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Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 21 Oct 1676

Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe Newcastle 8ber [October] : the : 21th : 1676 Sir This is to give you notice that this day I have drawne upon you a bill for £100 payable 6/d [days] Sight to Mr Jno Sherwood or Order; vallue of Sir Ralph Carr Knt Mayor for this Towne of Newcastle to w[hi]ch I pray lett all due hono[u]r bee given; As allso to another Bill w[hi]ch I have this day Charged upon you for £30 payable 6/d [days] Sight to Mr Mathias Hunter or Order vallue of Mr Allexander Simpson nott

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Blackett – 21 Oct 1676

Broth[er]: Edw[ard]: Ditto [Newcastle 21 October 1676] I have noe newes to tell you nore more to Inlarge upon then to give you notice that Tis reported In Towne that my Father some day next weeke is to meete my Lady Yorke about the businesse you know of and that hee Intends to goe from hence upon Monday morninge next how farr this is true I am satisfied that you know best yo[u]r selfe for my part I neither know nor can learne any certaynty of the designe if such a thing bee I wish y

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 21 Oct 1676

Mr Jos: Pannell Ditto [ Newcastle 21 October 1676] Sir My last to you was of the 20th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 23th present w[i]th the welcome newes of Jno Vaughanes safe Arrivall for w[hi]ch God bee prayesed If you please to minde w[ha]t is above written you may say that I have a verry good guesse w[hi]ch noe: I am Sorrey for yo[u]r badd Markett for my goodes butt that cann nott bee helped I question nott but you will doe as well as you can

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 21 Oct 1676

M[esseu]rs Cha[rles] & Ja[mes]: Bankes Newcastle 8ber [October] : the 21th 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 20th present To w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 10th 8ber [October] w[i]th my account Currant for ballance of w[hi]ch when yo[u]r bill is presented itt shall find acceptance and payment when due and when Mr Strother drawes upon you the 400 RD [Rijksdaalder - Dutch ‘national dollar’] I pray comply w[i]th his bill and reimbursse yo[u]r selfe f

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 21 Oct 1676

M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 21 October 1676] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 17th present my account Currant came well In due time to hand; but from that time to this I have nott had time to answer itt w[hi]ch was the onely Reason of my hintinge nothinge of my Receipt thereof I question nott butt tis right God willinge I shall p[ro]cese itt Shortly and as I find itt will In dew [due] time advise you; I take notice of the greate Case you take; no

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 21 Oct 1676

Unckell Eaden Ditto [Newcastle 21 October 1676] Sir I writt you the last Post that if you had any thing of concernment to impart to me I did desire; att yo[u]r leasure you would pleased to lett mee have itt in a line; But one thing I omitted that was to tell you That Esq[ui]re Fowler Sweares that hee will pay mee noe Rent before Martinmas; And I very much question whether then hee will pay mee the fore Rent or noe; Soe att yo[u]r leasure I pray lett mee have yo[u]r advice; what

Letter – Ralph Grey to Tradell – 24 Oct 1676

October 24th (1676) Monsieur Tradell Yours of the 19th recd wherin I perceive you recd myne of the 19th of Sept Since which I writt per Shipp & per post October the 4th I desire you Shipp me 15 tunns Graves Claritt & 10 tunns of the best white I refer the shipping to you who doth understand much better than doe, for Ralph must have the selling of it you will send the better to incuridge him in the trade for I intend to turn that & lead trade to him, I profess all to you I q

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Wills – 24 Oct 1676

ditto Mr Tho: Wills Yours of the 15th recd I am sorry you did meet with soe bad wether as to be putt into the Isle of Wight, if the wind hange out of the w[est] it is not amiss if you dispose of 20 Chaler & gett a Certifcate to the Custome house for 30 by that upon your return we may gett the Custome allowd you are to blame not to write the price of Cols at the Isle of Wight & measure, that we may take our mesures accordingly for they are at 32 Crowns at Bourduax and without th

Letter – Ralph Grey to John Blanks – 24 Oct 1676

October the 24th (1676) Mr Jno. Blanks I hope that Mr Hen: Milbourn hath formerly writt about my sonne Ralph coming from France to you last post I recd a letter from Monsr Tradell & another from himself that he intends aboard of Mr Jno. Rudston within 2 days who is to goe for Rotterdam but will sett Ralph ashore in the downs pray lett him want for nothing, let him make a plain winter Jute to come down for his Country suits will not be for this Coold air I would have him spend a mon

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nathaniel Smith – 24 Oct 1676

Mr: Nath[aniel]: Smith Newcastle 8ber [October] the 24th 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 17th present Inn w[hi]ch I did advise you that I had Sold yo[u]r pap[er] to Mr W[illia]m Hutchinson att 2S 8d p[er] Reame w[hi]ch could nott bee delivered till this day by Reason of the Throngness of the Fayre I allso writt the [you] the 25 of Aug[us]t that there was 130 Reame of the pap[er] w[hi]ch was a mistake for I returned noe more butt 128 Reame and proc[ure]d noe more att the delivery of

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 24 Oct 1676

Mess[eu]rs Hum[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 24 October 1676] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 19th present for Answer to w[hi]ch I returne you the bill accepted Inclosed And before due God willinge you shall have the vallue thereof, yo[u]r account Currant is right enough I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Michael Clipsham – 27 Oct 1676

Mr: Mich[ael]: Clipsham Newcastle 8ber [October]: the : 27th : 1676 Sir You may remember that the 10th of 7ber [September] (75) you writt to mee Concerneinge yo[u]r 12 p[iece]s Pruones of w[hi]ch you have had on account att large and att that time further desired mee to Relode s[ai]d Shippe of Whitby Tho: Dickeson M[aste]r (w[i]th Coales) and discharge her of the Custome house for Stockton w[hi]ch I did accordingly. And now my desire is that you will please to send mee a returne of th

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 27 Oct 1676

Mr Rob[er]t Jackson Ditto [Newcastle 27 October 1676] Sir This is to putt you in minde of a letter from you dated the 13th of 7ber [September] (75) w[hi]ch was writt under one from Mr Michaell Clips[h]am of London dated the 10th ditto by w[hi]ch you may remember and take notice; S[ai]d Clipsham wishes mee to Cleare S[ai]d Shipp of Whitby Tho: Dickeson Ma[ste]r (of this Custome House for the Coast to Stockton) but yo[u]r desire was rather for France or Burdeux [Bordeaux] and give

Letter – John Rushworth to William Blackett – 28 Oct 1676

Sr, These are only to acquaint you that yesterday Mr Sheldrake went to Fleete Bridge, and went with your friend to a Master of Chancery and got him sworne, whereupon the Comission and your Demurrer was delivered into <Cort> So now it lyes upon your Adversaries part to bring it onto be Argued in Court whether your Demurrer ought not to hold, and so stop his Proceedings; if he thinks fit to sturr further herein, we shall match him as a Catt doth a mouse, and doubt not but to intrapp him in

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 28 Oct 1676

Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe Newcastle 8ber [October]: the: 28th 1676 Sir This is to give you notice that I have this day Charged upon a Bill for £20 payable 6/d [days] Sight to Edw[ard] Blackett Esq[ui]re or Order; Vallue of him, To w[hi]ch I pray lett all due Hono[u]r bee given I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 1 Nov 1676

Honoured Sir Ditto [Newcastle 1 November 1676] As I told you when you were last in Towne the deadnesse of all Trade and moneyes soe very hard to bee com[e] by; that and the costly trouble I have att present upon my banke considered will force mee much against my minde to call in my moneyes from you when the yeare is expired w[hi]ch will bee the 6th of Ja[nuary]: next If I could have forborne itt longer none should soone have Commanded itt then yo[u]r selfe; But you must excuse mee for

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 1 Nov 1676

Unckell Eaden Ditto [Newcastle 1 November 1676] Sir The above is coppie of a letter to Mr Mark Errington of Stockton if money to bee had I must have itt my respectes to all my freinds I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Rumney – 1 Nov 1676

Lo: Cousin Newcastle 9ber [November] pmo [primo 1st]: 1676 Yo[u]rs of the 26 past shall answer in few lines am gladd w[i]th all my heart you have gott soe good a price for yo[u]r Iron but especially to heare of yo[u]r good health w[hi]ch I pray God to continue unto you ~ I never saw Parson Bell since you went from hence t'is true hee has beene twice or 3 in Towne but unfortunately I allwayes happend to be out of itt our Mines p[ro]ves [improves] God be thanked bravely;

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nathaniel Smith – 1 Nov 1676

Mr Nath[aniel]: Smith Ditto [Newcastle] 9ber [November]: the 1th: 1676 Sir I shall now God willinge give you an account of w[ha]t is due to you Vizt For 128 Reame of pap[er] Sold to Mr W[illia]m Hutchinson att 2S 8d p[er] Reame is £17: 1: 4 For 8 bottles of Oyle att 2S £00:16: 0 ----------

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 1 Nov 1676

Mr Jos: Pannell Newcastle 9ber [November]: the 1th: 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 21th of Octo[be]r [16]76 Walt[er] Chaytor hath Sold all my Fatheres Leed I hope you have done the like to myne though I have noe such advice from you Sell as Cheape and as fast as here; Except you find reason to the Contrary I leave all to you Soe use yo[u]r discression but quicke returnes is the heart of Trade In my oppinion I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 1 Nov 1676

Mess[eu]rs Cha[rles]: & Ja[mes]: Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 1 November 1676] Sirs My last to you was of the 21th of 8ber [October] [16]76 To w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you Soe the lesse to Inlarge upon the Customer above mentioned will doe nothinge nor could I to this day dispose of any of yo[u]r Woodden Commodityes exceptinge one loade of Planke for £4:10:= And 6 p[iece]s Timber that and 42 foott att 18d a foot this is all I have done; as I proceed you shall God willinge h

Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 3 Nov 1676

November the 3th 1676 To Matt: Shiperd Sir I have inclosed sent you a bill drawn upon Mr Christianus Gardner Marchant at the oringe Tree at Billingsgate for £42: 02s: 09d which is the Ballance of your acct, at 20 days sight I hope it will be paid at day whe[n] paid pray write with the price of Sugars this what needfull From your Freind Ra: Grey

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 7 Nov 1676

Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe: Newcastle 9ber [November]: the 7th 1676 Sir Pray take notice I have this day vallued upon you £80 payable 20th present To Jno Jenkins Esq[ui]re or Order vallue of Mr Jno Carr w[hi]ch I pray lett bee complyed w[i]th all I Intreate you aske yo[u]r Man Lance Gander if hee Rec[eive]d nott £20: of one Jno Sherwood by the Order of Geo: Davenport upon my account t'is Strange to mee that advice of the paym[en]t came this day Se

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Crossman – 7 Nov 1676

Mr: Rich[ard]: Crossman Ditto [Newcastle 7 November 1676] Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 2d present for answer yo[u]r best butter is now att 15S a Firkin; but a very uncertaine Commodity itt may bee att 8S tomorrow; and p[er]haps att 12S I could lately have bought very good for 13S as above t'is att present att 15S I can att any time upon 14/d [days] notice Supply you w[i]th w[ha]t quantity you please; but an opportunity for Oustend is very uncertaine few will now goe there

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Harding – 7 Nov 1676

Mr Nicho[las]: Hardinge Newcastle 9ber [November]: the 7th 1676 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the last post takes notice thereby of the Receipt of my deputation I doe nott question In the least butt you will soee mannidge my Concernes; as that I may passe over my troublesome office without any damage I am willing and ready to returne you all yo[u]r moneyes att 30/d [days] Sight; but excuse mee I will nott Receive every trifelinge Sumed as £50: £40: or £30 Comes In I will take itt
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467