Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 6th June 1773
I have reced your Letter of the 4th instant and duely note the contents which are very full respecting the matter of the Smelting Wages. Mr Smeaton and I shall be together before the end of the present Month and we will then consider and determine upon what appears most proper upon the occasion.
Though you cannot come at it exactly I should be glad if you would give some kind of guess what the Hedging w
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 14th June 1773
I have not get examined the Operation for May but you will hear from me after I have examined it.
Mr Wilkinson's Slag Lead is not Refineable but the Farnberry is very good the lesser Assay produces 10 [oz] 21 6/10 [grains] P Fodder and the bigger 13[oz] 2[dwt] 3 6/10[gr] P Fodder.
I think from the trial you made of Washing Middle Cleugh and Rampgill Ore, it had been Washed at the Mines as well as we co
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 10th June 1773
As we ommitted setting the Operations right when at the Mill I have set them right since I came home & desire you will make the following additions in Black Ink (which I have wrote in Red Ink) to those now in your custody.
Operation ending 27th June 1772
In Acct of Ore brought in Brownleyhill & Guddamgill Burn Cross Vein Bouse In Acct of Ore Smelted Brownleyhill [in red: ‘& Guddamgill Bu
To Mssrs Henry & Jona. Airey. Farnacres 11th June 1773
Mr Walton Junr will be in Newcastle to morrow and will be glad to settle for the Lead not yet reced for and which was delivered before the first of April. The whole will be only 363 Pieces amounting to £365.16.8.
We are Gents Your most hble Servts
W & S
Dukesfd. 12 June 1773
Mr. Robt. Allgood Allanhds
Richd. Dixon was here yesterday & has mad [sic] submission for his Falts there for you may let him have Ore again at your Mines as other Carriers, wth. this difference, that he’s to be the last loaded at the Mine for 6 Weeks time as an example to the other Carriers.
I am wth. Compts. Yrs IH Jr
Dukesfd. 12 June 1773
Mr. Westgarth Whiteleeshield
Dr. Sir
Ricd. Dixon has been here & acknowledged his falts & therefor desire youll order those that deliver the Ore f’m your Mines that he has Ore again wth the other Carriers but with this difference (as an example to others) to be the last Loaded for 6 Weeks time. I hope you have keep well since I saw you & am wth. Compts. to Mrs. Westgarth yrs. &c
IH Jr.
To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 15th June 1773
Dear Sir
The days Post brought me the favor of yours of the 12th instant and I have drawn upon you for the last Bullion taking one Ounce and an half which by mistake was overdrawn for upon the 29th Ult. The Bill is dated this day and payable 20 days after date for £111.2.6 being the amount of 381 Ounces at 5/10d P Ounce. In our Letter of the 29th Ult we made a mistake in saying you would receive the last Box of Bullion up
Mr Darwin Hatton Street Newcastle June 18th 1773
I reced your Letter of the 7th & 12th instt the former inclosing your Receipt for £291 on Accot of your quarterly payments to the 30th instt the latter inclosing my Bill on you to Sir Edwd Blackett for £509 which you have paid - This will keep our Accot regular as the £800 was not charged to your Accot.
Inclosed y
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 20th June 1773
I have just time to tell you that all the Assays you sent last turn out to be Refineable, but if it had been otherwise and supposing that Guddamgill Burn Cross Vein was a flux for Middle Cleugh, yet it might have been worth while to have mixed them because of the difference of produce occasioned by the mixture.
What you have done about the Hedging I much approve and also of what you propose in your attention
Dukesfd. 21st. June 1773
Mr. Richmond N.Castle
I have here wth. sent you the Lease of Apperley Lane executed by Mr. Surtees & also the last Month accots. wch. I forgot to send before I went into Yorkshire. You’ll please to keep Mr. Surtees’s post till I’m in Town for I promised to keep it for him till he came in to this part of the Country. I have this day wrote Mr. Hall the Compy’s Head Agent acquainting him that Apperley Lane was taken & t
Dukesfd. 21st. June 1773
Mr. John Bell N. Castle
I only got home f’m Yorkshire yesterday or should have answd. yours of the 15th. inst sooner in regard to Elizth. Reed who’s Complaint to Sr. Walter is in part true – the Facts were thus – Her Son Richd. on the 1st. of April left a Horse of ore on the Moor (probably f’m the reason She gave) wch remained there till the 20 when I order’d another Carrier to bring it to the Mill, wch then wanted 2 stone o
Dukesfd. 21st. June 1773
Mr. Hall Agent to the Lead Company
at Alston
When I had the pleasure of seeing you at Blanchland you promised to acquaint the Compy. Wth. the Verbal agreement between their late Agent Mr. Tweedale & me in regard to the Highway leading f’m Apperley Bankfoot & Hedley (Vizt) that the Co & Sr. Walter Blackett were to join in the support of the sd Road: that you was going to London in a little time & would there use all your inf
Dukesfd. 21st. June 1773
Mr. Mulcaster Blaydon
I have here wth. sent you two Pans wth. Letters on their Backs wch. I hope will please, if you’ll send your Old Ones shall Letter them & send you that you may be provided against any misfortune that may happen by the Lead getting between the Letter Plate & Pan – You’ll advise me if the Ld. for your Refinery does not come in fast anuff for you, or if you have the least doubt of being stopt for want of L
To Mr James Mulcaster. Farnacres July 1st 1773
Mr Mulcaster
Your Letter of the 15th Ult was duely received but we have not had an opportunity of consulting together upon the request contained therein til within these few days and now take the first opportunity, since that, of writing to you in answer.
As it will at all times give us pleasure to oblige the Company when we can properly do it and as your Brother acquaints us we can spare one of o
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 2nd July 1773
Mr Mulcaster
Your Letters of the 21st 25th & 28th are come to hand and the contents observed.
We inclose you a Letter for your Brother which you will forward to him and you are desired to acquaint the Slag Hearth Men that as we can spare one of them for a while it will be very agreable to us that one of them goes to Nenthead Mill to make a Tryal of Smelting the Slags there; indeed it wil
To Mr John Ibbetson Esq. Farnacres 2nd July 1773
We inclose the Langley Lead Mill Account from 25th April 1772 to 1st May 1773 upon which there appears to be a Balance of £320.5.1/2 in favour of the Undertaking. You will observe that the profit of this year falls considerably short of the profit of the last year which may in great measure be ascribed to the following causes Viz
1st that the Ore of Middle Cleugh which the last year makes between a
Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 2nd July 1773
Dear Sir
By this Weeks Carrier who will set out for London on Saturday first (tomorrow) we shall send you a Box of Bullion containing 858 1/2 Ounces.
We are sorry to find that Markett for Silver is so bad and doubt it will stil be lower. Whatever the price may be with you we would be glad you should never give us more than you can afford as the Markett may happen upon the arrival of each parcel of Bul
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 11th July 1773
We have reced your Letter of the 5th instant & and think you have done right as to the Slag Smelters. We hope they will prove more successful in their trial at Nenthead Mill than they seem to apprehend and that they will be useful to the Company and answer every wish your Brother can entertain
It gives us pleasure to find Guddamgill Burn Cross Vein answers as well as a flux; to be sure it canno
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Ramshay 13 July 1773
Dear Sir,
Some Time ago my Son told me he had seen you at New Castle & that you your Son & he Thought it would be right to let Stanhope Smelt Mill for One Year. I give you my oppinion to the Contrary by Letter however Since that Time I have had reason to alter as our Works at Greengill West End will be longer in being Tryed than I then expected. I have therefore taken the Liberty to grant leave to Mr Wm. Monkhouse & Compy to
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 19th July 1773
I reced your Letter of the 14th instant on Thursday last and now take the first Opportunity of writing to you, since that time.
The account you give of the success of the Slag Smelters at Nenthead Mill is very indifferent but as I hear by Mr Hilton they have made a further tryal I shall hope to hear that has been attended with more agreable circumstances.
You are certainly right in being silent a
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 21st July 1773
Dear Sir
Last night I reced your Letter of the 17th and am sorry the Silver Trade stil continues in so low a state, but we must be content til times mend and I doubt that is not near. I have this day drawn upon you for £246.16.4 being the amount of 858 1/2 Ounces of Bullion at 5s/9d P Ounce & am with best respects.
Dear Sir your most hble Servt
N W Junr
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 23d July 1773
Foster Lane London
I shall draw a Bill on you the 3d August at 30 days payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co for One Thousand pounds which I desire you will accept & when paid place to the Account of Sir Walter Blackett Barot - I imagine you are mistaken ten shillings in Calculating the amount of the Piece of Silver sent you the 29th May last which amounts
To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Hatton Street Newcas 23d July 1773
I received your’s of the 22d Ulto acknowledging the Receipt of Bell and Cos Bill on Hallifax for £157.10s.0d & when you have paid Mr Thurlow please to send me his Receipt. I shall send you a Bill the 3d August for £500 to pay the half Year’s Interest due to Sir Edward Winnington and at the same time remit you a Bill to enable you to make the quarter
Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 3d Augst 1773
in Foster Lane London
I wrote you on the 23d Ulto to which refer you. I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Thirty days date for One Thousand Pounds payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co or Order, which I desire you will accept & when paid place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett as Usual
To Mr Willm Alvey Darwin Hatton Street Newcas 3d August 1773
Holborne London
I received your Letters of the 24h & 26h Ulto the former Inclosing Mr Thurlow’s Receipt for £157.10s.0d; being half a years Composition for his Tythe Ore. the receipt is not quite regular being made received by the hands of Mr Richmond, but as you say it will be attended with Difficulty to get it rectified I must be satisfied