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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 24 Dec 1776

Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 24 Decr 1776 Sir I received your Letter of the 5th instant & approve much of what you have done with regard to paying Mrs Cazal the Sum I remitted you rather than waiting for an Explanation whether Mr Swinburns Bond was for 1400 or £800 _ I was led into this Mistake by Mr Swinburn who told me that it was only £800 Mr Gibson has not yet had an Answer from Sir Francis Blake about the paying off his Mor

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Laidler – 27 Dec 1776

Dukesf’d. 27th Dec 1776 Messrs Laidley & White Refiners Sirs I have ordered Robt. Nichol be be [sic] instructed by you as a Refiner for one Yr at a small wage – but if you think any hardship in teaching him as above, let me know & I shall endeavour to get you one that’s master of his Business which I have not the least doubt of getting as our Refinery is now so well established & am Yrs &c IH:Jr

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Edward Cleaver – 28 Dec 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent the Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alston 28th Dec. 1776 Sir, Your esteemed favour of the 5th Inst. came in due course and I should have answered it sooner only waited till I had an opportunity of knowing whether I could procure a share, and what for your acquaintance Mr. Walker; I therefor now take the Liberty of informing you that there is two different places where I intend to be concerned the One called Nent Force cross vein in which I have engaged one half so that if you

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Thomas Ramshay – 28 Dec 1776

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Ramshay Alston 28 Decr 1776 Dear Sir, Inclosed you have a proposal for Coopersdykehead Middle Vein which I beg you will sign & return by the Bearer. You’ll observe it is Dated 13th June last the reason is that I applied to the Agents of Greenwich Hospital on that Day, but desired leave to let it rest without a Proposal till I saw Mr Gilbert which they agreed to, and I have not had a proper opportunity of sending to you since I was with Mr Gilbert before

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 30 Dec 1776

To Mr Jno Holmes Farnacres 30th Decr. 1776 Dear Sir I have this day drawn upon you for £414:10:8 pay.ble Thirty days after date, being for 1377 Ounces of Bullion at 6s/4 ¼ p[er] Ounce. I am glad Silver has got to so good a price again and think if it continues where it is it will do very well but if it still rises we must be content to take the Advantage. This Weeks Carrier will bring you a Box containing about 657 Ounces of Bullion for I have not yet seen it so cannot sa

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Finch – 30 Dec 1776

To Mr. John Finch Farnacres 30 Decemr 1776 Sir We reced yours of the 19th. inst but directed to us near Gateshead at Newcastle upon Tyne. This is contrary to our desire and by your adding Newcastle upon Tyne we lose a Post; you are therefore desired to direct any letters which you have occasion to Write to us in future as follows – Messrs Walton & Smeaton Gateshead By which means we shall always get them sooner than by any other direction. The rise of Casks

Letter – Walter Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 30 Dec 1776

London Abbot’s Leigh Mon: 30th Decr. 1776 Dear Sr. PS. The Bond is dated 20th May 1771. The weather has been so cold & I fear you had or have had snow also, so as to make your journey to Allanheads very bad & almost dangerous if you could go at all. This morning I spoke to Mrs. Gordon about the interest due to her upon the £2,500. She tells me that on the 20th of next May the Interest then due will be three hundred and fifty pounds & she desires that that i

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to John Cleaver – 1 Jan 1777

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver Alston 1st Jany 1777 Sir, Last night my son brought me your favour of the 25 Dec. inclosing a Bill Value Two Hundred & Fifty pounds which I have paid to Messrs. Atkinson of Templesowerby & have rec’d its Value of them you may depend upon hearing from me as soon as the pay is made. I am Dr. Sr. Yr most obliged servant Jona Hilton

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 3 Jan 1777

To Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcastle 3rd Janry 1777 Sir Inclosed you will receive three Bills of this date drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co on Messrs. Hallifax Mills Glyn & Co one at Twenty days date for for One hundred & fifty seven Pounds ten shillings for one half Years Composition of Weardale Tithe Ore due to the Revd. Dr Thurlow the 22nd instant _ A Bill at Thirty days date for Two hundred & Twenty Pounds to make goo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 12 Jan 1777

To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 12th Jany. 1777 Mr Mulcaster I fully intended Writing to you tomorrow about your last respecting the Farms &c. but being unexpectedly called from home I must defer writing ‘til some more convenient opportunity exept to inform you that I approve of your engaging and agreeing with the <Washer> you mention for the Wastes on the Terms you have acquainted me with. I am Your’s &c N.W.Junr.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 24 Jan 1777

To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 24th Jany 1777 Mr Mulcaster The Lead from Hangingshaw East End and Carrs Sun Vein No 1 – is not refineable but by Assays from a Chip from each Pig No 2 – it is refineable & Brownley hill N Vein produces by Assay 12 Oz..17 P[enny]wts 6 G[rai]n p[er] Fodder. I shall be glad to see you at Hexham on Monday Evening or rather Tuesday Morning early & desire you’ll forward the inclosed by a special Messenger. I am yours &c NW Ju

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Lancelot Allgood – 1 Feb 1777

To Mr Lanc[elo]t Allgood at Allanheads Newcas 1st Febry 1777 Mr Lancelot Allgood I am desired by Sir Walter Blackett to acquaint you that he received your Letter of the 19th January but that he will have no occasion for your Service after the 31 Decem[be]r next & gives you this Notice that you have time to provide yourself accordingly. I am etc J E B.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Feb 1777

To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 3d Febry. 1777 Mr Mulcaster I have your Letters of the 25th & 31st Ulto & 1st inst. and your memorandums of the 27th Ulto all before me The Silver weighed 846 ¼ Ounces wch is 5 oz: 18 Pwt short of the Assay and very good work but it is some what odd that there is no less than 1 oz – Pwt 19 8/10 G[rai]n of Silver left in every Fodder of the Refined Lead. I am glad to find you are in a likely way of having better Refining Furnaces than

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 3 Feb 1777

To Mr Jno Holmes Farnacres Febry 3d. 1777 Dear Sir I was duly favoured with your Letter of the 25th Ulto but have been so much engaged since as not to be able to write you before this day. I have just drawn upon you for £199:16:9 pay.ble 30 days after date being the Amount of 657 Ounces of Bullion at 6s/1d p[er] Ounce; and last Saturday there was another Box of Bullion sent you from Newcastle containing 846 ¼ Ounces. I am very glad to hear you are got well again as I am

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Finch – 7 Feb 1777

To Mr John Finch Farnacres 7th Feby 1777 Sir We were duly favoured with your Letter of the 7th Ulto but having been very much hurried ever since we could not before this time conveniently give you an Answer thereto and even now we cannot yet determine whether to have the Casks Iron Bound or not, you will however send the Ashes as usual ‘till you hear further and we shall expect soon to receive the first 50. We are Sir yours &c W & S

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 7 Feb 1777

To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 7th Feby. 1777 Mr Mulcaster From the inclosed paper you will see I have been giving the Reducing busyness a full consideration and upon the whole if Elliot could be kept I would wish it provided he will not still be wavering but how to do this is the difficulty. You’ll observe that upon a Medium since the Mill begun, even taking in the times when we saved no Litharge, that we have only produced 1017 ¼ pieces of Refined Lead, or thereabo

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 9 Feb 1777

Mr Darwin Hatton Street Newcas 9th Febry 1777 London Sir I received your Letter of the 6 instant & am greatly shock’d at the Acount you give of poor Sir Wr Blackett _ God grant that the Bleeding & blistering may have the wished for Effect and carry off his Disorder. I shall be very uneasy till I hear from you & I pray God that I may have a good Account I received inclosed Doctor Thurlows Receipt & observe that

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 10 Feb 1777

Great Russell St Feby 10th 1777 Dear Brother I came to Town this morning; I am sorry to tell you that I hear there is no hope of Sr Walter Blackett recovery; I was at his house at three o clock, He sees nobody; Mrs Darwin told me Sr John Pringle gave no hope this morning; Mr Darwin told me that he had sent an Express to Sir John Trevelian; I told him I thought he should have sent one likewise to Mr Trevelian, he sd he had consulted Sr Mattw Ridley and he thought there was no occasion

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 11 Feb 1777

Tuesday 3 o' clock Dear Brother I called at Sir Walter Blacketts this morning I am sorry to say that I found that the Physicians had not the least hopes; Sr John Trevelian came whilst I was there; I asked Mr Darwin if by my staying some days in Town I could be of any use whatever; he told me none in the least; so I thought better to return to Thorpe Lee as my staying might look as if I meant to interfere with Sr John T. If there was any Impropriety in not sending an Express for Mr

Letter – John Trevelyan to John Erasmus Blackett – 14 Feb 1777

Sir John Trevelyan London Febry 14. 1777 With an Account of my valuable Friend Sir Walter Blackett’s Death London Feb: 14. 1777 Friday Sir This evening about ten o’clock, our friend Sir W. [William] Blackett made his exit; it came the more unexpected, as he was much better an hour or two before. Pray acquaint my Bror. with the above, the Recorder, Mr. <Mosely>, and his intimate friends. I am Dear Sir Your friend & serv’t Jn. Trevelyan

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Francis Tweddell – 17 Feb 1777

To Fras Tweddell Esqr. North Allerton 17th Feby. 1777 Dear Sir We duly reced. the favour of your letter of the 14th expressed in very obliging and Genteel Terms and indeed we think it so necessary to keep ourselves at liberty when any applications are made to us to supply vacancys in so material a work as Langley Mill that we have discouraged them as much as possible & have even desired the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital themselves to leave the matter with us which the

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 20 Feb 1777

Dukesf’d. 20th Feb 1777 J. E. Blackett Esq Newcastle Sir With this you’ll receive a Plate of Silver as per incl;osed Accot. I am just got Home from Rookhope & Allanhds Mills, where I have been taken an Inventory of the Stock &c which I hope to be able to send you by Sundays post & am, Sir Yrs &c IH:Jr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 22 Feb 1777

To Mr Holmes Farnacres 22d Feby. 1777 Dear Sir On my Arrival from Northallerton where I had been to meet Brother Smeaton I met with your Letter of the 18th inst. and have this day drawn upon you for £257:8 – being the amount of 846 ¼ Ounces of Silver Bullion at 6s/1d p[er] Ounce. The other part of your Letter shall be attended to as soon as possible but realy I believe you would find bringing such small quantities at a time to London not at all to answer your end becau

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 22 Feb 1777

To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 22d Feby. 1777 Mr Mulcaster Yours of the 17th has been received and the Assays therein Weighed; the Produce of which you have as follows 80 parts Per Fodder Of Grains Oz pwt Gr No. 1 Litharge Lead from 2d Pig after Test begun 3 equal 3 16,2 2 Do 21st Do 4 equal 4 21,6 3 Do 42d

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 23 Feb 1777

Dukesf’d. 23rd Feb 1777 J. E. Blackett Esq Newcastle Sir I have sent an Inventory of all the stock &c at each Mill as correct as the Weather would allow for. there was so much snow at Allanhds & Rookhope Mills that I could not examine the stock of Lead with the accots. tho I hope it will be right at them both for the Clerks says that they try’d the stock & their accot. of smelting before the snow fell & that they were then right. I took the dimensions of
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467