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Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 26 May 1778

Dr. Sr. I wrote to you on the 12th. inst to know if all Sir Jno. Trevelyan’s Lead was got to Blaydon but have not heard f’m you since, and as the Carriagemen begin to grow empassiont for their Money (for I promised to pay them once it was all got to Blaydon) must beg that you’ll give me a line on the rect. of this for I do suppose its all there some days ago, and my not hearing f’m you prevents me sending Sir Thos Blackett’s Lead fm Rookhope Mill as I would like all Sir Jnoâ

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 28 May 1778

J.E. Blackett Esqr N.Castle Dukesfd. 28th. May 1778 Sir Inclosed you have an Accot. of the Lead wrought for the last Plate & am glad to find it has yielded so well in Silver. I hope we shall not be so long in getting you another Plate as this, for the Furnaces are now all in good repair I am Yrs &c IH Jr

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 29 May 1778

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 29th May 1778 Foster Lane London Gentn I have this day sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Eight Hundred and Ninety one Ounces which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot & advise me on your Receipt of it. P.S. Please to advise me in your next what Money Sir Thos Blackett has had of you that I may Credit Your Acc

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 30 May 1778

Sir Thomas Blackett Barot at Bretton Newcas 30th May 1778 Yorkshire Dear Sir I am favoured your Letters of the 23d & 26th instant & observe That you have received the Bill for £300 & that you had likewise received the Bill Messrs Plumb & Browne. Please to inform me if this Sum is exclusive of the Bill I drew on them for £200. I have paid Mrs Scott the £550. Mr Bell Yesterday paid me £1000 on Account of Rents.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mrs Scott – 30 May 1778

Mrs Scott, Ripon, Yorkshire Newcas 30th May 1778 Dr Madm I have your Letter of the 24th instant inclosing Mr Meyricks Letter. I have likewise a Letter from Mr Meyrick dated 26th instant. This Gentleman is a Stranger to me & I’m at a Loss how to advise you in this Affair. It appears to me that unless the £500 is immediately lodged that he will not pay the Bills your Son has drawn on him & of Course they would be

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 3 Jun 1778

J.E. Blackett Esqr N.Castle Dukesfd. 3d. June 1778 Sir Inclosed you have May month Accots for the several Mills, by wch you’ll see that the Lead is delivring f’m all the Mills to Blaydon, and I think this Month will clear them all of common or WB Lead. Weardale Mines make as yet but a poor appearance at Rookhope Mill and if Wolfcleugh does not sumthing extraordinary this summer that Mill will be but badly supply’d wth ore for the Winter Yrs &c IH Jr

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 8 Jun 1778

Sir Thomas Blackett Barot at Bretton Newcas 8th June 1778 near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir I was Yesterday favoured with your Letter of the 6th instt & observe what you say about a Remittance from 400 to £600. I have at present in my hands about £500 & must in the Course of a Month pay £400 for Interest & £1460 on account of Subsistence for the Workmen. I shall in a few Days remit you a Bill for £400 but must be unde

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 14 Jun 1778

Wrote to Sir Thomas Blackett the 14th instt inclosing him the above Bill desiring he would advise on his Receipt of it. JEB

Letter – Cuthbert Peart to Westgarth Forster – 15 Jun 1778

Wrote to Mr Westgarth Forster desiring he & the rest of the Stewards would be in Newcastle on the 6 of next month & not on the 29th June, instant, agreeable to their Letters. CP

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 18 Jun 1778

Mr R. Morrow Blaydon Dukesfd. 18th June 1778 Dr. Sir I expected long ere this to have had an accot. of the defaulters as to the Rookhope Ld belonging to Sr. Jno. Trevelyan thats upon the Roads which you could soon have don by comparing your Accots. of the Rects. with those of the Delivy that you had & I left you on the 10th. inst when at your place. I was sorry to find that the Clerk who I sent down on the 15th. could get no Accot. but what Mr Mulcaster gave him, by which I

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 21 Jun 1778

Sir Thos Blackett Barot at Thorp Newcas 21st June 1778 near Malton Yorkshire Dear Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 17th instant & observe that you have received proposals for taking the Colliery from Mr Morrison. I now understand from Mr Simpson that it is for Lord Mountsteward and Lord Beauchamp & himself & that he has wrote to you & Mr Eyse to that purpose. This Affair will require some Consideration

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Finch – 28 Jun 1778

To Mr. Jno: Finch Farnacres 28th: June 1778 I desire you will send One Hundred Casks of Bone Ashes as soon as you can, as they will be wanted. They must be directed to Messrs. Walton & Turner to the care of Mr. Henry Airey, Merchant Newcastle Mr. Salter will pay for them as hitherto he has done. I am for Mr. Turner (who succeeded Mr: Smeaton) and Self Sir Your Humble Servt. N:W: Junr. PS. Please to direct to Messrs. Walton & Turner at Farnacres ne

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Jul 1778

To Mr Peter Mulcaster Mr Mulcaster We have recd. yours and approve of what you propose as to Mr Wilson but if you get the Cynders of him don’t pay him ‘til you hear further rather let him stay for his Money ‘til the Lead Mill pay. The Recets. for the Harsondale Slates &c. we have reced. and will pay you the Amount being £6:5:11 the first opportunity which will be the 17th July inst. at the Meeting for the Alston Road which we desire you’ll attend and we shall t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 4 Jul 1778

To Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 4th July 1778. Dear Sir This Weeks Carrier will bring you a Box containing 605 Ounces of Bullion which hope you will receive safe and I am &c. NW Jnr.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 7 Jul 1778

To Mr. Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 7th. July 1778. Mr. Mulcaster I duly reced. yours with the Papers abt. Deanraw Colliery for which we stand indebted to you £21:9:1 being the Balance of the Payments after deducting the Coals. I desire you will immediately look thro’ the Wood at Crookhill in Land Ends Farm and the other Wood cut by Mr. Thornton & Mr. Sample and mark off and take what is wanted for Treddles. I dare say if you cannot get them in Langley Barony (bu

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 8 Jul 1778

To Mr. Mulcaster Farnacres 8th July 1778. Mr. Mulcaster On the 1st of Novemr. last you pd. for three Pigs of Lead sold at the Mill Vizt. Mr. Bullock 1 – As I recollect this was sold at Hexham or somewhere between the Mill & Newcastle. It is not taken Notice of in the Operations. Mr. Jobling 1 Edw. Robson 1 The three last you paid for are as follows. May 13 Dan.l Coats 1

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 8 Jul 1778

Mr Thomas Wall Paper Buildings Newcas 8th July 1778 Temple London Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 25th Ulto. & observe that you have received £15 of Mr. Morrows being the 3rd payment due on their Bond which Sum you had placed to Sir John Trevelyans Account. Mr. Ralph Heron Attorney in this place is concerned for Sir John Trevelyan & had his directions to advertise the Sale of Ord Estates & the Fisheries & to co

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 11 Jul 1778

Mr R. Morrow Blaydon Dukesfd. 11th. July 1778 Dr. Sir My not hearing f’m you today makes me thus remind you of the Accots. of the rects. of Rookhope Lead for these two years past wch you promised I should have this week when with you at N.Castle, for I cannot pay the Carriagemen wthout it, and you should before this let us know who to lay the Ld. wanting upon, for I’m afraid that the quantity will be so great that there will be some difficulty to get it all paid for. I have

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Finch – 12 Jul 1778

To Mr: Jno. Finch Farnacres 12th July 1778 Sir I have this day recd. your Letter of the 9th Inst. and have desired Mr. Salter to pay you the Money for the 100 Casks of Bone Ashes, and you’ll be so good as let us have 50 more as soon as convenient. I am for Mr: Turner & Self Sir Your &ca N:W: Junr.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Salter – 12 Jul 1778

To Mr. Jno: Salter Farnacres 12th July 1778 Dear Sir I give you the trouble of this Letter to desire you will pay Mr. Finch for 100 Casks of Bone Ashes which he has sent on Mr. Turners & my Account to Newcastle & as he is to send 50 more Casks, when he does so, you will also be so good as pay for them. I am Dr Sr. Your &ca N:W: Junr. PS. Be so good as forward the inclosed <per> Penny Post

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 19 Jul 1778

Jno. E. Blackett Esqr N.Castle Dukesfd. 19th. July 1778 Inclosed you have the Dukesfd. Month Accot. & an accot. of a Plate of Silver wch you’ll receive by tomorrow’s Carrier, have put a piece of red Lead up wth the Silver. I saw a Lre from Mr Smith to his Brother in regard to the Spar who says that he was in Wales when he received his Lre but once he got home would do his indeavours to get you of the different sorts that their Mines produce but that he was afraid he would

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 19 Jul 1778

Mr Robt. Morrow Blaydon Dukesfd. 19th. July 1778 Dr. Sir Last Friday I paid the Carriagemen for Sr. Jno. Trevelyan’s Lead brought f’m Rookhope Mill last spring agreeable to the notice given, but am sorry to say that there was a great outcry against you (for I could only pay those that you had marked as right upon the accot.) for want of your Tickett, I would not have believed that you would have been so negligent, or indeed treated me with so much contempt as neither to give

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 24 Jul 1778

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcastle 24th July 1778 Foster Lane Gentn I have this day sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Nine Hundred and Eighty five Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot at the Market Price & advise me on your Receipt of It I a

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 25 Jul 1778

Mr Thomas Wall Paper Buildings Newcas 25th July 1778 Temple London Sir I received yours inclosing your Receipt for £100 to make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyans Account. Inclosed you have Messrs. Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Castell Whately & Powell dated 24 instant at 35 days date for Five Hundred Pounds to pay Sir Edward Winningtons half Years Int[e]rest on the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bond & Mortgage fo

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 27 Jul 1778

Dukesfd. 27th. July 1778 Sir Not knowing certainly the quantity of Sir Jno Trevelyan’s Rookhope Lead that’s wanting nor the Carriers that are to pay for it for want of Mr Morrows Accot. makes me beg that you’ll some opportunity speak to him as he will mind your directions, for I have several times the Accot. that I might be able to settle the Carriage - I am afraid the Lead wanting will be considerable. Pringle telling me the other day, that the Black Galloway you g
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467