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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 10 Feb 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 10th Febry 1775 Your Letters of the 2nd and 8th inst came here in due course and the Contents are observed we must leave it entirely to you to do the best you can with respect to the supplying the number of our Smelters deficient by those we have employed leaving us. With regard to Henderson we can only say that where it is perfectly clear the person who offers is likely and happens to be Son of a Tenant of Greenwich Hospital that his

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Walter Blackett – 12 Feb 1775

NB The above Bill was sent Sr Wr Blackett in London on Sunday the 12th Febry 1775 £600 - . - . Newcastle Bank 11th Febry 1775 Twenty days after date Pay to the Order of John Erasmus Blackett Esqr. Six hundred Pounds Value received For Bell Cookson Carr Self & Saint To Messrs. Hallifax Mills Glyn and Jno. Widdrington Mitton _ London

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 13 Feb 1775

To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 13th Febry 1775 Dear Sir This day I was in Newcastle and I find by Lloyds List that Silver in Barrs is 5.4 1/4 which is 1/4d more P Ounce than when I last wrote you, which makes one imagine that fine Silver may have got a rise since I wrote you; I shall therefore be obliged to you, if you will acquaint me by the first convenient opportunity, what price fine Silver bears, when this arrives; and the price it bore at your Markett at the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 14 Feb 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 14th February 1775 I have received your Letter of the 11th inst & the Bullion also, which weights 970 Ounces which is within 12Oz 13Dw 21 6/10Gr of getting the whole of what we reckon it should have been by Assay and this is very good work compared with the Assay; but notwithstanding there appears by the Assays of Refined Lead to be 14Dw 16 8/10Gr of Silver P Fodder yet left in the Refined Lead which is too much. The Assays from the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 15 Feb 1775

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 15 February 1775 Dear Sir Last night I reced the favor of your Letter of the 11th inst and on behalf of Mr Smeaton and Self I do agree to deliver you the Bullion produced at the Lead Mill of the Greenwich Hospital at the price of Five Pence P Ounce more than Standard price for each Cake. The Standard Price to be regulated by Castaignes Paper of the Friday preceding the arrival of the respective Cakes of Bullion. The above Agreement to continue til

Letter – Lancelot Allgood to Robert Allgood – 15 Feb 1775

to Mr Robt Allgood at Hexham Nunwick Febry 15th 1775 Sir I received yours last night of the 13th and upon looking into The Deed of Trust, I find it appears to be dated 27th Febry 1762, and is therein mentioned that William Pantoune deceased left James Pantoune an Infant then of age of Seven Years or thereabouts, to whom One Hundred Pounds, & the Interest at 4 ½ percent to be for his maintenance during Infancy, and when of the Age of Twenty One Years, the principal & what

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 20 Feb 1775

To Mr John Ibbetson Esq. Farnacres 20th February 1775 Sir It is with the utmost concern when I acquaint you, that in the Night between Saturday and Yesterday the Hospitals Smelting Mill has been broken into & the Smelting Bellows, all of them, so much cut as to be rendered totally unserviceable til repaired; and the Water turned upon the Wheels in such quantity than one of the Refining Furnaces is damaged and the Bone Ashes washed out of a Test which was therei

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 23 Feb 1775

To Mr Chr Bell. Farnacres 23rd Febry 1775 Mr Bell The bearer hereof Michael Spencer is a young Man but he is the person who makes and repairs all Mrs Crowleys Bellows and I am assured is a very good workman. I desire you will let him have a Lodging and that you will set out with him for Langley Mill early tomorrow morning that as little time may be lost as possible in taking dimensions for the pieces of Leather which will be wanted for the Repair of the Bello

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 23 Feb 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 23rd Febry 1775 The bearer Michl Spencer is tho' a Young Man I am assured a very good Workman and he is the Person who makes and repairs all Mrs Crowleys Bellows. He is desired to be as expeditious as possible and I hope he will be so. We are to pay his Expences to and from the Mill and 2s6d P day which you will do accordingly. I desire that as soon after the Man gets to the mill as you can Two pieces of Leather may be taken fr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 24 Feb 1775

John Ibbetson Esq. Farnacres 24th February 1775 Sir In my Letters of the 20th instant I acquainted you with the damage that had been done to Langley Lead Mill and what steps I had taken previous to my setting out from Newcastle. On Tuesday Morning I went to the Mill and the following particulars contain a full state of this matter. On Saturday last about half last Six in the Evening Mr Mulcaster the Hospital Agent at the Mill after having weighed over

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 24 Feb 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 24th Febry 1775 I have reced your Letter of the 22nd inst and as I have been much engaged since I saw you, and particularly so since I received your Letter, I cannot help being brief. It gives me pleasure to find you are so well in the Refinery and I would have you get on there immediately and refine all the Lead which is ready, both the Lead from the Ore and the Slag Lead, and you may get the Silver Litharge reduced and the Lead re

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 24 Feb 1775

Mr Smeaton. Farnacres 24th February 1775 Dear Brother From what is wrote on the other side, you will see the state of our proceedings respecting Langley Mill and I hope in God we shall make a discovery tho' I much doubt it, as I think it is probable only one has been concerned, however that is it is certainly right to offer a great reward. The Post Boy is waiting so I must conclude and am with the utmost sincerity Your very Affect Br

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 26 Feb 1775

Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas 26th Febry 1775 Sir In Answer to your Letter of the 16th instant desiring to know how you are to come at the Tithe of wool & Lamb of Shotton when the Stock is sold off the Prem[is]es which you say the farmer is for doing at Whitsuntide - The Answer is - You cannot stop the Sheep for the Tithe - perhaps as Whitsuntide does not fall till June this Year the Sheep will all have lamb’d &

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 27 Feb 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 27th February 1775 I have reced your Letter of the 25th and observe its contents. The Bellows I would not have clouted on any Account and therefore desire that method may be laid aside and I beg they may be done in the most effectual manner as the extra expence cannot possibly be an object to prevent that. I wish you or Mr Bell had asked Bill Brown who he saw after he was with Mary Blenkinsop and who knew of his being at Cold Rowl

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Hilton – 27 Feb 1775

Mr Jos. Hilton Farnacres 27th Febry 1775 Mr Hilton In consequence of my desire to you I expected to have had a calculation of the Quantity of Ore for the Year before this time and I beg you will not fail to meet me at Langley Mill on Friday next, with it. I shall, I believe, be there in the morning, or perhaps it may be one or two in the Afternoon - I am much surprised at your not having been there before now, it shows a want of attention I did not expect

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Laybourne – 27 Feb 1775

Mr Laybourne. Farnacres 27 Febry 1775. Iron will be wanted for the Barrelling and it shd be immediately ordered, and I beg you and John Riddell will be as expeditious as possible in getting the Barrelling finished. I am Your hble Servt N W Junr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 1 Mar 1775

Sir Walter Blackett Borot M.P Newcas 1st March 1775 Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Honrd Sir Inclosed is the Account which you directed me to make out of the value of your real & personal Estates as near as it can be done at this time of the Year - the Accounts of the Leadmines for 1774 not being yet brought in - I have made a duplicate of this Account which I shall give to Mr Blackett this Evening if I can see

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Isaac Walton – 1 Mar 1775

Dukesfd. 1st. March 1775 Mr. Walton Clark Rookhope Mill Sir That none of your Carriagemen &c. may have to Alledge on the Payday that they did not know any thing of the Reckoning till it was over (wch. some of them did last pay) I desire you’ll acquaint them all that I intend begining to Reckon on Monday the 20th inst. and continue till the End of the Month so that they must come the said time I am Yrs IH Jr. Mem.dum wrote to Mr. Crawhall to the same

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 4 Mar 1775

Hollis Street March 4th 1775 Dear Brother I Rec'd the favor of yours, & am very glad to find that you have settled my <news> to yr satisfaction. We have been settled here for these ten days In a small, but convenient house, but it will do well enough for us for the little time we shall stay In Town. Y[ou]r letter to Harry Sticks behind the glass, I dont know when Harry will come to take it down; Bro. Will who is in Town for a day or two, told me wednesday that his

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 4 Mar 1775

To Mr John Ibbetson Esq. Langley Lead Mill 4th March 1775 Sir Yesterday your Letter of the 25th Ult inclosing a form of an Advertisement, for discovery of the Offender or Offenders at this Mill, was received and conformable to the Boards order, the Advertisement immediately incerted in the Newcastle Papers. Six Hundred Hand Bills have been printed off, alike with the Advertisement, and as I am now at the Mill, I am putting them into proper hands, for having the wh

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 5 Mar 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Newtonhall 5th March 1775 I beg you will attend in a particular manner to what I read you over in Mr Stevensons Letter Viz the Commissioners desire of our taking every step in our power to discover and bring to Justice the Persons concerned in the atrocious crime at Langley Mill. It is only because I think it is my Duty that I repeat this thing to you. I am sure Mr Mulcaster you have everything relating the Mill so much at Heart, that you consider

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 6 Mar 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 6th March 1775 I have this day weighed the Bullion which is 420 1/2 Ounces being just 3 Oz 11Dw 5 3/10 Gr short of the Assay which is exceeding good work compared with the Assay; but stil the Refined Lead contains more Silver than it ought to do for it has no less in it than 17Dw 3 6/10 Gr P Fodder. Brownleyhill North Vein Lead by Assay has 11 Oz 16 Dw 10 2/10 Gr of Silver P Fodder in it. Mr Stevenson, who is the bearer h

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 8 Mar 1775

Hollis Street Cavendish Square 8th March 1775 Dear Brother Mr Cookson was wth me yesterday and brought with him the State of the groves, & the opinion of Foster, If he ask'd me my Sentiments In regard to it; I told him the most necessary thing In my opinion was to pay off the debts at the bank & till that was done I should listen to no proposal whatsoever; when the pay was made wch should be done as soon as possible, & the debt at the bank clear'd off; the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 8 Mar 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres March 8th 1775 This Letter only relates to the Recets etc & I shall write you further on Friday. On Monday & Tuesday the 10th & 11 of next Month Mr Smeaton and I intend receiving the Rents at Hexham and the day following dine at the Mill and stay there perhaps to the 13th after dinner and go to Alston; but if the business at the Mill should require it, we will stay til the 14th in the morning and go to Alston that day, be

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 10 Mar 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 10th March 1775 I have reced your Letter of the 6th & approve of what you have done and I tend doing and am glad you are likely to meet with a good deal of Holly for Kams etc you know I was of that opinion when I gave directions to get it cut. It should be brought to the Mill without loss of time. I shall certainly (God willing) be at the Mill on Monday and stay til I see all at work again. Bill Brown appears perfectly clear
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467