Mr: Rich[ard]: Crossman Ditto [Newcastle 7 November 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 2d present for answer yo[u]r best butter is now att 15S a Firkin; but a very uncertaine Commodity itt may bee att 8S tomorrow; and p[er]haps att 12S I could lately have bought very good for 13S as above t'is att present att 15S I can att any time upon 14/d [days] notice Supply you w[i]th w[ha]t quantity you please; but an opportunity for Oustend is very uncertaine few will now goe there
Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe: Newcastle 9ber [November]: the 7th 1676
Pray take notice I have this day vallued upon you £80 payable 20th present To Jno Jenkins Esq[ui]re or Order vallue of Mr Jno Carr w[hi]ch I pray lett bee complyed w[i]th all
I Intreate you aske yo[u]r Man Lance Gander if hee Rec[eive]d nott £20: of one Jno Sherwood by the Order of Geo: Davenport upon my account t'is Strange to mee that advice of the paym[en]t came this day Se
Honnered Sr Edenb[urgh] 7th 9ber 1676
I presume the Last Disappointmt to yrself & me may occation yr Anger, but iff you Will be pleased to Consider all things with an Impartiall <Sence>, You Cannot Blame me much since the Debt I have Contracted to you was only to Ingadg P[er]sons to take of yr leed before others wch Is & was all the designe I had & to assure you the same I granted 6 fother of Leed to be shipt in the vessel I was conserned in <Cecans?> yo
Brother Edw[ard]: Newcastle 9th: 9ber [November]: 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 7th w[hi]ch I Rec[eive]d by yo[u]r Man accordinge to yo[u]r desire I give you these few lines in answer; but I have noe newes att all att present to Impart unto you; onely that a warr w[i]th France undubtedly will bee shortly ~
I wish you a good journey to London w[i]th all my heart and a safe returne I may come to see you before you sett forward but expect mee nott for my comming is ve
Major Allan
I can doe no less then once in 14 dayes advise you of occurrances here; but nothinge more att p[re]sent to Inlarge upon then to tell you of a badd Markett for yo[u]r Beanes; yett I hope for better ~
Last night Mr Timothy Tizicke [Tizacke] was att my house and begun yo[u]r good health w[hi]ch was heartily pledged by
Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe Ditto [Newcastle] 9ber [November]: the: 10th: 1676
By my last of the 7th present I gave you notice that I had that day vallued upon you a bill for £80 payable 20th present To Jno Jenkines Esq[ui]re or Order vallue of Mr Jno Carr ~
Now this is cheifely to advise you that the same day I vallued another Bill upon you for £200 payable Xber [December] the 20th to s[ai]d Jno Carr or Order vallue of himselfe; w[hi]ch pray lett bee punctually com
Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett and compa[ny] Newcastle 9ber [November]: the: 10th: 1676
I have Received the Pippins and all the other thinges w[hi]ch proves to content. And I heartily thanke you for yo[u]r care In p[ro]curinge the same I am nott forgettfull of you for I doe intend God willinge to Supply you w[i]th money before the bill falles due upon w[hi]ch you may Relye but at p[re]sent I can doe nothinge w[i]th Convenience I am
Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 11 November 1676]
In the first place (I will (God spareing mee life) next Post send you a bill for £100 upon w[hi]ch you may relye and shortly after a bill for some more I wonder exceedingly I have noe money remitted mee from Holland noe reamedy but patience pray advise mee if you could dispose of any Leed yearely for mee w[ha]t quantity and how itt now Rules w[i]th you yo[u]r Lady doth buy thinges soe well that shee s
Mr Jos: Pannell: Newcastle 9ber [November]: the: 11th: 1676
My last to you was of the 1th present To which referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 30th past; thereby takes notice of the Sale of 200 p[iec]es of my Leed w[i]th w[hi]ch I am contented doe hope ere this come to hand the Remaynder will bee likewise disposed of you see above w[ha]t progresse W: C [Walter Chaytor] hath made w[i]th my Fatheres; who writes him; that if hee had a greater quantity hee could Immediate
Honest Cousen Ditto [Newcastle 11 November 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 7th present I am glad you have bespoake a Wigg am onely affrayd you will present itt unto mee for I thinke I never gave you order to buy mee one and unless you can p[ro]cure mee a very good one Bush; Hansome; and of a very white Complextion for £6 or under I will have none
But loveinge Cousen all Jestes left a side seeinge I take you to bee a man of Greate skill in that commodity an
ditto 14
To Alderman Webb to send per first opportunity 2 Bar new Rai solis one 5 <> Barr new Malligo 1 Bar: <Currens> at 30s per cent: ½ tun wine vinigar ½ tun of <Midlesort> of viniger at £9 per tun, £12 of Best L;Simmon this what needfull From
Ra: Grey
Mr W[illia]m Ward Newcastle 9ber [November]: the: 16th: 1676
The 200 p[ie]ces Leed this day by mee Shipped aboard yo[u]r Vessell; when please God you arrive att London deliver to Mr Hum[phrey]: Willett and Company Merchants In London; noe more att present; onely pray observe the Order of M:B:
Castle of Sanquar, 17th Nov 1676
Sr Ja: Standsfeild
These are to signifie that I am at this place and kindly entertained with my Lord of Queensberry and have treated with him concerning the wood upon wch we have aggreed and upon the whole is £30 sterling; we doubt of your condiscendance, and that I am just now taking horse, and from Newcastle more at large. I have also given my Lord a bil on you for three quarters of the rent of the room, being 375 mark & Jno Curtice for yr three
Mr Jos: Pannell Ditto [Newcastle 17 November 1676]
My last to you was of the 11th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of this date; w[hi]ch advises mee of the Sale of all my goodes; and though for the Grindstones you have gott but a poore price yett I am very well satisfied there with; being confident you have done yo[u]r best And I desire noe more I am Endeavouringe to freight a Vessell for yo[u]r place if possible; you shall bee Supplyed w[i]th mo
Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe Ditto [Newcastle 17 November 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 11th present for answer I will assure you that befor this yo[u]r last letter I never had advice of yo[u]r Receipt of the £20; whereas you say you formerly Writt mee thereof I never before had a London letter misscarryed I hope there was noe other businesse of concerne In itt Soe wee shall say noe more of itt ~
Inclosed is a Bill for £150 upon Hugh Mason payable p[ri]mo [first] Xber [D
Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle 9ber [November]: the: 17th: 1676
My last to you of the 11th I hope came safe to yo[u]r handes by w[hi]ch you will see how free I am w[i]th you if (for requitall In some measure) I can att any time serve you In this place pray freely lay yo[u]r comm[an]d upon mee ~
Att last I have mett w[i]th some Billes Inclosed is fouer [four?] To the Vallue of £610: to w[hi]ch I pray p[ro]cure the needful. I have Loaden and Co
November the 17th (1676)
To Mr Mathew Shiperd to send per first shipps one hodgs[head] Lofe Suger most part small loves [loafs] one hodgs[head] of best pouther [powder] Suger about 58s percent & one Hodgs[head] of purgd Suger about 48s or 42s percent This what needfull from your friend Ra: Grey
Mr Nath[aniel]: Smith Ditto [Newcastle 18 November 1676]
I have before me yours of the 13th present: your bill was presented me within this halfe houre w[hi]ch I Immediately discharged but pray your Reason for nott Charging the full Ballance I am sorry for the bad markett I mett withall but noe Remeady but patience. I assure you I did my best. I hope you beleive itt and whereas you say mr Dent sold you some that was was 5 p[er] o o [percent] worse for 3: 6d a Reame I doe answer
Mr Hen[ry]: Maister Ditto [Newcastle 18 November 1676]
formerly I have had the happinese of Corresponding a little with you, w[hi]ch Emboldens mee to write you these few lines desiring att your Leasure that if you still bee in the way of trade, you would please to advise mee the price of all sorts of Iron with you; especially sock mouldes, Coulter mouldes, pann plaites and stroker plaites I doe not question but iff a quantity bee desired you can procure mee as cheape as any other
Mr Hugh Mason Ditto [Newcastle 18 November 1676]
Att yo[u]r leasure bee pleased to advise mee how all Sortes of Iron Rules w[i]th you Especially Socke Mouldes Coulter Mouldes; Pann Plates and Storoker [stroker] Plates; If a quantity bee desired I hope you will use mee as well as another yo[u]r Money shall bee well pay[e]d my Respects to your self and good Wife I remayne
Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle 9ber [November]: the: 18th: 1676
Still more trouble; I must desire you to gett mee bought and Sent mee w[i]th the other thinges by land and by the very first convenience one sute of fine laced head Cloathes and a laced Apron for my Wife w[hi]ch pray bee mindefull of ~
Advise mee if you bee acquainted w[i]th any Iron Mungers and how you could buy mee; (If desired the followinge Sortes of Iron Vizt) Small and thick
1676 In Edinburgh Sr James Standsfield’s acct
September 9th
For three quarter part Charges made till this day at the £310: 4: 3 3/8
Leed Myns of Wanlock Head as per the pticulars given
For so much Resting me from you per yr quarter concern in £48: 5:-
Eagels Leed Myn as per acct given
Is £358: 9: 3 3/8
September 9th pr monys & goods recd from you till this
present d
Hond Sr,
I recevd yrs & for the statue upon my Honour & <Allegiance> (either of which I desire not to survive) I neyther have it or knows where tis for these foule & <fashe> Calamnies of my true king wll now Sr Ed Anderson, if I either saw him writt to him, & sent him any messages this 18 monthes I will forfeit my reputation to shame & my life to Justice & notwithstanding yr 2 last letters, if I either can retrieve it or draw after it you shall be my f
Honrd Sir,
I suppose your sunn hath and will Aquent you howe all things At present stands Amongst us, and you will find what is one my part to doe is doun fit for sealing, depending upon you Sr for the performance and the Ackompleshment of all the Rest on you parts I onely ordred the Counsel to put in Another £1000 in Case of daughters and noe suns which I believe you will not be Aganst but Rather Ade more if there should be Above the number of 3 I imedgen les then £1000 a pese cannot be tho
Newcastle 24 9ber 1676
Honnored Sr
When you first took Wanlochead you neather could nor would let me be concerned more than one fifth part b& accordingly the tack was made you for four fifths & I one fifth afterwards when Mr Vermuyden flew back from you, you then granted me in room of my one fifth to be a quarter part concerned wch I accepted off & stated the Accts accordingly & conforme to that I have all along rekoned you nfor three quarters & I for one quarter y