Sir Thomas Blackett’s description is as follows:
Sir Thos. B of Bretton in the County of York (heretofore called Sir Thos. Wentworth) Bart.
Sir Walr Blackett died on the 14th of Feb: last.
It will certainly be right to give up the present Agreements, when the new ones are deliver’d.
I am Sir, Your Most Obedient Servt.
Wm Wilson
Newcastle July 30th 1777
The Rector of Stanhope has agreed to let Sir T.B. have the Tithe Ore upon the same Terms Sir Walr B. h
Farnacres 8th Augst. 1777
Wrote to Mr Smeaton and advised him of having sent Mr Holmes 722 Ounces of Silver by the Carrier who set out from Newcastle last Saturday
Farnacres 9th Augst 1777
To Mr Jno Salter
Dr Sir
I desire you will be so obliging as discharge the inclosed Note of Mr Finches for Bone Ashes amount. to £44 - - 4d which compleats the order for this Year. The sooner the Note is paid the better.
This Family join in best wishes to you and Mrs. Salter and I am for Mr Smeaton & Self
Dr Sir Yours &c
NW Junr.
Farnacres 9th Augst 1777
To Mr Jno Finch
I have this day wrote to Mr Salter desiring he will pay you £44 - - 4d being in full of this Years Accot. for Bone Ashes. I am for Mr Smeaton & Self
Your Hble Servt
NW Junr.
Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 9th Augt. 1777
Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 2nd instant acknowledging the Receipt of the two Bills. Sir John Trevelyan has has not yet acquainted me with the Name and residence of Mrs Gordons Agent he was to have some Conversation with her on that Subject & promised to let me know of which I shall advise you _ I observe that you have received of Messrs Henry & Samuel Morrow £15 be
Mrs Astle at Lady Glyns Newcas 9th Augt. 1777
New Burlington Street London
Mad[a]m Sir John Trevelyan desires me to acquaint you that he received your Letter & is very desirous of paying the Principal & Int[e]rest on the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bonds as soon as Mr Rolleston (who I understand is the only acting Trustee) will give him a proper discharge. Mr Rolleston had notice that the money would be paid in but I hav
The Revd Dr Blackett Plymouth Dock Newcas 9th Augt. 1777
Dear Sir Sir John Trevelyan desired me to acquaint you that he is ready to pay off the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bond to you for £2000 any day this month or the next as may be the more agreeable to you & desires to know to whom you would have the money paid in London. I have enclosed you copies of the receipts to be signed by you & lodged in the hands of the Person who receives the Mon
Extract of a Letter to Jno Ibbetson Esqr. dated Farnacres 15 Augt. 1777
I am concerned when I acquaint you that one of the workmen at Langley Mill has lost a Cow by the Lead Mill Smoke in a part of the Ground which it was expected would not have been so much damaged as to have produced any fatal effect and a Cow belonging to another Workman has been much hurt from the same cause. It is very extraordinary but is an undoubted fact that tho’ Langley Mill is in a more exposed situati
Mr Robt. Makepeace Goldsmith Newcas 18th Augt. 1777
Serle Street Lincolns Inn London
Sir I sent you yesterday by John & James Jackson the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing One Thousand & Six Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir John Trevelyan Barot. as usual at the Markett price and advise me on your Receipt of it I am etc J E B.
Mr Thos. Brandling Close Newcas 19th Augt. 1777
Sir I am desired to acquaint you that Sir John Trevelyan intends paying you off the Principal money & Int[e]rest due to you on the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bond in three Months from this note & that the same will be paid in Sir Johns Office in Pilgrim Street.
I am etc John E. Blackett
(Note in marg
Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 19th Augt. 1777
Sir I am to acquaint you that Lawyer Fawcett & Lawyer Wilson intend being at Dukesfield on Wednesday the 27th instant in order to examine the Refinery & Smelthouse & other Erections at your Place to adjust the Personalty on the part of Sir John Trevelyan & you are desired to give them what Information you can Please to send the inclosed Letters the very first oppo
Mr Hague Kings Head Court Newcas 20th Augt. 1777
Holborn London
Sir I received your Letter of the 14th instant inclosing Lists of the Burgesses resident in and near London I recommended you to Sir John Trevelyan to succeed Mr Darwin in the transaction of his Affairs in London but I find from a Letter I had from him a few days ago that he has at the request of his Aunt Mrs Gorden appointed her Agent Mr Thomas Wall to transact his Bus
Mr Thomas Wall Paper Buildings Newcas 20th Augt. 1777
Temple London
Sir I had a Letter from Sir John Trevelyan the Last Post acquainting me that he should appoint you to transact his affairs in London in the room of Mr Will[ia]m Alvey Darwin of Hatton Street No. 47 who is declining Business I have by this Post wrote to inform Mr Darwin who will give you the necessary Information with respect to the Payments that are to be made each
Mr Darwin Hatton Street Newcas 20th Augt. 1777
Sir I wrote you the 9th instant to which refer you. I had a Letter from Sir John Trevelyan acquainting me that he had at the request of Mrs Gorden appointed Mr Thomas Wall to succeed you in the transaction of his Business & making his Quarterly Payments in London; I have this Post a Letter from Mr Wall acquainting me that he accespts of this appointm
Dukesf’d. 21st Aug 1777
Jose. Bell Aydon S[hiel]ds
On reflecting on the whole of the Facts that appeared yesterday in regard to the Offence commited by you, and after putting the most favourable construction that the facts would admit off, the crime is of so deep a die that it cannot be past over without being stigmatized with some sort of punishment as an example to Others.
I therefore discharge you (for the offence of ordering your Servant to take Lead from
Mrs Bradford at Bradford Newcas August 22nd 1777
Mad[a]m I received your Letter & have this day wrote to Mr Faber to know what Money he has advanced to pay the Allowance made you by the late Sir Walter Blackett & to what time you have been paid; As soon as he has informed me I shall remit him the money to pay you up the Allowance to the 14th February last the day of Sir Walter’s Death. & likewise Six Poun
Mr Faber at Calverley Newcas August 22nd 1777
Sir As you was so kind to take the Payment of some small Sums w[hi]ch the late Sir Walter Blackett allowed to Mrs Bradford & some other Persons in your Neighbourhood I desire you will be so obliging as [to] inform me if you are in Advance of that Account & to what time each Person has been paid that I may remit you the Amount & likewise Six Pounds si
Mr Robt. Makepeace Serle Street Newcas. 23rd Augt. 1777
Lincolns Inn London
Sir I hope you received the piece of fine Silver sent you the 15th instant of which you was advised.
I desire you will be pleased to pay Lancelot Read Esqr. of Hatton Wall £14 . 17s . 0d on my Account & then I have received an account of Silver sold you £118 . 6s . 4d for which your account has Credit _ I shall soon draw a Bill on you for £500 on a
A Copy of A Letter sent Chas Atkinson Esqr Alston 23d Aug 1777
Dear Sir,
Your most esteemed favour of the 5th Inst came in due course; It would be very great satisfaction to me to have the present Accounts settled, and I wrote you that I did suppose that Doctor Halls quantity had been Delivered and that everything might have been agreeable to you, but by your Letter I find the contrary; My Son tells me he called at your Shop and Mr Mandeville told him that Doctor Hall still wanted 36 Pi
A Copy of A Letter sent Mr Gilbert Alston 25th Augt 1777
Mr Sellers is now here & our report of the present state of Lord Carlisle’s Lead Mines you have as follows
The 15 Fathoms Let to Willm Willis & Partrs to Drive the forebreast in the North Vein at Stanhope at 30 sh p Fathm & 30 sh p Bing was finished the Day after Mr Sellers arrived at Stanhope but no Vein cut & was much harder in the last Two fathms than what it was in Driving the other 13 fat
Mr Chris[topher] Johnson Attorney at Law Newcas 28th Augt. 1777
Sir As the Moor Masters Rent for Weardale Leadmines and the Composition for Weardale Leadmines to the Lord Bishop of Durham I thought it proper to acquaint you that those payments will be made at Sir Thomas Blacketts Office in Pilgrim Street whenever you will please to call or Send I am etc J E B
Mr Darwin Hatton Street London Newcas 28th Augt 1777
Sir I wrote to you the 20th instant to which refer you.
Inclosed I send you an Account of the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyans Acco[un]t as they will now stand; If on Examination you should find it right you will please to advise of the same that we may settle this Account. I am etc J E B
Sam[ue]l Rolleston Esqr. Old Alresford Newcas 28th Augt 1777
Near Southampton
D[ea]r Sir I wrote to you some time since to acquaint you that the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bonds to the late Major Carr amounting to Twelve Hundred Pounds would be paid off on a proper Discharge being given for the Principal & Interest I am now desired by Sir Jno Trevelyan to give you Notice that the said Bonds and Interest will be paid off the 15 Novem[be]r next on a proper
A Copy of A Letter sent Mr Gilbert Alston 29th Augt 1777
As it has been always customary for us to make the Pay for Smelting, Refining, Lead Carriage &ca at Stanhope immediately after the finishing that work in every year, & it is now above a year since there Workmen & Carriage Men were paid I wrote Mr Atkinson on the 3d Inst desiring he would assist me in getting Cash for that Purpose & recd his Answer of the 5th in which he desired that the Pay might be deferred
Dukesf’d. 31st Aug 1777
J.E. Blackett esq.
You’ll receive with this a Plate of Silver as per inclosed Accot. the Lead made from Low Coalcleugh Ore which yield the most silver. We have settled the Accots. with Allanheads & Coalcleugh Mines as to Sir John Trevelyan’s Ore sent to this mill and the delivery agrees with the rec.t at the Mill so has set on the carriers to bring in Sir Thos. Blackett’s ore. shall finish all Sir Jn’s Bouse Ore at this Mill against