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Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 3 Apr 1775

Dukesfd. 3d. April 1775 Mr. Richmond N.Castle Sir Have sent you the Pay Bill, Rental & Decr. Quartr. Accots. I am not affraid of any mistake in regard to the produce of Coalcleugh Ore last year, as that Ore was all Smelted before the Accot. was made up. the Ore that came f’m Kilhope last Summer must have been got a very poor Mine, & there was some white Ore came fm her very poor of Lead wch. after making Trial of I desired Mr. Kidd would send what they had, &

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 4 Apr 1775

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 4 April 1775 Sir, After those drifts are drove I intend cutting south to try the sun Vein you will see as above there is 16 Men Imployed in sinking & rising the sum from the Ore workings in to the deep Level & 6 Men rising the Borehole Shaft all 22, 10 of which was taken out of sundry Ore Bargons & will go back to their Bargains as soon as the sump & shaft is finished 16 Men to be employed in driving forward the Low Level the ot

Bill – John Erasmus Blackett to Hallifax Mills & Co – 4 Apr 1775

£125 Newcastle Bank 4th April 1775 Twenty Days after Date pay to the Order of Walter Trevelyan Esqr. One Hundred and Twenty five Pounds Value received For Bell Cookson Carr Self & Saint To Messrs. Hallifax Mills Glyn & Mitton Jno. Widdrington _ London No. 2994

Letter – Henry Richmond to Daniel Alder – 7 Apr 1775

Mr Daniel Alder at Adderstone Newcas 7th April 1775 near Belford - North Sir Inclosed is Mr Bacon Forsters Executors’s Accot of their Proportion of Weardale Rents Compositions etc for the last Year & also their Accot for the six Years past: & I cannot help expressing my wonder that the Extors should suffer this Money to remain unpaid so long; as they may be sensible they have no right to remove any Ore whilst such a

letter – Anthony Hewatson to Thomas Marshall – 19 Apr 1775

Gracefeald Aprill 19th 1775 Dear Sir We Have come to the flatt in the S[o]uth cross cut but she is all under our sols we have just Broke in to the Top of hir, but Cannot Say what she will be as good as Littol Triyol [Little Trial] is made, the ore that w[e] See is very good I hope in a fortnets time I shall be abol to give you a b[etter] account, She is Very Hard. <Disire you> will send us two washers <……> popole is all Started to wash <…….> I should be glad to

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Charles Atkinson – 21 Apr 1775

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Atkinson 21st Apr 75 Sir, Yours of the 12th Instant I recd the advice I now give is for you to sell all the Lead that lord Carlisle has now Smelted which I beleeive will be delivered you in a few Days & we cannot expect more than the Markitt Price I doubt not of your Care to get the Best price the Lead will fetch at NewCastle & as we shall have occasion for £1000 on the 15th next Month it would be very agreeable if you would advance that sum then to

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 22 Apr 1775

Mr Willm. Alvey Darwin London Newcas. 22 April 1775 Sir I received your Letter of the 11th inclosing Mr. Wilkinsons receipt for £7 . 10s . 0 on Account of his Expenses coming down & returning to London. Your Account with the other Vouchers relating to the Election I have examined & find right Inclosed you have Messrs. Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Castell Whateley & Powell for Three hundred and forty two Pou

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 24 Apr 1775

Mr Darwin No 47 Hatton Street London Newcas 24 April 1775 Sir Inclosed I return you your several Queries with Answers thereto in order to form an Addition to the Case concerning the Inclosure upon the Waste of the Manor of Hexham at Nubbuck & hope it will be satisfactory - A ship is come in here with a Box & a Case directed to Sir Walter Blackett which I suppose will prove the Scales Weights & Measures for Hexham but they are not

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 25 Apr 1775

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Lavie 25th Apr 1775 Sir, In your Letter of 17th Feby last you mentioned that if I could Borrow the Money wanted to complete the Pays &ca at 5 p Cent till April when you would be in the Country it would oblige you in Consequence of which I did borrow it & as the Time of Payment now draws near I send this to know if you still retain the same determination of paying that Money out of the Rents my Reason for making this enquiry is that I beleive I can hav

Letter – Henry Richmond to Cornelius Osy – 26 Apr 1775

Cornelis Joseph Osy Esqr Newcas 26th April 1775 at Rotterdam Sir By the direction of Sir Wr Blackett I have shipt this day in the Love & Unity - Captn Joseph Mack a hogshead of Ale directed for you to the Care of Messrs Pieter Dander Hoeven & Co - It is intended as a present to Mr Cornelisson at Antwerp to whom you will please to forward - it is inclosed in a Case with Saw dust between the Outer and Inner Casks

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 27 Apr 1775

Thorpe Lee 27th Apr 1775 Dear Brother We are now all dispers'd again; My Mother at Warwick, Bro. Will at Plymouth, Harry upon the road to you, My Son at Oxford, My Daughter in Town: & we here; we left Town on Monday last, & altho it was the 24th Aprl there, we found it the middle of June here; I rode out yesterday upon the heath, found it so hot I was glad to return again soon; This day too is very hot but wth more wind; Thermometer at 67. If we have not rain soon there

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 28 Apr 1775

Mr Ralph Heron Attorney at Law Newcas 28th April 1775 In Hexham Sir The Weights & Measures which were ordered by Sir Walter Blackett for the Court at Hexham near four Years ago are now come & in his Office here - I shall send them to you as soon as I know you are at Home or you will please to order the Carrier to call for them. I shod be glad to know, when you open the Boxes, what they contain as I have not unpack

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 28 Apr 1775

Jno. Ibbetson Esq. Farnacres 28th April 1775 Sir Inclosed you will receive a Computation of the Expence of Buildings etc in addition to the Smelting Mill and Conveniences at Langley Castle Pasture, on acct of the increased produce from the Lead Mines in the Manor of Alston moor amount to the Sum of £229.4.3 1/2. In Mr Walton's Letter of the 17th Ult it was suggested that an addition of two Hearths would be necessary; but on considering t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 28 Apr 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 28 April 1775 We have reced your Letter of the 26th and in answer, think you should agree with W Pattison at 1 3/4 <d> P F<n>. It gives us pleasure to hear the Buildings are going on so well and we inclose you Plans for the new Mill House etc and directions and measures thereon and desire you will tell Mr Labourne that we wish every thing to be got as fast forward as possible and beg the Lime may be well w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 28 Apr 1775

Mr Holmes.                                     Farnacres 28th April 1775 Dear Sir We reced the favor of yours of the 22nd isn't yesterday and we are much obliged by your information concerning the Holly we apprehend therefrom, that there is room to make an adventure by sending a part of it to London and shall be further obliged by accepting your offer in Brokering it for us; it may probably be some Weeks before we can get it sorted and sent to Newcastle but

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Allgood – 5 May 1775

Dukesfd. 5th. May 1775 Mr. Robt. Allgood Allanhds Sr. The Ore that we are receiving f’m your Place is badly dressed & wants Weight both wch. faults I beg you’ll remedy for the future. I was in hopes (fm what you promised me) that we should not have any cause for complaint of your Ore after you got quit of the Over year Ore, wch. I suppose you have don some time ago & whats coming now is worse if worse can be than what we received a month ago. I am yrs. &am

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 5 May 1775

Mr Mulcaster.                                       Farnacres 5th May 1775 We think if you can make it convenient, when you are short of Water, it will be best to lay off the Slag Hearth; as those Bellows, we judge, take as much power as any two of the others, and not only that, but oblige the rest to Work to a disadvantage, by their not making full Strokes; the rule is, you see, when the Slag Hearth is on to take up, til it will do its business at 18 Kams P Min an

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 6 May 1775

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London NCastle 6th May 1775 Gentm I sent you yesterday by Francis Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing 884 Ounces which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the market Price and advise me on your receipt of it I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Maylin – 6 May 1775

To Mr Maylin No 113 in the Minories London Farnacres 6 May 1775 Sir. We have this day reced yours of the 3rd inst and you are very right in the dimensions, only you mention one circumstance which we think you have apprehended wrong, you say ‘Pipe to drop a little on the lower side’, now the Pipe is to drop a little on the upper side in order to throw the blast downwards, the bore is to be round, or nearly so, being for Smelting Bellows. Since the Year 1766 we have got

Letter – Henry Fleck to Mary Loraine – 6 May 1775

To Mrs Mary Lorrain Hexham Bladon My 6th 1775 Madam I wrote to Mr Marshall some Time ago & Inclosed a Bill on you for £11 16s 5d due to Mr Staniland desiring Ansr but, not Hearing, nor receiving and ansr since Mr Staniland this Week desired me to Write you again, and would be glad to know from you when it will be convenient for you to make or Order the payment I am Madam your most Obligd Hble Servt Henry Fleck

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 May 1775

Mr Mulcaster.                           Farnacres 9th May 1775 We understand that some of the Carriers West of Hexham have got great quantities of Lead in hand particularly Forster of Yarridge and we therefore desire you will give the whole notice, that unless they get their Lead carried to Hexham, Newcastle or Newburn, and with all possible expedition, we shall give orders for other Carriers to take it from them, and never employ them more as Carriers.    We are  

Letter – Lancelot Allgood to Mary Loraine – 9 May 1775

To Mrs Loraine In Hexham Nunwick May 9th 1775 Madam I received the favour of Yours of the 6th, as I have Advertised Colt Park Estate to be sold, the Purchaser cannot enter before Old Martinmas, so we must make it the week after, to pay you that Money, Therefore on the 27th or 28th of November, you may depend upon your Money being paid you. I am, Madam Your most Obedient Humble Servant L Allgood

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 11 May 1775

Mr Mulcaster.                               Farnacres 11th May 1775 In answer to your Letter of the 8th I still we take the first opportunity of acquainting you that we approve of what you propose as to the Smelting of the Slags and paying the Slag Smelters on Account, til all their work belonging the last years Ore is finished. The Silver weighed 769 1/2 Ounces. We are glad to hear you have got on so well at Langley Mill with the Buildings. I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 12 May 1775

To Mr Holmes.                                 Farnacres 12th May 1775 Dear Sir By last Saturdays London Carrier we sent you a Box containing 769 1/2 Ounces of Fine Silver which doubt not you will receive on Saturday Sennt. We are much obliged to you for your services respecting the Bellows as well as the Holly etc.   We have wrote to Mr Maylin in further explanation of some matters in which he seemed likely to be the better for further information.   We

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Selby – 15 May 1775

Mr George Selby - Attorney at Law In Alnwick Newcas 15th May 1775 Sir I received your Letter that Mr Selby is desirous of having the Lease of Unthank Colliery delivered him which he certainly should have had before this if Sir Wr Blackett had obtained the Arrears due from the Tenants of the Colliery & which he cannot yet prosecute them for without the help of this Lease. We have got half of the Debt & as soon as w
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467