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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 16 May 1775

Mr Mulcaster.                               Farnacres 16th May 1775 In my last I forgot to mention that a disappointment had been met with us as to the Charcoal which was intended to have been delivered to you at Langley Mill for the purpose of the Trials to Reduce with it and I therefore now write to desire John Turnbull may be sent into the Hag Bank to examine whether we cannot get as much Wood of the proper kind for Charcoal from the Tops of what we have felled suc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 19 May 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 19th May 1775 I have reced. your Letter of the 18th and with regard to the Charcoal, can give no directions what is to be done either with regard to Cording or preparing the Wood for Coaling. I suppose the Workman who we get to burn it for us will be the best judge of that. I would not have more than one Pit burnt, til we see how the experiments answer, nor would I wish to have any fresh Wood cut on any Account. Such part of

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 20 May 1775

Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas 20th May 1775 Sir Your Account for the Year 1773 which you were too late in bringing in last Year will be examined with the Vouchers & the duplicate signed & sent you as soon as my present hurry of business is over: only I must beg you will let me have your last Years Accot in a fortnights time; either with or without the Vouchers, for the present - the balance of your Account for 1773

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 21 May 1775

Dukesfd. 21st. May 1775 Mr. Richmond N.Castle Inclosed have sent you the Month Accots. for the three Mills, & a copy of the charge of fetching the Money for the Pay as you desird. One of our Refiners has been ill so that you’ll not get the two Plates of Silver so soon as might be expected, but I expect he’ll be able to go to his Work to morrow. The Ore Carriers are standing out for an advance of Price for this Mill fm Coalcleugh & Allanhds Mines the Qua

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 26 May 1775

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 26 May 1775 to be left at Mr Pearsons – Surgeon in Hexham Sir I am sorry your Ore Carriers from Coalcleugh & Allanheads are so difficult to deal with this Year - It will be wrong to lose much time in treating with them as there is so much Ore lying at the several Mines I see no other Way but for you to make as good a Bargain as you can with them either by promising them a Pay in Oc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Airey – 26 May 1775

One Pair of Smelting Bellows Shipped on Board the Success Geo. Robinson Master for Newcastle 20th May 1775. Mark W& S To the care of Mr Airey of Newcastle Messrs Walton & Smeaton's Compliments to Mr Airey, and send him the above to inform him of a pair of Bellows being Shipped for Langley Mill; which they desire he will be so obliging as make immediate enquiry about, and as soon as they arrive, to get them carefully put in to the Warehouse and

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 26 May 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 26 May 1775 Yesterday I had advice of the Bellows being Shipped at London the 20 of this Month so I shall expect them every day and they shall be sent to the Mill without loss of time after they get to Newcastle. Mr Laybourne I expect will get the Mill House covered in by the latter end of next Week and I hope they will soon afterwards get the Machinery fixed and all things forwarded as fast as possible. If you want any Ca

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 26 May 1775

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 26th May 1775 Dear Sir On Tuesday last I was favoured with your Letter of the 20th and this day have drawn upon you for £219.8.9 being the amount of 769 1/2 Ounces of Bullion at 5s10d after deducting £5 reced in your sd Letter by a Newcastle Bank Note. I am etc N W Junr Farnacres 26 May 1775 Sir. One Month after date Pay to the Order of Messrs Bell Cookson

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Maylin – 31 May 1775

To Mr Joseph Maylin No 113 Minories London Farnacres 31 May 1775 Sir. We were duly favoured with your Letter of the 22nd instant with an Account of the Bellows being Shipped and hope soon to receive them as they are wanted or will be so in a few days. Under cover herewith you receive Bell and Company Bill on Hallifax and Co. for £25.15- being the amount of your charge for the Bellows including Packing and Shipping and for which we

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Salter – 31 May 1775

Mr Salter. Farnacres 31st May 1775. Dear Sir I desire youll be so good as order 100 Casks more of Bone Ashes to be sent down to Newcastle in manner as the last came by the London Traders; we are in no hurry but wish to receive them as soon as convenient. I am Dear Sir etc N W Junr PS Be so good as forward the inclosed by the Penny Post.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 2 Jun 1775

Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas 2nd June 1775 Sir I have signed the Duplicate of your Account for the Year 1773 & have sent it you by the Bearer Thos Thompson & hope you will be able to let me have your Accot for the last Year in a little time as I wrote you last Week for I am quite at a Stand for want of it & Sir Walter has been asking me for the Accot which I cannot make up till I have your’s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Jun 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 3rd June 1775 I have reced your Letter of the 1st and in answer thereto take the first opportunity of acquainting you that the Slag Smelting must be got forward with as well as you can after the old Ore is Smelted, til all the old Slags of every sort are finished. The Bellows I expect every day from London but the Wind has been unfavourable for some days past which keeps them back. The Hearth Stones will I believe be ready for the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 5 Jun 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 5th June 1775 The Bellows are arrived at Newcastle and I expect you will receive them by Corbett. If you want any Iron for the fixing the Treddles etc I desire to know by Fridays Carrier and I shall endeavour to send what you want along with the Cast Iron for the Hearths which will I dare say be ready for the Carrier on Friday morning. The Lead I hope will be all at Newburn and Newcastle by the latter end of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 5 Jun 1775

Mr Bell. Farnacres 5th June 1775. I desire you will let such of the ead Carriers as fall in your way, know that they must have all in at Newcastle by Saturday next and tell Ions he is to have all his Lead at Newcastle upon the same day, for as I am to be at the Mill if possible on Monday next and the Carriers Pay is to be on Thursday Sennt I shall not be able to settle the Warehouse Acct in time for the Pay unless all is brought in by Saturday first.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 6 Jun 1775

Mr Mulcaster.                                   Farnacres 6 June 1775 This day I sent Mr Stevenson to Newburn and Hexham to enquire in what state the Lead Carriers were as to quantities of Lead in Hand and find there is so much at Newburm and Hexham that it will be impossible to have all in without giving another Week I shall therefore defer coming to the Mill til Sunday the 18th inst in the Evening shall stay there til Tuesday Evening following and make the Lead

Letter – Thomas Dawson to John Erasmus Blackett – 9 Jun 1775

Kinsale.   Ireland  9th June 1775 Sir          I take the Liberty to enquire about a Recruit of mine one James Miller who on 13th of March last was brought before You & some other Gentlemen, by a Serjeant of the 31st Reg., on account of his declaring himself a Deserter from Gen. Elliott's Light Horse & that he gave so lame an account of the Matter, that my Serjeant wrote me You would not credit him & consequently not credit him, & consequently not grant

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 12 Jun 1775

Dukesfd. 12th. June 1775 Mr. Richmond N.Castle Sir Here wth. have Sent you a Box wth. 2 plates of Silver (as p[er] inclosed accot) and the Month accot. for Dukesfd. Mill. I did not meet wth. Mr. Marchall when I went to Hackford Mine, but was told that He’s to be there to day so Shall take a ride there & discharge him agreeable to your Orders. & am Your Most Hble Svt. IH Jr.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 13 Jun 1775

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 13th June 1775 Sir Your two pieces of Silver from Dukesfield are come to hand & are weighed - the one of them weighs Seven hundred & Twenty five Ounces & the other of them weighs only seven hundred & forty Ounces & a half so that you must be mistaken in your Weights. I am etc HR P.S. I have seen Mr Marshall and discharged him

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 13 Jun 1775

Mr Darwin - No 47 Hatton Street London Newcastle 13th June 1775 Sir The Commissioners appointed by the Act of Parliament have had one Sitting for Examining Witnesses touching the disputed Ground between Blanchland & Hexham & have adjourned to the 24th of next month when they will finish the Parole Evidence on both Sides; After that they will adjourn to some subsequent day when such written Testimony as each side can offer must be produced. Fr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 13 Jun 1775

Mr Ralph Heron - Attorney at Law In Hexham Newcas 13th June 1775 Sir It will not be necessary to transcribe the Copy of the Grant of the Manor of Hexham which I have till you see whether or no it can be of any use to produce it & you will soon discover that when I have an opportunity of laying it before you so we will let it remain till you can conveniently come to Town; in the mean time I have wrote to Mr Darwin to acquaint me whethe

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 13 Jun 1775

Mr Mulcaster.                         Farnacres 13 June 1775 I sometime ago reced an Account from you showing the Quantity of Lead delivered at the Mill for Newcastle from 7th November to and with 17th May and as I shall want the quantities delivered to each Carrier since 17th May on Friday I desire you will send me that Account by Corbett on Friday. I am Your hble Servt N W Junr

Letter – John Hartland to Henry Fleck – 13 Jun 1775

To Mr Henry Fleck in Stella Gateshead June 13th 1775 Sir I received the favour of yr letter dated this day am very sorry you have has so much trouble, especially as you have had the mortification to be disappointed I think Mrs Loraine has behaved very ungenteely, both to you & me, nevertheless I will not write to her for the present; but will defer it a month. If she remitts it in that time, it is very well: if not, shall tell her a little of my mind – therefore if the money

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Selby – 16 Jun 1775

Newcastle June 16th 1775 Dear Sir             I received your favour of the 10th Inst. and observe what you say with respect to Shotten Tythe; you must have misunderstood me when you thought I promis'd you should have them for I have no such power, Mr Richmond and Sir Walter Blacketts land Steward Mr Forster have the Sole Management & they were the proper persons to apply to of this estate   I told you that I wo'd mention it to them, & if they intended Selling

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 17 Jun 1775

Messrs Plumb & Browne - Goldsmiths Foster Lane – London Newcas 17th June 1775 Gentn I have this day sent you by Robert Cave the London Carrier Two pieces of fine Silver, in a Box, containing together Fourteen Hundred & Sixty five Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Wr Blackett Bt as usual at the Market price & advise me of your Receipt of Them I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Jun 1775

Mr Darwin No 47 Hatton Street London Newcas 17th June 1775 Sir Sir Walter Blackett is very desirous of having Mr Wallace’s Opinion on the Case about Mr Cuthberts Encroachment on the Wastes of Hexham Manor adjoining to his Estates at Nubbuck and will be obliged to you if you will Enquire if it is done or if Mr Wallace can let him have it soon I am etc HR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467