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Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 1 Feb 1776

To Mr. John Holmes Farnacres Febru.ry 1st 1776 Dear Sir We rec’d Yours of the 22nd Ulto. and this day have drawn upon you for £175..9..10 payable Thirty Days after date being the Amount of 608 ¾ Ounces of Bullion at 5s.9 ¾ d p Ounce We shall have occasion for some street Pipes of Seven Inches bore and desire you will be so obliging as let us know the price p Yard The Thermometer was at 11 On Monday Morning 20 On Tuesday Do.

Letter – Thomas Fall – 1 Feb 1776

To the Honourable the Commissioners Governors and directors of the Royal Hospitall for Seamen at Greenwich The Humble petition of Thomas Fall of Langlee Castle in the County of Northumberland Husbandman Sheweth That Mr. George Thompson some Years ago took a Farm of your Honours at Langlee Castle aforesaid for the Term of Seventy One Years of which there is Fours Years to go from the Twelfth day of May 1775 which said Farm he the said George Thompson did Lett to your petitioner To

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 3 Feb 1776

To John Ibbetson Esqr. Farnacres 3rd. Feby. 1776 Sir We now come to report upon the Petition of Thomas Fall of Langley Castle respecting the Damage that he sets forth to have been done to his Cattle by the Lead Mill Smoke; upon which we think it necessary to observe that the Lead Mill was chiefly built in 1766 was compleated in 1767 and begun to Work in June 1768; Whereas Mr. Fall sets forth that he did not enter till 12th. May 1769 we would therefore infer that

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 6 Feb 1776

To Mr. Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 6. February 1776 Mr. Mulcaster I reced. your Letters of the 29th Ulto. and 2nd. inst. both together and on reading the first was much concerned, to find you had got a hurt in your foot and that the Mill had got stopped by the severe Frost, but both these matters being set right in yours of the 2d. inst. I am made quite easy only that I wish you may not have gone out too soon after your Accident. I am glad to hear that Wilkinson has got to work a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 9 Feb 1776

To Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 9 Feby. 1776 Dear Sir This Week a Carrier will bring you a Box containing 684 ¾ Ounces of Bullion which we hope you will receive safe & we are Dr. Sr. &ca. W.& S. PS. A Mistake having happened in the casting up of the last Cake amounting to £1:8:6 Mr. Holmes must when this is drawn for be drawn upon for £1.8.6 more than the Amount of this Cake. We are much obliged by your Accots. of the prices of Elm Pipes, which came after

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mary Carr – 13 Feb 1776

Miss Carr Uttoxeter Newcastle Feby 13th 1776 Staffordshire Dear Madam I yesterday received a Letter from Mr Rolleston inclosing the Receipt for the Interest signed by your & himself and inclosed you have a Bill on London for the Amount of that Sum as well as for the Interest of £100 which Sir Wr Bt paid Capt. Astle if Mrs Astle should not be with you please to acquaint her with it etc Mr Rolleston r

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 19 Feb 1776

To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 19th Februy. 1776 Mr Mulcaster Above and on the other side you have an extract of so much of Mr Smeaton’s Letter as relates to the New Bellows & I shall take care to order a New Pipe Stone to be ready against Fryday if possible, We Certainly understood at first that the New Bellows answered better than the large Ones. If you are under any difficulty as to Mr Smatons [sic] Directions pray let me know, but I think they are so perfectly clear that they

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mr. Lightfoot – 19 Feb 1776

To Mr Lightfoot Farnacres 19th Febry. 1776 Sir I desire you will Order a pipe Stone to be ready against Fryday so as that it may be forwarded by Corbetts Hexham Waggon to Mr. Mulcaster at Langley Lead Mill, and to be of the Dimentions following Length 29 Inches Square 7 ¾ Inches Pipe hole 2 Inches Wide barely and 1 7/8 Inches deep that is to the Top of the Round – The Round to be in the same manner as the Model you shewed Mr. Mulcaster & I when we called upon

Letter – Edward Blackett to Teasdale Mowbray – 21 Feb 1776

Egham 21st. Feby. 1776 Sir. I dare say you are very Sensible, that the Grove at Fallowfield is much damaged, & must be soon <risk’d> by the discontinuance of the working of the Engine; The Water having fill’d most of the underlevels, wch will soon <rise> together. As Proprietor of the Grove, Both in Justice to you & to myself; I think it is but right to acquaint you, that according to the lease, you are the Person that will be expected at the End of the Te

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 23 Feb 1776

Mr Ralph Heron, Attorney at Law HexhamNewcas 23rd Februry 1776 Sir It is Sir Walter Blackett’s Desire that Mr Fawcett and Mr Wilson should settle every thing relative to the Suit about Hexham Mills and they have desired me to acquaint you that they would have the Attorney and Solicitor General retained for Sir Walter in the Court of Chancery - As to Common Law we are sufficiently provided in Case an Issue should be directed as Mr Wallace Mr Lee Mr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 23 Feb 1776

To Mr. Mulcaster Farnacres 23rd February 1776 Mr. Mulcaster I am concerned to find Thomas Elliot is so poorly and doubt his years do not present a probable prospect of Recovery but I notwithstanding hope he may get the better of his complaint. It seems necessary to have some person to make up the deficiency if Thomas <shd> continues so as not to be able to go thro’ the Duty; pray what do you advise on this Occasion? The Walling I should have no objection to its b

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Francis Gregg – 25 Feb 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Gragg 25 Feby 1776 Sir, My Son wrote you on the 5th Inst mentioning to you that when Mr Gilbert was in this Country we expected that all the Lead which was then in NewCastle would be sold & its Value turned into Cash so as to enable us with £2000 which we would have Occasion to borrow to make the several Pays at Christmas & have Cash arising from the Silver Bullion to support the Workmen. We also at that Time had some hopes that Mr Cle

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 26 Feb 1776

Messrs Plumb & Browns Goldsmiths in Foster Lane Newcas 26th Februry 1776 London Gentlemen I have this day sent you by Robt Cave the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Eight Hundred and forty three Ounces which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Market price and advise me of the Receipt of it P.S. The Carrier expects to be in Town on Saturday the 9th I am etc HR OZs 8

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 Feb 1776

Sir Walter Blackett Barot MP Half moon Street Newcas 28th Febry 1776 Piccadilly London Honrd Sir I hope you are well after your Journey. I forgot to give you Mr Challoners Plan & Mr Maughans Answer to his Request; which is inclosed. Jenny Baxter the Laundry Maid gave warning since you left Newcastle that she would be obliged to leave your Service on the 12th May: being to be married at that time. Sergeant Miller has paid the five Guineas w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 1 Mar 1776

To Mr. Mulcaster Farnacres 1st March 1776. Mr. Mulcaster I have recd. your Letters of the 21st & 24th ulto. and duly observe their Contents. With regard to what you Propose I have, so farr from objecting, a wish that you shou’d Try the method you propose as to the Bellows and of your employing any Person you think most proper in making this or any other alteration you Judge necessary, but the New Pipe Stone shd. certainly be Tryed before you make any alteration in the P

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 1 Mar 1776

To Mr. Holmes. Farnacres 1st March 1776. Dear Sir, I have this day drawn upon you for £201.17s:1d being the Amount of 684 ¾ Ounces of Bullion at 5s/10d ¼ and adding thereto £1..8..6 short drawn for on the 1st Ulto. This Weeks Carrier will bring you another Box of Bullion weight [blank] Ounces. I desire you’l be so good as send my Watch by my good Brother Smeaton & am with best wishes to him & yourself and Family. Dear Sir Your most Humble Servt. N:Wal

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Mar 1776

To Mr. Mulcaster Farnacres 3d March 1776. Mr Mulcaster I have reced. yr. Letter of the 26th & yr. two Letters of the 28th with the several Inclosures mentioned therein. I like yr. Proposition as to Thomas Elliot very well, & think exactly as you do about it, but I would have this Matter to be kept going as has been hitherto done ‘til Mr Smeaton & I are together at the Mill – So you will make a Memorandum to have it talked over then. Notwithstanding t

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Francis Gregg – 5 Mar 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Gragg Alston 5th March 1776 Sir, We wrote to you on 14 & 24 Jany & 5 Feby & were in hopes of hearing you had recd ours but as we are disappointed in our expectations we trouble you with this to acquaint you we are very wishful to have Stanhope Pays now made the purpose of our Letter of the 5th Ult which respected that matter you have as follows, In ours of the 14 & 24 Ult we acquainted you we were disappointed in getting the Necessary Ca

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 9 Mar 1776

Dukesfd: 9th. March 1776 Mr. H. Richmond N.Castle Sir With this you’ll receive a Plate of Silver as p[er] inclosed Accot. Mr. Forster I suppose would (when last in Town) acquaint you wth. a little parcel of Wood that’s upon this Farm, wch. he would like to have for Wolfcleugh Mine. its very crooked & small, and I think has not improved any thing for these 10 or 15 y. past. if you are agreeable that he should have it shall get some Body to put a Value u

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 11 Mar 1776

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 11th March 1776 to be left at Mr Pearsons Surgeon In Hexham Sir The piece of Silver received this day from Dukesfield Refinery weighs only Six hundred & Twenty three Ounces - I think what you propose about getting the old crooked Wood upon Dukesfield Estate valued would not be amiss I am etc HR

Bill – John Erasmus Blackett to Hallifax Mills & Co – 11 Mar 1776

£300 Newcastle Bank 11th March 1776 Fifteen Days after Date Pay to the Order of John Erasmus Blackett Esqr. . Three Hundred Pounds Value received For Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Self To Messrs. Hallifax Mills & Co Jos. Saint London Pay the Contents to Sir Walter Blackett Bart or Order

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Isaac Walton – 11 Mar 1776

11th. March 1776 Mr. Walton Rookhope Sir I doubt I shall not be able to get to the mill this Week therefor desire that you’ll make up your Accots. & send me as soon as possible. You may leave a half Sheet at the end of your Qr. Accot. that I may ad here any thing that may be omitted. Give me a line what you think Dixon should have for stamping the Chatts. I hope you make the Slag Harth Men when they have not Slags go to the several Ore Hearth’s week about as I

Letter – Joseph Hilton to John Gilbert – 13 Mar 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent to Mr Gilbert Alston 13 March 1776 Sir, Your favour of the 14th Decr should have been answered sooner but I wished much to give you an Account of the time Mr Wilkinson & myself would be with you, which I have never been able to do as yet; I saw Mr Wilkinson yesterday and he cannot think of coming into your Neighbourhood this Spring and indeed it would have been very inconvenient to me to have done so had it been convenient to him therefore we must decl

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Charles Atkinson – 14 Mar 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Chas Atkinson Alston 14th March 76 Sir, As our lending Day will be on the 23rd Inst I desire you will be so Obliging as send by the Bearer Mr Thos Friend One Hundred & Fifty Pounds in £20 Notes & by either James Johnson or Robt Batey Fifty Pounds in Silver and half Guineas but as much of it silver as you conveniently can in all Two Hundred Pounds for which I will be accountable of Lord Carlisle. We are a great deal suprised we have not heard from Mr G

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Isaac Walton – 14 Mar 1776

Dukesfd 14th. March 1776 Mr. Walton Rookhope Sir If Sr. Walter has a Right to a way for Mannure &c to his Ground through Hutchinson’s Ground as you say (& I suppose is so at proper Seasons) would have you to lead out the Mannure wth.out taking any notice of Pringle. Elliot or any Old Person in the Neighbourhood will show you the way that was always used that you may keep to it & am yrs. &c. IH Jr.
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467