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Letter – Henry Richmond to Robt & Wm Redhead – 19 Feb 1774

Messrs Robt & Wm Readhead Newcas 19th Februy 1774 at the Lee near Rothbury Gentlemen I am sorry to have had occasion to ask you so often without Effect for the Rent due from you to Sir Walter Blackett for Unthank Colliery and am sorry now to acquaint you that Sir Wr Blackett has ordered the Bond from you and Old Mr Readhead of Kidlandlee to be put in suit unless you pay the two years Rent immediately which were due the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Redhead – 19 Feb 1774

Mr Readhead Senr at Kidlandlee Newcas 19th Februy 1774 Sir You entered into Bond with Messrs Robert & Wm Readhead for payment of Four Hundred pounds for the Rent of Unthank Colliery - There is now that Sum due from them to Sir Wr Blackett for two years Rent - they have often been applied to but without Effect and now Sir Wr has ordered the Bond to be put in suit unless the Money is paid immediately

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Walter Blackett – 21 Feb 1774

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt Half Moon Street Newcas 21st Febry1774 Piccadilly London Dear Sir Above you have a Bill on Messrs Plumb & Browne for Three hundred pounds which Sum you desired might be remitted to you about this time - You will be pleased to acknowledge the Receipt of this I am etc John E Blackett £300.-.-. Newcastle 21st Febry 1774 Twenty days after

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 24 Feb 1774

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie Alston 24th Feby 1774 Sir, I Wrote you of the 23rd Ult. in Ansr to yours of the 14th Jany since which my Son has been in NewCastle & was told by Messrs Bell Cookson Carr & Company that my Draft on you of the 7th of January was returned & Protested for non Payment he desired them to return the Bill to London to their Friends & desire them to call on you again which I hope has been done and is allready settled. However I thought it

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Selby – 25 Feb 1774

To Mr Geo Selby Attorney at Law Newcas 25th Febry 1774 In Alnwick Sir I received your Letter of the 22d instant and cannot yet send you the Boundaries you want as Mr Bell is only now at Ord; having been stop’d going thither before by the bad weather - I shall write to Mr Darwin in London to prepare copies of such Deeds Fines Recoveries Wills & Awards as you say Mr Selby ought to have attested Copies of but whether th

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 25 Feb 1774

To Mr Darwin - Greys Inn London Newcas 25th Febry 1774 Sir Sir Walter Blackett has sold to John Selby Esqr the Estate and Colliery of Unthank and the Coal mines in East Ord - Mr Geo Selby Attorney in Alnwick is concerned for the Purchaser & he writes me that Mr Duane is employed as their Counsel & that he is of Opinion that “All the Deeds Fines Recoveries Wills & Awards mentioned in the Abstract ought to be set forth in the S

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Selby – 3 Mar 1774

Mr George Selby Atty at Law in Alnwick Newcas 3rd March 1774 Sir Mr Bell is returned from Berwick and on the other Side you have a Description of the Bounder of Unthank, the Threap Ground, the Township of East Ord and also of the Cottages and Garth in East Ord which Mr Selby has bought of Sir Walter Blackett and also of the Quay or Coal Staith in Tweedmouth which Sir Walter has since made him a present of. These Boundaries I hope will enable you

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 4 Mar 1774

To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 4 March 1774 Dr Sir By the London Carrier who will arrive here upon the 7 inst I shall to morrow send you a Box containing 641 Ounces of Bullion which will I hope come safe to hand; and on the other half of this Sheet you have the prices of Bullion at Newcastle and London compared from which it appears that your prices have almost universally exceeded Mr Langlands til the latter end of 1772 and that his prices have in general excee

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 4 Mar 1774

Dukesfd. 4th. March 1774 Mr. Morrow Blaydon Sir Have below given you an Accot. of the Lead delivd. f’m Rookhope Mill last year. You’ll let me know as soon as you can whether the Whole be got in, if not, what quantity of each kind (I mean the 11 & 8 Stone Pigs) and I shall send you An Accot. of the Quantity that each Carriageman took f’m the Mill wch. will inable you to know the defaulters, and if any of them should happen to live in your Neighbourhood tha

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Selby – 5 Mar 1774

Mr George Selby Atty at Law in Alnwick Newcas 5th March 1774 Sir I have acquainted Mr Darwin as you desired that Mr Lodge of Grey’s Inn is your Agent and that he may give him the Copy of the Deed vesting the Term of 500 Years in Mr Darwin but he writes me that he shall not make Copies of any other Deeds ‘till it is pointed out to him what is wanted and till he knows who is to pay him for them - for Copies of all the Title Deeds will come to £20

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 5 Mar 1774

Mr Darwin No 4 Hatton Street London Newcas Saturdy 5 March 1774 Sir Mr Geo: Selby writes me that Mr Lodge of Grey’s Inn is his Agent and will call upon you for the Copy of the Deed vesting the Term of 500 Years in You as that will be first wanted and that afterwards he will examine the other Copies but I have wrote him what you say that they ought to be at Mr Selby’s Expence - What is usual in such Cases must be agreed to, only I wish you would t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 5 Mar 1774

To Messrs Plumb & Browne, Goldsmiths Newcas 5th March 1774 In Foster Lane London Gentlemen I sent you yesterday by John Jackson the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Seven hundred and thirty eight Ounces and a half which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Wr Blackett as usual at the Market price and advise me on your receipt of it - P.S. I now writing my Name with my Left hand of which you h

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 7 Mar 1774

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 7th March 1774 Your Letters of the 26th and 28th Ulto came to hand in due course and also the Operation and Assays; the former I have examined and find it right but the latter I have not yet had time to weigh and therefore cannot tell you how the Cake of Bullion answers to the Assay. The Cake of Bullion weighed exactly 641 Ounces. I would not have any of the Ore of the present year to come within the next Pay Bill but would

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Westgarth – 8 Mar 1774

Mr William Westgarth at Coalcleugh Newcas 8th March 1774 Sir Sir Jas Johnstone has desired Sr Wr Blackett will permit Mr Caleb Kidd to go and view and “give his Opinion as to the properest method of working his Mines which are situated not Fifty Miles from Sr Walter’s and which would not occasion Mr Kidd’s being absent for above three days” Sir Walter has agreed to this so you will please to acquaint Mr Kidd of it immediately that

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 8 Mar 1774

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 8 March 1774 Sir I received your Letter of the 1st instant inclosing Mr Wrights Receipt for £500 due the 6th Febry for Interest on Sir Walter Blacketts Bond to Sir Edward Winnington I am etc John E Blackett

Letter – Henry Richmond to Carr & Widdrington – 9 Mar 1774

1774 March 9th Mr Richmonds Compliments to Messrs Carr & Widdrington & desires they will be so good as pay Mr Blackett the inclosed Accot; as soon as Convenient.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 11 Mar 1774

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 11th March 1774 The Lead produced from Mr Wilinsons Cowhill, Cowhill Cross Vein, Cowslitts Cross Vein and Old Cowslitts is very well worth Refining you will therefore get it made into 1Cwt pieces. I am Your hble Servt N W Junr PS. The last Cake of Bullion runs short of the Assay 22Oz 6Dw 18Gr. I think upon the whole we oftener run short than we used to do and you observe the above quantity

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 14 Mar 1774

Dukesfd. 14th. March 1774 Mr. Morrow Blaydon Dr. Sr. I have inclosed you the Mill Accot. of the Delivy. Of Ld. to the several Carriagemen last year, by wch. I hope (if the second undertakers has given you the names of the Firsts when they brought in the Lead) you’ll be able to make out the aggressors whome you’ll please to advise me off – on the other side you’ll have an Accot. of the Back Carriage pd. to Nixon - & am Yrs. &c IH Jr

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Selby – 15 Mar 1774

Mr Geo: Selby Attorney at Law in Alnwick Newcas 15th March 1774 Sir Inclosed I return your Copy of the Boundary and Description of the Lands and Coalmines intended to be conveyed by Sir Walter Blackett to Mr Selby with such Alterations as to me appeared necessary - The reason of some of these I have inserted in the Margin - You will see an Addl Sheet to your Copy containing the power of working the Colliery in the Threap Ground as they are set fort

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 16 Mar 1774

Mr Darwin No 4 Hatton Street Newcas 16th March 1774 London Sir Inclosed I send you Mr George Selby’s Copy of the Boundary and Description of the Lands and Coalmines intended to be conveyed by Sir Walter Blackett to Mr John Selby with some Alterations made in it by me and also the Copy of the Conditions of Sale and of the Article for the purchase - These I send that you may be Master o

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Bell – 19 Mar 1774

Dukesfd. 19 March 1774 Mr. Jno. Bell N.Castle Dr. Sr. The Ash Wood cut at Broomhaugh for the use of Sr. Wm’s Smelt Mills is 22 Trees wch. were then Marked, but not measured, was the reason of my not acquainting you of it till I could give you an Accot. of the No. of feet they contained; wch. you shall have before its taken off the Ground I order’d the Men that cut it to give an Accot. to the Tenant of the No. of Trees they cut & the Mark put upon them I ha

Letter – Henry Richmond to Francis Laidman – 21 Mar 1774

Mr Fras Laidman Surgeon in Morpeth Newcas 21st March 1774 Sir By a Letter from Sir Walter Blackett last post I understand that your Son Mr Jno Laidman Surgeon in London has been with him desiring to have the hundred pounds which he will be intitled at the Age of Twenty one Years by Sir Walter’s Bond now paid him I must therefore desire of you to send me a Copy of the Register of his Baptism as the first step to his obtaining this Money and

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Selby – 21 Mar 1774

Mr George Selby Attorney at Law in Alnwick Newcas 21st March 1774 Sir In answer to your Letter of the 18th instt I can only say that I see no reason to making further Alteration in your Copy of the Boundary etc than such as I made when I returned it to you on the 15th instt only if the words “on the Lands belonging to the Township or Village of Scremerston on or towards the East” were struck out it was by Mistake and there can be no Objection to the B

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 23 Mar 1774

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newcas 23d March 1774 Gentn On the 4t instant I sent you by John Jackson the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Seven hundred & Thirty eight Ounces & a half wch I hope you recd safe but not having a Letter of Advice thereof by the last Post as I ought to have had occasions this Enquiry. I am etc HR

Letter – John Mowbray to Edward Blackett – 23 Mar 1774

Darlington, 23rd March 1774 Sir Edward Blackett Being engaged in building a Windmill in the Neighbourhood of Darlington, among other Things & wanting one pair of Grey Mill Stones which I am informed you have to dispose of belonging to your mill at Sockburne now laid off Work by reason of sundry Repairs wanting, and the Damn Broke away by the great Floods about 2 years ago: My Neighbour Mr Robson (your late Agent) being dead made me at a loss how to apply, other way
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467