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Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 16 Mar 1774

Mr Darwin No 4 Hatton Street Newcas 16th March 1774 London Sir Inclosed I send you Mr George Selby’s Copy of the Boundary and Description of the Lands and Coalmines intended to be conveyed by Sir Walter Blackett to Mr John Selby with some Alterations made in it by me and also the Copy of the Conditions of Sale and of the Article for the purchase - These I send that you may be Master o

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Bell – 19 Mar 1774

Dukesfd. 19 March 1774 Mr. Jno. Bell N.Castle Dr. Sr. The Ash Wood cut at Broomhaugh for the use of Sr. Wm’s Smelt Mills is 22 Trees wch. were then Marked, but not measured, was the reason of my not acquainting you of it till I could give you an Accot. of the No. of feet they contained; wch. you shall have before its taken off the Ground I order’d the Men that cut it to give an Accot. to the Tenant of the No. of Trees they cut & the Mark put upon them I ha

Letter – Henry Richmond to Francis Laidman – 21 Mar 1774

Mr Fras Laidman Surgeon in Morpeth Newcas 21st March 1774 Sir By a Letter from Sir Walter Blackett last post I understand that your Son Mr Jno Laidman Surgeon in London has been with him desiring to have the hundred pounds which he will be intitled at the Age of Twenty one Years by Sir Walter’s Bond now paid him I must therefore desire of you to send me a Copy of the Register of his Baptism as the first step to his obtaining this Money and

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Selby – 21 Mar 1774

Mr George Selby Attorney at Law in Alnwick Newcas 21st March 1774 Sir In answer to your Letter of the 18th instt I can only say that I see no reason to making further Alteration in your Copy of the Boundary etc than such as I made when I returned it to you on the 15th instt only if the words “on the Lands belonging to the Township or Village of Scremerston on or towards the East” were struck out it was by Mistake and there can be no Objection to the B

Letter – John Mowbray to Edward Blackett – 23 Mar 1774

Darlington, 23rd March 1774 Sir Edward Blackett Being engaged in building a Windmill in the Neighbourhood of Darlington, among other Things & wanting one pair of Grey Mill Stones which I am informed you have to dispose of belonging to your mill at Sockburne now laid off Work by reason of sundry Repairs wanting, and the Damn Broke away by the great Floods about 2 years ago: My Neighbour Mr Robson (your late Agent) being dead made me at a loss how to apply, other way

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 23 Mar 1774

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newcas 23d March 1774 Gentn On the 4t instant I sent you by John Jackson the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Seven hundred & Thirty eight Ounces & a half wch I hope you recd safe but not having a Letter of Advice thereof by the last Post as I ought to have had occasions this Enquiry. I am etc HR

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 27 Mar 1774

Dukesfd. 27th March 1774 Mr. H Richmond N.Castle Sir I Have here with sent you the General Accots. for the three Smelt Mills & their Decr. Month Accots. as allso the Refinery’s Accot. of Silver &c. I doubt you find the Delivy. of ore f’m the Mines not to agree wth. the Mill Accots. so nearly as they ought tho I have don what I can to have the differences adjusted. I expect to send you the Quarts. Accots., Pay Bill & Rental against the 18th of next

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 31 Mar 1774

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 31 Mar 1774 I have reced your Letter of the 28th inst with the Operation inclosed for the present Month. The Operation for the Pay had best end up in the 30th of April and if you shd not happen to get all compleated which shd come into the Pay Bill til after the middle of May such things may notwithstanding be brought into the Operation ending the 30th of April. I have no objection to your going on with the n

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 31 Mar 1774

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newcas 31 March 1774 Gentn Inclosed I send you two parts of your Account with Sir Walter Blackett - I have signed one of them and if you find it right I desire you will sign the other & return it to etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Apr 1774

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 3rd April 1774 On Wednesday the 27th of April instant in the Evening I purpose being at Langley Mill and taking a Bed there the next morning shall set out for Alston and on Saturday the 7th of May Mr Smeaton and I intend being at your House in the Evening, shall stay there til Sunday after dinner and then go to Hexham. The Mill Pay is to be upon the 11th of May. I am Your hble Servt

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 4 Apr 1774

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie Alston 4 April 1774 Sir, Your favour of the 4th Last Month came in course the present date of Stanhope Greengill West End & Howblagill Lead Mines you have as follows the Level at Stanhope was Finished the 12th Ult. & on the 14th I let the following Bargains the East End to raise Ore with 8 Pickmen till Midsummer next at 25s p Bing the West End to raise Ore with the same Number of Men & Time at 35s p Bing we have no opportunity of try

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Langlands – 6 Apr 1774

To. Mr Langlands. Farnacres 6th April 1774 Sir I send you herein your Note for the Fine Silver Sold you the 3rd January last and desire you will be so good as excuse my being so late in doing this. It had realy slipped my memory. I am Sir Your hble Servt N W Junr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 6 Apr 1774

To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 6th April 1774 Dear Sir I duly reced your Letter of the 19th Ulto and shd have wrote you before this time had I not been very much engaged ever since. The prices at Newcastle much the same as when I last wrote you but suppose 5s/7 3/4d or 5s/8d the most. I am obliged to you for your information respecting Dollars and Barrs and as you acquaint me Barrs are somethings finer and sometimes coarser than Standard

Letter – Christopher Fawcett to Edward Blackett – 6 Apr 1774

Newcastle 6. April 1774 Dear Sir Edward As all or most of the Title Deeds relating to the Estate at Winlaton which you have sold to Mr. Simpson are in the Hands of Sir Walter Blackett, and as Sir Walter, Sir Thomas Wentworth & others are interested in those Deeds, but it is necessary That Mr. Simpson should have a Deed of Covenant for the Production of them as there shall be Occasion; I made the inclosed Draft as appearing to me a proper One for all Parties interested; and ha

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 10 Apr 1774

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 10th April 1774 On examining Mr Hiltons Account of Ore delivered last year at Langley Mill I find the following Errors in your Operations which I desire you will set right. In Oper.n ending 27 Nov 1773 Thortergill Bouse shd be Cutting B Cwt In Do 25 Dec 1773 Thortergill Bouse 1B 6Cwt Cutting 2 - = 3.6 shd be Bouse 4 Cuttn 3 2 = 3.6 all the rest agre

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 13 Apr 1774

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newcas 13th April 1774 Gentn I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Thirty days date payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co or order for Nine hundred pounds which I desire you will accept & place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett I am etc JEB £900.-.-. Newcastle April 13th 1774 Thirty days after date Pay to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co or order Ni

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 15 Apr 1774

Dukesfd. 15th. April 1774 Mr. Richmond Newcastle Sir I have here wth. sent you the Pay Bill Rental & Quarty. Accots. wch. I hope you’ll find Right. I have not deducted the 1..2..4 ¾ fm the Yrs. Accots. as you ordered, for that over charge in the last Yrs. Accots. were in the Bills you paid & I accounted to you in the Genl. Accot. for them as charged in the Accots. wch. can make no difference in the Ballances. But shall alter it when in Town in what Manner you

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 16 Apr 1774

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 16th April 1774 Sir I have fixed the Mills pay to be made at Dukesfield on Thursday the 5th of May of which you will give proper Notices and be here on Monday the 2nd receive your Money on Tuesday and go home with it on Wednesday - You will give Intimation of this to the other Stewards and come armed as usual I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 17 Apr 1774

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 17 April 1774 In my Letter of the 10th inst for Thortergill in my remark as to yr Operation ending the 25th Decr last read Rampgill and then all will be right & I observe you have made yr alteration in the Operation now returned you ending 25 Decer last so as to correspond with that now here. The Bullion weighs 981 Ounces and looks very well. I have not yet had time to try the Assays. We shall not pay the Lead C

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 17 Apr 1774

Mr Heron Attorney at Law in Hexham Newcas 17th April 1774 Sir I hear you were in Town last week - a few Minutes of Conversation then would have communicated what I had to say to you about the Lead Mine Lease I wrote to you some time ago - If you have one of the Alston Moor Leases it would shorten your work in the drawing otherwise the Covenants will be difficult to adjust - This Lease will be wanted in a little time so if you are to be in this

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Walter Blackett – 19 Apr 1774

Sir Wr Blackett Barot Half moon Street Newcas 19th April 1774 Piccadilly London Dear Sir Inclosed you will receive Messrs Bell & Cos Bill on Messrs Castell & Co for Two hundred pounds which is sent agreeable to your directions to Mr Richmond - You will be pleased to acknowledge the Receipt of this Bill I am etc JEB £200 - - Newcastle

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 19 Apr 1774

Mr Willm Alvey Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 19h April 1774 Sir Inclosed you have Bell & Cos bill on Castell & Co for Two hundred & ninety Pounds on Account of the quarterly payments you are to make in London for Sir Wr Blackett between the 31 Ulto & the 30 June next which you will place to his Account & send me the usual Receipt for it. I am etc JEB £290 - - Newcas

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 21 Apr 1774

Mr Ra: Heron Attorney at Law Hexham Newcas 21st April 1774 Sir I should have been glad to have acquainted you verbally when you were in Town with the particulars of the Lease I wrote you about, for I am a bad complainer with my left hand of things that in Discourse would have been intelligible enough. The Lease is intended to be from Sr Wr Blackett to Mr Baker of Elamore for 21 years of Hackford Leadmine in Hexham Manor the bounder is to be twenty

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Westgarth – 21 Apr 1774

John Westgarth Esqr at Unthank Weardale Newcas 21st April 1774 Sir I received your favour of the 19th instt and as I shall not be at Dukesfield Pay not being well enough recovered of the Stroke of the palsy which I had in March gone Twelve Months and Wch has reduced me to write with my left hand I must desire if you have any proposals to make about any Vein of Lead Ore belonging to Sr Wr Blackett you will transmit them to me here You desire no Tack may

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 24 Apr 1774

Mr Darwin No 4 Hatton Street London Newcas 24th April 1774 Sir In my Lres of the 5th & 16th last Month I sent you all necessary particulars about the Conveyance of Unthank Estate fm Sr Wr Bt to Mr Jno Selby and acquainted you that Mr Duane and Mr Lodge were concerned for him and you were the only person of the Law employed by Sr Wr and said that the Money was to be pd on 12th May - I also wrote Mr Geo Selby that you were the person that Mr
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467