Mr Robt Readhead at The Lee near Rothbury Newcas 15 Octor 1775
Your Letter of the 7th instant is far from satisfying Sir Walter Blackett who has given you so much time for the payment of the Arrear of Rent due from you to him for Unthank Colliery; however he is willing to forebear a little longer before he puts the Bond in Suit & provided you pay One hundred Pounds in one month from this date and the other on or before the 31s
Revd Mr Abm Brown at Mollersteads Newcas 15th Octor 1775
Sir Walter Blackett bids me write you in answer to your Letter of the 10th instant That he has no Objection to your making a Trial on the terms of the Tack Note granted to Richd Anderson & Co of which Company he is told you are one only. you will please to observe That, agreeable to the Rules of Tack Notes no time must be lost in carrying the same into Execution fo
Mr Geo Selby Attorney at Law In Alnwick Newcas 15th Octor 1775
I have shewn Sr Wr Blackett your Letter demanding the Lease of Unthank Colliery which was left with him for the Recovery of the Arrears of Rent from the Tenants - Sir Walter has not yet got all the money but however does want to keep any thing from Mr Selby that he has a right to; so if Mr Selby of Beal will favour me with a Line desiring me to Send him Sir
Mr Thomas Marshall Hexham Bladon Octor 16th 1775
Yours Recd and am wholly Ignorant of wt you have have therein advanced. It is indifferent to me whether Mrs Loraine make her Lead into Ingots or Kirk Steeples, with respect to the Terms between her & Carriage it is quite out of my way & beneath my notice; however I beg you'l remind her that I have not yet receiv'd for the Wharfage etc. of the last five hundd pss and I desire you may come down & Weigh off w
To Messrs. Plumb & Browne Foster Lane Newcas. Octor. 16th 1775
Gentn. I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Twenty five Days after date Payable to Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co. or Order for Eleven Hundred Pounds which I desire you will please to accept & place to the Account of Sir Walter Blackett Barot. I am etc J. E. B.
£1100 .
Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 18th Octor. 1775
Sir Inclosed you have Messrs. Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Messrs. Castell Whately & Powell dated the 17th instant at 25 Days date for Three Hundred Pounds to make good your Quarterly & other Payments on Sir Walter Blacketts Account from 30 Sept. to 31st Decem. next. You will please to acknowledge receipt of this Bill and place it to Account as usual _ Sir Wr. Blackett is very well a
Dukesfd. 18th. Octobr: 1775
Mr. Richmond Newcastle
Have fix’d Saturday the 28th. Inst. to Pay the Ore Carriers on, & shall come for the Money on Thursday the 26th. & am
Sir yrs, &c IH Jr.
Dukesfd: 18th. Octobr: 1775
Mr. Westgarth Coalcleugh
I am sorry to find that my last have had no effect, as to getting the Ore f’m your Mines better dressed, for I do assure you that the Ore f’m C.C. has never come to this Mill so badly dressed since you was concerned as this year – as to the want of Weight am still of opinion that it must be the falt of the Person that delivrs. the Ore to the Carriers. I have don what I can to deter the Carriers f’m bringing in Or
Dukesfd. 18th. Octobr. 1775
Mr. Westgarth Forster Allanhds
Dr. Sr.
I have frequently complained to you this Summer of the Ore f’m your Grove being badly Wash’d. & wanting Weight - & am sorry to find wth.out the desired effect, for I think the Ore comes worse & worse dressed (if possible to send it worse <of> dressd. state) if I say there’s 1/3 part of the Quantity sent refuse, I am sure I am wth in bounds. You are sensible that the blame will ly upon me
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 19 October 1775
As all the Lead is come in I desire you will begin to deliver again as soon after you receive this as your convenience will admit of it.
The Cake of Bullion last sent weighed 679 3/4 Ounces which is within 2 Pwt h 12 Gr of getting the whole P Assay of Lead before Refined, and yet there appears to be 13 Pwt 11 4/10 Grains P Fodder left in the Lead after Refined, which only shows the uncertainty we have always
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Gregg Alston 23rd Octr 1775
Inclosed you have a Copy of the Bargains Let at Stanhope Burn Lead Mine which I hope will meet with your Approbation that Lead Mine at Present has a very Promising Prospect indeed more so than it had since it came under my Care I have great Reason to expect the Prospect will be realised. You have allso a Copy of the Bargons of the several Lead Mines let on Alstonmoor under Lease & Grant to lord Carlisle & Mr Cleaver w
Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas 30th October 1775
I have fixed the Rent day to be on Monday the 27th of November of which Mr Laidler will give Notice to the Tenants and you will please to have all the Bills got in and examined against that day - I wish you could contrive to lessen the Balance due from you to Sir Walter Blackett - till you do that you are not to expect any more Money but Mr Laidler has orders to receive eve
Sir Walter Blackett Bt half moon Street Newcas 30th Octor 1775
Piccadilly London
Honed Sir
Mr Duffield has taken Money to pay the Garden Bill and Mr Laidler thinks he can manage all other Receipts & payments till you order otherwise so no more Money will be paid to Mr Forster on any Account & he thereby will be prevented from doing further mischief. The Rent day will be on Monday the 27th Novemr when all Bills will
Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 10th Novr 1775
I hope Sr Wr Blackett is better of his Cold - it will give me great Satisfaction to know That - With regard to your Letter of the 4 instant I immediately upon Receipt of it sent to Cambo for Mr Ra Forster - he came here Yesterday about One o’Clock but shewed great Reluctance to tell me any thing further of the State of his Affairs than what he told Sir Walter at my House
Sir Walter Blackett Bt MP Half moon Street Newcas 10th Novr 1775
Piccadilly London
Honed Sir
It would give me great Satisfaction to know that you are better. Mr Ralph Forster came here Yesterday. he was very unwilling to tell me further about his Affairs: but by degrees I got from him the inclosed particulars. As to giving you any further Security than the Bond & Judgement he thought he said it might injure the rest of his
Dukesfd 11th. Novr. 1775
Mr. Jonathn. Sparke Clerk at Allanhd. Mill
I have sent the Bearer Jno. Currey to be a Smeltr. at your Mill. as he has had little practice in that Business, you must put Him to one of yr. Old Smelters who you think the most capable to instruct him in the Art for a While at Servts. Wages; and after you think him fit to have half shift you must let him work wth. Thos. Purvis.
I desire you’ll make your Smeltrs. (when the weather will allow) make as
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 14 Nov 1775
I have looked into the last Operation and return it and I have altered Middle Cleugh and Cash Burn which makes them right and all the rest mark'd, V, are right, that is they agree with Mr Hiltons Account. The Total Account 4688.4 also agrees with Mr Hiltons Account, but those unmarked you will examine and let me know the Errors and I will correct the Operations myself Viz Thorngill West End, Brownly Hill
1775 Novr 14th Wrote Mr Ladler & sent him the Characters of Josh[u]a Straker & Mr Forsters Letters to Sir Walter with directions to let Donkin Rig farm to him agreeable to Mr Darwins Letter.
1775 Novr 14th Same Day - Wrote also Mr Duffield about the two Drainers & sent him the Direction, about employing them according to Mr Darwin’s Letter. HR P.S. desired that he & Mr Ladler wod give an Eye to Mr Forsters goods & Stock unless he shod remove any thing.
1775 Novr 14th Same Day - Wrote also to Mr Forster desiring him to send the Account between Sir Walter and him without further delay. HR
Sir Walter Blackett Bt MP Half moon Street Newcas 15th Novr 1775
Piccadilly London
Honed Sir
Mr Forster writes me that he agrees [:struck out} his Wife agrees to assign her intrest in the reversion of the Leaseholds, to Trustees for the benefit of all his Creditors. so Mr Gibson as soon as he has your direction, will proceed to take the Assignment etc. Mr Forster says nothing about his account, therefore I have wrote to him to
Mr Ralph Forster at Wallington Newcas 17th Novr 1775
Sir Walter Blackett orders me to discharge you immediately from his Service; of which you will please to take Notice.
P.S. I wish you had sent me your Account by the Cartman. I am etc HR
Mr Duffield - Gardinir at Wallington Newcas 17th Novr 1775
Sir Walter Blackett has ordered me to discharge Mr Ralph Forster immediately from his Service which I have done by a Letter delivered him by the Bearer. As to the two Drainers Mr Blackett tells me they will not come this Six Weeks or two months to Wallington; having met with a Job that detains them - P.S. I am sorry for your Accident; as to the Drainers I do not suppose they ha
Mr John Ladler at Rothley Court Newcas 17th Novr 1775
Sir Walter Blackett has ordered me to discharge Mr Ralph Forster immediately from his Service which I have done by a Letter delivered him by the Bearer hereof and you will be as Careful as you can that none of his Goods nor Effects are removed - & I desire you will take the Charge of all Sir Walters Affairs at Wallington till you hear further.
P.S. I desire you will assis
Sir Walter Blackett Bt Half moon Street Newcas 17th Novr 1775
Piccadilly London
Honed Sir
Mr Ra Forster will be discharged as soon as Mr Gibson comes home, which I am waiting for; but to do That, till the Execution can be put in force, is only giving him notice to remove his Effects. No thing can be worse than Forsters Conduct! you are right in making him a public Example; only I am affraid you will lose more by this Step th