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Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 13 Apr 1776

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 13th April 1776 Sir As you say so much for Mr Thos Smith, who is now here, and as the time for Delivery of Lead is at hand when we shall want a Mill Clerk I desire you will go to Rookhope Mill & give him such Instructions as you find necessary to fit him for the Place, & pray take a little pains with him. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 16 Apr 1776

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 16th April 1776 Sir I think we should have all the last Years Lead got in before any more is delivered from their Mills. As soon as that is done you may begin - I should be glad to have your pay made soon and hope you are in great forwardness with your Accots. - About the 16th of next Month I suppose we may be able to have the pay so when you send the Accots. Let me know whether that day wil

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 16 Apr 1776

To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 16th April 1776 Mr Mulcaster I have rece’d yours of the 11th and am exceedingly concerned when you inform me of the ill state of health of the three Workmen you mention & heartily wish them a Speedy recovery but as I expect to be called into the South on the Hospal’s Duty for some days probably not less than fourteen I must beg you will do what you in your own judgment shall think proper by way of supplying any deficiency which may be occ

Letter – John Bell to Mary Loraine – 20 Apr 1776

Mrs Mary Loraine Hencoats Hexham Newcastle 20th April 1776 Madam I arrived here about a quarter before Ten o'clock this morning and found the Young Ladies and my Wife and Children all well – I have sent you inclosed Mr Burnell's Note for the Chairs but he was rather unwilling to give me a Discharge unless the Matts were put into the Bill because he says he never has got them and they must be in the Hands of the Carrier so you will please send about them for Mr Burnell

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 24 Apr 1776

Dukesfd. 24th. April 1776 Dr Sr, I did not get the inclosed till after I had sent you one taken f’m the Quartr. Accots., by yours I find I had made a mistake in it in regard to Rennisons <No.> for he’s only charged at the Mill wth. 50 ps. the same that you have him I have made the Total the same wth. this so must have set 10 ps. short to some other of the Carriers, have sent you this that you may make it out by. I have examined the Stock at the Mill since I recd. yours &

Letter – Henry Richmond to Carr & Widdrington – 25 Apr 1776

To Messrs. Carr & Widdrington Newcas. 25 April 1776 Gentn. Above you have the best Computation we can make of reducing the wet Litharge you were speaking of & if you think proper to send for it we shall do what we can for you. I am etc H. R. The Expense of running down into Lead 18 Casks of Wet Litharge which it is suppos

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 27 Apr 1776

Dukesfd. 27th April 1776 Mr Richmond N.Castle Sir I have here wth. sent you the Qr. Accots. Pay Bill, Rental Decer. Month Accots for & General Accots for all the Mills & also my General Accot. for last year. any Day that you think proper to fix for the Pay will suit me. Last Years Lead being all got in (except a few pieces that’s lost & those of Rookhope the Carrrs. are to make good) have set on the Lead Carriage fm all the Mills & goes briskly forward.

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Charles Atkinson – 27 Apr 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr C Atkinson 27th Apl 76 Sir, I take this opportunity of acquainting you that on casting up our Accounts I find we shall have occasion for £2600 to make Stanhope Pays and lend that Months support Money there and at Alston moor as such I hope you’ll be so kind as provide for me against Monday 13th May; you’ll please to be so obliging as let it all be Newcastle Bank Notes and Silver because on enquiry I find the Sunderland Notes will not do. By the Accounts I

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 29 Apr 1776

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 29th April 1776 Sir I have fixed your Pay to be on Thursday the 23rd of May & therefore desire you will be here on Monday the 20th - receive your money on Tuesday the 21st - go to Dukesfield with it on Wednesday the 22nd & pay it away the day following. Of which you will give public Notice & come armed as usual. I am etc H. R.

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Charles Atkinson – 3 May 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Chas Atkinson Esqr Alston May 3d 1776 Sir, I have received yours and take the most early opportunity of writing to you, when I was at Newcastle you agreed with me that in case I could send Lead to Swalwell to the Value of what I wanted you would assist me in getting that Sum in order to make Stanhope Pays. I wrote you 27 last Month that I made no doubt of delivering 3000 pieces of Lead & a Cake of Bullion before the time I proposed coming to Newcastle which

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 6 May 1776

To Mr Holmes Farnacres 6.May 1776 Dear Sir Last Evening I arrived safe here and had the pleasure of meeting my Family in good Health; I have also the satisfaction of acquainting you that I saw Sister & Miss Smeaton at York & all our Friends there are well Bror Smeaton is at Austhorpe, & I hope to see him here on Wednesday I have in the name of Messrs Walton & Smeaton this day drawn upon you for £439-8-9 payable Thirty Days after date being the Balance of A

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 6 May 1776

To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres May 6th. 1776 Mr Mulcaster Having got Home last night from London I take the earliest opportunity of answering your several Letters and am glad to find your workmen in a better State than when you wrote me some time ago. I would at all events have a new Smelter in the Room of Edward Wilkinson and from the behaviour of the Company to us I do not see it at all necessary that we should be nice. With regard to Brown’s Family if they cannot the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Salter – 7 May 1776

To Mr John Salter Farnacres 7th May 1776 Dear Sir Instead of One Hundred Casks of Bone Ashes I desire you will order us One Hundred and Fifty Casks and as I find we are in immediate want beg we may have Fifty with all possible expedition. I got home very well on Sunday and had the pleasure of to meet my Family in good Health I am Dear Sir Yours &c NW Junr. PS Be so good as forward the inclosed by peny post

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Francis Gregg – 7 May 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Gregg Alston 7th May 1776 Sir, I do apprehend you have expected a copy of the Ladyday Bargains and an Account of the States of the Mines from me before now, but when I tell you the occasion of the delay was in order to give a more clear Account than I could sooner hope you’ll excuse. It was very much my wish to have made the Pays (if Lead to that amount could have been Sold) much sooner, but as the Markets have been very dull and the Borrowing Money I

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to John Cleaver – 7 May 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver Alston 7th May 1776 Sir, I expected hearing from you acknowledging the receiving my son’s Letter desiring you to draw on Charles Atkinson Esqr for £650 as also in order to know when you received that sum in order to know what Interest would be due to you from Lord Carlisle from Christmas from the time you received cash for that sum. Greengill West End at the bottom of the Sill we have got the Ore in is now is now worked at 20/- p bing this is abo

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Jonathan Sparke – 13 May 1776

Dukesfd: 13th. May 1776 Mr. Sparke Allanhds: Mill Sir I have sent you the Bearer Jno. Lee to be a Smelter at your Mill, you may let him work wth. Foster’s partr: as he does not intend being at the Mill for Some time, whe (sic) he does we shall provide him wth. one. Delivr: no little Lead next Week & am Sir yrs. &c IH Jr

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 18 May 1776

Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 18th May 1776 Sir Inclosed I send you Messrs. Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Messrs. Hallifax & Co at 20 d[ays] date for Three hundred and thirty five Pounds to make good Sir Walter Blacketts quarterly & other Payments from the 1st April to the 30th June next. You will please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Bill _ Sir Wr Blackett is at Wallington & has had a slight fit of

Letter – Henry Fleck to Mary Loraine – 20 May 1776

To Mrs Mary Loraine Hexham Stella 20th May 1776 Madam Understanding your Lead Carriage is now about to forward your Lead here, I write to Inform you that you must first agree with Mr Gibson & Settle Terms with him for your Admission there before I can take it In, because the Company having a wharf entirely for there own Business Mr Eyre will admit of no other lead being laid therein, Without being Accountable to him which neither my Employer's nor I mean to Subject ourse

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Tweddell – 23 May 1776

Messrs Walton and Smeaton present their most respectful complements to Mr Tweddle, are much obliged to him for his attention to them, in transmitting a copy of Mr. Lowis’s Information Mr Peters will as they expect most certainly call at Darlington on his return from London & they doubt not will have from Mr. Lowis himself a Confirmation of what is set forth in his Affidavit Mr Smeaton being in the Country is glad to have the opportunity of returning his particular respects Golden Lyon He

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ord – 23 May 1776

To John Ord Esqr. Morpeth Hexham 23d May 1776 Sir From a Conversation we have had with Mr. Tweddell of Unthank, this Morning we are brought to think that Fenwick Martin now in Morpeth Jail standing Charged with Cutting the Bellows of Langley Mill, will prove an alibi, and thereby acquit himself of the heavy Charge laid against him; we think it therefore due to humanity that the rigour of Martins Confinement should be softened as much as the Case and circumstance will properly adm

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Peters – 23 May 1776

To Mr Wm Peters Hexham 23d May 1776 Dear Sir Having had some conversation with Mr Tweddell of Unthank and been shewn by him a Copy of an Information made by Mr Lowis of Darlington by which Fenwick Martin appears to have been at Darlington when the Damage was done at Langley Mill this with other Circumstances inducing us to suppose Martin to have been unjustly accused we have thought it necessary to Write to Mr Ord of Morpeth intimating our wish that Martins confinement may be

Letter – Shafto Downes to Mary Loraine – 27 May 1776

Mrs Mary Loraine Hexham [in margin:] Downe paper 27 May 1776 Madam As I find I can have neither principal nor interest upon the bond you are engaged on with your Brother Mr Robert Allgood & his son I am therefore under a necessity of calling upon you for the money before I pre[se]nt the bond in suit which I am in hopes you'll pay of Your answer will oblige Yor humble Servant Shafto Downes

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Peters – 9 Jun 1776

To Mr Wm Peters Langley Mill 9th June 1776 Sir We received your Letter of the 30th Ulto when we were in the West Country, from whence we are just returned. When we departed from hence West having had some intelligence of a Cart Saddle that had a piece of Old Leather nailed upon it by a Sadler that had dealings with Fenwick Martin; we left Orders with Mr Mulcaster and John Turnbull a Carpenter frequently employ’d about the Mill, to go to View it; and we inclose you a Copy o

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Brown – 9 Jun 1776

To Mr Wm Brown Junr. Langley Lead Mill 9 June 1776 Dear Sir As we wish to make Tryal of the Splint Coal at Throckley in three different ways beg you will be so obliging as in the first place to send us Six Fodders of Clean Splint 2ly Six Fodders of the Small Coal produced from this Seam and 3ly Six Fodders of the whole of the Coal mixed together. We are with best Complimts Yours &c W & S PS We desire the greatest care may be take to observe the above directio

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 18 Jun 1776

Dukesfd: 18th. June 1776 Jno. Erasmus Blackett Esqr. Newcastle Mr. Richmond ordered me when last wth. him, that when I heard of a meeting in regard to New Turnpike on the south side of the Tyne to attend & acquaint him wth. the Resolution there taken, I see by the Papers that there’s to be One on the 27th. inst in N. Castle & find by my Brothr. that there’s no place fix’d upon, but that the Subscribers are on that day to fix wch. will be the most convenient â€
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467