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Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 18 Nov 1775

Mr Darwin No 47 Hatton Street Newcas Satdy Eveng 18th Novemr 1775 London Sir To day, & not before, I received your Letter of the 13th instant which should have come on Thursday Morning last; By that Post I received a Letter from Sir Walter, but Mr Gibson was out of Town and did not return till last Night; and to day, the only Bailif he can trust is out of Town, but on Monday Sir Walter’s orders will be executed against Mr Forsters goods and Stock

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 19 Nov 1775

Sir Walter Blackett Bt Half moon Street Newcas Sundy 19th Novr 1775 Piccadilly London Honed Sir Mr Gibson will seize Mr Forsters goods & Stock to morrow, but he cannot be dispossessed of his House & farm till Maydy next - Mr John Bell told me yesterday that Forster has received £18. 10s. 0d of Hexham Rents and he would have gone on, ‘tis plain, to have picked up all he could if this publication of his dishonesty had not sto

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 21 Nov 1775

Sir Walter Blackett Bt Half moon Street Newcas 21st Novr 1775 Piccadilly London Honed Sir Mr Ralph Forsters goods were seized Yesterday & a discharge from your Service at the same time delivered him & a Notice to quit the farm & house at Cambo served upon him - the Sherif (Mr Gibson) will proceed according to Law with the Sale etc and I hope Cambo will be cleared of them before you come down. Robt Allgood has take

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 21 Nov 1775

To Mr Holmes Farnacres 21st November 1775 Dear Sir We have this day drawn upon you for £216.5.8 being the Balance of Account due from you for 679 3/4 Ounces of Bullion at 5s9 1/4d P Ounce and £24 for the Holly after deducting Freight and Commission, and we look upon ourselves as much obliged to you, and are sorry the Cargo was not greater as we are sensible you had the same trouble about it, as if it had been four times as much. We have inclos

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 24 Nov 1775

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newcas 24th Novr 1775 Gentn Inclosed is the Account between you & Sir Wr Blackett which I have signed - I hope you will find it right, & if so desire you will sign & return me the Duplicate I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Duffield – 25 Nov 1775

Mr Duffield at Wallington Newcas 25th Novr 1775 Sir Sir Walter Blackett desires you will assist Mr Ladler in executing the Office of Steward at Wallington by keeping all Accots and by drawing upon Mr Blackett to pay all such Bills as there may be occasion to pay at Wallington after the Rent day (particularly the Garden Bills) till Sir Walter considers further of this Matter - I hope you are better of your accident and am etc

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 26 Nov 1775

Mr Darwin Hatton Street No 47 Newcas 26th Novr. 1775 London Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Cos on Messrs. Castell Whately & Powell dated the 25th instant at Ten Days date for Three Hundred Pounds for which you will please to Credit Sir Walter Blackett’s private Account & advise me of the Receipt I am etc J E B. £

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 26 Nov 1775

To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 26th Novr 1775. Mr Mulcaster We would have you make the further Experiments after which you will hear again from us. 1st. Lett the Litharge be mixed with Charcoal and throw in Coals to work down the Furnace Which us the way you propose. 2nd. Let the Litharge be mixed with Coal and Throw in Coals and Charcoal in equal quantities to work down the Furnaces. 3rd Make the Tryal with Coals only as her

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Nov 1775

Sir Walter Blackett Barot MP Newcas 27th Novr 1775 Half moon Street Piccadilly London Honed Sir The Tenants will be told to day by Mr Blackett who is at Wallington that they are not to pay any Rent but on the Rent days there, or into the Office here: and money will be sent from time to time from hence to pay all Bills for Workmen & others at Wallington & Enquiry will be made of Hepple & Potts about the £190. F

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Erasmus Blackett – 28 Nov 1775

John Erass Blackett Esqr at Wallington Newcas 28 Novr 1775 Sir By a Letter Yesterday from Sir Wr Blackett I have the Satisfaction of finding he is much better & that he proposes leaving London the 4th or 5th of next month - You will please to acquaint the Butler Coachman & Groom & also Ann Hepple of this that they may be ready in their respective Stations. Sir Walter says the Address was presented on Friday noon Sir Walter wis

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 28 Nov 1775

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 28 Nov 1775 In addition to our Letter of the 26th Inst we desire you will make another experiment beside those already mentioned Viz Let the Litharge be mixed with Coal and Charcoal in equal Quantities and the Furnace worked down with Coal only. But in case you have not Charcoal to do the whole we would have you omit the Experiment mentd. 2ndly in our Letter of the 26th Inst unless in the course of the Experiment

Letter – James Panton to Mary Loraine – 30 Nov 1775

Newcastle 30th Nov 1775 Madm I hereby acquaint you that I am now at lodgings, the Ship being laid up for the Season and as the Money will be due to me in a few weeks, would take it as a favour if you'll send it by some save hand; otherwise let me know by your letter, the time I must wait upon you to receive the same, and you will greatly oblige. Madam Your very humble Servant James Panton PS If you favour me with a line direct for me at Mr Chrisn Atkinson'

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 1 Dec 1775

To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 1st Decr 1775 Dear Sir We have received the favour of your Letter of the 25th Ulto and have this day drawn upon you for £240.9.7 payable thirty Days after Date being the amount of 824 1/2 Ounces of Fine Silver at 5s 10d P Ounce. We shall take care to advise you when we draw at a different date. We are etc N W Junr J S PS. To morrow Sennt. we expect to send from NCastle another Cake of Bullion su

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 1 Dec 1775

Mr. Mulcaster, Farnacres 1st Decemr 1775. We have now before us your several Memorandums and Letters home to yours of the 29th Ulto. which we have just received, and having added what remains not sufficiently answered, you have the whole as follows. You mention your Smelters having got very badly on with Greengill Ore; and mention that Washed or Unwashed they have not made better of it than 5 ¼ Bings to a Fodder; we have a return from Mr Hilton, from Stanhope Mill, tha

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 5 Dec 1775

To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 5 Decr 1775 Mr Mulcaster We have duly rcd. yours of the 2d inst and we think that what you propose of letting the Refiners Work upon the Slag Lead and set the Silver Pieces by as you propose will be a furtherance to the Work: and as we have no doubt, that when you clearly see a thing advantageous to the Work, but that it will meet with our concurrence; we desire that you will put it in immediate execution, wheniver you see it condusive so to do.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 6 Dec 1775

To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 6 Decemr. 1775. Mr Mulcaster Mr. Hilton we have desired to write to Stanhope for Two Smelters to be with you on Monday first and we think it will certainly be proper for them to work at least Two Shifts before our Men Try and what you propose as to the weighing and delivery of that Ore to the Smelters we think very proper. The Eastern Water Race you are desired to make Three Feet wide at Top, a Spades breadth or rather 12 Inches broad at bottom

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 8 Dec 1775

Decr: 8th. 1775. Dukesfd. Mr. R. Morrow Blaydon Sir I have not as yet been able to make out any of the Lead wanting in the Hands of any of the Westhand Carriers, tho I cannot say that they are clear of negligence this year, tho the instance you give should not (I think) charge them wth. the whole blame however shall write you an answr. once I make any discovery. The Wards I believe delivd the Ore they took up at Allanhds. Mill at Whitensday, & I find by that Mills Accots.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Duffield & Laidler – 10 Dec 1775

Mr Thomas [:struck out] Messrs Duffield and Ladler Newcas 10th Decemr 1775 at Wallington Sir You may come hither any day the beginning of this Week you will with the Money and Mr Blackett will receive it of you - I think Tuesday will be the best day - Notice had been taken of Richd Dunn of Ryals plowing some of his best Ground which is so particular at this time that I desire that when you go to Fenwick that you will see what it is and what has i

Letter – Henry Richmond to Churchwardens – 11 Dec 1775

To the Churchwardens of St Andrews Newcas 11th Decemr 1775 Gentlemen Friday the 22nd instant is fixed for the Distribution of Sir Walter Blacketts annual Charity which will be given in Money only; so you are desired to give Ticketts as usual to Two hundred poor people of your parish & bring them altogether to Sir Wr Blacketts exactly at Eight o’Clock that Morning. I am etc HR Wrote to the above Effect to the Churc

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 12 Dec 1775

Mr Darwin No 47 Hatton Street Newcas 12th Decr 1775 London Sir Inclosed is the best Answer which Mr Bell Sir Walter’s Agent for Hexham Estate can give to your several Queries respecting Nubbuck Encroachments. I think if you compare this answer with the State of the Case and the Answer which I sent you on the 24 April last to your several Queries then sent me you will be able to make a very full Case for Mr Wallace’

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 12 Dec 1775

To John Ibbetson Esqr. Farnacres 12 Decemr 1775 Sir By the Boards Minute of the 12th April last we are ordered to provide a good and sufficient Iron ‘Chest as soon as possible for the use of the Agent at Langley Lead Mill to deposit the Plates of Silver in during the time they shall be in his custody’. In thinking upon the proper way of executing this order, we considered that if the Chest was made so small as merely to hold a

Letter – Christopher Stevenson to John Holmes – 12 Dec 1775

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 12th Decemr 1775 Sir . Mr Walton being very much engaged in business, by his order I acquaint you that on Saturday last was sent by the London Carrier a Box directed to you containing Six Hundred and Eighty Eight Ounces of Silver Bullion. I am Sir your most hble Sert Chr Stevenson

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 13 Dec 1775

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcastle 13th Decemr. 1775 Foster Lane London Gentn. I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Twenty Days date payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co or Order for Five hundred Pounds which I desire you will please to accept and place to the Account of Sir Walter Blackett Barot. I am etc Jno. E. Blackett £500 . 0 . 0

Letter – Henry Richmond to File note – 14 Dec 1775

14th Decemr 1775 Wrote to Mr Maughan, Mr Westgarth Forster and Mr Westgarth fixing the Pays to be on the 28th and 29th of Decemr instant HR

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 15 Dec 1775

Dukesfd. 15 Decr: 1775 Mr. H Richmond N. Castle Sir Inclosed you have the Mills Month Accots: for November & also an Octobr. accot for Allanhds for Mr Sparke did not know that we keep a distinction between the Ld. made f’m Ore charged to the Mill & Ld. made f’m Grove Wast Ore or Ton Tail – so that you’ll please to burn the One sent before – the Quantity of Ld. delivd. this year f’m Dukesfd. & Allanhds. Mills (that the East hand Carriage is to be pai
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467