Dukesfd. 22d. July 1776
Mr. Dickinson Coalcleugh
I was sorry to find when at Allanhds: Mill the other day that you was relapsing into last years method of dressing your Ore by what was then coming in to that Mill f’m Whitewood Vain. I cannot say that we have any great cause to complain of what comes to this Mill as yet this Season, tho’ there does now & then some come that’s badly dressed wch. showes what a carefull eye is required to watch the Washers: for I do
To John Ibbetson Esqr. Farnacres 23d July 1776
The drought having continued this Summer to a very uncommon length and Water being on that account in great Scarcity at Langley Mill we looked out for a place upon Langley South Common for a proper Reservoir and having pitched upon one of the Content of about an Acre we have thought it adviseable to order the immediate execution thereof as it probably may be of use before the Summer is over. It is now in Hand and we apprehe
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcastle 26 July 1776
Foster Lane London
Gentn. I have this day sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier Two pieces of fine Silver, in a Box, containing One Thousand four Hundred & Eighty Six Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Wr. Blackett Barot. as usual at the Markett price and advise me on your Receipt of Them I am etc J E B.
a p[iec]e Si
To John Tweddell Esqr. Farnacres 27th. July 1776
We were acquainted by Mr Peters on his return from the Sessions at Hexham that Fenwick Martin was discharged there and that he was desired by you to name it to our consideration that in your Opinion a Satisfaction should be made to Fenwick Martin.
That somebody Cutt Langley Mill Bellows we know; we cannot expect that any one would inform against himself; and that no one but a Vile Fellow could be an accomplice; therefore
A Copy of A Letter to Mr Gilbert Alston 29th July 1776
Your favour of the 9th Inst is now before me, I am sorry I was under the necessity of in being disappointed in the visit I intended to Worsley but as I wrote you the 28th March on that head shall say no more now. My Father desires me to acquaint you he would have been very glad to have seen you in Alstonmoor, but as it seems inconvenient to you he hopes you will be so kind as to fix with Mr Cleaver (to whom he writes this day)
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver Alston 29th July 1776
I recd your favour of the 15th May which should have answered sooner but I waited for Mr. Gilbert fixing a meeting, I never heard from him till the other Day and in his Letter he desired I may go to Worsley or anywhere within a Days Ride from Worsley. In answer to which my Son this Day wrote Mr Gilbert that I will attend either the first or second week in Sept. whichever may be most convenient at any place you & he may
To Mr Darwin - No. 47 _ Hatton Street Newcas 29th July 1776
Sir I received your Letter of the 25th instant & Note the Contents. It is not Sir Walter Blackett’s intention to charge Interest on the Debt due from R. Morrow so you will please to make the Bond payable without In[tere]st.
Inclosed you will receive Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co’s Bill on on Messrs. Hallifax Mills & Co. at a months date for Fi
Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 30th July 1776
Sir I received your Letter of the 27. instant inclosing the Substance of the Examination of Sundry Persons in regard to the Fire at Rookhope Mill on the 25 & 19th instant both which I have communicated to Sir Wr Blackett who approves of what you have done & desire you will use every means to discover the persons who have been concerned in this affair I hope Mr Sm
Samuel Rolleston Esqr. Old Alresford Newcas 31st July 1776
Sir Inclosed you have an Accot. of the Intrest due on Sir Walter Blackett’s Bond & Notes to the late Major Carr amounting to £27 & likewise a Bill on London for that Sum; when Miss Carr & you have signed the Receipt you will please to return it me. Sir Walter Blackett desires me to acquaint you that the Bond & Notes amounting to £1200 will be paid off
Dukesfield 9th. Augt. 1776
Mr. J. Dickinson Coalcleugh
I wrote you the latter end of last Month that I was sorry to find you had relapsed so soon into last years manner of dressing your Ore & was disapointed yesterday when at Allanhds. & this Mill to find that it had had no effect for what had come that day to both the Mills were very badly dressed. I would allow (if any is to be sent f’m the Mines ill don) that it should go to Allanhds. Mill rather than co
Dukesfield 9th. Augt. 1776
Mr. Maughan Newhouse
I wrote you last Month in regard to the Ore coming f’m your Mines to Rookhope Mill be not well dress’d & was sorry to find yesterday when there that it had had no effect for what had come in since I was there the week before were as badly washed as what came when I made the complaint particularly what had come from Barbry & Todstone However I hope that you’ll give such Orders to those that delivers the Ore a
To Mr Daniel Alder at Adderstone near Belford Newcas. 13th Augst. 1776
Sir Inclosed you will receive Mr Bacon Forsters Executors Account of their proportion of Weardale Rents Composition etc for last Years & also their Accot. for the last seven Years Sir Walter Blackett is very desirous of having this Account settled I am informed that you propose being in this Town the 31st inst. & should be glad to meet you for that purpose I am
Dukesfd. 19th. Augt. 1776
Mr. Dickinson Coalcleugh
Dr. Sr.
I recd. yours of the 13 yesterday & think you are right in not letting the Carriers keep so near the Washers for I do suppose that is a great means of their deceiving you – you mistake me when you suppose that I should be against your letting any Carriers have Ore that assist you any how in getting Coals, Wood &c to the Mines – all that I ment was not to act on any new Carriers when the Carriage were so
Dukesfd. 20th. Augt: 1776
Mr. Maughan N[ew].Ho[use].
Dr Sr.
I was surprised to find by yours of the 16th. inst wch. I recd. yesterday at Rookhope that you had not recd. my first, for I understood by Mr. Smith that he sent it wth. the Hand bill (in regard to the Fire) into Weardale. We do not expect to get so good Ore when the Mines are poor as when Rich but expect there should be proper pains taken to make it so in both cases – and am sorry I cannot say that the Ore is
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 24th. Augt. 1776
Dear Sir
I was duly favoured with your Letters of the 10th & 12th inst and have this day drawn upon you for £183.6.3 – being the amount of 628 ½ Ounces of Silver at 5s/10d I desire you’ll will be so obliging as send the Charge of the Elm Pipes as soon as convenient after this Time as the Work in which they are employed will I expect be compleated in a Week or little more and we shall want to Settle the Accot. of the whole
A Copy of A Letter to Chas Atkinson Esqr Alston 24 Augt 1776
As Mr Gregg is now at Naward and I am wishful to have the Accounts laid before him during his stay in the North; I take this Liberty to desire you will be so kind as send the Account of Lead Sold & Delivered as also the Silver Sold and Delivered and signed in the Manner they used to be other years, The Silver Sold 24 April 1775 should be in a Note by itself; The 1575 pieces of old Lead must be in another Note, and the
To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 30th. Augt. 1776
Mr. Mulcaster
Inclosed you have the pticulars of your Accot. which I doubt not you will find right and the Cash is now right within one penny or rather within ¾ as you’ll remember I won a farthing of Mr Hilton.
Pray desire the Carriers to be as expeditious in getting the Lead to the Warehouse as possible
I shall be glad to hear from you and am in great hurry
Yours &c NW Junr.
PS I desire you’ll be endeavo
To Messrs Johnson & Corbet Farnacres 30th Augt. 1776
Messrs Johnson & Corbet
I am happy to find you have reconciled your differences and you will give me much pleasure by continuing as good friends, as long as you do so, and behave yourselves properly as Carriers to the Commissioners and Governors of Greenwich Hospital, you may depend upon having every encouragement which can be given you consistent with the Interest of the Hospital and I have this day wrote to Mr Mulcas
To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 31st Augst. 1776
Mr Mulcaster
On examining the whole of the Recets. and Payments at the Lead Mill and Lead Carriers Pay I cannot by any means prove the Cash to be right or wrong save that when compared with what we did at Hexham after the Lead Carriers were paid the Cash is within three farthings but as to what was done afterwards we were in such a Hurry that I can Scarcely remember anything about it. I desire therefore you will let me know whether I
A Copy of A Letter to Chas Atkinson Esqr Alston 3d Septr 1776
I have recd a Letter from Mr Gilbert the Agent to the Duke of Bridgewater (who is appointed to inspect Lord Carlisle’s Lead Mines) desiring that I may have the Accounts ready to shew him on or before the 15th of next Month therefore I hope you will be so obliging as get the old Lead Delivered and me your Accounts signed as usual so that they may come by Mr Saints Newsman on Saturday the 12 next month.
Dukesfd: 3d. Septr. 1776
Mr. Forster Allanhds.
Dr. Sr.
I don’t doubt but it will surprize you when I tell you that the Ore we recd. the other day fm your place is as bad as any we have recd. for this Twelve Months past; and particularly the Shattered Ore, wch. is Brangled wth. Black Stone & Spar & several of the pieces are not one third part of them Ore & when cover’d wth. Smidum or Small Ore has the appearance of good Ore. I own I should not have discovered it
Dukesfd: 5th. Septr. 1776
Mr. R. Morrow Blaydon
Dr. Sr.
By Mr Bell’s letter by yesterdays post I find that they are in want of Refined Lead the Quantity deliv’d f’m this Mill 6014 ps. & shall delivr nearly 170 pr Week so that you’ll be able to judge how it comes in, & whether there’s any Quantity on the Roads. we have none on this side of the Bankfoot & if you find your Rect. much short of the above, I beg you’ll hasten your Men in wth. it. below
Dukesfd. 6 Septr. 1776
J.E.Blackett Esqr. N.Castle
Inclosed you’ll have the last Month Accots. for the Several Mills – this day will Smelt all the Allanhds Ore that’s at this Mill, so that I am afraid we shall fal short of the Quantity of Common Lead that I computed in a former Letter would be sent this year f’m here; as that Ore is the only Ore that comes to this Mill wch. we make the Common or WB Ld. off. The Quantity of Refined Lead delivd. to this day is 6014 ps
A Copy of A Letter to Mr Gilbert Alston 8th Septr 1776
My Son wrote to you on the 29th July desiring as you would be so obliging as fix a time with Mr Cleaver for a meeting and as I have never recd any answer, I now take the Liberty of acquainting you I was with Mr Gregg last Week, & as it seems the wish of both Lord Carlisle, the Trustees & Mr Gregg that you should have the Inspection of the whole of the undertaking I send this to beg you will be so pleased to fix the Mee
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 10th. Sepr. 1776
Dear Sir
I have your Letters of the 28th Augst. and 7th inst now before me and have this day drawn upon you for the Balance of Account as below; the Bill is payable Forty days after date and we shall draw the next Bill in the same manner which will in some degree make up for your not charging Commission and we must at the same time acknowledge ourselves very much Obliged.
My engagements have prevented my making any enquiry