To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 18 June 1775
Dear Sir
Yesterday I sent a Box to the London Carrier cont 684 3/4 ounces of Silver which I hope you will receive safe on Saturday Sennt. Silver having been sold lower than the rate set down in Castaignes Paper when you receive the last Cake you paid abt one halfpenny or better P Ounce for that Cake more than you ought to have done and as Silver has continued at a lower rate than that at which you p
Dukesfd. 20th June 1775
Mr. W. Forster Coalcleugh
I have frequently complained this Season of the Want of Weight in the Ore recd. f’m your place & finding at several times when at the Mill that there were some of the Carriers that I then had wd that some had & others wanted Wt. made me order all the Ore that came last Week to be weigh’d and an accot. kept of the deficiency; wch. amounted in the Week f’m your Grove to 444 lb near 2 Horse of Ore; I have inc
Dukesfd. 20th. June 1775
Mr. Robt. Allgood Allanhds
The frequent complaints I have made this Season in regard to the Want of Wt. & the falt not removed made me order all the Ore recd. last Week be weighed, & find that the Quantity short f’m your Grove was 177 lb. tho’ after the 2 first days there was none had short Wt. (but Robt. Archer & he 33 lb in 3 1/2 Bings) but several over Weight, wch shows that the falt is in the Person that delivers the Ore no
This is the last will & Testament of me Henry Richmond of the town & county of Newcastle upon Tyne In the first place I order & direct that all my just Debts & also the Expenses of my Funeral (which I desire may as private as possible) shall be paid by my Executors. And I give & bequeath unto my Dear wife the sum of Fifty pounds to be paid to her within one month after my Death and, I also give & bequeath unto my said Wife all my Household furniture & all my plate &am
Mr Robt Allgood Allanheads Newcas 22nd June 1775
Sir, Sir Walter Blackett bids me acquaint you that he has thought proper to appoint Mr Westgarth Forster to Succeed Mr Caleb Hunter as his Chief Grove Steward at Allanheads & that He has no doubt but your Father & you in your respective Stations will concur with Mr Forster in every Thing that is for His Advantage & the carrying on the Grove properly.
Mr Westgarth Forster at Coalcleugh Newcas 22nd June 1775
Sir, Sir Walter Blackett has thought proper to appoint you to succeed Mr Caleb Hunter of which I give you Joy & desire you will come down hither as soon as you can I am etc HR
Mr Mulcaster.
I desire the greatest Caution may be given Forster respecting the Gun & it must not be used except in defence, but give this advice only to the Person in whose possession it may be, for it should be understood in the Country that it is to be used if any Body comes to the Mill at an unreasonable hour. I am etc
N W Junr
Farnacres 23rd June 1775
Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 24th June 1775
Sir, Sir Walter Blackett has appointed Mr Crawhall to be a Grove Steward at Coalcleugh so there will be a Clerk wanted at Allanheads Mill: about that & other Business I would wish to see you on Monday or Tuesday next. I am etc HR
Dukesfd. 24 June 1775
Mr. Robt. Allgood Allanheads
Jno Neving’s Servt. was here wth Ore fm your place yesterday, 24 lb short of Weight should like to know where the blame lies, for we never that I can recolect had so often short Weight f’m the Mines as this season, and if its intentional or negligence in the Carriers would make an example of one or two of them for a caution to the Rest. & am
yrs &c IH Jr
Dukesfd. 24th. June 1775
Mr. Kidd Killhope
Crag & Peart were at the Mill yesterday with Ore f’m your Mine, which wanted in the Whole 11 Stone & <6> Pound, wch. defficiency I desire you’ll make them bring the first time that they take up Ore at your place & that you acquaint Mr. Salkeld by a Line when they bring it that he may give them Cr <for> the rect. of it. You’ll please to prevent the like happening for the future. & am
Mr Ralph Forster at Wallington Newcas 30th June 1775
I should be glad to know what sort of Health Thos Hepple of Kirkhill now has & also whether Ralph Clarke Brother to the Clarke’s of Newhouse is alive & in good Health for these are lives in two Leases which Sr Wr Blackett is possessed of I am etc HR
Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 1st July 1775
Foster Lane - London
I sent you Yesterday by Francis Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Eight hundred & seven Ounces & a half: which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett, as usual, at the Market price & advise me on your Receipt thereof
I am etc HR
8071/2 at p Ounce
Dukesfield 3d July 1775
On the 6th Feby. last I appointed the Eldest Son of Thos Bell’s of Hunstanworth as a Servt. at Rookhope, / apears to be be about 16 or 17 yrs of age / whose between 16 & 17 years of age / that He might be in the way of improving himself for a Smelter, wich I intended to make him, once I [struck out: ‘thought’] think Him fit & one wanting. I suppose He must be the Person that Mr. Hudson has applied to you for; [struck out: ‘as he is t
Dukesfield 3d July 1775
Sir Walter Blackett Bart has appointed you to be clerk at Allenheads Mill where he choose that you should enter immediately. <You’ll> please to call here in your way to the Mill. I am wishing you health & success in your new place Sir
Yr Hble servt Isaac Hunter jnr
To Mr Jonathn Sparke
Dukesfd. 5th. July 1775
Mr. Westgarth C.C.
I have frequently complaind of the want of Weight of the Ore sent this Season f’m Coalcleugh wth. out affect for Yesterday Wm. Bell <Sn. fd> brought in 9 Horse wch. wanted 11s: 8lb & several other Carriers that were wd. had sharp Weight indeed the Carriers f’m C.C. of late have most of them brought short Wt. I beg you’ll give such Orders as to prevent it for the future. If you find after you have inquired in
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Lavie 12th July 1775
Since I see you we have had the misfortune of having the Sill we get the Ore in Thrown down by a Cross Vein the Ore in the forehead almost quite cut at which forehead was let to Jos Renwick & Ptners at 12s p Bing as you will see in my Letter of the 4th April last & as that was the case they give up their Bargain so we let them 5 Fathom, to drive in hopes of the sill rising to its former Height but on driving that 5 fathom we
Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 25th July 1775
Sir Inclosed I send you two Bills as above - the one for One hundred & fifty seven Pounds ten Shillings is to enable you to pay the half Years Composition for Weardale Tithe Ore due to Mr Thurlow the 22nd instant the other for Five Hundred Pounds is for the half years Intrest which will be due to Sir Edward Winnington the 6th of next month for his mortgage on Wallington
You will please t
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 26th July 1775
Dear Sir
I was duly favoured with yours if the 1st Inst. and should most certainly have acknowledged the recet of it long before this Time had I not been very much engaged.
You have made a great Bargain for the Holly and I am much pleased to find our Adventure has turned so well out for Greenwich Hospital. As to the loss of the Foot & Twelfth, it is nothing.
Dukesfd. 28 July 1775
Mr. Isaac Walton Rookhope
I have sent the Bearer John Reay to be a Smelter at your Mill, as Noble & he are near Neighbours you may let them work together, & set Elliot to Ra. Stephinson & am
Yrs. &c IH.Jr
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 28th July 1775
I have reced your Letter of the 24th with the dimensions for an Iron Chest and am glad to hear by Mr Hilton that you have reced the two Weigh Beams and the Iron, as I am also to find the Bricks are arrived. Some Time before you think the Furnaces will be to rebuild I would like to know and will then send you 1000 of our Newcastle Fire Bricks, to try with the others. I know a great many of the Bri
Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 1st August 1775
Sir Inclosed you have Messrs. Bell Cookson & Cos draft on Messrs. Castell & Co. at 35 d[ays] dated this day for Two hundred Pounds to make good the quarterly & other payments on Sir Walter Blacketts Account to 30 Septemr. next. You will please to advise me on your Receipt of this Bill & let me have a Receipt as usual _ I do not send you the exact Sum that will be wanted but can
To the same Farnacres 11th Aug 1775
Dear Sir
Having examined the castings as the last Cake of Bullion sent you we find that the mistake you mention has been made and that we are right to have drawn for £196.3 - instead if £194-3, and we are obliged at your pointing out the error wch shall be rectified when we draw again. This Weeks Carrier or the Carrier of next Week will bring you a Cake of fine Silver of
To Mr Thomas Marshall in Hexham Newcastle 20th August 1775
I desire you will give my Compliments to Mrs Loraine, the Money Sr Wr Blackett owes her upon bond is ready (as I told Mr Bell when he said she desired to have it) to be paid to her at any time & place she pleases. He fixed the 28th Septr: but you say, in your Letter of the 17th instant, she desires to have it on the 28th Novemr. She will let me know certainly which day will be
Mr Ralph Forster at Wallington Newcas 22nd August 1775
Your not sending me your accot as the other Agents do, in May or June, is inconvenient to Sir Walter’s business, as I have often told you. but your falling so much behind as you did last year, & are now doing This, puts everything to a Nonplus & will bring a Censure upon you that I would wish to prevent I am etc HR
Dukesfd. 22d. Augt. 1775
Mr. Richmond N.Castle
Inclosed you have the two last Month Accots. for the Several Mills wch. I keep agreeable to your Order till I heard that you was return’d f’m Tynemouth, where I hope you have Reapt the expected advantage.
I was Sorry to find by Mr. Sparke that I had not fulfiled your Orders in Regard to his appointment to the Clarks place at Allanhds Mill, but I do assure you it was not with any intention, but only f’m my not perc