Mr Willm Alvey Darwin, Hatton Street Newcastle Novr 2d 1773
Inclosed you have two Bills drawn by Messrs Bell Cookson & Co on Messrs Castell & Co the one for Two hundred and seventy five pounds to make your quarterly and other payments on Accot of Sir Walter Blackett to 31st Decr next. The other Bill for Two Hundred and Fifty pounds is to enable you to pay Mrs Gordon 21/2 Years inte
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 3rd Nov 1773
The Operations for July & August have been altered agreeable to your Letter of 30th Ult.o and now stand as follows.
[There follows a table not reproduced here but available in the corresponding copy of the letter contained in the PDF file of this collection.]
The Iron you will receive by John Corbett who took it from Newcastle on Monday last.
You determine properly in paying George Maighan
Dukesfd. 5th. Novr. 1773
Mr. Walton Clerk at Rookhope Mill
Let the Bearer Robt. Forster Jr. go to the Slag Hearth again. Phillipson may continue at the Ore Hearth & Isaac Murray Serve Forster at the Slag Hearth.
& am yrs, &c IH Jr
To Mr Holmes Farnacres 8th November 1773
Dear Sir
Your Letter of the 16th Ult now reced when we were out upon the Recet of the Rents of Greenwich Hospital and their business together with Mr Smeatons severe attack of the Gravel which confined him to his Room from Wednesday morning early til Saturday Night had prevented our having the pleasure of writing to you til now.
The Bill upon Mr Thomas Newton has been presented and is, or will be, paid, and
Mr John Grey - Attorney at Law Newcas 9th Novemr 1773
In Berwick upon Tweed
I received your Letter of the 6th instant too late yesterday to answer it by that Post - As to the Counter parts of the Leases it will be impossible now to produce them at the Sale, for Mr Forster, who is with you, has the Lease of the Land at Wallington and the Lease of the Colliery is too cumbersome to send by the Post - Mr Bell has I suppos
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 10th Novr 1773
We have examined the Operation ending the 16th Ult and find it right in every particular.
The last Bullion according to our weights came to 693 Ounces which is 16 Ounces more than you reckoned it and 13 Oz. 7Dw. 9 6/10 GR more than by Assay it ought to have amounted to. This will partly make up the loss P last Cakes.
We are Your hble Servts
N W Junr J S
To Messrs Plumb & Browne - Foster Lane Newcas 12h Novr 1773
I have this day drawn a Bill on you for Twelve hundred Pounds payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co or Order Thirty days after date which I desire you will accept & place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett I am etc John E B.
£1200 Newcastle Novr 12h 1773
Thirty days after date Pay to Messrs
To Mr Monkhouse. Farnacres 14th November 1773
Dear Sir
I inclose you the two Assays which you gave me yesterday and find they each of them weigh 1Gr. 29/80 and that being produced from 1/2 a Pound of Lead will be equal to 13Oz.7Dw.1 2/10 Gr P Fodder of 21 Cwt.
I am. Dear Sir Yr hble Servt
N W Junr
PS The Assays are as near of a weight as can possibly be expected for they are almost within a One Hundred and Sixtieth part of a
Dukesfd. 15th. Novr. 1773
Mr. Richmond N.Castle
Inclosed you have the Month Accots. for the Several Mill [sic] by which you’ll find that the Deliv[er]y of Ld. f’m Dukesfd. & Allanhds. mills this year amounts together to 20779 ps. wch. will take near 460£ (including the Rent) to pay wch. was to be paid p[er] agreement once the lead were all got to Blaydon – its been all f’m the Bankft. for this some time so that I expect it will be at Blaydon soon, &
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Charles Atkinson Nov 1773
Your Favour of the 29th October came in course. I was Last Week with Mr Lavie & it is his Oppinion that we should sell at such a price as we can get the Quantity being so very small as not to be worthwhile keeping. Therefore unless you think there be a very great probability of a Considerable rise in the Lead trade I do advise you to dispose of what you have as soon as Posable & would have the Cash Paid about the 18th or
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 16th November 1773
We have your Letter now before us respecting a Smelter in lieu of John Price and in case you had not mentioned it Fras Carr wd not have been forgotten by us and we desire he may be fixed in the room of Price and if you see no objection to it you will fix one of John Robson's Sons who you think most likely to answer the end in the place of Carr. It gives us pleasure that yrs & our Sentiments agree as for
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 17th Nov 1773
You will Remember when I saw you at Naward the 23rd Last Month that I told you we were driving a Level from the Old Workings at Stanhope Burn Westwards in order to try the East & West runing Veins on the west side of same North & South runing Veins which have for several Years Past broke the East & West Veins so very much & so generally confused the whole that Nothing of certainty could be expected till we were
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver 17th Nov. 1773
I fulley expected before this Time to have had it in my Power to give you a better accot of Greengill West End than I yet can from exceeding hardness of the shaft & the great quantity of Watter which it afforded we were three times longer in finishing it than I expected & after it was finished the Crosscuts which were necessary to be made were so much harder than I expected than the same Plate beds which we drove at Green
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 20th Novr 1773
In Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Eight hundred & nine Ounces & a half which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Walter Blackett Barot as usual at the Market price & advise me on your Receipt of it
809 Ounces at p oz
To John Selby Esq at Beal near Newcas 22 Novr 1773
Belford North
I understand from Mr Grey that you have agreed to purchase Sir Wr Blacketts Estate at Unthank and I have a Letter from Mr Geo Selby Attorney at Law in Alnwick desiring to have the Abstract of the Title & other particulars to lay before your Counsel - This Abstract I have sent to Mr Geo Selby to save time but should be glad to know if I must sen
To Mr Geo Selby - Attorney at Law Newcas 22 Novr 1773
In Alnwick
I have sent you the Abstract of Sir Walter Blacketts Title to Unthank Estate as you desired & the Copies of the Leases will be sent as soon as they are done.
As to the Description which you want of the Premises I can give no other than are contained in the Abstract & Conditions of Sale only I never understood that any Coal in West Ord if there is
Mr Westgarth Forster Newcas 23 Novr 1773
at Coalcleugh
I suppose Mr Westgarth is not well enough to come down hither next Week; if he is Sir Walter desires to see him here on Friday se’night the 3d of Decemr but if he cannot come you will without fail - He desires that in the meantime you will take a view of Allanheads Mine & consider with yourself how she can be carried on in the cheapest and most
Mr Caleb Hunter at Allanheads Newcas 23d Novemr 1773
Sir Walter Blackett desires that you & Mr Richd Allgood will come down hither on Friday se’night the 3d Decemr - along with Mr Westgarth Forster &that in the mean time you will settle with him what day he is to take a view of Allenheads Mine & that you will give him every Information that he may want concerning the same - I desire you will send a special Messenger
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 24th Novem 1773
Dear Sir
We have this day drawn upon you payable 30 days after date for £196.7- being the amount of 693 Ounces of Bullion at 5s8d P Ounce And Are
Dear Your most hble Servts
W & S
Sir. Farnacres 24th Novemr 1773
Thirty days after date pay to the Order of Mssrs Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Saint One Hundred and Ninety Six
Dukesfd: 25th. Novr. 1773
Mr. Morrow Blaydon
Dr. Sr.
On the 12th. inst I wrote to acquaint you of the quantity of Ld. Delivd. fm Dukesfd. & Allanhds. Mills & wch. Letter I find to day had never been sent owing to the negligence of a Servt. Lad that left me this Mart[inma]s the Quantity Delivd. are (Viz)
Dukesfd. 19.901
& Allanhds 878
If you have recd. the above quantity exclusive of th
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 26 Nov 1773
I have reced your Letter of the 21st instant and am perfectly satisfied with what you have done as to the Smelters and Labourer.
The Assays of Windy Brow Lead produce as follows
Oz Dw. Gr
Grey Ore Lead P Fodder. 9 18 -
Common Ore Lead P Do. 10 5 19 2/10
I shall be at Hexham on Tuesday Evening and if it is not inconvenient to you shd be glad to see you
Dukesfd. 27th. Novr. 1773
Mr. Walton Clerk at Rookhope
Let Mr. Richardson serve Robt. Forster at your Slag Hearth, & Isaac Murray may come to the Slag Hearth at Dukesfield. & am yrs. &c IH Jr
Dukesfd. 27th. Novr. 1773
Mr. Crawhall Allanhds.
I have sent Thos. Purvis One of the Emigrants f’m this Mill to Smelt at your Mill this Winter as a punishment of his Folly, & you must put him & <Jno.> Bowman to Work together & let Bowman then enter to half Shift. You may tell Nichs. Stobbs that he may have Purvis’s Work for this Winter at Dukesfield Mill if he chooses & am yrs &c IH Jr
To Mr George Selby - Attorney at Law Newcas 6th Decr 1773
In Alnwick
I have received your Letters of the 24th Ulto & 4th instant & was preparing to answer the former tho’ not with the Dispatch you seem to have expected but your latter Letter has stop’d me in my Progress by the Difficulties you raise about Sir Walter’s Title to the Coalmines under the Estate of East Ord & your saying it will be to
To J. Blenkinsop Coulson Esqr Newcas 7 Decmr 1773
at Jesmond
I received the favour of your Letter recommending the Son of Robert Taylor to be put into Saint Andrews Charity School but am sorry it is not in my power to do it as the Boy was not born in Saint Andrews Parish - If this Circumstance had been explained to us sooner I should, before this, have answered your Letter - The Delay proceeded from an Intention o