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Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 4 May 1774

Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP Half moon street Newcas 4 May 1774 Piccadilly London Honr Sir By Sundays Post I received from Mr Darwin the draft of the Conveyance of Unthank Estate with a great many Queries in the Margin of it & in his Letter which he might have made on the papers I sent him on the 16th of March last; however I answered them and returned him the draft by Yesterdays post and hope he will lose no time in getting

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 7 May 1774

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newcas 7h May 1774 Gentn I sent you Yesterday by Francis Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Nine hundred & Eleven Ounces; which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Walter Blackett Bt as usual, at the Market price & advise me on your Receipt thereof I am etc HR

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 7 May 1774

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie Alston 7th May 1774 Sir, I wrote you the 4th Ult & gave as particular accts of the state of the Lead Mines as I could & expected an Answer before now as I told you my intention of begining Smelting the Middle of this Month & that the present Mill Agent Simpson could not from his other Business attend the Smelt Mill as it ought to be attended neither did I think him a Judge Smelting Refining &ca & as you were so obliging when Simpso

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Robert Hornsby – 12 May 1774

Messrs Walton & Smeaton present their compliments to Mr Hornsby and in answer to his application to Mr Walton now take the opportunity of informing him that they understand his circumstances are such as very much to set him above the sphere of life as a common Refiner; and tho Mr Hornsby’s views of Industry are in themselves laudable, yet as the person that serves Greenwich Hospital in this way must necessarily be under a kind of subjection and restraint, which they cannot expect from a ma

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Walter Blackett – 13 May 1774

Sir Walter Blackett Bt MP Half moon Street Newcas 13th May 1774 Piccadilly London Dear Sir Inclosed you will receive Messrs Bell & Cos bill on Messrs Hallifax & Co for three hundred pounds. You will be pleased to acknowledge the Receipt of this Bill I am etc JEB £300-.-. Newcastle Bank 13th May 1774 Twenty days after date pay to the order or John Erasmus Blackett Esqr Three hundred pounds - value received For

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 16 May 1774

Mr John Grey Attorney at Law Berwick upon Tweed Newcas 16th May 1774 Sir Inclosed I return you the Draft of the Conveyance from Sir Walter Blackett to Mr George Malcolm and have made some Alterations in it and filled up the Blank for the Date - which I hope you will approve of and if so you may get it ingrossed and send it hither for Execution on Sr Wr’s coming to Newcastle which I suppose will be the beginning of next Month - I am obliged

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 17 May 1774

Mr Darwin No 4 Hatton Street London Newcas 17th May 1774 Sir The Objection made by Sir Thos Clavering to the Blanchland and Hexham Boundary Bill is reasonable - for the Freeholders and Copyholders adjoining to the Ground in dispute have a Right of Common upon it and without their Consent the Bill may be objected to and lost for this Sessions tho’ it manifestly is for their Advantage to have the Bounder fixed Now; lest the Inroads that hav

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Morrow – 19 May 1774

Mr Robt Morrow at Blaydon Newcas 19 May 1774 Sir I have not yet got your Years Rental ending Mayday 1773 tho I have often asked you for it - I am now at a Stand for Want of it & you will be blamed if you don’t bring it me on Saturday next I am etc HR

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Caleb Hunter – 23 May 1774

Dukesfd. 23d. May 1774 Mr. C. Hunter Allanhds Being ingaged to Mr. R. Lowes for his Tenant Thos. Bell Raw Green, I desire you’ll order Mr. R. Allgood to let him have Ore twice a Week f’m Your Groves for this Season. I shall not admit of any excuse for Mr. Allgood’s not complying wth. the above request, knowing that it can be no inconvenience to him to let a Man have 12 H’s of ore in the Week as he only drives 6 Horses. & am yrs &c IH Jr.

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Westgarth Forster – 23 May 1774

D.f. 23d. May 1774 Mr. W. Foster at Coalcleugh Sr. I desire you’ll forward Thos. Bell of R[aw].G[reen]. a catch of Ore a Week for this Season IH Jr.

Letter – Isaac Hunter to C. Kidd – 23 May 1774

Mr. C. Kidd Kilhope I desire if you have any Ore Ready that you’ll send it here as soon as possible for Mr. <R> wants some of that Ld. & we have a Weeks Work at the Mill you’ll please to let Thos Bell have a catch of Ore in the Week this Season f’m yr grove & am yrs. &c I Hunter

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 24 May 1774

Mr Darwin No 4 Hatton Street London Newcas 24th May 1774 Sir The Query that Mr Duane has made respecting the Quarries in that part of the Town[shi]p of East Ord called Middle Ord, and what you say about it, is certainly right - for Sir Walter should not convey away the Quarries in his own Estates - Mr Selby bought only the Coalmines in the Town[shi]p of East Ord and Sr Wr afterwards voluntarily added the Leadmines & Quarries to the pur

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 24 May 1774

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 24th May 1774 Dear Sir We were duly favoured with your letter of the 7th inst and have this day drawn upon you for £279-19-10 being the amount of 981 ounces of silver at 5/8 ½ p ounce, and we are glad to hear the silver market seems upon the advance It gives us pleasure to hear the mustard proved an agreeable present & Mr Walton is glad the salmon came fresh to Town and that the losing of a day in sending it ws so lucky. By the London carrier w

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 25 May 1774

Mr Darwin No 4 Hatton Street London Newcas 25th May 1774 Sir It seems to me necessary that Sir Walter should have a Counterpart of the Deed of Conveyance of Unthank on Accot of the Covenant about double Damage etc and I have mentioned it before but if Mr Duane thinks so it would have more weight with Mr Selby if he would advise accordingly upon the Draft I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Daniel Alder – 27 May 1774

Mr Daniel Alder at Adderstone near Belford Newcas 27h May 1774 Sir I have sent you Mr Bacon Forster’s Ex[ecu]tors Account of their proportion of Weardale Rents etc for the last Year & also their Accot with Sir Walter Blackett for the last five years. I have often asked Mr Johnson, but in vain, for the Money due on the four former Years Accounts and therefore now send the whole to you hoping your Attention to the carrying forwa

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 30 May 1774

Dukesfd. 30th. May 1774 Mr. H Richmond N Castle Sr. I have taken f’m the Accots. the Charge of the Peats at Rookhope Mill f’m the Year 1760 to the p[as]t year and the quantity of Ld. made at the Ore Hearth in the sd. time, and find that the Peats has cost upon an average 18 ½ d p[er] Ton of Lead. I suppose there’s several Days charged for Wet Peats &c wch. I have not in the Accot for I took nothing but what was expressly so mentioned in the Accots. The Quantit

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 30 May 1774

Dukesfd. 30th. May 74 Mr. Morrow Blaydon Dr Sr. When at Apperley Lane the other Day I found that some of the Carriage Men play Tricks wth. the Woman that keeps the Gate there by getting some of the Co.s Draugts through the Barr wth. them. I desire that youll acquaint them all, that who’ever of them any way deceives the Woman there or is any way aiding the Co’s Ld to pass the above Barr or connives at its passing along that Lane, shall be immediately discharged f’m S

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 31 May 1774

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 31st May 1774 As we cannot make our cash account and cash upon the Hexham Rece.s to agree must desire you will carefully examine your accounts and Cash and try whether you find they have been properly settled at the Pay and at Farnacres. We are in doubt whether you might not receive the Money you had paid on Account to the Smelters &c when we were at Hexham, except Henry Smiths money which you had paid him on Account & Lionel Charltons on Acct of leda car

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Hilton – 31 May 1774

Mr Joseph Hilton. Farnacres 31st May 1774 Mr Hilton I am surprised you should so much misunderstand us about Mr Mulcaster as to think he had done wrong in employing Wm Wilson our direction to you being that he was not in future to take any of the Companys or any other Persons Smelters without leave unless there was a necessity and you were told that leave had been given to Wilson which tho' not given in any genteel way we yet thought it proper to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Anthony Hopper – 3 Jun 1774

To Mr Hopper. Farnacres 3rd June 1774 Sir Some time ago Mr Monkhouse spoke to me to take some Bone Ashes which had been got for the Brownley Hill Company more than they had occasion for. I could not at the time give Mr Monkhouse a satisfactory answer but the other day I called at your Office in the Side & acquainted your Clerk that if there were any Bone Ashes yet remaining which you wanted to be clear of, as a convenience to you and Mr Monkho

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Jun 1774

Mr Darwin No 4 Hatton Street London Newcas 10th June 1774 Sir I am obliged to you for the Satisfaction your Letter gave me in the Account that the Bill for Settling the Boundaries between Blanchland & Hexham Manors had passed both Houses of Parliament tho I am ignorant of some parts of its Contents - I have not yet seen Mr Adams but shod be glad to receive from him or by any other Conveyance some of the Acts when the Royal Assent is giv

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 10 Jun 1774

Newcas 10th June 1774 Same Day Advised Mr Isaac Hunter of two pieces of Silver from Dukesfield Refinery HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 11 Jun 1774

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newcas 11th June 1774 Gentn I sent you yesterday by Thos Jennings the London Carrier two pieces of fine Silver (in a Box) containing together One Thousand Five hundred and seventy one Ounces which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Market price and advise me on your receipt of Them I am etc HR OZ 810 at

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 11 Jun 1774

Mr John Grey Attorney at Law in Newcas 11th June 1774 Berwick upon Tweed Sir George Mallcom must pay his purchase Money here to Jno E Blackett Esqr as soon as the Conveyance Deeds are executed by Sr Wr Blackett of which Notice will be sent you but I do not expect him here till after our Races P.S. Scotch Notes will not pass here So Mr Mallcom must either send Newcastle Bank Notes or good Money I

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Selby – 11 Jun 1774

Mr George Selby Attorney at Law in Alnwick Newcas 11th June 1774 Sir By the Lres I have from London I expect the Draft of the Conveyance of Unthank etc from Sr Wr Blackett to Mr Selby is now with you - if it is so I should be very glad of it and hope you will be able to get the Ingrossments completed and sent to me in our Race Week as Sir Wr Blackett will be here the Week after and the Deeds may the
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467