Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Newcastle 7ber [September] the 30th: 1676
Inclosed you have a Bill for £400 w[hi]ch is to lett you see that I have a minde to beginn a new account w[i]th you and tis probable I may draw itt againe upon you shortly; but you may assure yo[u]r selfe itt will nott be before you be in Castle soe when this is due I pray procure the needfull; and w[ha]t billes I send you here after I hope will bee more for my advantage then this present bill will bee because I am
Mr Wm: Tempest: Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 2d : 1676
Accordinge to my promisse I doe Intend to pay you yo[u]r money soe soone as I have Advice that yo[u]r bill is pay[e]d att London I sent yo[u]r bill the last Poast [Post] if itt bee accepted t'is well; but if acceptance bee refused; I will Ingadge; yo[u]r bill shall bee returned to you againe; soe I can say noe more; Mr Gary <Steres> may pretend w[ha]t hee pleases; for I was never accquainted w[i]th my Lordes p
Mr John Wells Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 3d : 1676
Inclosed I send you by the bearer two of yo[u]r bills for £150 a peece. And for yo[u]r other two each for £100 I send you £200 In greate hast I remayne
NewC: october the 4th 1676
Monsieur Tradell
This is to Accompaney Mr Thomas Willes M[aster] of the Mary of NewC in whom I have shipt 300 p[iece]s of lead at 374t:2qt:14lb, our weight which sell of at price Currant likewise his Loading of Coals which is upon my sole Acct. I hope they will come to a good markett if they escape the privateers the Master is to lye with the shipp 20 lawfull working days I have subscribed for 25 tts which pray lett be of the best graves Claritt fifteen tt &a
Mes[seu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 13 October 1676]
I have this day past my bill upon you for £40 payable 4/d [days] Sight to Mr Hen[ry]: Mettcalfe or Order vallue of Mr Hen[ry]: Hargrave to w[hi]ch pray lett the needfull hono[u]r bee given ~
I must trouble yo[u]r Lady once more In desiringe her to buy for my Wife a Mantegowne ala Mode I vallue nott w[ha]t itt cost soe that itt bee of that newest fashon for the <sib..> I leave itt t
Mr Math[ew]: Lamb: Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 13th : 1676
Att my Returne from the Leed Mines I doe meete w[i]th yo[u]rs of the 2d present w[i]th an account of the time of yo[u]r Fayre w[hi]ch doth fall very ill out however I will God willinge come if possible if nott I thinke to trouble you w[i]th 2 Horsses about w[hi]ch I shall say noe more for when I thinke on you will bee here before that time if you hold yo[u]r promisse for our Fayre beginnes next Weddnesday pray d
Broth[er] Edw[ard]: Ditto [Newcastle 13 October 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 9th present w[hi]ch I read to some of yo[u]r Freinds; who made a little wonder of the mindfullnesse of yo[u]r promisse w[hi]ch thing they said was nott very usuall for you to doe therefore the greater reason has my little Rogue and I to acknowledge the same ~
I thanke my Lady yorke heartily for her kindnesse whose Counsell I will follow about the Mantigowne; make yo[u]r Capons Ready for
Major: Allan Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 13th : 1676
I have not writt you this long time. And now itt makes mee blush to advise you of the baddnesse of our Markett for yo[u]r beanes for att this time they will nott yeild above 18d p[er] Bushell all this while you may bee certayne I am as carefull of them as of they were my owne, for they are kept in as good Loftes as any In Towne, and Constantally turned once a fortnight; w[hi]ch care shall bee continued for theire pers
Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 14th : 1676
I hope ere this you have Rec[eive]d my bill for £400 In confidence of w[hi]ch I have this day past upon you a bill for £60 payable 4/d [days] sight to Timothy Davison or Order; for vallue of him to w[hi]ch lett all due Hono[u]r be given; this beinge the needfull att present I remayne
M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 14 October 1676]
My last to you was by yesterdayes Post To w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you soe the lesse to Inlardge upon this beinge cheifely to give you advice of they followinge Billes w[hi]ch I have this day drawne upon you vizt
one for £50 payable 4/d [days] Sight to Mr Jno Squire or
order vallue of him £ 50:=:=
one for £100 payable 6/d [days] Sight
ditto 14
To Mr Alexander Morratt to send per Mr Robt Thorp or first opertunity 6 grose of the best seald Swan Curds & 1 grose of the best & largest royall oke
per Ra: Grey
To Mr William Hester to know whether he would send the 6 barr[els] of B.B. Sope writt for & alsoe to send by Robt Thorp 6 Barr[els] of B.S. sope or per first oportunity
per Ra: Grey
Mr Nath[aniel]: Smith: Ditto [Newcastle 17 October 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]r kinde lett[e]r of the 9th present but I doe nott understand why you should thinke that to dispose of yo[u]r pap[er] is too greate a trouble for mee; I assure you I thinke itt not soe; but rather very ready and willinge to serve either Mr Nepheu [Nephew] or you as you shall Finde mee upon all accounts I am onely Sorrey that this first oppertunity of Serveinge you should prove soe baddly; yo[u]r
Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe Ditto [Newcastle 17 October 1676]
My last to you was of the 14th present In w[hi]ch I writt you that I had past a Bill upon you for £60 payable 4/d [days] Sight to Mr Timothy Davison or Order And have this day past another for £80 payable 3/d [days] Sight to Thomas Greene or Order vallue of Norton Westraw; To both w[hi]ch I pray lett all due Hono[u]r be given I am
Mr Rich[ard]: Crossman Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 17th : 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 12th present; for answer; Since the Vessell wherein the Leed Oare was London; Sailed from hence neither the owner nor the freighter thereof have had any newes In the least of her, w[hi]ch is all can be said by
Mr Jno Wells Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 19th : 1676
Yo[u]rs by Cuthbert Fowler I have this day Rec[eive]d but money is soe Scarce In this Towne that I can neither answer you for yo[u]r bill my selfe; nor can I advise him where hee may bee furnished for the same I am
Mr James Cooke Ditto [Newcastle 19 October 1676]
Yo[u]rs of the 18th this day I have Rec[eive]d and am verrey sorey that I can nott answer yo[u]r expectation for att this time I am in yo[u]r condition more ready to give billes then take for money is now soe scarce here as I never see itt in all my life for if one would give more then ordinary advance; I can nott advise you either how or where to bee furnished for yo[u]r bill In this place I am
Mr Rob[er]t: Jackson Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 19th : 1676
Yo[u]res of the 17th I have this day Rec[eive]d and in Answer to yo[u]r request for the returne of £400 I doe assure you that att this present I am in yo[u]r Condition for I would bee glad to give billes att London; but att this time money is soe Scarce here that if one would give never soe greate advance; a much lesse sume then £400 would bee very hard to p[ro]cure soe w[i]th my owne and my Wifes kind respe
I received yr letter with the Bill of Exchange wch yesterday I showed to Vincent Delebar upon the Exchange, who bid me come when I would for it. You doe heape kindnesses upon mee by soe good a returne to the damage of yourselfe, notwithstanding all the Kindnesses I did for Mark Milbanke in his great trouble about false Bills of Exchange I am sure he would not have done it without paying the uttermost penny. I long to heare what you have done upon the Letter from Mr Sheldrake and my Se
Mess[eu]rs Cha[rles] & Ja[mes]: Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 20 October 1676]
I owe answer to yo[u]res of the 3d and 6th present I doe assure you that in the disposal of yo[u]r Tarr I did my uttmost Endeavour when Mr Thomas Boone drawes £100 upon mee upon yo[u]r account his bill shall bee answ[er]ed And as I am more in Cash hee shall bee advised thereof; what you have done w[i]th Volchnaer Contents mee thought you needed nott to have abated him the 2 RD [Rijksdaalder - Dutch â€
Mr Rich[ard]: Crossman: Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 20th : 1676
In my last I could nott give you an account of Tho: Richardson Ma[ste]r who carryed from hence yo[u]r Leed Oare for att that time neither owner nor Freighter could Informe you as you desired; but now have advice that hee is arrived att Oastend w[hi]ch I thought good to lett you know; nott doubtinge but that ere now you have advice thereof yo[u]r selfe I remayne
Mr Jos Pannell Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 20th : 1676
My last to you was of the 23 of September 1676 to w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you Soe the less to Inlarge upon I very much wonder that I hear nothinge from you of John Vaughanes Arrivall; butt hopes by this dayes Poast or the next you will advise mee thereof w[hi]ch will bee very welcome newes unto
Unkell Eaden Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 20th : 1676
My Aunt when she was here last told mee That when you were att Houghton you had something to say to mee of concernment; but that time my businesse was such that I could nott come; Soe that if you have any thinge worth writinge; I pray bee pleased to lett mee have itt in a line; for as my businesse Standes now I can nott tell you when itt will give mee leave to see you att Billingham my Respectes to you all I am
Unckell Eaden Ditto [Newcastle 21 October 1676]
I writt you the last Post that if you had any thing of concernment to impart to me I did desire; att yo[u]r leasure you would pleased to lett mee have itt in a line; But one thing I omitted that was to tell you That Esq[ui]re Fowler Sweares that hee will pay mee noe Rent before Martinmas; And I very much question whether then hee will pay mee the fore Rent or noe; Soe att yo[u]r leasure I pray lett mee have yo[u]r advice; what
M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 21 October 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 17th present my account Currant came well In due time to hand; but from that time to this I have nott had time to answer itt w[hi]ch was the onely Reason of my hintinge nothinge of my Receipt thereof I question nott butt tis right God willinge I shall p[ro]cese itt Shortly and as I find itt will In dew [due] time advise you; I take notice of the greate Case you take; no