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Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 11 Mar 1775

To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 11th March 1775 Sir This days London Waggon from Newcastle will bring you 420 1/2 Ounces of fine Silver and I think it will be about the latter end of April before you receive any more, as we have had a very sad misfortune at our Lead Mill, some malicious Person or Persons having broken into it, and cut and spoiled the Leather of four pair of Bellows. I am Sir Your hble Servt N W Junr PS. I sold the Silver I

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 13 Mar 1775

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 13 March 75 Dear Sir, I now with Pleasure inform you that my Lord Carlisles Pays are all made as follows Stanhope Lead Mine Pay 2 Feby 1775 till Michs 1774. Do Lead Mill Pay on the 3d till the 29th Oct 1774. 10 March 1775 till Michaelmas 1774 but as the Alstonmoor Pays were so late of making I was obliged to pay the Sundry for Work doen Carriage &ca which has made the Paybill much higher than it would otherwise have been & as I hope to have th

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 13 Mar 1775

Dukesfd. 13th. March 1775 Mr. Richmond N.Castle I have here wth. sent you Septr. Qr. Decr. Month and General Accots. for the Three Mills & Refinery; should have sent them sooner but wanted to have the differences between the Delivry. & Receipt of Ores rectified as much as possible before we closed the Year Accots. I hope you’ll find them to agree pritty nearly wth. all the Mines except Allan. and there by part of the Weighd over Ore having been sent to this Mill,

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Mar 1775

Sir Walter Blackett Bt M.P Newcas 15 March 1775 Half moon Street Piccadilly London Honrd Sir Mr Heron having ingrossed the Lease of Hackford Leadmine which you agreed to grant to the Executors of Mr Baker of Elermore & they being desirous of having it executed I have examined it & sent it by the Fly Coach this Day to Mr Darwin to wait upon you with it. Mr Evans Says here is a hogshead of very fine Ale; so it

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 15 Mar 1775

Mr Darwin No 47 Hatton Street London Newcas 15th March 1775 Sir I have sent by this days Coach directed to you a Lease of a Leadmine in the Manor of Hexham which Sr Wr Blackett agreed to grant to the Extors of John Baker Esqr & which Mr Heron has engrossed & the Lessers are Earnest to have executed - I have examined it & you will please to wait upon Sir Walter with it; to whom I have wrote by this Post. Mr Blackett was saying

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 17 Mar 1775

Mr Ralph Heron Attorney at Law Newcas 17th March 1775 In Hexham Sir Mr John Bell having wrote to Sir Walter Blackett that Mr Cuthbert was going to inclose a part of Nubbock Common Sir Walter bid him communicate the Matter to me & ordered that the Case should be stated by you. Accordingly Mr Bell was to acquaint you with the facts: which he sometime ago told me he had done & that you would send the Case to me. As

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 17 Mar 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 17th March 1775. As I should think it likely that the Mountain Ash, or Wicken Tree as it is more commonly called, would make good <Stampen> for the Stamp Mill, I desire you will get some Person to ask Wm Labourne abt that, and if it is thought the Wood will answer, let it be cut accordingly and as the Holly and other Wood will pack better in the House and take up less room if blocked out for the use it is intended, I would

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 17 Mar 1775

Part of Letter written to John Ibbetson Esq 17 March 1775 On Monday last I went to Langley Mill,and returned from thence last Night; and I have the satisfaction to acquaint you that every thing was got into good order & the Mill set to work again on Wednesday morning. I find the loss to the Hospital will be somewhat less than Thirty Pounds including the Advertisement and Hand Bills. During the time of repairing the Bellows, we took an opportunity of making an Improvement

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 18 Mar 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 18th March 1775 I desire you will let me know as soon after you receive this, as you can, howmuch the Centre of the Gudgeon of the Refinery Wheel lies below the level of the Floor of the Refinery, and I wish you to be very exact. When Mr Barnes comes up, you will get him to take the Level from the Refinery Tail Race to the Burn North of the Stamp Mill. I believe I forgot to mention this to Mr Barnes this day, but have

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 18 Mar 1775

To Mr Smeaton. Farnacres 18 Mar 1775 Dear Brother I inclose you a Sketch of what I think will answer the end best in point of situation for the additional Buildings at Langley Mill, which I desire you will be so good as give a consideration and that you will bring it with you when you come here in April as I have no Copy You also receive inclosed a Copy of any Letter to Mr Ibbetson of yesterdays date. I am joined by my Wife in best respects and

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 19 Mar 1775

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 19th March 1775 Sir I received your Septemr Quar Accot & several Accounts of the Mill Clerks & am surprised that Coalcleugh Ore should have yielded so much better than Kilhope. I wish there is not some mistake with regard to the former or some negligence with respect to washing the latter. I think I once told you I did not want Is. Walton to make up Accounts of the produce of his Wea

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 21 Mar 1775

The above Bill was sent to Mr Darwin the 21st March 1775 £204 . 2 . 8 Newcastle Bank 21st March 1775 Twenty days after date Pay to the Order of John Erasmus Blackett Esqr. Two hundred & four Pounds two Shillings & Eight pence Value received For Bell Cookson Carr Self & Saint To Messrs. Hallifax Mills Glyn and Jno. Widdrington

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 21 Mar 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 21st March 1775 As there will be probably be occasion for a greater quantity of Bricks at Langley Mil, this Year than usual, I desire you will make preparation accordingly. The upper part of the Chimneys for the new Hearths must be Brick you know and some part of the Chimneys for the Cottages also Brick. I wish much to hear you have got some light into the Affair of the Bellows cutting but indeed I am afraid it wil

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Laybourne – 21 Mar 1775

Mr Labourne. Farnacres 21 March 1775 You must be preparing Stones for the new Buildings at Langley Mill, as it is most probable we shall not only build two Cottages but Room for two Ore Hearths at the Refinery and a new Stamp Mill and Bone Ash House. I am Your hble Servt N W Junr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 23 Mar 1775

Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse in Weardale Newcas 23rd March 1775 Sir In your Partnership Account ending 30th Septemr last you make the Ore delivered to Sir Walters Mill 118B. 2h & that he has 51B. 3h lying at the Groves & you say the Ore lying sent to Mr Bacons Mill & lying is 170B. 1b. : Now I want you to distinguish how much is sent to Mr Bacon’s Mill & how much is lying; & desire when you come hither you will be so good as

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 26 Mar 1775

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Newcas 26th March 1775 Gentlemen I have this day sent you by Robt Cave the London a piece of fine Silver containing Seven Hundred and Nineteen Ounces which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Market price and advise me on your Receipt of it I shall in a few posts get Mr J.E.Blackett to draw a Bill on you for Fourteen Hundred pounds on Sir Walter’s Accot and am et

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 26 Mar 1775

Mr Ralph Heron Attorney at Law Hexham Newcas 26th March 1775 Sir Inclosed I return you the Draft of the Case about Nubbuck with such Alterations as appear necessary to Mr Bell and me - You will please as soon as possible to get this case laid before both Mr Fawcett and Mr Wilson for their Opinion and as there are only two Queries I should suppose a Guinea would be a sufficient Fee to each but of this you are a better Judge than etc

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 28 Mar 1775

Mr Ralph Heron Attorney at Law in Hexham Newcas 28th March 1775 Sir Sir Walter Blackett has executed the Lease of Hackford Mine and it will be ready to be exchanged whenever the Counterpart is brought to me executed by all the Lessees; of which please to acquaint them or some person concerned for them - I hope I shall receive from the Council their Opinions about Nubbuck as soon as possible I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 28 Mar 1775

Mr Holmes. Farnacres 28 March 1775 Dear Sir This day I am favoured with your Letter of the 25th inst and have drawn upon you payble one Month after date for £122.4.1 being the amount of 420 1/2 Ounces of Bullion at 5s9 3/4d P Oz. I am Dr Sir. Your most hble Servt N W Junr Sir Farnacres 28th March 1775 One Month after date pay to the Order of Mssrs Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Saint One Hundred

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Salter – 28 Mar 1775

To Mr Salter. Farnacres 28th March 1775 Dear Sir I desire you will be so obliging as bespeak us of Mr Finch 100 Casks of Bone Ashes and desire they may be sent by any of the Newcastle Traders who Ship only Merchants Goods for we find there is a saving at London by their coming in that way rather than by the Colliers in the Cartage and Wharfage and it is more convenient to us in the delivery at Newcastle Quay instead of being delivered at Shields, an

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 31 Mar 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 31 March 1775 I very much approve of what you have done with respect to H. Smith and of your sentiments and what you intend doing as to him but I think it may be proper to let the matter rest til Mr Smeaton & I are together at Hexham and by this days Post I shall desire Mr Bell to give you Notice to Noble and Dixon to pay their Rents on the Monday when we shall have time to talk to them - but it has just struck me that perhaps i

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Revd Scott – 31 Mar 1775

The Rev Doctor Scott Farnacres 31st March 1775 Sir On Monday and Tuesday the 10th & 11th of next Month (Monday and Tuesday Sennt) we intend receiving the Rents of Greenwich Hospital at Hexham and shall be very glad of the pleasure of your Company on either of those days most convenient to you to take a Dinner with us; in the mean time we wish you health to enjoy your new appointment under Greenwich Hospital and are Sir Your most Obed Hble Servts W &

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 1 Apr 1775

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcastle 1st April 1775 Foster Lane London Gentn. I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Twenty days date payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co for Fourteen hundred Pounds which I desire you will please to accept & place to the Account of Sir Walter Blackett Bt. I am etc John E. Blackett £1400 . . Newcastle Bank 1st Apr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Langlands – 2 Apr 1775

To Mr John Langlands or Mr Jo Hutchinson Farnacres 2nd April 1775 Sir As we shall receive the Rents of Greenwich Hospital at Mrs Marleys in Gateshead on Friday first the 7th instant if convenient to you, should be glad to receive for the Bullion sold you the 18th February last. The Money will be £279.3s3d being the amount of Nine hundred and Seventy One Ounces at five shillings and nine Pence P Ounce. We now sell our Bullion at 5s9 3/4d. W

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 3 Apr 1775

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 3rd April 1775 to be left at Mr Pearson’s, Surgeon in Hexham Sir I have fixed your Pay to be on Thursday the 27th of this Month and desire if you have no particular Objection to the day that you will give Notice accordingly - So I could have you be here on Monday Evening the 24th receive your Money on Tuesday the 25th, go to Dukesfield with it on the 26th and make your Pay as I said on
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467