To Mr Chris Bell. Farnacres 9th August 1773
Mr Bell
As I find John Corbett has a considerable Quantity of Lead by him. I desire you will acquaint him that unless he is very expeditious in getting it to Newcastle he shall have no more Lead this year neither from the Mill nor from the Carriers who take it up at the Mill. I am
Your hble Servt
N W Junr
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 9th August 1773
I have reced your Letter of the 6th as also the Ooeration for last Month which I have not yet examined. Mr Bell is wrote to by this days Carrier about John Corbett.
You are to lead the Stones and Slates, as also the Lime, for the little Cowhouse at your own expence and therefore you may do it in what manner you please. The Wood and Building to be at the expence of the Hospital as also the Carriage of the
Mr John Grey - Attorney at Law Newcas 20th Augst 1773
In Berwick upon Tweed
You will see the Advertisement for the Sale of Unthank in the Papers agreeable to what passed between us - to which I have little to add at present but that the whole of The Threap ground contains about 165 Acres by the Survey we have - As to a new one Mr Ra Forster has undertaken to get it done in October next and as to the Co
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 28th Augst 1773
Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by Frans Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Eight hundred and Twenty one ounces which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Market Price and advise me on the Receipt of them
I am etc
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 29th Aug 1773
Upon the whole of what you state respecting the washing of the Wastes I am of opinion that it will be most proper & more for the interest of the undertaking at Langley Mill to Lett them to Thomas Pattison, than to Henry Smith or to him and Pattison together and therefore desire you will Lett them to Pattison accordingly; at the same time I cannot help pitying poor Henry Smith for the situation he is in, it is ho
Dukesfd. 2nd Septr 1773
Mr. Hall Agent to the Lead Company
at Aldstone
Last week I had some talk wth. Mr. Richmond in regard to the Lane at Apperley, and the Publick Highway leading f’m thence to Hedley; who is willing to treat with you for the Co’s Lead to pass along Apperley Lane, on your fulfilling the late Mr. Tweedale’s agreement in regard to yr. Support of the said Publick Road; but would be glad if you would give him a call when in N.Castle in a Mo
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 4th September 1773
All the Lead being come in I intend to make a Lead Carriers Pay on Wednesday the 15th instant of which I desire youll give immediate notice.
By mistake the 50 Casks of Bone Ashes were sent to Newburn 10 of them are for us and 40 for arm Monkhouse. The sooner our Ten are got to the Mill the better.
I would have you take off the Silver as you propose at the closing of the Account. The A
Farnacres 7th September 1773
Lead in the warehouse 16 Dec 1772 when the genl acct was settled 1804
Do left at Newburn 16 Dec 1772 2
Do delivered at Langley Mill since 16 Dec 1772 6925
Lead sold incl 1000 ps to Mr J Sorsbie & 200 mr Selby 6349
Stock in warehouse a/c to acct sent NW Junr 2375
To Mr Hopper. Farnacres 11th Septemr 1773
As you have ordered Bone Ashes sufficient to answer your own occasions, it seems to me that it will be the best way for us to take the whole of those now at Newburn, & you may repay us in kind when your first fifty arrive from London, by delivering ten Casks into our Warehouse; this will, I think, put an end to all difficulties, if you think so too, I beg it may be so fixed.
£13.5 P Stockton
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 12th September 1773
Your favor of the 31st came duely to hand but I could not conveniently write to you before this time and therefore desire you be so good as excuse my being so late in answering it.
We shall have a pretty large Cake ready by about the middle of October which I will send to you and desire you will fix the price upon its arrival as the Markett shall then answer and so as to leave you a proper prof
Mr Mulcaster. Newtonhall 16th Sept 1773
I desire youll set the Lead Carriage on immediately, the prices to be 4d P Piece from the Mill to Hexham, 9d P Piece from Hexham to Newcastle, 13d P Piece from the Mill to Newcastle, 12d P Piece from the Mill to Newburn & 8d P Piece from Hexham to Newburn and pray tell Isaac Hall that unless he gets a recet from Ions every time he goes to Newcastle he shall carry no more Lead for us.
I am Yo
To Messrs Plumb & Browne - Goldsmiths Newcas 18th Septr 1773
Foster Lane - London
I have this day sent you by John Jackson the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Nine hundred & forty Eight Ounces which you will please to place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Market price & advise me on your Receipt of It
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 21 Sept 1773
We are to have the Fifty Casks of Bone Ashes now at Newburn and therefore the sooner they are got up to the Mill the better. I am
Your hble Servt N W Junr
PS I shall be glad to hear how the Lead Carriage is likely to get on.
To Mr John Grey - Attorney at Law Newcas 23d September 1773
In Berwick upon Tweed
I received your Letter inclosing the Draught of the Conditions of Sale for Unthank Land and Colliery which I think very proper - I have filled up all the Blanks in it and have made the 5th condition as you recommended - As to <affine> & Recovery I am very well satisfied there is no Occasion for any such thing. A Tonn of Coals consists o
To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas 25th Sepr 1773
near Wallington
I have Inclosed you Wm Heighleys voucher for Cambo Colliery which upon examining your Account for 1771 I find he has not signed - I desire you will get them signed by him & return them to me as soon as you can - The Balance of your Accot for 1771 is £513.5s.63/4d which differs only a penny from what you make it - I hope you have your last years
Mr Holmes. Farnacres 1st October 1773
Dear Sir
By this Weeks London Carrier so send you a Cake of Bullion weight 618 1/2 Ounces; it comes sooner than expected as we found it would make too large a Cake to let alone taking off one til the middle of this Month.
When I wrote you last I had sold a small Cake of Bullion at Newcastle for 5s.9 1/2 POunce which I forgot to mention to you then.
I am N W Junr
Dukesfd. 2d Octobr. 1773
Mr. Morrow Blaydon
Dr. Sr.
This Day was delivd. fm this Mill Refined Lead made fm Slag Lead, it beeing of an inferiour quality f’m whats made f’m Ore Lead (i.e. Lead got at the first Fire) have marked it wth. LS that you may distinguish it fm the other Refined Lead so as to be able to keep them separate. & am
Yrs. &c IH JR
P.S. The Late Rains prevents me f’m fixing any time as yet for the Draugts. to attend at A
Dukesfd. 6th. Octobr 1773
Mr. Thos. Crawhall Clerk at Allanhds. Mill
I have examined the Bargain Book & find that Burch was to have had a Guinea p[er] Ton for what Lead he could get out of the three Heaps of Tayls lying at your Mill the Master at the Expce of Smelting & Fewel at both Hearths and he (Burch) to make the Tayls fm them so poor that none could work them after him at 10£ p[er] Ton. You may let Stobbs the single Heep that we spoak off yesterd
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 9th October 1773
I have examined the two last Cakes of Bullion and found the produce to be very bad as below.
The mean weight of the Assays 30 July 7oz 15Dwt 13 8/10 Gr P Fodr which multiplied by 80 Fodders the Quantity refined amounts to 622.6 the real produce was only 574 Ounces Short 48.6.
The mean weight of the Assays 21 September 7.14.8, 4 P Fodder which multiplied by 84 Fodders the quantity refine
Dukesfd. 14th. Octobr. 1773
Mr. Richmond N.Castle
Here with you’ll receive a Box containing two Plates of Silver as p[er] inclosed Acot the latter plate you’ll find not so large as the other in proportion to the Quantity of Lead that its made f’m, owing to the great quantity of Slag Lead wch. is poorer in Silver than the Ore Lead – we have wrought up all the Slag Lead, and Marked the Ld made fm the Litharge wth. an LS according to the directions you gave
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas 15th Octor 1773
Goldsmiths in Foster Lane
I have this day sent you by John Jackson the London Carrier two pieces of Silver containing One thousand four hundred and ninety nine Ounces which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Walter Blackett Bart as usual at the Market price and advise me on your rece
Dukesfd. 17th Octobr 1773
Mr. Crawhall Allanhds. Mill
The Setting on of your Slag Hearth will make you an od Smelter, therefor have sent the Bearer <Jno> Bowman Jr. as he will be very usefull in keeping the Mill in repair as to Cams &c. You may set him to smelt wth. which of the Smelters you think will be the properest capable of to Learn him the Art of Smelting. When I’m at the Mill shall fix the time he work on Servers Wages – you may acquaint t
Thorpe Lee 19th Oct 1773
Dear Brother
I hope this will find my Sisters better; This fine weather I hope will be of Service to us Invalids. I go into the Bathing tub every morning, & ride after breakfast; I think I am growing much better, & hope to come round again 'eer long; next week we have some thoughts of paying Mr Chiswell a visit in Essex.
I am much concerned to hear of the accident that is happened to poor Capt. Wilkinson; Every distress of that unfortunate Family giv
To Mr Townly to the Care of Mrs Coats Hounslow Newcas 29th October 1773
under Cover to
Mrs Coats Hounslow Middlesex
I have reced your Letter last Night and in answer to it acquaint you that Sir Walter Blackett is the proprietor of Unthank Estate which you enquire after and which is to be sold to the best Bidder on the 10th of next Month agreeable to the Advertismt. I also beg leave to acquaint you with the following particulars which are not in the pub
Debden near Newport Essex
Dear Bro[the]r,
I have this moment rec'd the favour of yours; I am perfectly well Satisfied with the agreement with Mr Simpson and am much obliged to you; I wrote to you & Mr Fawcet on purpose to Impower you to make an agreement if it suited wth Mr Simpson as to Sr Thos Clavering I am very easy about him; he knows that he might have had it formerly it he pleased; but he depreciated the Estate; & now I know he will heartily repent his not getting