To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 31st January 1773
Dear Sir
We were favoured with your Letter of the 27th inst by yesterday's Post and by the next Carriers for London, who will set out from Newcastle on Saturday the 6th of February will send you a Cake of Bullion which weighs 651 Ounces. By keeping, it has lost its brightness but as we never saw a more beautiful piece when it came from the Refinery we doubt not its being fine. Whatever price you fin
Mr Darwin - Hatton Street No. 4 Newcas 3rd Febry 1773
Inclosed I send you Bell and Cos. bill on Castell and Co. for £157.10s.0d to repay you Mr Thurloe’s <1/2> yrs. Composition for Weardale Tithe Ore due 22d. Ulto. which you will please to place to my Credit and advise the Receipt of - I should have sent you it sooner but the bulk is I forgot it - Inclosed I return you Mr Thurloe’s
Messrs. Robt & Wm Readhead NC. 8 Febry 1773
There is now a yrs. rent due from you to Sr W Blackett for Unthank Colliery - I hope it will be convenient to you to pay it soon I am etc HR
directed to Mr Rob Readhead at Lee near Rothbury
Dukesfd. 8th. Feby. 1773
Mr. Is. Walton
I desire you’ll make up your Decr. Quartrs. Accot. & send me as soon as possible, for I have recd. orders to get ready for the Pay wth.out Loss of time.
I have sent the Bearer Ra. Stephenson to his old work again (i.e. to work again wth. his Father as he may be assistance to him) let Chatt get his Work for this Week among them & tell him to call upon me here when
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 8th February 1773
I received your Letter of the 1st instant as also the Operation for last Month but have not yet had time to examine the latter.
I am very sorry the Middle Cleugh Ore has not proved so good as was hoped for but as I doubt not all possible care has been taken we must be content and hope to do better in future.
As Mr Hilton tells me you have discovered another Quarry I hope that will make the
Sir Walter Blackett Bt. MP. half Moon Street Newcas 10th Febry 1773
Picadilly London
Honrd. Sir
I hope you are well - I forgot to pay Thomas Webster his Wages - there will be £16 due to him the 11th of next month for a Year’s Wages - but if you pay him to this day it comes to £14. 14s. 6d I am etc HR
Mr Darwin - Hatton Street No 4 Newcas 10th Febry 1773
I have received your Letter of the 6th instant inclosing me Mr Thurlows Receipt for One hundred & fifty seven pounds ten shillings and have given you Credit for it on our Account.
Sir Wr Blackett & Dr Blackett set out this Morning for London - The Dr has agreed to take £4 p Cent for all his Money in Sir Walters hand from the d
Messrs Walton & Smeaton Newcas 11th Febry 1773
In Answer to the latter part of your Letter to me of the 26th of last Month, proposing that the part of Sam’s Island allotted to Dilston should be valued by persons indifferently chosen by the Comms. of Greenwich Hospital and Sir Walter Blackett and that a Lease agreeable to their Valuation should be offered to Sir Wr
Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 12th Febry 1773
Sir Walter Blackett has no Objection to your trying to take a Lease of way leave thro Mr Surtee’s Lane at Apperley with a Liberty of laying his Lead on the Comon you mention if you can get it for 20 Years & at a small Rent - So you may make the best bargain you can, but take Care to make it Subject to Sir Wrs approbation; the securing this passage etc for the Lead is no
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 12th February 1773
Dear Sir
Last Saturday I sent you a Box containing in one piece 651 Ounces of Bullion. I am sorry it was not cut into pieces, the reason it was not is, that we expected to Sell it in Newcastle. I doubt not you will find it a very clean piece notwithstanding it being soiled by keeping for I never saw a more beautiful piece in my life when it came from the Refinery.
I am etc N W Junr
Sr Wr Blackett Barot. MP. half Moon Street Newcas 13th Febry 1773
Picadilly London
Honrd. Sir
Mr Wilson, who thinks he passed you on Wednesday Evening in the dark about five Miles on this Side of Northallerton says he is satisfied Sr Thos Wentworth will not sign the petition till Mr Phipps writes him he may safely do it - so Mr Lambert postpones waiting on him with it till he receives a Letter from Mr Darwin that Mr Phipps has wrote hi
Mr Darwin No 4 Hatton Street Newcas 13th Febry 1773
Understanding from Mr Jac Lambert that the Exemplification of the late Sir Wm Blacketts Will must be produced before the house of Lords in Case you proceed with the Bill for the division of Winlaton, & as I know of no way of Conveying it to you so safe as by the Waggon which is always a fortnight in going to London I have therefore sent
Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 13th Febry 1773
Foster Lane
I have drawn a Bill on you for One thousand pounds dated this day & payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co or Order twenty five days after date which I desire you will accept & when paid place to Accot with Sir Walter Blackett Barot - And I have sent you by Frans Ridley, the London Carrier, who sets out this day, a piece
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 15th February 1773
Having now examined the Operation for January I find the same is right; and along with this Letter you will receive a Copy of the Operation ending 28th November last, agreable to your desire.
Your Letters if the 8th and 10th are both come to hand and the Contents observed.
I think it is clear from the Tryals made of roasting the Ore that it will not be elligible to do any thing more in that
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 16th February 1773
I have seen some very curious pieces of Lead of various colours exceedingly thin and cut into Stripes about the breadth of Ribbons. I believe they are taken from the Ore Hearth after drawing out the Bouse. The way to keep them from being ruffled is to cut a number of thin Strips of Plained Wood into pieces so as to be rather broader and longer than the piece of Lead and to lay the Lead between those p
Dukesfd. 16th Feby. 1773
To Anthy Surtees Esqr.
at Ackworth near Pontefract
in Yorkshire
Talking wth. Mr. Richmond a few days ago of the Lead Ways &c, I named to him what you told me in regard to your Lane at Apperley ‘that if Sr. Walter Blackett or the Lead Compy. was to apply you would let a Lease of it since which I have recd. orders to treat wth. you about it for Sr Wr. If He shold take it, means to make a good Turnpike through it, wch. will cost between 3
Dukesfd. 16th. Feby. 1773
Mr. Crawhall Clerk at Allenhd. Mill
I desire you’ll make up your Decr. Quartr Accot. as fast as possible & send me; if there’s any of the up Carriage &c that you are at a loss how to charge you may put down the Quantity or No. of Fothrs. In your Accot. & I shall add the price here. I wish you could let me have them the end of this Week or the begining of the next as Mr. Richmond is very pressing to h
Dukesfd. 16th. Feby. 1773
Mr Hunter at Allanheads
I was surprised to find in yours of the 4th. inst. no other accot. than that the Clerks at Allanhds. & Rookhope Mills Accots. agreed wth. yours, & that you expected Dukesfd. woud do the same, when you know that Mr. Richmond requires of me to have a General Accot. every year of the Quant[ity] of Ore sent in the year to the several Mills fm each Mine that if any differenc
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver 19th Feby. 1773
I hope you have recd my Sons Letter acknowledging my rect of a Bill from you Value £100. inclosed you have a Copy of Greengill West End & Howblagill Paybills when I wrote you on the 8th Feby 1772 I then expected to have got the Level up to Greengill West End & a Tryal made of the Vein by this Time but the Old Mans borehole not being large enough for the waterblast I was obliged to Bore another Hole at the expence of £3
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 19th Febry 1773
The inclosed Letter I have received from William Brown and think he wishes to be quit of his small Farm, because he can otherwise suit himself - I should be glad if you would give me your sentiments fully upon the whole of his Letter, and desire you will,and that you will at the same time return it to me. What he says respecting the Fodder, I am realy surprised at, and wonder you should not take notice to the Brown
28th Novem 1772. Computations respecting Refinery & Reducing Fume
Refinery Fume fine sort
7 cwt and 19 lb produced of Lead 3cwt 1Q 23lb
at £13 10s p fodder £2 4 5
Charges viz s d
Coals and cynders 2 1/2
Workmanship and Wear and tear 5
Carriage of lead & expenses attending the Sale 4
Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 23rd Febry 1773
Dear Sir
I desire youll be so obliging as deliver the inclosed Letter to Mr Smeaton and that you'll be kind enough to forward the Letter to Mr Prime by the Penny Post.
Yoursof the 20th is just come to hand and I shall draw upon you this day for £191.4.7 1/2 being the amount of 651 Ounces of Bullion at 5s10 1/2 P Ounce. The Bill will be payable 30 days after date. I expect there is anot
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 23rd Febry 1773
This day I reced your Letter of the 19th and have since weighed the Assays. The Cake of Bullion falls short of the Assay more than common for some time past; it is near 23 Ounces under what it ought to have been; but you know we are certain that the Assays are not always to be depended upon. I have not yet seen the Silver.
Old Cowslitts Cotn Riggs & Dowke Burn Lead is Refineable and the produce by the m
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 24 Feby. 1773
I have now Settled accounts with Mr Ramshay & delivered to him Pay Bills of the several Lead Mines where my Lord Carlisle is concerned as also Pay Bills of the Expence of Smelting Refining &c with the Produce of Lead & Silver made from the Ore Raised at Stanhope Burn from Michs 1771 to Michs 1772 the Law Level at Stanhopeburn was compleated in December Last and we are now making convenience in order to try the Vein
Dukesfd. 24th. Feby. 1773
Mr. Crawhall Allanhd. Mill
If the Ore that’s at your Mill be so dirtiy or badly Dressed that it cannot be smelted with out loss to the Master, you must get it better Washed but you are to judge of that, & not the Smelters & am
Yrs. &c Isaac Hunter Jr.