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Letter – Isaac Hunter to Cuthbert Peart – 7 Mar 1778

Mr Cuth Peart Newcastle Dukesfd 7th March 1778 Sir By Mondays Carrier You’ll receive a Plate of Silver for Sir Thos Blackett as p inclosed Accot. I hope when Mr Blackett see’s the Quantity of Lead wrought, the Frosty weather, and all hindrances considered he’ll not think we have been Idle. If I had known when the other Stewards went to N.Castle, & that Mr Blackett choose that I should have been with them should certainly have attended – You’ll please to acquaint M

Letter – Cuthbert Peart to Plumb & Brown – 14 Mar 1778

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcastle 14th March 1778 Forster Lane London Gentn I have this day sent you by Thomas Jennings the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing One Thousand three hundred & three Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot at the Market Price. The Advice of your Receipt of it will come properly before Aldn Blackett. I am etc

Letter – Cuthbert Peart to Robert Makepeace – 14 Mar 1778

To Mr Rob[er]t Makepeace Goldsmiths Newcas 14th March 1778 Serle Street Lincolns Inn London Sir I have this Day sent you, in Mr Blacketts absence by Thomas Jennings the London Carrier, a Piece of fine Silver containing Nine hundred & ninety four Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir John Trevelyan at the Markett Price & advise on your Receipt of it. I am etc CP a p[iec]e fine

Letters – Godfrey Bosville to John Wentworth – 27 Mar 1778

Thorp near Malton March 27th 1778. Dear Sir, We are happy to hear of your safe arrival among your friends in England, though we are sorry for the disagreeable occasion of it, that the Rebellion is so formidable in America as to drive our Governors from thence, and that we can no longer with propriety call them our fellow subjects, who speak the same language in another hemisphere. Their former enemy’s, and now their good friends the French, may teach them a better system of Mo

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 28 Mar 1778

Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcas 28th March 1778 Bretton near Wakefield Dear Sir Your Letter of the 5th instant was forwarded to me to Scotland. I got home on Monday & had an agreeable Journey tho the Weather was very unfavourable. I observe what you say with respect to the offer Mr Heron made you. I shall Consult with Mr Wilson & if the old Bank will not let you have the Money at 4 1/2 p Ct we must take the Sum

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 1 Apr 1778

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 1st April March 1778 Foster Lane London Gentn I have this Day drawn a Bill on you at 20 Days date payable to Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co or order for Three Hundred and forty two Pounds seventeen shillings & fourpence being the Balance of your Account with Sir John Trevelyan Bart. which I doubt not you will duly honour.. I am etc

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Robert Makepeace – 1 Apr 1778

Mr. Makepeace Serle Street Lincolns Inn Newcas 1st April 1778 London Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 27th Ult[im]o advising me of the Receipt of the Piece of fine Silver for which you allow 6s 1½d p[er] Ounce which is 0½d an Oz. less than we have for a piece sent to Messrs Plumb & Browne at the same time. Your Bill on Mr. Grieve is paid & in about a Month I shall draw on you for the Balance advising you of the same I am etc

Bill – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 1 Apr 1778

£342 . 17 . 4 Newcastle April 1st 1778 Twenty Days after Date Pay to Messrs. Bell Cookson & Cos or Order Three hundred & forty two Pounds seventeen Shillings & fourpence Value in Acco[un]t & place it to Account with Sir John Trevelyan Baro[ne]t as advised by John E. Blackett To Messrs Plumb & Browne Foster Lane London

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 4 Apr 1778

Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Bretton Newcas 4th April 1778 near Wakefield Dear Sir I am told that Application has been made to one of the Owners of Winlaton Colliery to let his Share only; should any Application be made to you? I beg leave to recommend to you not on any Account to let separately being satisfied it is for the mutual Interest of yourself Mr Simpson & Mr Eyre to let jointly & I am informed that an unexceptionab

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 4 Apr 1778

Dukesfd 4th. April 1778 J.E. Blackett Esqr N.Castle Sir Inclosed you have the Month Accots. for Decr, Jany. Feby. & March for the several Smelt Mills & also the Pay Bill for the Lead Carriage fm Apperly Bank ft to Blaydon paid there on the 12th Jany. last – I had them all with me when at N.C. (vizt March Accots) and forgot to give you them. I was at Rookhope on Thursday, and except a snow wreath or two think the Draug[h]ts may get to her in a few days time so took

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Thomas Rowell – 4 Apr 1778

Dukesfd 4th. April 1778 Rowell Clerk at the Foundry I desire you’ll send without fail by the Hexham Carrier (Corbitt) on Monday next a Cast Metal Plate according to the size & Pattern below for the use of Sir Thos. Blackett’s Refinery at D.f.d. & You’ll You’ll [sic] Oblige Yrs &c IH Jr

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Thomas Smith – 6 Apr 1778

Mr Thos. Smith Clerk at Rookhope Dukesfd. 6th. April 1778 Sr. I cannot say whether I told you when at the Mill last Week that the Smelters (as the Works will be but poorer this Year) were to do all the Work that will be nessary [sic] to be don at the Mill on days Wages there for you may acquaint Hearvey (who I see you have by Your Accots. imployed upon all od occasions) that he must look our for other imployment as there will be no more for him there. You’ll please to acquaint

Letter – Cuthbert Peart to Mrs Bradford – 7 Apr 1778

Mrs Bradford at Bradford Newcas 1st April 1778 Yorkshire Mad[a]m Mr Blackett has received your Letter of the 21st March & desires me in Answer thereto to acquaint you that the Allowance made you by the late Sir Walter Blackett ceased at his Death to which Time you have been paid in full and that your present Annuity of 12 Guineas is the whole set apart to be paid to you by a Codicil to Sir Walter Blacketts Will. Mr Bla

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Joseph Dickinson – 7 Apr 1778

Mr Dickinson Coalcleugh Dukesfd. 7th April Sir As the Season is now approaching when the Carriers will be starting to bring the Ore fm the Mines to the Mills, I do suppose that it is needless in me to remind you that I would not have any Carriers to carry ore fm your Mines this year but those that Carried last season of Sir Thos. Blackett’s Ore. Mr Salkeld told me some time ago that there was some that had got Ore at your place that deserted our Carriage, but I suppose it has

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 13 Apr 1778

To Mr. Mulcaster London 13th April 1778. Mr. Mulcaster Having a little time in hand I now sit down to acknowledge the Recet. of yours of the 19th, 25th, & 31 January, 3d, 4th, 14, 25, and 26 February and 2d Ulto. since which none of your Letters have been sent me. I am obliged to you for the trouble you had, about Margt. Jackson as also about Fourstones & Walwick Grange and for your Information therein. The several Circumstances you mention concerning th

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 13 Apr 1778

To Mr Thomas Wall Paper Buildings Newcas 13th April 1778 London Sir Your Favour of the 26th Ult[im]o & the 1st instant inclosing the Receipts came duly to hand. Inclosed you have Messrs. Bell Cookson & Cos Bill on Castell Whately & Powell for Two hundred pounds to make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyans Account from the 1st instant to 30th June for which you will please to send me your Receipt as usual. I o

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Cuthbert Peart – 14 Apr 1778

Mr Peart N. Castle Dukesfd. 14th April 1778 Sir Sixty Casks of Bone Ashes is what we have will serve this Refinery till this time 12 months. I should like to know (if Mr Blackett’s in town) whether he would choose to have all the Lead thats at the Several Mills, and what can be made before October sent to Blaydon this Year, as I intend meeting the East hand Wainmen in a little time to settle this yrs Carriage & it would be a guide to me in that matter & am Yrs

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thornton – 19 Apr 1778

To Mr. Thornton London 19th April 1778 Mr. Thornton John Watson is at Liberty to sublet either his Farm at Eastbrokenheugh or the Farm late Thomas Watsons at Allerwash provided he Let to a Person of good Character & Circumstances; You will therefore see to that and not give him leave unless you are perfectly satisfied. I am Yours &ca N:W:Junr.

Bill – John Erasmus Blackett – 25 Apr 1778

£200.-.- Newcastle 25th April 1778 Twenty Days after Date Pay to Sir Thomas Blackett Barot or Order Two Hundred Pounds Value in Account & place the same to his Account as advised by John E Blackett To Messrs Plumb & Browne Foster lane London

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 25 Apr 1778

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Refiners Newcas 25th April 1778 Foster Lane London Gentn I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Twenty Days Date payable to Sir Thomas Blackett Barot or Order for Two hundred pounds which you will please to pay due Honour to & place to the Account of Sir Thomas Blackett. In a few Days I shall send you a piece of fine Silver of which shall advise you & Please to let me know the Price of fine Silver

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 25 Apr 1778

To Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcastle 25th April 1778 Great Russel Street, Bloomsbury London Dear Sir I wrote to you the 20th instant to which refer you. Inclosed you have a Bill on Plumb & Browne for Two hundred pounds, if you would have another Remittance please to acquaint me as well as the Sum and it shall be sent you at a Short Date. When I have your Answer about the Bond to Sir John Trevelyan it shall

Report – Joseph Hilton – 1 May 1778

This is a stub entry for a report available as a download only given its length (see Notes)

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 2 May 1778

To Mr. John Holmes. Farnacres 2d. May 1778 Dear Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 28 Ulto. which I thank you for, and am obliged to you for the friendly Information contained therein. This Day I shall draw upon you payable Thirty days after date for Three Hundred and Eighty Two Pounds Eight Shillings and four Pence being the Balance of Account as stated in your sd. Letter. I had the Satisfaction to meet with all in good Health at this place on Monday last in

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 5 May 1778

Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Great Russel Street Newcastle 5th May 1778 Bloomsbury London Dear Sir I wrote to you the 3d instant to which refer you. Inclosed you have the Report made by Mr Wilson & Mr Fawcett with a Receipt settled by Mr Wilson for Sir John Trevelyan to sign which Receipt should be returned to me that it may be annexed to the Schedules. The Interest for the Sum of £5100 from the 2d Febry to the 14th Febry amounts to £7.10s.10

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Robert Makepeace – 8 May 1778

Mr. Rob[er]t Makepeace Serle Street Newcas 8th May 1778 Lincolns Inn London Sir I have this day sent you by Tho[ma]s Jennings the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver Containing Nine hundred & Eighteen Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir John Trevelyan Baro[ne]t as usual at the Markett price & advise me on your Receipt of it. I am etc J E B. a p[iec]e fine Silver _ q[uanti]ty
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467