To Mr John Langlands Farnacres 10th Septemr 1776
This days Post has brought me a Letter from Mr Holmes wherein he informs me I am to draw upon him for the last Silver sent him (and which arrived in London on Saturday last) at 5s/10 1/4d p[er] Ounce which I have accordingly done; the price therefore of the Cake of Bullion which I sold you weighing 420 Ounces will be 5s/10 ¼ d p[er] Ounce Amounting to £122:18:9 to be paid on the 10th of October. Mr Holmes seems to be of
Dr. Sir
It gives me more pleasure to commend than find falt, & thats the case at present, for the Ore that I saw at Allanhds. Mill yesterday that you are now sending is exceeding well dressed, & I hope you’ll continue in having your Ore made according to that sample before you send it to the Mills, & then I do assure you that I shall not trouble you wth Complaints on that Head.
You may let your Wood Carriers have Ore to this Mill when they bring up Wood, tho’ you should not
To Mr. Mulcaster Farnacres 13th Septemr. 1776
Mr Mulcaster
Your Letters of the 29th Ulto. and 2d. 4 and 12th inst. are now before me. The Several Cakes of Bullion weighed as follows.
That taken off the 29th June 628 1/2
27 July 477
2 August 211
19 August 420
I have set the Weight of Lead, down in the Accot. you sent me as to the Rich L
To Mr John Salter Farnacres 13th. Sepr. 1776
Dear Sir
We are much disappointed in not receiving the Bone Ashes and I beg you’ll give Mr Finch a rub about them and desire we may have them the very first Opportunity
I am with best wishes and Respects
Dear Sir Yours &c
NW Junr.
PS If we don’t receive the Ashes soon we must order them elsewhere
Dukesfd: 14th. Septr. 1776
Mr. Forster Allanhds.
Dr. Sr.
The Ore we are now Receiving f’m your place is not so well dressed as it ought to be, tho better than what I complain’d of on the 3rd. inst. that you not hasten it away on Accot: of our wanting it to Smelt before its properly examined as to being well dress’d, have set the Smelters on to Smelt Coalcleugh for a fortnight’s time, so hope you’ll give such Orders as will prevent any coming to the Mill till prop
Dukesf’d. 14th Sept 1776
Mr Thos. Smith Rookhope Mill
I understand by Blackett that the Carriers claim a right to come along the Turnpike on Lintsgarth Hall, & that they expect the Co. will support them in it, so will not pay any acknowledgement for the use of it. I therefore desire that you’ll give them Notice that we will not allow them to go that way & if any of them persist (after the above notice) in going that way that you will seize a Horse from those
Dukesf’d. 19th Sept 1776
J.E. Blackett Esq. Newcastle
Youll receive with this a Plate of Silver as per inclosed accot.
I had a letter some time ago from Justice Westgarth wherein he names a ‘Man been seen to run out of the Mill one night & that the People who saw him had behaved ill in not alarming the Country as there was no place for him to hide himself but the Fells’. the Person he means of was one of the Men that I had ordered to watch the Mill betw
A Copy of A Letter Mr Gilbert Alston 28th Septr 1776
I take the Liberty of sending this to acquaint you I am very Wishful & desirous of your fixing a meeting in order to have the several Matters respecting Lord Carlisles Lead Mines settled upon a proper footing as this is the time of letting the general Quarterly Bargains it would have been very agreeable to me to have the meeting sooner but as the case stands I shall take upon me to let such Bargains as are absolutely
To Mr John Salter Farnacres 1st October 1776
Dear Sir
On my coming Home from Hexham where I had been for a few days I reced. the favour of your Letter of the 25th. inst. inclosing one from Mr Finch and I desire you will be so obliging as Pay his Bill which I now return and Order us One Hundred Casks besides those contained in the inclosed Bill and we wish to receive them with all dispatch. The last 50 are arrived and very criticaly as we are almost aground. I desire you’
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Foster Lane Newcas. 1st Octor. 1776
Gentn. I have this day drawn a Bill on you date payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co at Twenty days date for One Thousand Pounds which I desire you will please to accept & place to the Account of Sir Walter Blackett Bt.
On Saturday the 5 instant I shall send you by the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Eight hundred & Eighty seven Ou
John Fenwick Esqr. Roberts’s Place Newcas. 2nd October 1776
Sir The Eight hundred Pounds remaining on the Bond from Sir Walter Blackett Barot. & the late William Peareth Esqr. with six months Intrest amounting to Nineteen Pounds will be paid on or before the 22nd instant by the York Bank you giving a Receipt on the Back of the Bond for the Principal & likewise a Receipt for the Intrest Mr Jno Widdrington of this Place w
Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcastle 2nd Octor. 1776
Sir Inclosed you will receive two Bills drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co or Order on Messrs. Hallifax & Co at 30 days date one for Three hundred Pounds to make good your quarterly and other Payments from 30 Sept. to 31st Decr. next The other for Five Hundred Pounds is on Sir Walter Blackett’s private Account You will please to send me your Receipt fo Three hundred
Mr Willoby Town Clerk Berwick upon Tweed Newcas. 3rd Octor. 1776
Sir I am now to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 28th Ulto. to Sir Walter Blackett with his Thanks to you for the very particular Accot. you have given him of the Encroachment made by Mr Pratt’s Tenants to the detriment of his (Sir Walter’s) Fishery at Needle Eye and to inform you that Sir Walter is very willing to allow Mr Pratt a reasonable time to enquire into this Matter but be
To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 4th Oct 1776
Mr. Mulcaster
I have reced your Letter of the 2d inst. but as I am much straitned for Time cannot conveniently send you a form of an Agreement, I must however in general tell you that it should set forth the dimensions of the Wall and that it is to be done in a substantial & workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the receivers of the Derwentwater Estate or such Person or Persons as they shall appoint & as to the rest I dare say
To Messrs Heny. & Son Airey Farnacres 8th Octor. 1776
Dear Brothers
I cannot yet make any computation of this years Quantity of Lead as the Ore carriage is not yet finish’d I send you inclosed the Tickett which was given by <J> Carrick for Lead delivered Wm. Wilson, which Lead Wilson said he never delivered & which Tickett not being claimed by any other Carrier, it should be destroyed as being of no use. I am
yours &c NW Junr.
PS Mr Smeaton & I
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 8th Oct 1776
Dear Sir
As I knew nothing of Messrs Wilson and Harrison mentioned in your Letter of the 28th Augst. I have caused some enquiry to be made respecting them, and the following is the result of what has come to my hands. Vizt That Willson is reckoned an industrious sober Honest Man and tho’ in a less way than Harrison is deserving and that Harrison who is a pushing Man is supposed to do a good deal of business and esteemed to pay his Cr
Dukesf’d. 8th October 1776
J.E. Blackett Esq Newcastle
Inclosed youll have the three Mills Month Accot. & shall bring you the Quarters Accots next week as we want some little things for the Mills before the Lead Carriage strike up. if its not inconvenient would like to have some Subsistence Money
& am Yrs &c IH:Jr
A Copy of A Letter sent Mr Gilbert Alston 12th Octr 1776
In consequence of your last favour I send this to acquaint you I propose being at Worsley sometime in the Week between the 27th Instant and the 3d Novemr my Reason for being so late is on Account of getting all the Accounts to Michs last ready & the Ore raised at that time Washed and Delivered so as to know the Expence & Produce of last year. I shall write you again this Day Week fixing the Day of the Week above ment
Dukesf’d. 14th October 1776
Mr Jonathn Sparke Allanh’ds Mill
Have sent the Bearer Jno. Bowman Jn. to be a Smelter again at your mill. You may set him to work with whome you think proper till I see you
& am Yrs &c IH:Jr
Dukesf’d. 14th Octobr 1776
Mr Thos. Smith Rookhope Mill
I am afraid that you do not keep your Men in proper subjection by Phillipson & Richardson not working together last Week as I ordered. I therefore desire that you will always for the future make my directions be complyed with, & which ever of the workmen that does not obey them when given through you & you acquaint me they shall be immediately discharged the Works. I therefor order that Phillipson &
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 17th Octor. 1776
Dear Sir
On Monday I was favoured with your Letter of the 11th inst. and this day have drawn upon you for £169:9:2 being the amount of 581 Ounces of fine Silver at 5s/10d p[er] Ounce & I am very glad the mistake is set right.
I shewed your Letter of the 11th to Brother Smeaton on Monday at Gateshead where he arrived about Six o Clock Afternoon
This Family rejoice with you and yours on your increase of Family and are exceed
To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 2d Novemr 1776
Mr Mulcaster
We have reced yr. Letter of the 31st Ulto. and in Truth are very sincerely concerned for the Uneasyness that you have had, but most cordially hope you will very soon get well again, and beg you will not hesitate a Moment to come to NewCastle to get the best Advice if you see it in the very least Degree necessary or proper.
What you are doing about the Quarries is perfectly right and we think Willm. Howden acts prud
To John Ibbetson Esqr. Farnacres 7th November 1776.
Inclosed you will receive the Langley Lead Mill Account for one Year’s duty Ore, being from the 10th. June 1775 to and with the 3d. Augt. 1776; the finishing of the smelting of the duty Ore being so much prolonged, cheifly on Account of its being considerably above the average Quantity, & also owing to a very dry Season that had subsisted for some Months preceeding, and rendered the Mill scarce of Water. The Profit
To Mr. Jno. Holmes Farnacres 8th. Novr. 1776
Dear Sir
We have this day drawn upon you for £219..13..6 being the Amount of 750 ½ Ounces of Bullion at 5s..10 ¼ d. The Bill as you desire is payble Forty Days after Date. We are wth. best respects & good wishes to you & your’s
Dear Sir your &c
W & S.
P.S. Your’s respecting Bror. Smeaton was delivered to him.
Farnacres 8th. Novr. 1776
Sir Forty Days after Date Pay to the Order
To Mr Jno Salter Farnacres 8th Novemr 1776
Dear Sir
As we are again in want of Bone Ashes we must beg of you to desire Mr Finch to let us have the remaining 100 Casks as soon as he possibly can and if you have not paid him yet for those we have got be so good as let that be done with all convenient dispatch. We are with best wishes to yourself and Mrs Salter
yours &c
W & S