Farnacres 25th October 1777
The Boundary between the Manor of Alston Moor and the Regality of Hexham, being in general under no other description than that of the Division of Heavens water, it therefore happens in the extent of it, to be mostly upon the top of very high Ground, and the Summit is in many places of a considerable breadth, and nearly flatt; and being chiefly a Black Peat earth, the fall of the Heavens Waters has cut it into many meandering burns.
It ha
A Copy of a Letter sent John Cleaver Esqr. Alston 27th Oct. 1777
Dear Sir,
Your esteemed favour of the 6th inst. came here on the 15th inst. Mr. Gilbert came here on Tuesday the 7th inst. & stayed here along with the Receivers for Greenwich Hospital till Monday the 13th settling matters concerning the Great Water Level he proposes carrying on and the level to cut How Blagill Veins: after that he went to Newcastle and his way here made the pays at Stanhope Friday the 17th came to Al
The Revd Mr Moises - Newcastle Newcas 1st Novr. 1777
Sir I am desired to acquaint you That Sir John Trevelyan intends to pay you off the Principal Money & Int[e]rest due on the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bond in Six Months from this Date.
I am etc J. E. B.
Same Day wrote to the above Effect to Mr Solomon Strologer 1350. -. -
D[itt]o d[itt]o to Mrs Marg[are]t Ord 400. -. -
Scotby D[itt]o
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcastle 15th Novr. 1777
Foster Lane London
Gentn. I have this day sent you, in Mr Blacketts Absence, by Franc[i]s Ridley the London Carrier two pieces of fine Silver containing together Fourteen Hundred & forty nine Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir John Trevelyan Barot. as usual at the Markett price and advise me on your Receipt of Them I am etc CP.
To Jno. Ibbetson Esqr. Farnacres 15th Novr. 1777
Mr. Walton’s Letter of the 15th. August last acquainted the Board of some Damage that had happened to the Cows of the Smelters by the Smoke of Langley Mill in a part where it was not expected; observing that Langley Mill from its open and airy Situation instead of being less noxious than other Mills of the like kind, as was expected, it is found that the Damage by the Smoke is extended more widely, and therefore that it woul
A Copy of a Letter sent The Rev. Mr. Cleaver Alston 21st Nov. 1777
Dear Sir,
Inclosed you have a Copy of the Nentforce Pay Bill and we intend making a Pay for Dowgang Cross Vein about the Middle of next Month I desire you will be so obliging as remit Twenty pounds by a Bill payable at London or Newcastle: That will pay yours & Mr. Walker’s share, and what you owe me otherwise and have something g for Monthly support Money after making that Pay will send an Account of particulars.
A Copy of A Letter sent Mr Gilbert Alston 24th Novr 1777
When you were last here you’ll please to remember that in the Accot between Lord Carlisle & I there was a Ballance of £391.14.8 in my favour as also the Stock at the Mill which I made myself Accountable for in the Mill abstract. You will also remember that several Accots at Stanhope & Greengill were left unpaid and yet remain so, as I have not had any opportunity of procuring Cash to make those Payments whi
To Mr Jno Holmes Farnacres 25th Novemr 1777
Dear Sir
On Friday last we sent to the London Carrier a Box containing 841 Ounces of Silver Bullion which we expect you will receive on Saturday the 6th. of next Month and hope it will come to a good Markett. We are
Dr Sir Yours &c
NW Junr JS
Mr Robt. Makepeace Serle Street Newcas. 26th Novr. 1777
Lincolns Inn London
Sir I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Twenty days date payable to Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co or order for Eight Hundred pounds on account of Sir John Trevelyan Barot. which you will please to accept & place to Account Mr Grieve has not yet paid your Bill on him for £17 . 2s . 0d I shall next Month send you a piece of fine Silver & am etc
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas. 26th Novr. 1777
Foster Lane London
Gentn. I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Twenty days date payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co or order for Seven Hundred Pounds on account of Sir John Trevelyan Barot. which you will please to accept & place to Account. I shall in a few Days send you a piece of fine Silver & am etc J E B.
Mr Jos. Gildart - Congleton Newcas. 26th Novr. 1777
Sir Your Letter of the 5th instant I received on my return from Yorkshire _ I observe that the Widow of the late Mr Midford & her Son Blackett Midford have left Congleton & that he was six Years of Age in August last Sir J[oh]n Trevelyan is now in London I shall recommend it to him to pay £5 per Cent[u]m int[e]rest for the £200 commencing fro
A Copy of A Letter sent Mr Gilbert Alston 29th Novr 1777
Dear Sir,
I hope you recd my Letter of the 24th Inst, and on the 25th I recd your favour of the 17th Inst I left Stanhope yesterday Stobbs & Partrs in the rich Bargain had Drove the Forehead two Fathoms nearly Dead in a Shake or Douk, but yesterday the sides were put on sound, and pretty good Ore appearing in the Sole which seemed to set up into the forehead I think there is no doubt of its being good again. The String South
To Mr Thomas Wall Paper Buildings Newcas 1st Decr. 1777
Temple London
Sir Your letters of the 28th Oco[be]r & the 11th Ult. I duly received the latter inclosing Mr Darwins Letter & the two Bonds & Receipts.
I do not understand what Mr Darwin means by saying that the preceeding Years Int[e]rest on his two Bonds was not fully discharged I remitted Money to him for the Quarterly Payments as usual which I unders
Mr Darwin Sleaford Lincolnshire Newcas 1st Decr. 1777
Sir I received from Mr Wall your Two Bonds & Receipts and observe by your Letter to him that the preceeding Years Int[e]rest on said Bonds was not fully discharged this surprized me as I made you the usual Remittances to discharge the Quarterly Payments to 31st Decem[be]r last & understood that Sir W[alte]r Blackett always settled those Accounts with you at the End of the Y
Mr Thos. Maughan Newhouse Newcas 3rd Decr. 1777
Sir I am desired to acquaint you That Mr Blackett has fixed the Pays to be made on the following Days Yourself accompanyd by the rest of the Stewards to be here on Friday Evening the 2nd of January receive your Money on Saturday the 3rd _ go away on Sunday the 4th & make Dukesfeild Pay on Monday the 5th _ Allanheads on Wednesday the 7th Coalcleugh on Thursda
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcastle 6th Decemr. 1777
Foster Lane London
Gentn. I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece of fine Silver containing nine Hundred & thirty seven Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir John Trevelyan Barot. as usual at the Markett price and advise me on your Receipt of It I am etc J E B.
a p[iec]
To Mr John Bell Hexham Newcastle 11th Decr. 1777
Sir I wrote you the 19th instant to which refer you I received your letter of the 9th inclosing the late Sir W[alte]r Blacketts Bond to The Governors of Hexham School for £378 & the Receipt for the Int[ere]st to the 19th Nov[embe]r I desire you will pay out of the Money you have in your Hands One Hundred Pounds to the Ministers & Churchwardens in the parish of Hexham proport
Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcastle 15th Decemr 1777
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir
I am favoured with your Letter of the 13th instant & observe it will not be convenient for you to be here till after the 20th of January. I shall certainly be at Home the 26th & hope you will take a Bed at my House. I think two Papers will be Sufficient to advertise the Livings but Mr Wilson desires to see the Advertisement of which I have
Mr Thos Rowell Clerk at the Skinnerburn Foundry Dukesfd. 19th. Decr. 1777
I recd. yours of the 13th, but not in time to answr by the last post – I find that we have made a mistake in the Accot sent Mr Blackett of £10. 9s. 3d so that your demand on Sir John Trevelyan Bart. is 82. 1. 7 ½ on Accots. of the Smelt Mills & Refy at Dukesfd I am
Sir Yor Hble servt IH Jr
Dukesfd 19th. Decr. 1777
Mr Cuth Peart N.Castle
Dear Sr
I recd a line from the Clerk of the Skinnerburn Foundry in regard to the Sum we had made due to that Foundry in the Pay Bill, and find on examining the Accots. that we have charged the Cast plates for the Refinery twice, so that you must deduct £10. 3s. 3d from the due in the Pay Bill wch will their demand on Sr. Jno. Trevelyan 82. 1. 7½ for the Smelt Mill & Dfd Refinery. I should like to hear from you in what man
Mr Thomas Wall Paper Buildings Newcas 27th Decemr. 1777
Temple London
Sir Your favour of the 16th instant I received I inclosed you no other Bills in my last than one for £200 to pay the Legacys to two of Sir John Trevelyans Servants the other for £67 . 1s . 5d to pay Doctor Blacketts Int[e]rest due n the late SWB's Bonds for £2000 It was a mistake in me writing you that Doctor Blacketts int[e]rest was in the quarterl
Mr Darwin Sleaford Lincolnshire Newcas 27th Decr. 1777
Sir Your favour of the 11th instant I received and observe your Reason for not giving a Receipt in full for all Int[e]rest due on the Bonds as you had not at that Time settled your Accounts with Sir John Trevelyan This is chiefly to acquaint you that the Mrs Dalstones have made a Claim of both the Annuities left them in the Codicils to the late Sir Walter Blacketts Will I under
A Copy of A Letter sent Chas Atkinson Esqr Alston 28th Decr 1777
As I never had any particular Account about the Lead &ca since the 30th Jany 1775 I inclose you a Copy of the Account settled then, and desire you will as soon as possible let me have an Account of what has been done since then made out in the same way as the inclosed, that is, the Weight & Peice of the Lead with the Amount on one side and the Charges & Money paid on the other side, because till I receive
To Mr Jno Holmes Farnacres 2d Jany. 1778
Dear Sir
I was duly favoured with your Letter of the 6th and this day have rece’d yours of the 30th Ulto. I should certainly have acknowledged the recet. of yours of the 6th Ulto long before this but have been absolutely overpowered with busyness ever since.
This day I have drawn upon you for £273:7:2 being for the following particulars
841 Ounces of Fine Silver at 6s/2d p[er] Ounce £259:6:2
Balance of Accot. for Lottery Ti
To Mr Jno Holmes Farnacres 6th Jany. 1778
Dear Sir
This days Post brought me your Letter of the 3d inst and I have this day drawn upon you for £269:15:10 being the Amount of 875 Ounces of fine Silver at 6s/2d p[er] Ounce. The Bill is payable Thirty Days after Date. I am Sorry to hear of the Scarcity of Money, as in case of its continuing it will affect Trade very much
The Lamb came safe and very fine for which pray accept our best thanks and I am with wishes of man