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Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 10 Dec 1773

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 10th Decr 1773 Dear Sir This Weeks London Carrier from Newcastle will bring you 781 1/2 Ounces of Bullion which when reced we will draw upon you for after deducting what we have reced of Mr Newton on your Acct which is £11.6.6. We did promise to deduct it out of the last Cake but had not then reced the money as it was only paid us upon the 30th of last Month. We are etc W & S

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Thomas Crawhall – 18 Dec 1773

Dukesfield 18th Decr: 1773 Mr. Thos. Crawhall Clerk of Allanhds. Mill Sir Pray let me have your June & Septr. Quartrs. Accots. as soon as possible, and you may put your Decr. Accots. forward after send the above, that you may be able to send it at a few days notice after you get Orders to close it. You’ll push your Smelting when the Weather will allow as much as you can, that there may be as little Ore at the Mill against Mayday as possible; or your Quantity

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 21 Dec 1773

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 21st Decemr 1773 The Bullion weighed 781 1/2 Ounces and I have filled up the Blank in the Operation agreable thereto. In examining the Operation ending the 27th Ult I find the following apparent errors the latter I am clear is one & most probably the former. The Stock of Refineable Slag Lead Oper.n ending 16 Octr is 162 Produced as P Operation ending the 27 November 101 You h

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 23 Dec 1773

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 23rd Dec 1773 Sir, I wrot you of the 17 Last Month of our having got some good Ore at Stanhope in what we called a flat & did not then expect getting any Tryal of the Vein before Lady Day but having lattly having had a few Days of Hard Frost which Dryed up the Day Watter we got a small Tryal of the Vein which looks well so far as we have seen the other Day we had the good Fortune to cut one of the Veins at Greengill West End but has got no further

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to John Cleaver – 29 Dec 1773

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver 29th Dec. 73 Sir, I wrote you on the 17th last Month of my Intention of being in Newcastle the 18th Instant & desired you would send me a bill or Cash for one Hundred & fifty Pounds but have heard nothing from you since & as Lord Carlisles Money is ready I beg you will immediately send yours at Christmass as the Time that all the Leases make their Lead Mine Pays the other day we had the good fortune to cut one of the Veins at Greengill W

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 31 Dec 1773

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 31st Decmr 1773 Sir The Piece of Silver you sent on Tuesday last the 28th instant from Dukesfield Refinery is weighed and it contains Eight hundred & Seventy six Ounces - I hope this Letter will find you got home safe from the Pays & I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 2 Jan 1774

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 2d Janry 1774 In Foster Lane London Gentlemen On the 31st Ulto I sent you by Robt Cave the London Carrier Two pieces of fine Silver containing together One Thousand five hundred & thirty five Ounces; which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett Barot as usual at the Market price & advise me on your Receipt of Them I wish you many happy Years & I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 2 Jan 1774

To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 2nd January 1774. Dear Sir Your Letter of the 14th Ult was duely received at Austhorpe as was also that of the 25th Ult at this place and in Friday Evening we reced a very fine Quarter of Lamb for which I am much obliged to you and return many thanks. It proved excellent Eating and our friends were not forgot on the occasion. When I was at Austhorpe my Brother and I thought we had not time sufficient to take y

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Selby – 4 Jan 1774

To Mr George Selby - Attorney at Law Newcas 4 Janry 1774 In Alnwick Sir I have sent you as you desired by the Alnwick Carrier a Copy of the Lease of Unthank Estate and of the Lease of the Colliery in Unthank & the Threap Ground and in the Township of East Ord adjoining & I hope you will be able from them and Mr Browns Plan which I have also sent to make out a Description of the Colliery to be conveyed to Mr Selby especiall

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Selby – 9 Jan 1774

To Mr George Selby - Attorney at Law Newcas 9th Janry 1774 In Alnwick Sir I received your Letter of the 7th instant and as to what you take Notice of in John Anderson’s Lease Sir Walter Blackett’s Intention is to put that Matter right for Mr Selby before he enters to his purchase it being a Mistake which we were not aware of till after the Sale as the Lease has been kept at Wallington ever since its Execution. As to the

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 11 Jan 1774

Mr Darwin - Hatton Street London Newcastle Janry 11th 1774 London Sir I wrote to you on the 5th instant & then inclosed Messrs Bell & Cos Bill on Hallifax & Co for £157. 10s. 0d to pay Mr Thurloe. I have now inclosed you two Bills drawn by Messrs Bell & Co on Hallifax & Co - the one for £500 is to enable you to pay Sir Edward Winningtons half years Interest due from Sir Walter Blackett on the 6th of next month - in t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Fenwick – 22 Jan 1774

Mr John Fenwick - Robert’s Place, York Newcas 22d Janry 1774 Sir Your Letter to Mr Richmond came safe to hand inclosing a Receipt for Forty seven pounds ten Shillings for a years Interest due to you from Sir Walter Blackett this day; in return for it I have sent you inclosed Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Castell & Co for the like Sum at a months date. You will please to acknowledge the receipt of this Bill by the return of the Post

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 24 Jan 1774

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie Alston 24th Jany 1774 Sir, Your Favour of the 14th Instant came in course which gives me no small concern I wrote you the 17th Novr Last that Mr Atkinson had sold all my Lords Lead which was to be paid for on the 18th December at which Time I ment to be at Newcastle to settle with him & at the same Time would take the Liberty to draw on you for the Cash that would be wanted to make the several Pays & in that Letter give you the agreeable accou

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 2 Feb 1774

Mr Darwin Hatton Street Newcas 2rd Februy 1774 London Sir Sir Walter Blackett set out for London this day about Noon and I shall be very glad to hear of his safe Arrival there I understand the Blanchland Petition and Bill are sent you tho I have not yet seen them - Westburnhope is pitched upon as the Estate to be mortgaged for defraying the Expence of this Act etc as I believe there can b

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 4 Feb 1774

Mr Ra : Heron Attorney at Law Newcas 4th Februy 1774 Hexham Sir I have received a Letter from Mr Darwin by which I find you have sent him the Petition and Draft of a Bill for settling Matters between Lord Crewe’s Trustees and Sr Wr Blackett in respect of the disputed Boundary between Blanchland and Hexham Sir Walter Blackett has asked me some Questions about this Bill which I could not answer as I have no

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 4 Feb 1774

Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas 4th Februy 1774 Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Gentn I have sent you by John and Thos Jackson the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Seven Hundred and thirtyone Ounces and a Half which I desire you will place to Accot with Sr Wr Blackett as usual at the Market price and advise on the rect of it I am etc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 5 Feb 1774

To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 5 Febry 1774 Dear Sir Now we are together it comes in course of business to consider the contents of your two Letters of the 14th and 25th December. We are sensible the change of times and trade are such, that the original basis upon which our dealings with you for Silver were to be regulated, is quite removed and altered; and therefore it becomes necessary to find out new grounds to found our dealings upon. We have not the leas

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 6 Feb 1774

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 6 Febry 1774 We duly reced your Letters of the 26th Decemr and 10th 19th 26th & 31 st Ulto. The Cake of Bullion last sent fro the Mill weighed 684 Ounces which is just 21 Oz 12 Dw short of the Assay. Your Operations with the alterations which have pointed out will now be exactly right. The Acct of Materials has not yet been examined but we doubt not its being right in every way particular.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 10 Feb 1774

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 10th Febr 1774 We have received your Letter by Geo Glenwright. As to the Bullion send it when you are ready with your usual quantity but write to us and let us know as near as you can when you are within a fortnight of its arrival at Newcastle As we have Mr Hiltons Recet for the Eighty Pounds he may as well keep it; You are certainly right in not paying the Carriers anything on account and we think he sh

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 15 Feb 1774

Mr Ralph Heron Attorney at Law Newcas 15 Febry 1774 In Hexham Sir I received the favour of your Letter & shall be glad to see you when you come to Town - As to what you mention of the Subtractors of Grist from Hexham Mills having presented a Petition to Sir Walter Blackett I don’t know of it only of one from Peter Keir - The Draught of the Bill against these Subtractors I believe Sir Walter has - if I get it I shal

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Thomas Maughan – 16 Feb 1774

Dukesfield 16th. Feby. 1774 Mr. Thos. Maughan Newhouse Sir The Storm I do suppose has prevented you f’m sending the General Accot. of the Ore delivd. f’m your Mines last Year to the several Mills, as the Fells are now passable do thus remind you that in case there should be any differences between the Mines & Mills Accots. that they may be adjusted before Decr. Accots. be sent to N.Castle. I am yrs. &c IH Jr P.S. Mr. Surtees who got the l

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Caleb Hunter – 16 Feb 1774

Dukesfd. 16th. Feby. 1774 Mr. C. Hunter Allanheads Dr Sr. As the late Fresh has made the Fells passable beg you’ll send me your general Accot. of the Ore delivd. fm your Mines (in 1773) to the several Mills. Pray do not send your Decr. Accot. to N.Castle till the Mistakes (if any) between the Delivs. & Rec.ts at the Mills be properly adjusted. I shall write you once I receive the above if any mistakes but would it not be as proper if you sent Mr. R. Allgood

Letter – Isaac Hunter to William Westgarth – 16 Feb 1774

Dukesfd. 16th. Feby. 1774 Mr. Westgarth Whiteleeshield Dr. Sr. Supposing that the communication between your Place & this now open, I take this method to remind you to send a General Accot. of the Ore delivd. last yr. f’m your Mines to the Several Mills. I was sorry that your Health prevented us of the pleasure of your Compy at the Pays, and to hear that you had had so poor a Winter; I should have accepted your invirtation when at Allanhds if I had not had to

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 17 Feb 1774

Dukesfd. 17th. Feby. 1774 Mr. Richmond N.Castle Herewith have sent you the Mills & Ref[iner]y’s Q[uarte]r Accots. for March, June and Septr. We have been so much hindered by the Frost that it will be some time before you’ll get the General Accots. of the Mills &c. the Mills are all got to work again, and shall forward things as much as I can that we may be ready for the Pay against the usual times but am afraid tht. we will be later. & am yrs. &c IH Jr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 18 Feb 1774

To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 18 Febry 1774 Dear Sir I was favoured with your obliging Letter of the 11th inst in due course which gave me much pleasure & I heartily congratulate you as to the Agreement. As upon the whole we have each of us expressed our not having been instructed in the manner of calculating the quantity of Standard Silver from time to time supposing the Assay to be reported 15 1/2 better, I realy think it will be proper for us to ha
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467