To John Ibbetson Esqr. Farnacres 17th. Novr. 1776
When last at Langley Lead Mill, we had an application made to us by Mr Mulcaster the Lead Mill Agent on behalf of himself and the Workmen who enjoy the Small Farms there, that they might be permitted to plow out little Parcels of Ground from time to time, for the better improvement thereof; and desiring we would recommend it to the Commissioners and Governors of the Hospital, to grant their request and also that a Small Bar
A Copy of A Letter sent Mr Gregg Newcastle 19th Novr 1776
The beginning of this Month I accompanied my Father to Worsley to wait on Mr Gilbert with the Accts for the Two last years respecting the Lead Mines where Lord Carlisle is concerned and of which my Father has had the direction at which Time we told Mr Gilbert that I intended being in Newcastle during the course of last Week and would remit you (if so much Cash was in Mr Atkinsons hand) £2000 which sum we did expect would b
Sir Walter Blackett Barot. Half Moon Street Newcas. 19 Novr. 1776
Piccadilly London
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 16th & 17th instant to which refer you I am glad to find by your Letter of the 15th by this Post that you are better & hope you’ll very soon have the perfect use of your Legs etc.
I have been with Mr Gibson this Morning & settled with him with respect to the Payments to be made on Friday the 22nd; but I am surprised to find That
Dukesf’d. 21th Nov 1776
J.E. Blackett Esq Newcastle
Agreeable to Mr Bell’s orders, wated upon Mr Heron who was concerned in the Indictments & acquainted him with Mr Adams Letter to the Surveyor of New Ridley & he says there can be no trial till Easter Sessions & that what Mr Adams has ment is that the Surveyor should attend at C’mas Sessions to enter into recognizance & have the Matter Trey’d at the Easter Sessions. I would have come to Town this
London Sat: 23d Novr. 1776
Dear Sr.
This morning Mr. Darwin brought the deeds which I signed, & I readily agree to accommodate Mr. Swinburne with the thousand pounds you mention. I am very sorry for the behaviour of the Lessees of Walker Colliery, certainly those proceedings are to be laid to the charge of the Principal, as well as leaving coals in waggons which carry more coals than by the lease they ought to do, indeed the character of the magistrates is very much at stake
Mr Darwin No. 47 _ Hatton Street London Newcas 23rd Novr. 1776
Sir Inclosed you have two Bills of this date drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co at three days Sight on Messrs. Hallifax & Co. One for £2150 to pay Mrs Cazals Mortgage on Longwitton Estate the other for £1500 to pay what Intrest is due on said Mortgage or Bond for £800 and the Intrest theron; but should the Intrest amount to more you will please to pay it & Charge it to Mr G
Sir Walter Blackett Bt. Half moon Street Newcas. 23rd Novr. 1776
Piccadilly London
Dear Sir Mrs Swinburn being indisposed Mr Swinburn requested we w[oul]d meet them at Morpeth Yesterday which Mr & Mrs Gibson Mr Bell and myself accordingly did & on the Deeds being executed by the Parties I paid Mr Swinburn £2820 deducting £70 for Intrest on the £5000 paid before as you’ll see by the inclosed Account _ I likewise paid Mr Gibson th
Newcastle 27th Novemr. 1776
Hond. Sir
I have inclosed you herewith a List of the Arrears due from the Wallington Tenants and also a List of the principal notes paid for Work _ as to the Arrears those due from Mark Thompson William Liddell and others wou’d have been settled and paid before now if Rev. Forster had sent in any accot. But as it is not probable that he will send in any I have desired Mr. Turner to settle them in the best way he can and directed him not to bar you fr
A Copy of a Letter sent John Cleaver Esq Alston 29th Nov. 1776
Dear Sir,
I should have wrote to you sooner but as there has been no material alteration in the Mine since you was here, I did not think it necessary till now. With respect to Greengill West End I can only observe that in about two Months we expect to be so far West as where the Old Man has raised Ore in the Float Sill & I am still in the same opinion that we shall do well in the Sill where we lately got the Ore in when
A Copy of a Letter sent The Rev. Mr. Cleaver Alston 29th Nov. 1776
I duly rec’d your favour of the 4th Inst. in answer to which I take this opportunity of acquainting you that Greengill West End has been for more than a year very poor and now is so but I do expect to give you a better Accot in about three months at which Time I hope we shall have got thro’ what we call the broken ground and have the Sill sound that we formerly got Ore in and underneath where the Old man h
London 30th Novr. 1776
Dear Sir
I am obliged to you for all the trouble you have so punctually taken in respect to the purchases, & receiving the rents, & the account you have given me of several tenants, I cannot now enter into any minute discussion of the several points but I am resolved to lay aside the Mill at Sweethope, whether the House may do for a cottager or herd to the Land I know not, but I would have notice given to the Miller to quit at Mayday I suppose. Befo
London Fri.6 Decr. 1776
Dear Sir
The Duchess of Northumberland died last night, I have not heard any particulars about it.
I was in hopes to have been tolerably well by this time, but last Tuesday evening the gout seized in my left ankle so violently that I was obliged to be wheeled to bed & tho’ this day it is something better yet I cannot walk upon it or put on a cloth shoe as I had done for some few days before last Tuesday.: my fingers too are very sore & s
Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 6 Decr. 1776
Foster Lane London
Gentn. Inclosed are two parts of your Account with Sir Walter Blackett Barot.; one of which I have signed and I desire if you find the other is right that you will sign & return it to me I shall on Tuesday the 10th instant draw a Bill on you payable to Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co at thirty days date for Eight hundred Pounds which I desire you will
To The Churchwardens of St Andrews Newcas 6 Decr. 1776
Gentn. Friday the 26th instant being appointed for the Distribution of Sir Walter Blacketts annual Charity; I desire you will Tickett Two hundred poor people of your Parish & bring them altogether to Sir Walters exactly at Eight o’Clock that morning. I am etc J E B.
Wrote to the above Effect to the Chwardens of All Saints to ticket 300 poor People to be at Sir Walter
To Mr Holmes Farnacres 7th Decemr 1776
Dr Sir
By this Weeks Carrier you will receive Two Boxes No. 1 containing 720 Ounces and No. 2 – 657 Ounces of Fine Silver together 1377 Ounces: but as I have been for Several days Confined by a Violent pain in my Face and engaged before that so as not to be able to weigh the Silver myself I desire you will be so obliging as weigh it carefully when it Arrives in London & Let me know how each Box Answers I am Your’s &c NW Jun
Dukesf’d. 10th Dec 1776
Mr Morrow Blaydon
Dr Sir
The Waters being out prevented me from giving you a call in my way from Newcastle, I have expected to have heard from you for these several posts past in regard to the Lead you had rec’d’ You said (I think when I saw you) that you would exceed the Quantity of Allanhds lead then what I had given you an accot. were deliv.d from that Mill – I have again re-examined that Mill Accot. & make the Quantity the same as befo
Dukesf’d. 10th Dec 1776
J. E. Blackett Esq Newcastle
Inclosed you’ll have the Month Accots for the several Mills & shall send you a Plate of Silver against the 21 inst. the waters being out prevented me from returning by Blaydon, but am in hopes that the Dukesfd & Allanhds Lead will be all got in so as to be able to make the pay for the Carriage of it from the Bankfoot to Blaydon in Xmas Week as we spook off. have wrote to Mr Morrow desiring that he will give
£800 . 0 . 0 Newcastle 10th Decr 1776
Thirty days after Date Pay Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co or order Eight hundred Pounds Value received & place to account with Sir Walter Blackett Barot. as advised by John E. Blackett
To Messrs Plumb & Browne
Foster Lane, London
v. Plumb & Browne above JEB Lre [letter]
To Mr John Finch Farnacres near Gateshead 13th. Decemr 1776
As I find it is well to speak in Time I now give you the trouble of this letter to desire, now that this Years Ashes are Completed, you will let us have Two Hundred Casks next Year and you may begin the delivery when ever you find it convenient & the sooner the order is completed the more agreeable it will be. I am for Mr Smeaton & Self
Your’s &c
NW Junr.
PS Pray direct your Lette
To Mr. Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 15th. Decr. 1776
Mr Mulcaster
I have reced yours of the 11th. Inst: and on examining the Weight of the Cakes of Bullion find they are as follows according to our Weighings Vizt.
Weighed by N.W. Junr. – That taken off 5th Octor.– 750 1/2
Weighed by Mr. Farrer – 6th Novr. - 720
30th Novr. - 657
The Proposal of Wm. Pattinson I desire may be concluded and when I see you we will fix wh
To Mr. Chr. Bell. Farnacres 15 Decemr 1776
Mr Bell
I dare say you will recollect that I desired you to make some Enquiry about the Boundary joining Kingswood Estate in that part opposite to the Hag Bank and you gave me your Answer which I have, but in addition to that, I desire you’ll ask Mr. Wray a few Questions about this Boundary, for he will certainly remember whether they looked upon it Mr. Martyr had a right to all the Timber on the East Side of Allen, or not, and if the
A Copy of a Letter sent John Cleaver Esqr. Alston 15th Dec. 1776
Dear Sir,
In my last I mentioned we would want about £250 for your share to make the Alstonmoor pays, since which I have settled the Accot and find that £250 is the sum will be wanted for your share therefore I hope you will be so obliging as remit me the first opportunity. I have fixed to go to Newcastle on Monday 7th Jany. In order to take up Lord Carlisle’s Money which is ready & I must beg of you to let me hea
Dukesf’d. 19th Dec 1776
Jno. Erasmus Blackett Esq Newcastle
With this you’ll receive a Cake of Silver which Weighs 715 Oz the reduced lead was not all weighed so could not send the accot &c with it, but shall bring it with me on the 23rd.
& am Sir
Yrs &c IH:Jr
to Mr Thomas Marshall in Hexham Simonburn Decb 19th 1776
Dear Sir
I am favoured with Yours and Inclosed I have sent you Twenty Four Pounds Nine Shillings being the amount of the Same unpaid in the pay Bills that is, for Capel Cleugh £14.8s.0d for Old Carrs £10.1s.0d as You are going up to Alston on Wednesday, will beg the favour of You to pay the several Persons to whom the same is due and take their Receipts for the same as they have not signed the Pay Bills a receipt will be ne
To Mr John Salter Farnacres 21st Decemr 1776
I am much obliged by your attention to the Accot of Bone Ashes which some what varies from the former Accounts the Casks being Charged 2s/2d each instead of 2s/ the Coopers having raised their prices since our American disputes arose Staves not being to be had as I understand so well now as before that Time and I find this to be the Case at Newcastle also; you will therefore be so good as pay the inclosed Bill at your convenience.