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Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 17 Mar 1776

17th March 1776 Advised Plumb & Browne of a piece of Silver sent them yesterday containing six hundred and twenty three Ounces.

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 18 Mar 1776

Dukesfd. 18th. March 1776 Mr. Morrow Blaydon Dr. Sr. I have inclosed you an Accot. of the Lead delived f’m Rookhope Mill to the Several Carriers, the Clark there has been Ill so that I did not get that Mill’s Accots. till last week or should have sent it sooner. shall be glad to hear f’m you soon wth. an Accot. of the Quantity short & the People that are, for I purpose beginning to Reckon in 10 or 15 Days time & would like to have your Tickets by that time. I w

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Fenwick – 22 Mar 1776

John Fenwick Esqr. Roberts’s Place York Newcas 22nd Mar 1776 Sir I received yours the 18th instant & observe what you say about the £200 which you are desirous of having paid in part of Sir Walter Blacketts & the late Mr Peareths Bond for £1000 _ Sir Walter Blackett is at present at London so I shall not trouble him with this Business but shall remit a Bill for the £200 & the int[ere]st. of the £1000 to the 22 April amounting in the whole to £21

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 22 Mar 1776

To Mr Holmes Farnacres 22d March 1776 Dear Sir Last Saturdays Carrier from Newcastle will bring you a Box of Bullion weight 571 ½ Ounces. There is a little Bit of the Silver in a piece of Paper in the Box. I am &c NW. Junr.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Brown – 22 Mar 1776

To William Brown Farnacres 22d March 1776 William When you had your discharge given you, it was done in consequence of our being satisfied you were not a proper person to be employed by Greenwich Hospital; you will therefore not give yourself the trouble of making any further applications to be employed at Langley Mill. We are Yours &c W & S

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Robert Mulcaster – 23 Mar 1776

To Mr Robt Mulcaster Farnacres 23 March 1776 Mr. Mulcaster I recd your Letter of the 17th. Inst. on my return from Hexham and am obliged to you not only on Accot. of what you have done as to Ned Elliot but also with regard to William Liddell. As the former cannot be at Liberty ‘till Christmas and we cannot wait till then, he is out of the question, and as I think Liddell appears to be a proper Man for us if he can be satisfied with taking the best wages we can afford him at Langl

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Matthew Bell – 23 Mar 1776

To Matt. Bell Esqr. Junr. Farnacres 23rd. March 1776 Dear Sir As the Work at Langley Mill is at present much in want of a proper person to be employed in Reducing Litharge into Lead, an operation which the Bearer has been used to, I am confident you will oblige the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital by permitting him imediately to leave your service as a Skipper and enter into the Service of the Hospital and you will by that means also oblige Mr. Smeaton and myself. I am with best

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Westgarth – 26 Mar 1776

John Westgarth Esq at Unthank near Newcas 26th March 1776 Stanhope in Weardale Sir I beg leave to write you with my left hand, being deprived of my right a few words in answer to your Letter in favour of James Watson - I shall lay your Recommendation of him before Sir Walter Blackett but in my Opinion Watson being only a Miner, cannot be qualified to be a Smelter; much less the Director of a Smelt Mill, especially such a one as Rookho

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 26 Mar 1776

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 26th March 1776 to be left at Mr Pearsons Surgeon Hexham Sir I hear Mr Walton is dead. no doubt you have heard there are many Candidates for his Place. I desire to see you here on Friday or Saturday next about this matter and in the mean time would have you go to Rookhope Mill, where you have not been of late & see the State of Things & give such orders as you see necessary for

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 26 Mar 1776

Dukesfd: 26th. March 1776 Mr. Richmond N.Castle Sir Mr. Isaac Walton Clerk at Rookhope Mill died last Sunday, I was there yesterday & took Mr. Bowman wth. me, who I left to take care of the Mill &c till a Clerk be appointed. I can answr. for Him that he will take care that the Works there be properly conducted while he has the Charge of the Mill, so that you need not on that Accot. be in any hast in fixing One. We have had 3 eight stone Pigs Stolen f’m Allanhds. Mil

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Errington – 26 Mar 1776

To Messrs. Errington & Ward Farnacres 26 March 1776 Gentlemen Thomas Elliot one of the Workmen at the Lead Mill belonging to the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital having by age and Sickness become incapable of going thro’ his business, as he used to, and the Work there being increased, it is become necessary to engage another person directly, and as the bearer, who is Son to Thomas Elliot is desirous to enter into the Hospitals Service, not only as the Branch his Father is

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 26 Mar 1776

To Mr. Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 26 March 1776 Mr Mulcaster I have yours of the 21st. 23rd and 24th and the several things they inclosed now lying before me, and am obliged by yours and your Brothers Attention as to finding out a proper Successor or Assistant to Thomas Elliott – Wm Liddell came to me on Satturday and seemed very desirous at that time of entering into the Hospitals Service, and I gave him a line to Mr Bell his Master, but yesterday he returned & Declined going t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 29 Mar 1776

To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 29th March 1776 Mr Mulcaster I have rece’d your letter of the 27th and think there is not the least objection to the Two Smelters being permitted to attend their own Horses (in our Carriage only) at times when they can be spared from the Hearths because it may be of great use to them as to their health and enable them to work better for themselves and us at times when it is necessary that we should have them employed; I therefore desire you wil

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 30 Mar 1776

Sir Walter Blackett Barot Half moon Street Newcas 30th March 1776 Piccadilly London Honrd Sir Isaac Walton, your Clerk at Rookhope Mill, died last Sunday; & inclosed is a List of the several Persons who have offered to succeed him. it is of great Consequence to have an experienced, skilfull man in that place; as the greater part of your Ore is smelted at that place Mill. Three pieces of your Lead have been stolen from Allanheads Mill

Letter – Henry Richmond to Joseph Dickinson – 30 Mar 1776

Do - Wrote Mr Jos Dickinson to take Care of Coalcleugh Grove till Sir Wrs pleasure is known.

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Charles Atkinson – 30 Mar 1776

A Copy of A Letter sent Charles Atkinson Esqr Alston 30 March 1776 Sir, Inclosed you have a Copy of a Letter I have recd from Mr Gregg desiring me to borrow the Three Thousand Pounds of you in order to make the several pays, which sum is to be paid with Interest from the produce of the first Lead which comes to Markett, I can only say that it is very much my wish to have the said pays made and if you can oblige me with procuring the Money against this Day fortnight being the 13th April I

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Anthony Watson – 30 Mar 1776

Dukesfd: 30th. March 1776 Mr. Anthy. Watson Clerk at Acton Mill As it would give me great pleasure to be anyway instrumental to the preferment of young Smith, who has offerd for the Clerks place at Rookhope, & as he has in a manner been brought up under your Eye, you must know his dispositions, and knowlidge of the Business better than any else, and as I can rely upon your report of him (knowing that you would not intentionally deceive me) therefor beg you’ll give me h

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 30 Mar 1776

Dukesfd: 30th. March 1776 Mr. Richmond Newcastle Sir I have but just recd: yours of the 26 or should have wated upon you according to your Order. shall wate upon you on Monday morning. you would find by my last what steps I had taken for the present when at Rookhope. I am yrs. &c IH Jr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Daniel Alder – 5 Apr 1776

Mr Daniel Alder at Adderstone Newcas 5th April 1776 near Belford North Sir Inclosed is Mr Bacon Forsters Executors Account of their Proportion of Weardale Rents Compositions etc for last Year & also their Account for the seven Years past. I shall say no more at present about their Arrears - I hear the Executors are for selling their Share of the Partnership Mines

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Westgarth Forster – 6 Apr 1776

Dukesfd. 6th. April 1776 Mr. Forster Allanhds. Yesterday I saw some of your Ore at the Mill wch. came in that day, its better than what I complained of in my last, tho’ not so well as it ought. I beg you’ll reprimand your Workers so as to prevent their putting any of their Sands till well dress’d. you must let us have it good to have any peace. the produce both of Allanhds & Coalecleugh Ore last year is shamefull & I do not know how to Face Mr. Richmond a

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Thomas Crawhall – 6 Apr 1776

Mr. Crawhall Coalcleugh Dr. Sr. I have recd the Sample of Ore you spoak off, it’s much better than what came at first, tho not so well dressed as it ought. I see that yr. Ore is naturaly of a better quality & if your Washrs. were to take half the pains that was take wth. what we got 2 yrs. ago it would exceed any that ever came f’m her in my Time. As your Ore (by yr Sample) is much better in Quality, let me beg of you to do it justice in the Dressing that we may be able t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Marshall – 7 Apr 1776

Mr Thomas Marshall at Hexham Newcas 7th April 1776 Sir I received your Letter offering your Service as Mill Clerk to Sir Walter Blackett - I understand you are employed under Mrs Loraine & also under Mr Baker; & before I say any thing further must be satisfied you stand clear of those Engagements I am etc HR [In the margin:] not sent having heard something to his disadvantage

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Charles Atkinson – 7 Apr 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr C Atkinson 7th Apl 76 Sir, Your favour of the 4th Inst came to hand this day and from its contents I am apprehensive you have misunderstood mine of the 30th of last Month. My Son shewed you a Letter from Mr Gregg wherein he desired me to borrow £2000 of Messrs Atkinsons of Templesowerby in order to compleat the several Pays which Lord Carlisle Is concerned but upon application they had not Cash by them to that amount and on his consulting you it was not thoug

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Apr 1776

To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 9th April 1776 Mr. Mulcaster Your letters of the 30th Ulto & 1st & 5th instant are received and I am glad you have got Ned Elliott into the Service and hope he will take care to do his Duty The Corbridge Coals must be no further Tried unless we hear they get into a better sorts. I have examined the Opperation and after you have made your Copy to Agree with the inclosed it will be right and you are desired to return the inclosed aft

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 9 Apr 1776

To Mr Holmes Farnacres April 9th. 1776 Dear Sir I have this day reced. your letter of the 6th inst and am much surprized to find the Quantity of Bullion to vary from the Weight I gave you an Account of, I Weighed the Bullion myself at Newcastle which agreed with the Weight as sent me an Account of by the Mill Agent within half an Ounce so I am doubtfull you may have made some Error in the Weighing and I shall not therefore draw upon you for this Cake ‘til I hear again from y
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467