Mr Salter Farnacres 20th June 1774
Dear Sir
I am much obliged by your kind attention to the Bone Ashes. I could not til now fix the quantity which we would want for the present year and I find 50 Casks will answer our end fully you will therefore be so good as send that quantity as soon as convenient. The Family here desire to join me in best respects to you and yours & I am
Dear Sir Your obliged hble Servt
N W Junr
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 24th June 1774
We have reced your Letters of the 19th & 20th June 1774 and note their contents; we also reced yours inclosing one from Mr Hilton.
If there is occasion for a learning Smelter at Langley Mill and upon further enquiry you find Thomas Hendersons Character good we have no objection to your employing him but as you can best judge of this matter we shall leave it entirely to your discretion to do as you think proper, the good of the Wor
1774 July 30th Advised Plumb & Browne of a piece of Silver qty 805 Ounces at poz
To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 6th July 1774.
Dr Sir
Yesterdays Post brought me your favor of the 2nd inst by which I am sorry to receive so indifferent an Account as to the Silver Markett. I have this day drawn upon you for £238.2.7, Payble thirty days after date being the amount of 853 Ounces of Bullion at 5s/7d P Ounce. I find upon the enquiry at Newcastle that 5s/8d was the price there on Monday last and Mr Langlands bought a quantity of fi
Dukesfd. 7 July 1774
Mr. Thos. Crawhall Allanhds. Mill
I have below given you the Names of the Carriers that’s to Carry yor. 8 Sto.[ne] Lead to this Mill, two or three days in the Week. I think will <Keap> the Ref[ine]ry here going – you may fix the Days &c as you think proper and if any of them does not obey your Orders, or takes any Ld. f’m the Mill at unlawfull Hours, or when you are absent wth.out acquainting some of your Family of it you’
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Ramshay 8th July 1774
Dear Sir,
A Copy of Sundry Bargons let at Greengill West End 24th June 1774 You have as follows Rd Midcalf 8 Ptners to raise Ore in their old Workings till Michs Next at 9s 6d p Bing Andw Elliot 6 Ptners to raise Ore in the West End forehead till Do at 10s 6d p Bing Wm Thirelway 4 Ptners to raise in Midcalfs Soals till Do at 14s p Bing John Bales 3 Ptners to drive 6 Fathoms in the North Vein 20s p Fathom & 20s p Bing.
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 8th July 1774
A Copy of Sundry Bargons let at Greengill West End 24th June 1774 You have as folls
Rd Midcalf 8 Ptners to raise Ore in their old Workings till Michs Next at 9s 6d p Bing
Andw Elliot 6 Ptners to raise Ore in the West End forehead till Do at 10s 6d p Bing
Wm Thirelway 4 Ptners to raise in Midcalfs Soales till Do at 14s p Bing
John Bales 4 Ptners to drive Fathoms in a North Vein 20s p Fathom and I intend to set on 6
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Charles Atkinson Alston 18th July 1774
Please to order for Lord Carlisle 34 Caskes of Bone Ashes weighing about 1½ cwt each would not have them Larger let them be forwarded to John Walton Agent at Stanhope Lead Mill the Hundred Pound you sent by my Son I recd safe as my Lords Lead Mines & Mill Pays will Amount to a very great Sum this Year I think it advisable for you to sell at Markett Price as soon as it comes to Hand.
I am &ca Jona Hil
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Ramshay Alston 30th July 1774
Dear Sir,
Your Favour of the 25th Instant I recd and observes the Contents what you have heard about Stanhope Mill not Working my Lords Ore is not true I do assure you there has not any Ore been Smelted but my Lords since my Lord had any Ore fit for Smelting nor indeed for two Months before owing to the want of Peets We had as many old Peets as Smelted about 70 Bings of Stanhope Ore out of which Produced 280 Pigs of Lead which Le
Mr Darwin No 4 Hatton Street London Newcas 3d August 1774
I am favoured with your Letter of the 30h Ulto & note the Contents - I am glad to hear you have met with Mr Ridsdale & hope that he may be of Service in applying to the freemen - A joint Letter was sent him directed to <Mar bone> & Sir Walter Blackett will write to him again under Cover to you; in the mean time please to acquaint
Thursday 4th Aug.t
Having settled every thing at Alston we set out this morning for Hexham and passing by several places where lead mines are working, & Trials making at a considerable expence, by different adventurers, we came to Long Cross Pool the boundary of the manor on this side & were shewn the part which was in dispute with Mr.Ord; Here we parted with Mr. Jospeh Hilton Junr who attended us every day during our stay in Alston Moor. He is Clk of the Deliveries of Ore & was a
Dukesfd. 10th. Augt. 1774
Mr. Morrow Blaydon
Dr. Sr.
Yours of the 6th. inst. I recd. yesterday morng. & have given such orders to the Wainmen that Carry the ld. fm this mill that will I hope remove the falt you complain of for the future, but if they should not have the effect youll please to advise me a line. As to the Lead you have got this season being short of Weight I think you must be mistaken: the Dukesfd. Refined Lead am sure you are for 50 ps. you say seldom
Monday 15th Aug[us]t
Set off this morning early to view the Hexhamshire Estates, accompanied by Mr Jobling the Bailiff, in whose district they are, and proceeded in the place, to
Aydon Shields & Salmon Field both under lease to Joseph Bell for 21 Y[ea]rs expiring in 1779 at £75 pAnn. being about 5s/2d pAcre. These farms consist of 287A. 0R. 36P About 150 of which are in meadow, pasture & woodland, the rest arable of which a very small part is in fallow. There are a great
Tuesday 16th Aug[us]t
Proceeded this morning to view the remainder of Raw Green, & the other Farms in Hexhamshire, taking, in our way,
Whitley Mill & Ground, under Lease to Isaac Burnhope for 21 Y[ea]rs ending in 1779 at £26 pAnn. The Land consists of 7A. 0R. 35P (exclusive of two incroachments made about 20 y[ea]rs ago containing something more an Acre) and is valued at £7 pAnn. being about 20s/pAcre. It is chiefly meadow & adjoins to Rowley Water which has carried
Wednesday 17th August.
This being a wet day and unfit for the prosecution of our Business in the Fields, we made up the opportunity to revisit
Langley Lead Mill & c and accordingly went over that place. This mill with the several conveniences and machinery belonging to it was finished about seven years ago, under the directions of the present receivers upon an excellent plan, as it appears to us, and in a handsome substantial manner. The smelting house contains four hearths, thr
Thursday 18th Aug[us]t
We returned this morning to Wooley and resumed the survey of that farm, an Account of which is as follows
Wooley contains 303A. 1R. 26P including 168A. 0R. 23P being the Hospital’s Allotment upon a late Division of Bulbeck Common & is under lease to Martin Swinburn, for 21 Y[ea]rs expiring in 1779, at £58 pAnn. being about 3s/9 ¾ d pAcre altogether. This farm consists of nearly ½ meadow, pasture & woodland; the rest Arable, about 12 Acres of wh
Friday 19th Aug
Dilston which Estate, formerly the residence of the Derwentwater Family, is now divided into the following Farms viz.
Demesne Farm which contains 490A. 0R. 32P is under Lease to Eliz. Nicholson & William Todd fo[r] 21 Y[ea]rs, expiring in 1779 at £256 pAnn. being about 10s/5 ¼ d pAcre. It consists of about 3/5ths meadow, pasture & waste Land, & the remainder arable of which a small part is fallow, about 2 Acres of the West field & 1 Acre of th