676

September the 15th 1676 Mr Joshua Pannell Yours of the 25th August Came to safe hand with the Inclosed acct of 150 pcs of Lead at 24<.> p[ai]d I find noe incuridgement to send any more I think their is 7 hundred p[iece]s hear & at Bladon but must think of some other Ports, Lether Gives but 9 per doz: as per your acct I have sent you per the Bearer Mr Tho: Burdus 20 Doz: of Calf Skins which pray put of at price Currant & what dew upon acct send me fine Hemp Cambrick Sharly

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 16 Sep 1676

NewC: Sep: the: 16: 1676 to Mr Webb to send per first two barrell: of the best Raisons two barrell of the best Currins [currants] one case of pepper not else but that I am Yours Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 16 Sep 1676

September 16th To Mr Wm Hester for ½ last B: B: sope per Robt Thorp on first oportunity & to abate of the price of the last he sent per R.G.

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Crossman – 16 Sep 1676

Mr Richard Crossman Ditto [Newcastle 16 September 1676] Sir Inclosed you have the Bill of Loadinge I promised you in my last the freight is accordingly as wee Generally give for Rotterdam w[i]th w[ha]t I have done here tofore I hope will prove to your satisfaction And if in my other businesse I can Serve you pray allwayes comand M:B:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Jacques Hays – 16 Sep 1676

Mr Jacques Hays Newcastle 7ber [September] the 16th 1676 Sir This comes to accompany Mr Thomas Rewcastle Ma[st]er of the Maikerell of this place; In whome I have Loaden; and Consigned unto you by Order of Mr Richard Crossman of London 40 Caskes of Potters Oare w[hi]ch God sendinge well to hand; be pleased to Receive and follow the Orders of S[ai]d Crossman; for the disposal thereof payinge the Ma[ste]r Eighty Gilderes freight as p[er] Inclosed bill of Loadinge ~ Leed

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 19 Sep 1676

M[esseu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle 7ber [September] the 19th 1676 Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 14th pray advise mee of the Receipt of that final bill of £7:16:10d upon Mr Ralph Harope I have this Post past these following bills upon you vizt one for £80 payable 15/d [days] Sight to Mr Jno <Esquier> or order vallue of him one for £20 payable 6/d [days] Sight To Mr: Edw: Blackett or order vallue of Hugh Anderton Both w[hi]ch pray lett

Letter – Michael Blackett to Francis Buck – 19 Sep 1676

Unckell Bucke Ditto [Newcastle 19 September 1676] I hope these will find you all well as wee are here (God be thanked) I pray here pleased to pay unto Mr John Wells of Stockton £20 upon my account; of the moneyes w[hi]ch you have of mine in yo[u]r houses and for the Remaynder owed shall Reckon att our next meetinge w[hi]ch I desire may here att Newcastle As soone as w[i]th conveniencey you can remember mee to my Unckell Jo: and my good Aunt w[i]th my Service to yo[u]r selfe I am in hast

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Wells – 19 Sep 1676

Sir I have Rec[eive]d yo[u]r bill of £100 from Mr Hutchinson for w[hi]ch I returne you £80 p[er] bearer and you may please to call of my Unckell Bucke for £20 more to make up yo[u]r s[ai]d £100 (to w[hi]ch purpose I pray desire the Inclosed and upon Sight there of my Unckle will give you the £20 upon w[hi]ch you may relye I am M:B:

Letter – Ralph Grey to Tradell – 19 Sep 1676

Ditto the 19th Mouns[ieu]r Tradill This at present is to aquaint you that we have one Thomas Willis For Bourdeux & he will be 120 t[ons]. I intend to shipp in him tomorow 300p[iece]s of Lead which pray sell of & send me returns I have taken only 20 t[ons] certain I load him outward with Coals which put of at best advantage what the Ball[ance] of the acct is you may load more for my acct, for he will have 10 t[ons] to spare, for returns I would have Choyse graves Claritt which for win

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 22 Sep 1676

Mr Jos: Pannell Newcastle 7ber [September] the 22d 1676 Sir I thinke you know mee soe well that I need noe letter of Recomendation from any Man of this Towne If you bee as Ready to send mee as I am to Imploy you noe question but you will Content mee and all the Actions prove to my Satisfaction, for a tryall where of I send and Consigne unto you by Mr John Vaughan the bearer hereof 400 p[ie]ces small Leed and 20 Chalders of Grindstones w[hi]ch after good arrivall bee pleased to Rece

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 23 Sep 1676

Me[esseu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 23 September1676] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 17th and 19th present w[hi]ch requires little Answer soe have the lesse to Inlarge upon; good butter is att present 14S a Firkin when ever you have ocction [occasion] give mee but 14 dayes notice; and I thinke I shall buy itt as good; and; as Cheape as any other In Towne Leed £11: p[er] fodder; Coales 7S p[er] Chalder I hope ere now my Tricktracke board is ere thi

Letter – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 23 Sep 1676

Mr Math: Lamb Ditto [Newcastle 23 September1676] Sir I Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs thies day p[er] Robert Stansby w[i]th the wax candle; w[hi]ch is to Content for hansomenesse but as you say Indeed t'is pretty deare however I am satisfiled and will pay you w[i]th my thankes att our first meetinge w[hi]ch I hope will bee shortly for I remember you promised to come and see mee att Michallmass and I hope you will bee as good as yo[u]r word; doe w[ha]t you thinke Convenient w[i]th Mr Gar

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 23 Sep 1676

Mr Jos: Pannell Newcastle 7ber [September] the 23th 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 22d present to w[hi]ch refers you Since w[hi]ch nothinge hath happened worth notice Soe that I have little more to Inlarge upon then to Advise you that John Vaughan is Sayled soe that I hope that hee may bee w[i]th you as soone as this when please God hee arrives be pleased to Receive my goodes above mentioned; the disposall of w[hi]ch I wholy leave to yo[u]r discrestion; I hope here after wee ma

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 23 Sep 1676

Mess[eu]rs Cha: and Jam: Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 23 September1676] Sirs My last to you was of the 12th present To w[hi]ch referes you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs if the 4th present w[hi]ch requieringe little answer will cause brevity this serveinge cheifly to advise you that I have Endeavored to sell yo[u]r woodden Comodityes as much as In mee lyes; but have nott to this day beene able to gett my desire Effected none will bid mee money for the same w[hi]ch vexes mee to the heart And

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 26 Sep 1676

Mr Ja: Cooke Ditto [Newcastle 26 September 1676] Sir If by the next friday Post you can send mee bills to the Value of £3 or £400 att 15/d [days] Sight or 20/d [days] date I shall nott fayle God willinge to returne you yo[u]r money on Tusday followinge accordinge as you shall order; however Write mee a line I pray you p[er] Fridayes Post and if I may rely upon assy Billes from you I doe nott care much if you doe nott send them before Cuth[bert]: Fowler come w[hi]ch will bee on

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Crossman – 26 Sep 1676

Mr Rich: Crossman Newcastle 7ber [September] the 26: 1676 Sir For Answer unto yo[u]rs of the 21th present the Vessell w[i]th yo[u]r Leed Oare Sayled on Friday last the 22d Instant w[hi]ch I hope ere this may bee very neare her desiref Port for the Winde ever since her departure hence hath beene very fayre If att my other time I can Serve you In this place upon all occations I pray comand M:B:

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Wells – 26 Sep 1676

Mr Jno: Wells Ditto [Newcastle 26 September 1676] Sir I have Inclosed send you 3S that you say was wantinge of the £80 &c [etc]: Now Sir If you have bills for £300 or £400 att 15/d [days] Sight or 20/d [days] date and can send them by the next fridayes Post; on Tusday followinge you shall God willinge have yo[u]r money Returned by Cuthbert Fowler; or whosoever you shall order; however write mee a line I pray you p[er] Fridayes Post and if I may relye upon any billes from

Letter – Henry Cavendish to William Blackett – 29 Sep 1676

Sr I receved yours of the 16th assoon as it could come by the post, and I am sory I have not yet thanked you for it sooner in letter, though it was an answer to mine, but it was soe friendly a retorne it deserves several letters of mine to repeate my thankes to you. I am very glad to heare you are in good health and noe frend you have wisheth the continuence of it more heartily than I doe. I shall goe to London a Tuesday seavennight wch is 14 days sooner then I intended. I shall be in London t

Letter – Francis Draycott to William Blackett – 30 Sep 1676

Brownsea Sept 30th 1676 Honour.d Sir In making Consions of giving you trouble and knowing it more a dam’d one to be often Imperten.t & imitate the least sort of Roman Christians, who if they make theire confession but once a yeare, tis well a nough when the Rogues cannot remember the Iniquities of a single day but Crowd in their sinnes altogather the Mortall with the veniall (as Trulla doth the fragments of fatt bacon and poore John in a bagg) and thinke they deserve something t
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467