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Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ord – 23 May 1776

To John Ord Esqr. Morpeth Hexham 23d May 1776 Sir From a Conversation we have had with Mr. Tweddell of Unthank, this Morning we are brought to think that Fenwick Martin now in Morpeth Jail standing Charged with Cutting the Bellows of Langley Mill, will prove an alibi, and thereby acquit himself of the heavy Charge laid against him; we think it therefore due to humanity that the rigour of Martins Confinement should be softened as much as the Case and circumstance will properly adm

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Peters – 23 May 1776

To Mr Wm Peters Hexham 23d May 1776 Dear Sir Having had some conversation with Mr Tweddell of Unthank and been shewn by him a Copy of an Information made by Mr Lowis of Darlington by which Fenwick Martin appears to have been at Darlington when the Damage was done at Langley Mill this with other Circumstances inducing us to suppose Martin to have been unjustly accused we have thought it necessary to Write to Mr Ord of Morpeth intimating our wish that Martins confinement may be

Letter – Shafto Downes to Mary Loraine – 27 May 1776

Mrs Mary Loraine Hexham [in margin:] Downe paper 27 May 1776 Madam As I find I can have neither principal nor interest upon the bond you are engaged on with your Brother Mr Robert Allgood & his son I am therefore under a necessity of calling upon you for the money before I pre[se]nt the bond in suit which I am in hopes you'll pay of Your answer will oblige Yor humble Servant Shafto Downes

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Peters – 9 Jun 1776

To Mr Wm Peters Langley Mill 9th June 1776 Sir We received your Letter of the 30th Ulto when we were in the West Country, from whence we are just returned. When we departed from hence West having had some intelligence of a Cart Saddle that had a piece of Old Leather nailed upon it by a Sadler that had dealings with Fenwick Martin; we left Orders with Mr Mulcaster and John Turnbull a Carpenter frequently employ’d about the Mill, to go to View it; and we inclose you a Copy o

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Brown – 9 Jun 1776

To Mr Wm Brown Junr. Langley Lead Mill 9 June 1776 Dear Sir As we wish to make Tryal of the Splint Coal at Throckley in three different ways beg you will be so obliging as in the first place to send us Six Fodders of Clean Splint 2ly Six Fodders of the Small Coal produced from this Seam and 3ly Six Fodders of the whole of the Coal mixed together. We are with best Complimts Yours &c W & S PS We desire the greatest care may be take to observe the above directio

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 18 Jun 1776

Dukesfd: 18th. June 1776 Jno. Erasmus Blackett Esqr. Newcastle Mr. Richmond ordered me when last wth. him, that when I heard of a meeting in regard to New Turnpike on the south side of the Tyne to attend & acquaint him wth. the Resolution there taken, I see by the Papers that there’s to be One on the 27th. inst in N. Castle & find by my Brothr. that there’s no place fix’d upon, but that the Subscribers are on that day to fix wch. will be the most convenient â€

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Joseph Dickinson – 18 Jun 1776

Dukesfd: 18th June 1776 Mr. Jos. Dickinson Coalcleugh Dr. Sir I am sorry that you should Relapse so soon at your place into your last years method of Sending us bad Weight after so much has been said upon that head – on the 14th. inst. Widow Reed’s servt. wanted 4 ½ Stone in 9 Horses of Ore the 15th Christr. Bell wanted 24lb in 12 do. and the most of the Carriers last Week were sharp weight & several w[eighe]d: 1lb in a Poke. Jos. Bell’s Man of Ayd. Wanted yesterd. i

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Westgarth Forster – 18 Jun 1776

Dukesfd. 18th. June 1776 Mr. W. Forster Allanhds Dr. Sir Least I should not see you to Morrow in my way to the Mill must thus acquaint you that your Ore does not come so well dresd for these few days past as before therefor beg you’ll give orders to have it better don before its sent to the mill & am Yrs. &c IH Jr:

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 30 Jun 1776

To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 30th. June 1776 Mr. Mulcaster, We have reced. your Letter of the 20th and now take the first Opportunity of answering it. The Parlour you are desired to get Sealed, and also to get the Yard before the Doors Walled in, as you propose, but it must be Walled with Lime, and Coped with Flaggs laid with a Drip from the Houses so as the Water may run off on the Outside of the Wall. We are Your hble Servants Nichs. Walton Junr. J. Smeaton

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 30 Jun 1776

Dukesfield 30th. June 1776 Sir I have / here wth. sent / on the other Side you an estimate of the kinds / sorts / of Lead that we shall be able to send to Blaydon f’m the Several Mills this Year in case the Mines keeps us going wth. Ore wch. I hope there’s little doubt off I am like to think that Mr. Mulcaster must be mistaken in the calculation of Refinable Lead to be sent to keep the Refinery going at B.don this year, its near 5000 ps more than they had last year &

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Isaac Hunter – 5 Jul 1776

Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield to be left Newcas. 5th July 1776 at Mr Pearsons Surgeon in Hexham Sir I received your Letter & think you must be mistaken as to the Quantity of Lead necessary to keep the Refinery at Blaydon at Work; for last Year they refined 5056 p[iece]s of 11 Stone & 9556 p[iece]s of 8 Stone which are equal to 11881 p[iece]s of the Common Size _ & on an Average for the three Years last past there has been

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 5 Jul 1776

Mr Willm. Alvey Darwin - Hatton Street Newcas 5th July 1776 London Sir Inclosed you will receive two Bills drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co on Messrs. Castell Whately & Powell One for Two Hundred Pounds at a months date to make good your Quarterly & other Payments on Sir Walter Blacketts Accot. from the 30th June to the 30th September next The other Bill at Twenty days date to pay Mr Thurlow’s half Years

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Fenwick – 5 Jul 1776

John Fenwick Esqr. Roberts’s Place Newcas. 5 July 1776 York Sir I am desired by Sir Walter Blackett to acquaint you that the Eight Hundred Pounds remaining on his & Mr Peareths joint Bond will be paid off the 22nd of October next & likewise the Intrest due on said Bond to that day. You will please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Letter. I am etc John E. Blackett

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 5 Jul 1776

To Mr Willm. Alvey Darwin Newcas 5th July 1776 Hatton Street London Sir Your Letter to Sir Walter Blackett of the 6th inst inclosing his Bond to Mrs Julia Scott came duly to hand he has executed the said Bond & I shall deliver it to Mrs Scott tomorrow as I propose being at Ripon. I observe the Money is paid into your hands & I have this day drawn a Bill on you at twenty days date payable to

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Bell – 6 Jul 1776

Dukesfield 5th July 1776 Dear Sir I recd: on Wednesday evening by Wm. Carr a message f’m you in regard to the Long, or Refined Lead,wch. made me fear that I had made a mistake in the Accot: I gave Mr. Blackett last Week of the Quantity delivd: of that Lead for Blaydon this Season wch: is 4617 ps & 150 a Week will be nearly what we can Refine send during the Season. I surveyed the Lead Way yesterday to Apperley & did not find more than 120 ps: of that Lead upon the Road w

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Thomas Maughan – 10 Jul 1776

Dukesfield 10th: July 1776 Mr. Maughan N.House Dr. Sr. The Bearer Jno. Atkinson & <part.r> Earle has taken Sr. Walter’s Farm at Redburn & Expects by being Tenants to have part Carriage f’m your Mines to Rookhope Mill wch. I beg you’ll give orders to those that delivr. the Ore to let them have. We want to make Assays of the Several Ores got in Weardale, therefor beg you’ll order 4 or 5 Bings to be sent to Rookhope Mill as soon as possible f’

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 12 Jul 1776

Dukesfd: 12th. July 1776 Jo. E Blackett Esq Newcastle Inclosed you have the Month Accots for the Several Mills & also 2 Assays made f’m Allanhds. & <Cateray> Ores ( as p[er] Accots on the papers they are put up in) <Cateray> is a Mine that no Ore has been got at for many Years past. Shall once we get 3 or 4 Bings of Ore f’m each Mine send you Assays of them All, & have wrote to Mr. Maughan desiring that he’ll send that quantity f’m e

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 14 Jul 1776

To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 14th July 1776 Mr Mulcaster Your letters of the 27th. Ulto and 3d inst. are now before us and in Answer we take this opportunity of acquainting you that we think it very proper to have the reducing Furnace rebuilt. Notwithstanding Wm. Leighton is Dead we would have you get some Cynders at the Greymare Pitt if even they shd. come to 5d p[er] Sack we hope however they may be had at 4d We wish you to encourage the Bagraw People so far as the s

Letter – Roberts to Mowbray – 14 Jul 1776

[on cover]: Mr Mowbray’s resolution at the last meeting Mrs. M Roberts and her Sisters present their Compliments to the Gentlemen in the Copartnership in Fallowfield Lead Mine & take this Opportunity of acquainting them that it is not in their power to continue any longer to advance any further Sums of Money on the working the Mine therefore humbly intreat the Gentlemen to let them know if they will please to take their Share which is a ninth of the Whole into the Copartnerhship and c

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 20 Jul 1776

To Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 20 July 1776 Dear Sir We have this day drawn upon you for £392..18.. payable Twenty Days after date for the Balance of Account as below mentioned, and when you give us advice of the arrival of the next Cake of Bullion desire youll be so obliging as let us know what we are indebted to you for the Elm Pipes and that youll send us a Receipt for them & the amount shall be deducted out of the Bill for the Cake of Bullion which weighs abt 628 Ounce

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 20 Jul 1776

Farnacres 20th. July 1776 Mr Mulcaster Having gone through the several Operations we do not find it will be necessary to make any Alteration or Addition to any of them except that ending 25 May, in which you have omitted the Stock of Refined Slag Lead being 103 1 ½ Cwt pieces. We doubt not you have had, and continue to have plenty of Rain; the Hay in this Part of the Country is almost spoiled. We are Your Hble Servants N.W. Junr. J.S. P.S. We

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 20 Jul 1776

Dukesfield 20th. July 1776 Jn E Blackett Esqr. Newcastle Sir By Mondays Carrier you’ll receive a plate of Silver as p[er] inclosed Accot. Rookhope Mill was set on Fire last Tuesday morning but Fortunately it was discovered soon or the whole Building would have been Burnt down the damage don I think will not exceed 6 or 8 £ but will hinder us a little in Smelting as it lays of[f] one of the Hearths – have set on Workmen to get it repaired as soon as possible. How i

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 22 Jul 1776

Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin London Newcas. 22nd July 1776 Sir I received your Letter of the 9th instant acknowledging the Receipt of the Bills Proper notice will be given for the Payment of such Bonds as Sir Walter Blackett may think proper to pay off. I am desired by Sir Walter Blackett to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 16th instant & to acquaint you that he accepts of the Proposals made to him by H & S Morrow

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to H Morrow – 22 Jul 1776

Mr H Morrow No. 9 Exchange Alley Newcas. 22nd July 1776 London Sir Your Letters of the 7th & 11th instant came duly to hand & I am desired by Sir Walter Blackett to acquaint you that he accepts of the proposals made to him by yourself & Brother for the payment of the Debt due to him by your Father Robert Morrow - viz. - that you both enter into a joint Security for the Payment of £258 . 9s . 8d at the rate of £30 per

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Thomas Maughan – 22 Jul 1776

Dukesfield 22d July 1776 Mr. Maughan Newhouse Sir I beg you’ll give such Orders to those that Delivers the Ore that will prevent any from going to the Mill till properly dressed; when there last Wednesday I saw from several of the Groves Ore that was not so well as it ought to be; we do not expect when the Groves are poor to get the Ore so good as when Rich but in both cases it should be taken pain with & more sow when the mine is poor. However I hope you’ll inde
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467