Mr Robt. Makepeace Goldsmith Newcas. 23rd May 1777
Serle Street Lincolns Inn London
Sir I this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece of fine Silver containing Eight hundred & Eighty nine Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to account with Sir John Trevelyan Barot. at the Markett price & advise me on your Receipt of it. I am etc J E B.
a p[iec]e fine silver q[uanti]ty 889½ o
To John Ibbetson Esqr. Farnacres 27th May 1777
Inclosed you will receive the Langley Lead Mill Account from the 3d August 1776 to and with the 29th March 1777 upon which there is a profit of £899:19:9 ¼ no Mill Rent being Charged in the present Account which in our Letter accompanying the Mill account of last Year dated the 7th November 1776, we stated was unusual to be allowed in Mining Undertakings; after the outlay with all Interest thereon had been cleared by the prof
Dukesf’d. 28th May 1777
Mr Forster Allanheads
Dr Sir
I have consulted with Walton in regard to the Wood Carriage to the mines, and we have agreed to put it upon the following plan – the Wood Carriers to go 3 Days in the Week with Wood so long as they have in their Hands; twice one week to your place and once to Coalcleugh, the succeeding week twice to Coalcleugh & one to your place which he thinks will get up all the Wood, and that each 8 Horses carry 6 full Load of wood t
Dukesf’d. 28th May 1777
Mr Dickinson Coalcleugh
Dr Sir
I cannot understand why your Wood Carriers should not have the same usage this year as formerly, but least they should abuse the privilage they used to have, have consulted with Walton and we have fixed upon the following manner ie, that each 8 Horses shall carry 6 full Load of Wood to the Mine, to be entitled to Ore for the 8; and so in that proportion for the other No. of Horses. and that they go (while they have the
To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 30th May 1777
Mr Mulcaster
The Errors in the Operations are all set right so the whole agrees now and we are glad you have found out the Lead that which was short.
Pray Push the Carriers to get all into the Warehouse at Newcastle as fast as possible and amongst the rest Thomas Ions. If any new Lead is delivered before the Old is all sent off it shd be kept separate.
The Memorandum about the Farms cannot yet be got done.
This day we send you
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver Alston 31st May 1777
Dear Sir,
I take this first opportunity of acquainting you that Mr. Gilbert left Alston last Wednesday Evening, and as some Memorandums were made when he was with Messrs. Walton & Smeaton I inclose you a Copy in order to shew you how the Lead Mine Undertakings are circumstanced and there appears to be a very good understanding between Messrs. Walton & Smeaton & Mr. Gilbert I hope every matter will be settled in such
A Copy of A Letter sent Mr Gilbert Alston 8 June 1777
We were at Stanhope on the 5th Inst and on examining Grove we must beg leave to tell you we have taken the Liberty of setting aside the Bargain you let to Ralph Sanderson &Partrs to sink a shaft in order to try a Vein South of Grey’s Vein; our reasons are; There is a cross Leader 12 fathoms South of Stobb’s cross cut which runs towds Sandersons String & by driving in that Leader 3½ fathoms we expect to cut Sanderso
Dukesf’d. 10 June 1777
Jno. E. Blackett Esq Newcastle
Inclosed you have the Month Accots. for the several Mills and also the General Accots for ore which I forgot to take when I carried the Q[arterly] Accots.
We have got forward pretty well for this some time past with smelting at all the mills – but this dry weather should continue any time will be a hinderance, particularly at Allanheads Mill; at the other two I hope we shall do nearly what we have done for
Dukesf’d. 11th June 1777
Mr Dickinson Coalcleugh
Dr Sr
As I had not the pleasure of seeing you last week as I expected, to have settled the Carriage for this Year from your place, have inclosed you a list of those that I would choose should have ore from your Mine to this Mill, on the Set Days exclusive of your Wood, Coal &c carrying and they to be regulated in the manner I mentioned in my last of the 28 Ult. to have Ore thrice a Fortnight while they have Wood &c t
Dukesf’d. 13th June 1777
Mr Dickinson Coalcleugh
Dr Sr
Christr. Bell’s son is now with me complaining of his yesterdays treatment, which if he tells the truth I think he has just case for it, ‘that several Carriers who had no loding to the mine were allowed to have Ore & he sent away without‘.
You are sensible how much Freemen presume just as the case of an Ellection and what clamor they make with only an imaginary case; and I do think (when it can be do
A Copy of A Letter sent Mr Gilbert Alston 13 June 1777
We wrote you on the 8th Inst which we hope you have recd and we have the pleasure to inform you that Greengill Forebreast is now considerably better than when you saw her and indeed mended since we let the Bargain, we have also discovered a Vein about half way between Greengill forebreast and Garrigill Burn which we expect to be Greengill & Bentyfield Vein though it is further to the North than where Greengill &
Dukesf’d. 18th June 1777
Jno. Blackett Esq. Newcastle
You’ll receive by the Hex[ha]m carrier a plate of Silver as per above Accot. have made an assay of some Steel like Ore that we have got from Allanheads which yields 5 oz-10-6 of silver to the Ton – the quantity rec.d of that kind of ore is but small but shall put a mark upon the Lead made of it so if you choose to have it refined at Blaydon Mr Morrow can separate it from the Common Lead.
I am Yrs &c IH:Jr
Alston 21st June 1777
I received a letter from Mr Bell this week respecting Joseph Johnson's purchase of Mr Hewartson's premises which you have in Mortgages – it is impossible for me to forward this Business as long as the necessary persons to the Conveyances are unwilling to execute, I mean Mr John Reay and Mr Jos Westgarth. They Insist upon a Security being given them for 20l – Mr Hewartson sometime ago proposed Security for that Sum which Reay & Westgarth
Dukesf’d. 23rd June 1777
Mr Morrow Blaydon
Dr Sir,
We this day delivered 45 Ps of Lead marked H besides the W.B. from this mill which you’ll please to separate from the Common that it may be refined (if Mr Blackett thinks proper) for I have made an Assay of it & find it yields in Silver 5 oz-10dw-6g to the Ton – If we should get any more of that kind of ore shall shall [sic] put the same mark upon the Lead – give my Comp[limen]ts to Mr Robt. Mulcaster and acquai
Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcastle 30th June 1777
Sir I have to acknowledge the receipt of your several Letters of the 27th Ult[im]o & the 14th & 20th instant _ You must be mistaken in saying that Mr Glovers additional annuity was not provided for in the two last Quarters _ You inserted it in the Account of Quarterly Payments sent me of which you have the Amount at foot and likewise the Sums remitted you on that Account by whi
Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 5th July 1777
Foster Lane London
Gentn. I have this day sent you by Thos Jennings the London Carrier Two pieces of fine Silver, in a Box, containing together One Thousand seven Hundred & Seventy two Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir John Trevelyan Barot. at the Markett Price and advise me on your Receipt of Them I am etc J E B.
A Copy of a Letter sent Mr Gilbert Alston 7th July 1777
I was at Stanhope the 3d Inst and find the Drift going up in the North Vein in order to cut the Shieldherst Vein Let to Wm Willis & Partrs to Drive 15 Fathoms at 30/- p fathm & 30/- p Bing is now getting some Ore. Palpayman’s working in the North String Opposite to the Pump Sump is very poor, the String is turning to the Vein & how the Working may prove when the String & Vein meets time will shew. The
Dukesf’d. 13 July 1777
J.E. Blackett Esq Newcastle
Have inclosed you the several Month Accots. for June – hope to be able when down on the 28 inst. to give you a calculation of the time that we shall Smelt up all Sr. Jno. Trevelyan’s ore as I expect before then, that we shall have got it all from some of the Mines & a computation of what will be to comefrom the others near the quantity
& am Yrs &c IH:Jr
Dukesf’d. 14 July 1777
Mr Thos. Smith Rookhope Mill
Dr Sir
Seeing Thos. Purvis pass by here this evening between 4 & 5 O’Clock from getting his Week’s Work, has made me take the following resolutions (for I have long thought of the impropriety in suffering the smelters to do in 2 ½ Days what should have taken 5) which I desire that you’ll take care to have fully performed, that none stand longer at a shift then 6 or 7 Hours (ie) they change regularly at each Hea
My Lord,
I am informed that your Lordship will make no Alteration in that Part of the Agreement which respects the Ninth of the Lead Oar; or rather, that the Ninth Part is not the Subject about which Sr. Tho: Blackett is now treating with your Lordship: but the renewal of a Life.
If this be the Case, my settling with Sr. Thomas Blackett has no Connection with the Treaty he is carrying on with the Bp. of Durham; being of a quite different Nature. Will your Lordship be so obliging
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 15th July 1777
Dear Sir
The Carrier who set out from Newcastle on Saturday the 5th will bring you 722 Ounces of Silver Bullion which desire you’ll be so good as excuse my not giving you more early notice of it. I am with best respects
Dr Sir Yours &c
NW Junr.
PS You will be so kind as keep the Inclosed ‘till Brother Smeaton arives in London. I have sent a duplicate to Buxton and send this to you least any miscarr
To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 26th July 1777
Dear Sir
I was favoured with your Letter of the 21st Inst. on Thursday and have this day drawn on you for £218:17:2 being the amount of 722 Ounces of Bullion at 6s/ . ¾ p[er] Ounce – a half Penny over.
I am most truly concerned for the sad Misfortune to my Brother and indeed this further instance among the many that have happened lately shews there is almost no trusting to any appearances whatever and it proves in the Strongest
Farnacres 26th July 1777
Thirty Days after date pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington and Saint Two Hundred and Eighteen Pounds Seventeen Shillings and two pence – Value received as advised by Sir Your Hble Servts W & S
To Mr John Holmes London
[Marginal note:]
July 5
Augt 28 <due>
I desire you will be so good as to get the Bishop to sign an Agreement with Sir Thomas Blackett, similar to that enter’d into with Sir Walter Blackett, & my Clerk shall write one over for you, (to save you the Trouble of sending it), & I will get the same signed by Sir Thomas Blackett, & deliver it to you the first opportunity.
I am Sir, Your most Obedt. Servt.
Wm Wilson
Newcastle July 27th 1777
[cover:] George Brooks Esq/ Auckland Castle
Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 29th July 1777
Sir Your favour of the 3rd instant I received & observe what you say with respect to Mrs Glovers Annuity _ The several Sums that I have remitted you this year were to make the Quarterly Payments & I believe will pretty near answer that purpose but if you have applied part of that money to make any other Payments either on the late Sir Walter Blacketts account or on Sir John Trevelyans