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Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 30 Sep 1676

Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Newcastle 7ber [September] the 30th: 1676 Sir Inclosed you have a Bill for £400 w[hi]ch is to lett you see that I have a minde to beginn a new account w[i]th you and tis probable I may draw itt againe upon you shortly; but you may assure yo[u]r selfe itt will nott be before you be in Castle soe when this is due I pray procure the needfull; and w[ha]t billes I send you here after I hope will bee more for my advantage then this present bill will bee because I am

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Tempest – 2 Oct 1676

Mr Wm: Tempest: Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 2d : 1676 Sir Accordinge to my promisse I doe Intend to pay you yo[u]r money soe soone as I have Advice that yo[u]r bill is pay[e]d att London I sent yo[u]r bill the last Poast [Post] if itt bee accepted t'is well; but if acceptance bee refused; I will Ingadge; yo[u]r bill shall bee returned to you againe; soe I can say noe more; Mr Gary <Steres> may pretend w[ha]t hee pleases; for I was never accquainted w[i]th my Lordes p

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Wells – 3 Oct 1676

Mr John Wells Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 3d : 1676 Sir Inclosed I send you by the bearer two of yo[u]r bills for £150 a peece. And for yo[u]r other two each for £100 I send you £200 In greate hast I remayne M:B:

Letter – Ralph Grey to Tradell – 4 Oct 1676

NewC: october the 4th 1676 Monsieur Tradell This is to Accompaney Mr Thomas Willes M[aster] of the Mary of NewC in whom I have shipt 300 p[iece]s of lead at 374t:2qt:14lb, our weight which sell of at price Currant likewise his Loading of Coals which is upon my sole Acct. I hope they will come to a good markett if they escape the privateers the Master is to lye with the shipp 20 lawfull working days I have subscribed for 25 tts which pray lett be of the best graves Claritt fifteen tt &a

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 13 Oct 1676

Mes[seu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 13 October 1676] Sirs I have this day past my bill upon you for £40 payable 4/d [days] Sight to Mr Hen[ry]: Mettcalfe or Order vallue of Mr Hen[ry]: Hargrave to w[hi]ch pray lett the needfull hono[u]r bee given ~ I must trouble yo[u]r Lady once more In desiringe her to buy for my Wife a Mantegowne ala Mode I vallue nott w[ha]t itt cost soe that itt bee of that newest fashon for the <sib..> I leave itt t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 13 Oct 1676

Mr Math[ew]: Lamb: Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 13th : 1676 Sir Att my Returne from the Leed Mines I doe meete w[i]th yo[u]rs of the 2d present w[i]th an account of the time of yo[u]r Fayre w[hi]ch doth fall very ill out however I will God willinge come if possible if nott I thinke to trouble you w[i]th 2 Horsses about w[hi]ch I shall say noe more for when I thinke on you will bee here before that time if you hold yo[u]r promisse for our Fayre beginnes next Weddnesday pray d

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Blackett – 13 Oct 1676

Broth[er] Edw[ard]: Ditto [Newcastle 13 October 1676] I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 9th present w[hi]ch I read to some of yo[u]r Freinds; who made a little wonder of the mindfullnesse of yo[u]r promisse w[hi]ch thing they said was nott very usuall for you to doe therefore the greater reason has my little Rogue and I to acknowledge the same ~ I thanke my Lady yorke heartily for her kindnesse whose Counsell I will follow about the Mantigowne; make yo[u]r Capons Ready for

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 13 Oct 1676

Major: Allan Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 13th : 1676 Sir I have not writt you this long time. And now itt makes mee blush to advise you of the baddnesse of our Markett for yo[u]r beanes for att this time they will nott yeild above 18d p[er] Bushell all this while you may bee certayne I am as carefull of them as of they were my owne, for they are kept in as good Loftes as any In Towne, and Constantally turned once a fortnight; w[hi]ch care shall bee continued for theire pers

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 14 Oct 1676

Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 14th : 1676 Sir I hope ere this you have Rec[eive]d my bill for £400 In confidence of w[hi]ch I have this day past upon you a bill for £60 payable 4/d [days] sight to Timothy Davison or Order; for vallue of him to w[hi]ch lett all due Hono[u]r be given; this beinge the needfull att present I remayne M:B:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 14 Oct 1676

M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 14 October 1676] Sirs My last to you was by yesterdayes Post To w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you soe the lesse to Inlardge upon this beinge cheifely to give you advice of they followinge Billes w[hi]ch I have this day drawne upon you vizt one for £50 payable 4/d [days] Sight to Mr Jno Squire or order vallue of him £ 50:=:= one for £100 payable 6/d [days] Sight

Letter – Ralph Grey to Alexander Morratt – 14 Oct 1676

ditto 14 To Mr Alexander Morratt to send per Mr Robt Thorp or first opertunity 6 grose of the best seald Swan Curds & 1 grose of the best & largest royall oke per Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 14 Oct 1676

ditto To Mr William Hester to know whether he would send the 6 barr[els] of B.B. Sope writt for & alsoe to send by Robt Thorp 6 Barr[els] of B.S. sope or per first oportunity per Ra: Grey

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nathaniel Smith – 17 Oct 1676

Mr Nath[aniel]: Smith: Ditto [Newcastle 17 October 1676] Sir I have before mee yo[u]r kinde lett[e]r of the 9th present but I doe nott understand why you should thinke that to dispose of yo[u]r pap[er] is too greate a trouble for mee; I assure you I thinke itt not soe; but rather very ready and willinge to serve either Mr Nepheu [Nephew] or you as you shall Finde mee upon all accounts I am onely Sorrey that this first oppertunity of Serveinge you should prove soe baddly; yo[u]r

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 17 Oct 1676

Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe Ditto [Newcastle 17 October 1676] Sir My last to you was of the 14th present In w[hi]ch I writt you that I had past a Bill upon you for £60 payable 4/d [days] Sight to Mr Timothy Davison or Order And have this day past another for £80 payable 3/d [days] Sight to Thomas Greene or Order vallue of Norton Westraw; To both w[hi]ch I pray lett all due Hono[u]r be given I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Crossman – 17 Oct 1676

Mr Rich[ard]: Crossman Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 17th : 1676 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 12th present; for answer; Since the Vessell wherein the Leed Oare was London; Sailed from hence neither the owner nor the freighter thereof have had any newes In the least of her, w[hi]ch is all can be said by MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Wells – 19 Oct 1676

Mr Jno Wells Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 19th : 1676 Sir Yo[u]rs by Cuthbert Fowler I have this day Rec[eive]d but money is soe Scarce In this Towne that I can neither answer you for yo[u]r bill my selfe; nor can I advise him where hee may bee furnished for the same I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 19 Oct 1676

Mr James Cooke Ditto [Newcastle 19 October 1676] Sir Yo[u]rs of the 18th this day I have Rec[eive]d and am verrey sorey that I can nott answer yo[u]r expectation for att this time I am in yo[u]r condition more ready to give billes then take for money is now soe scarce here as I never see itt in all my life for if one would give more then ordinary advance; I can nott advise you either how or where to bee furnished for yo[u]r bill In this place I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 19 Oct 1676

Mr Rob[er]t: Jackson Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 19th : 1676 Sir Yo[u]res of the 17th I have this day Rec[eive]d and in Answer to yo[u]r request for the returne of £400 I doe assure you that att this present I am in yo[u]r Condition for I would bee glad to give billes att London; but att this time money is soe Scarce here that if one would give never soe greate advance; a much lesse sume then £400 would bee very hard to p[ro]cure soe w[i]th my owne and my Wifes kind respe

Letter – Joseph Rushowrth to William Blackett – 19 Oct 1676

Sr I received yr letter with the Bill of Exchange wch yesterday I showed to Vincent Delebar upon the Exchange, who bid me come when I would for it. You doe heape kindnesses upon mee by soe good a returne to the damage of yourselfe, notwithstanding all the Kindnesses I did for Mark Milbanke in his great trouble about false Bills of Exchange I am sure he would not have done it without paying the uttermost penny. I long to heare what you have done upon the Letter from Mr Sheldrake and my Se

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 20 Oct 1676

Mess[eu]rs Cha[rles] & Ja[mes]: Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 20 October 1676] Sirs I owe answer to yo[u]res of the 3d and 6th present I doe assure you that in the disposal of yo[u]r Tarr I did my uttmost Endeavour when Mr Thomas Boone drawes £100 upon mee upon yo[u]r account his bill shall bee answ[er]ed And as I am more in Cash hee shall bee advised thereof; what you have done w[i]th Volchnaer Contents mee thought you needed nott to have abated him the 2 RD [Rijksdaalder - Dutch â€

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Crossman – 20 Oct 1676

Mr Rich[ard]: Crossman: Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 20th : 1676 Sir In my last I could nott give you an account of Tho: Richardson Ma[ste]r who carryed from hence yo[u]r Leed Oare for att that time neither owner nor Freighter could Informe you as you desired; but now have advice that hee is arrived att Oastend w[hi]ch I thought good to lett you know; nott doubtinge but that ere now you have advice thereof yo[u]r selfe I remayne MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 20 Oct 1676

Mr Jos Pannell Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 20th : 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 23 of September 1676 to w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you Soe the less to Inlarge upon I very much wonder that I hear nothinge from you of John Vaughanes Arrivall; butt hopes by this dayes Poast or the next you will advise mee thereof w[hi]ch will bee very welcome newes unto MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 20 Oct 1676

Unkell Eaden Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 20th : 1676 Sir My Aunt when she was here last told mee That when you were att Houghton you had something to say to mee of concernment; but that time my businesse was such that I could nott come; Soe that if you have any thinge worth writinge; I pray bee pleased to lett mee have itt in a line; for as my businesse Standes now I can nott tell you when itt will give mee leave to see you att Billingham my Respectes to you all I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 21 Oct 1676

Unckell Eaden Ditto [Newcastle 21 October 1676] Sir I writt you the last Post that if you had any thing of concernment to impart to me I did desire; att yo[u]r leasure you would pleased to lett mee have itt in a line; But one thing I omitted that was to tell you That Esq[ui]re Fowler Sweares that hee will pay mee noe Rent before Martinmas; And I very much question whether then hee will pay mee the fore Rent or noe; Soe att yo[u]r leasure I pray lett mee have yo[u]r advice; what

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 21 Oct 1676

M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 21 October 1676] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 17th present my account Currant came well In due time to hand; but from that time to this I have nott had time to answer itt w[hi]ch was the onely Reason of my hintinge nothinge of my Receipt thereof I question nott butt tis right God willinge I shall p[ro]cese itt Shortly and as I find itt will In dew [due] time advise you; I take notice of the greate Case you take; no
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467