Dukesfd. 15 Decr: 1775
Mr. Morrow Blaydon
Yours of the 13th. inst. I recd. last Night & was surprized to find by it that you had not Recd. mine of the 8th. wch. I sent that morn.g to N.Castle by one of Sir Wrs. Servts. wch. I hope will come to hand as I had there given you an Accot. of the Quantities of Ld. delivd. f’m the several Mills, but I find that Mr. Walton had made a mistake in the Accot. given me of the 8 Stone Lead & wch. I gave you of one Thousand ps. fo
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Gragg Alston 15th Decr 1775
By the Directions of my Father I send this to inform you he recd your esteemed Favour of the 5th Instant Yestarday which was as soon as it could come the most proper Time to send Letters here is on the Monday Evening in which we can have them at Alston on the next Saturday Morning or on the Fryday & we receive them on the Wednesday following the Proper Direction To Mr Jona Hilton Alston near Penrith Cumberland; you’ll
Mr. Mulcaster Farnacres 15 December 1775.
The two Cakes of Bullion last sent weighed as follows. That for Operation ending 4 Novr 824 Oz & 10 Dwt
That for Operation ending 30 Decr 688 Ounces
The Assays for the 4th Novr. Operation prod. 862 Ozs.8 Dwt. which is more than the real produce 37 Ozs & 18 Dwt. Silver left in the Lead after Refined is at the rate of 13 dwt. 11 4/10 Gr[ain]s. P[er]Fodder.
The Assays for the 30th December Operation prod. 749 Ozs. 14 Dw
Dukesfd: 21st. Decr: 1775
Mr. Richmond N.Castle
I have herewith sent you a plate of Silver weighing 901 Ounces just taken off wth. out an Accot. of the Lead &c as we had not time to get the Reduced Ld. weighd. to save this days Carrier & being informed that no Carriers will go f’m Hexham next Week being Chrismas, so shall bring the Accot. of the Lead &c with me on Monday & am Yrs. &c I:H: Jr:
Dukesfd: 21st. Decr: 1775
Mr. R. Morrow Blaydon
I have been with all the Westhand Carriers that Carried any Lead f’m Dukesfd. Mill this year since I saw you, & have had all the Places where ever Lead was known to been laid off examined again wth.out finding so much as a single pig. I find by yours (wch. I recd. last night) that the 47 ps. wanting are all of the short Lead. I am convinced now that there’s not a Pig of Lead in the Hands of any of the Westhand C
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 27 Decemr. 1775.
Dear Sir
Yesterdays Post brought me the favour of your Letter of the 23d Inst: and this day I have drawn upon you for £200..9.. payable 30 days after date being the amount of 688 Ounces of Bullion at 5s/9/ 3/4d p[er] Ounce after Adding 10s short drawn for last Cake, & we are obliged by your taking notice of this Error.
I am &c N:Walton Junr:
Farnacres 27th December 1775.
Sir Thirty days after Date Pay
Mr Ralph Heron Attorney at Law Hexham Newcas 2nd Janry 1776
The Lease of Hackford Mine to the late Mr Baker’s Exors was not carried into Execn so that now the young Gentleman being of Age and desirous to have the Lease granted to himself I have spoke to Sir Walter about it who has consented and you will please to prepare and send to me directly a Lease from Sir Walter to George Baker of Elemore hall in the Co: of Durham Esqr that it may be
Messrs Plumb & Browns Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Newcas 3rd Janry 1776
I sent you on Saturday last the 30th ulto by Robt Cave the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Six Hundred and Twenty nine Ounces which I desire you’ll place to Accot with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Market price and advise me on the Receipt of it
P.S. Mr Blackett will draw a Bill on you in a few days for six hundred Pounds I am etc HR
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas Janry 4th 1776
Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London
Gentn. I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Thirty days date payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co or Order for Six Hundred Pounds which I desire you will please to accept and place to the Accot of Sir Walter Blackett Bart. I am etc J E. Blackett
£600 . - . -
Mr Darwin Newcas Janry 4th 1776
Hatton Street London
Sir Inclosed you will receive three Bills of this date drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co on Messrs. Castell Whately & Powell One at 30 days Date for Two Hundred and seventy Pounds to make good your quarterly and other paym[en]ts on Sir Walter Blacketts Accot. from the 31st Decemr. to the 31st March next A Bill at tw
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Atkinson 4th Jany 1776
By my Fathers desire I send this to acquaint you that we are now here & have examined the several Bills which we intend to pay on Lord Carlisles Account as soon as we can get Money for that purpose as such we beg you will so soon as you think you can properly do so dispose of what Lead remains unsold when that is done we shall be enabled to know what further sum will be wanting to compleat the Pays.
We have recd a
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 5th January 1776
Dear Sir
This Weeks Carrier will bring you a Box containing 608 ¾ Ounces of Bullion I am &c
NW Junr
Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 5th Jany. 1776
I have just now received your Letter of the 2d inst, and think we should rather be put to a very great Inconvenience than recieve assistance from either Mr Wm. J - - n or Wm B - - n the latter in particular, and I do desire that he Brown may be made to understand, that his even coming about the Place I mean Langly Mill, can never be understood as either of the least use or considered as a Civility – when, Mr Mulcaster, we are under a Diff
Dukesfd: 10th. Jany: 1776
Mr Richmond N.Castle
You would see by th Pay Bills that I recd: 4£..8s .3d for Fewal of Allanhds. Mill for the Ton Tail Lead of Coalcleugh & Allanhds. Mines; the fewal for the Weardale Mines I find by Mr. Maughan was always accounted for in his General Accot. the Fewel for Coalcleugh & Allhds Mines was always recd. at the Mines Pays by the Clerk at Allds. Mill and deducted f’m his Salary as you may see by examining that Mills Decr.
Dukesfd. 11 Jany: 1776
Mr. R. Morrow Blaydon
Dr Sr.
I cannot tell what course we can now take to find the Lead wanting, the calling of it has made no discovery as yet. I have examined the Stock wth. the Smelting & Delivery & find them to agree exactly. can you have made any mistake in placing the Dukesfd. Lead & Rookhope Mill’s Lead? as that Mills Ld. has been led I suppose by several that let Dukesfd. and there’s a part of that Lead not got of[f] the Roads
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Gragg Farnacres 14th Jany 76
I make no doubt you have thought my Father long in sending Answers to the several remarks which you had inclosed 5th Ult & indeed I can only a Pologise for its not being done sooner by acquainting you that from the Time of your Letter arriving till the 6th Inst we were kept very Busy on attending the several Lead Mine Pays &ca in Alston moor so that till after that Time it was impossable to do any thing by way of Ans
Walter Trevelyan Esqr Netherwitton Newcas 15th Janry 1776
I received your favour of the 14th instt - Mr Blackett is abroad but the Balance of your quarterly paymt at £72. 10s. 6d according to the inclosed Note is sent by your Servt - As to the Interest it is not due till the 25th instt but inclosed is a rect dated that day which you will please to sign and the Money will be paid to the person by whom you then send it - I hope you Mrs T
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Gragg Alston 24th Jany 1776
It would have given me the greatest Pleasure to have answered yours of the 5th Decr immediately but I was very desirous of having my Son along with me to Join in giving proper Answers to your remarks upon the arrival of your Letter the Pays in this Country were coming on which confined us some Time & after we got the Alston moor Pays made & other Necessary Business the several Bargains finished my son had a call
To Mr. John Holmes Farnacres Febru.ry 1st 1776
Dear Sir
We rec’d Yours of the 22nd Ulto. and this day have drawn upon you for £175..9..10 payable Thirty Days after date being the Amount of 608 ¾ Ounces of Bullion at 5s.9 ¾ d p Ounce
We shall have occasion for some street Pipes of Seven Inches bore and desire you will be so obliging as let us know the price p Yard
The Thermometer was at 11 On Monday Morning
20 On Tuesday Do.
To the Honourable the Commissioners Governors and directors of the Royal Hospitall for Seamen at Greenwich
The Humble petition of Thomas Fall of Langlee Castle in the County of Northumberland Husbandman
That Mr. George Thompson some Years ago took a Farm of your Honours at Langlee Castle aforesaid for the Term of Seventy One Years of which there is Fours Years to go from the Twelfth day of May 1775 which said Farm he the said George Thompson did Lett to your petitioner To
Sir Walter Blackett, several years ago, purchased a moiety of an undivided pasture at Middlehope Shield, near Westgate in Weardale in the County of Durham of one Featherstone or some such name for £30. His motive for the purchase of it, was on account of the Lead contained in it; which has long been exhausted – That moiety of Pasture is held with Mr. Challoner, which, Mr. C is desirous of purchasing as the present undivided state subjects his Tenant to great inconvenience and has inju
To John Ibbetson Esqr. Farnacres 3rd. Feby. 1776
We now come to report upon the Petition of Thomas Fall of Langley Castle respecting the Damage that he sets forth to have been done to his Cattle by the Lead Mill Smoke; upon which we think it necessary to observe that the Lead Mill was chiefly built in 1766 was compleated in 1767 and begun to Work in June 1768; Whereas Mr. Fall sets forth that he did not enter till 12th. May 1769 we would therefore infer that
To Mr. Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 6. February 1776
Mr. Mulcaster
I reced. your Letters of the 29th Ulto. and 2nd. inst. both together and on reading the first was much concerned, to find you had got a hurt in your foot and that the Mill had got stopped by the severe Frost, but both these matters being set right in yours of the 2d. inst. I am made quite easy only that I wish you may not have gone out too soon after your Accident. I am glad to hear that Wilkinson has got to work a
To Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 9 Feby. 1776
Dear Sir
This Week a Carrier will bring you a Box containing 684 ¾ Ounces of Bullion which we hope you will receive safe & we are Dr. Sr. &ca.
W.& S.
PS. A Mistake having happened in the casting up of the last Cake amounting to £1:8:6
Mr. Holmes must when this is drawn for be drawn upon for £1.8.6 more than the Amount of this Cake. We are much obliged by your Accots. of the prices of Elm Pipes, which came after
Miss Carr Uttoxeter Newcastle Feby 13th 1776
Dear Madam I yesterday received a Letter from Mr Rolleston inclosing the Receipt for the Interest signed by your & himself and inclosed you have a Bill on London for the Amount of that Sum as well as for the Interest of £100 which Sir Wr Bt paid Capt. Astle if Mrs Astle should not be with you please to acquaint her with it etc Mr Rolleston r