Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 4th April 1773
I have examined the Operation. Ending the 27th of March and find it right in every particular except the Refineable Slag Lead. You report 157 Cwt in Operation to have been made [inserted in margin in a different hand: ‘shd be 159 in Operation’] which added to the Stock of the Operation ending 27th of February which was 673Cwt makes 830Cwt but in the last Operation you have set down 832Cwt being 2Cwt mor
Dukesfd. 5th April 1773
To Anthy. Surtees Esqr.
At Ackworth near Pontefract in Yorkshire
Dear Sir
Mr. Richmond who I was with yesterday has had a Letter fm. Sr. Wr. with his agreeing to your Terms as to your Lane at Apperley therefor shall wate upon you wth. a Lease on the 16 or 17th inst if convenient to you & am &c &c yrs.
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 5th April 1773
I have just got your Letter of the 3rd and in answer desire you will get every thing that relates the old Ore, that is, the Ore now got in, (Greengill excepted which I would have you do with as you propose) as much compleated as possible by the first of May and every expence relative thereto must be included in the Pay Bill.
I will write to Brown's people about the Corn.
The Assays show that all th
Mr Heron Hexham 11th April 1773
Dr. Sr.
Last night I had a Ltr f’m Capt. Surtees in regard to his Lane at Apperley where in he retracts fm his former Terms, by the following poor apology tht. he had forgot to mention ‘ That I do not mean to let the Road to Sr. W in exclusion of all other [underlined: ‘ Lead Proprietors’]’. You need not ingross the Lease till further orders. I der almost say that Sr. Wr. will not take it wth.out that exclusive right I have sent th
Dukesfd. 11th. April 1773
Mr. Richmond N.Castle
The inclosed Recd. last night by wch. you’ll see in what manner Mr. Surtees shrinks f’m his former terms as to the Lane at Apperly, wth. the pitifull evasion of having Forgot. I wrote to Mr. Heron to prevent his ingrossing the Lease till he hears further. I hope we shall be able to frustrate Mr. Fenwick notwithstanding the above disappointment, in what manner I expect to be able to point out to you when I se
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 13th April 1773
I have received your Letter as also the Bullion which you will set down 1154 Ounces in the Operation and that exceeds the calculation nearly 50 Ounces; indeed I always observe we get the most Silver when we take off the large Cakes, compared with Assays.
You are 1Cwt wrong in your last quantity where you reckon to have lost by Refining and Reducing. You have it 209.2.5 it shd be 208.2.5
I shall t
Dukesfd. 18th. April 1773
Mr. Thos. Crawhall Allanheads Mill
I recd. your last night of the 10th. inst. wth. An accot. of your having let the Hill to cut the Race through at 14s. p[er] Fathm. its I think high, tho I do suppose you cannot get any to take it at less therefor desire that you’ll confirm the Bargain & get them to set to it & get it don wth.out loss of time; shall depend on you for setting it out in the most proper part of the Hill so as to b
Dukesfd. 23d. April 1773
Mr. C. Hunter Allanhds
The Smelt Mills Pay is fix’d on Thursday the 13th. of May & we are to go to N-Castle on Monday the 10th when I hope you’ll accompany us wth. your Fire Arms in Order. I saw a Letter this day f’m your Son Mr. Allgood in regard of Richd. Dixon’s ill behavour as to some Ore he had for this Mill, and as I find its not his first Offence in regard to the Carriage do desire you’ll discharge His taking up any
Dukesfd. 23d. April 73
Mr. Westgarth Whiteleeshield
Dr. Sr.
Our Pay is fixed on Thursday the 13th. May & we go to N.Castle on the 10 when I hope we shall have your Compy. I wish you would come here a few Days before (however on the Sunday) for I want to apply to the Hospital Agents for a small favour & would like to have you wth. me as I’m unknowing to any of them; we could call upon in our Road to N.Castle
Richd. Dixon of the Corn Mill has been
Dukesfd. 23d April 1773
Mr. Thos. Maughan Newhouse
The Smelt Mills Pay is fix’d on Thursday the 13th. May when we shall be glad of your Company – if it suted you as to your Lenning Days would be glad to meet you at N.Castle on the 10th in the Evening at Mr. Winds in Pilgrim Street, and ad the strength of the Body-gard – you’ll please to make the Day known in your Neighbourhood & am
yrs. &c IH Jr.
Dukesfd. 23d. April 1773
To Mr. Walton & Mr. Crawhall
Clerks At Rookhope & Allanhds
The Smelt Mill Pay is fix’d on Thursday the 13th. May, you’ll take care to give notice to all that has anything to receive on accot. of your Mill that they attend here on the above day when they will be paid. & am
Yrs. &c IH. Jr.
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 23rd April 1773
Dear Sir
By last Saturdays London Carrier I sent you a Box containing 1155 1/2 Ounces of Bullion but as it is a little dirtied at the edge I only reckon it 1154 Ounces to you. I hope it will arrive safe on Saturday the 1st May. I am etc
N W Junr
PS If the allowance should not be sufficient pray make it so.
Sir Edward Blackett presents his Compliments to the Gentlemen who met at Mr. Loftus’s on the 9th. of January 1773 In regard to Fallowfield Lead Mine.
He finds that the Lease of the Grove does not Expire till the Year 1782.
He cannot wish to have the present Lease cancelled, & to grant another of 21 Years; as he apprehends a very few Years will be sufficient to make any Tryal they can wish to make
As to the proposal of taking down the fire Engine & selling the Materials ther
Dukesfd. 25th April 1773
Mr. R. Morrow Blaydon
Yours of the 23d is just come to hand, I find you have not fixed either time or place for us to meet the Carriagemen that you may have time after this comes to hand (tho one cannot say that you may get it so soon as one might expect & to prevent any disappointment by that) shall wate upon you at Blaydon on Friday the 30 inst. between 11 & 12 O’Clock and we can then go to whatever place you appoint wth. the Carr
Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 8th May 1773
In Foster Lane London
Yesterday I sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver Seven hundred & Eighty nine Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Market price and Advise me of the Receipt of it - I have had a Stroke of the Palsy but am in a great measure recovered but not being able to
Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Hatton Street Newcas 19th May 1773
Holburn London
I received your Letter of the 11th instant & I have this day drawn a Bill on you on Sir Walter Blacketts Account at Twenty days date payable to Sir Edward Blackett Barot or order for Five hundred and nine pounds being in full for the Sum of Eight hundred Pounds for which you gave Sir Walter Blackett a Receipt first deducting £291 on A
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 21 May 1773
Dr Sir,
I take the Liberty of acquainting you that I have received Sixty Pounds from Mr Ramshay in order to support the Workmen at Stanhope and in Alston moor. I hope in One or Two Months to have the Pleasure of giving you an agreeable accot about Greengill West End Lead Mine the vein looks very well in the Platebed where we have cut it & I hope there is no fear of its doing well in the bearing Sills.
I am &c Jonathan Hilto
Dukesfd. 25th. May 1773
To Cap. Surtees York
I recd. yours of the 18 inst a few Day ago. You surely cound [sic] not be at any loss to find the Case of your not hearing anything f’m me in regard to your Lane since I wrote that I would wait upon you on the 16th of last Month wth. the Lease, when your answr. To that Lre was so contradictory to your former Terms, wch. you very Politely introduced by having ‘Forgot &c’. But if you think anything of letting
Dukesfd. 25th. May 1773
Mr Bell N.Castle
Dr. Sr.
If you thought of the Slaley Tithes when in the North should like to hear what Answr. you got, and in what manner you would advise me to proceed to procure them, as they are so used that one might manage them wth.out any inconvenience or hindrance to my Business & if one could make 10 or 15£ a year by them would make the Trouble &c appear Leighter, there’s Capt. Bainbridge & several that was to them he t
To Mssrs Henry & Jona Airey. Farnacres 25 May 1773
We have had a Mr Selby with us who wants as he tells us 500 pieces of lead; he is a Plumber in Edinburgh but is a stranger to us and we know nothing of his circumstances neither for or against; you will therefore yourselves judge whether you are to deal with him or not.
We are Gentm. Your most hble Servts
N W Junr J S
Mr Darwin Hatton Street Newcas 25th May 1773
Holborn London
I received your Letter of the 20th instant you will by this Post receive a Letter from Mr Gibson in answer to it. Inclosed you have a Bill for One hundred Pounds on Accot of Sir Walter Blackett, as he has sent you your Receipt for the £800 - I expect your Receipt for £291.0s.0d as usual, that I may Charge that Sum to Sir Walter Blackett’s Accoun
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 29th May 1773
Dear Sir
We have this day drawn up in you for £337 - 5 being the amount of Eleven Hundred fifty five & one half Ounces of Bullion at 5s 10d POunce. The Bill is payable twenty days after date.
Upon this day Senn.t you will receive a Box containing 382 1/2 Ounces of Bullion in eight pieces. We are with best Compliments to yourself and Family
Dear Sir Your most hble Servts
Extract from Mssrs Walton & Smeaton's Letter to Jno Ibbetson Esq 29th May 1773
As the Establishments at Langley Mill are considerable we beg leave to suggest to the Board whether an Insurance from Fire shd be gone into; the buildings are not in their nature or use more than commonly liable to this accident and are as much as possible detached from one another & we do not know of an Insurance of the kind; notwithstanding we thought it proper to mention this matter to the
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 29th May 1773
We are glad that you are likely to find with a Quarry to your mind and hope it will answer to expectation.
Respecting the Smelters Wages we now inform you that we shall always think it right to give you every reasonable encouragement, if they in reality have any hardship to complain of we should be glad to have things fixed upon a fair and equitable footing; but in so doing we must consider other people as
Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 29th May 1773
In Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by John Jackson the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Eight hundred and fifty one Ounces which you will please to place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Market price and advise me of the Receipt of it.