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Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moorecroft – 25 Nov 1676

And Writt to Mr Geo[rge]: Moorecroft of Stockton about Huntington etc.

Letter – Michael Blackett to Hugh Mason – 25 Nov 1676

Mr Hugh Mason Ditto [ Newcastle 25 November 1676] I have before mee yours of the 23d past thereby takes notice of the prices of iron with you w[hi]ch are all too deare for mee, w[he]n I have occation will make bold to trouble you, In the mean time Remaines M:B:

Letter – Ralph Grey to Daniel Darvill – 25 Nov 1676

ditto the 25th 1676 To Mr Daniell Darvill to send per first shipps 1 hodgs[head] of Lofe Suger most small Lofes one hodgs[head] of Best pouther [powder] about 58s percent & one Hodgs[head] of purged Suger about 40s or 42s percent this what needfull from your friend Ra: Grey

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 28 Nov 1676

Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle 9ber [November]: the: 28th: 1676 Sirs I have several of yo[u]rs before mee; w[hi]ch my occationes att present will nott give mee leave to answer at large This serveinge cheifeley at this time to give you notice of the Severall followinge Billes w[hi]ch I have this day drawne upon you Vizt one for £68:12:4½ payable 20/d[ays] sight to Mr James Oades or Order Vallew of Jno Blaukston Esq[ui]re ............................ £68:1

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 28 Nov 1676

Mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe Ditto [Newcastle 28 November 1676] Sir I have none of yo[u]rs To Answer Soe the less to Inlarge upon this serveinge cheifely to Advise you that this day I have drawne upon you a Bill for £200=: payable 20/d[ays] Sight To S[i]r Charles Bickerstaffe or Order Vallew of Phillip Bickerstaffe Esq[ui]re To w[hi]ch lett all dew Hono[u]r be given and placed to the account of MB:

Letter – Mary Yorke to William Blackett – 30 Nov 1676

Sr This unexpected opertunety gives me An occasion a Gane to present you with my serves, and All so to tel you what Troubel and vexashion your sunn hath been in, Cansarning his setlment and all by the menes and mestakes of your Counsell and might I declare his doum for iff he should never Resave Fee from your family more, for he by his mistakes might have cased Great diffrances, which I hope the Good providence hath and will nowe preven, and that all Kindnes and love may be and Contened Amongs

Letter – Michael Blackett to Hugh Mason – 1 Dec 1676

Mr Hugh Mason Newcastle xber [December]: the: 1th: 1676 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 23d past there by takes notice of the price of Iron w[i]th you w[hi]ch are all too deare for mee when I have occation will make bold to trouble you In the meane time Remaynes MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Thomas Boone – 1 Dec 1676

Mr Tho[mas] Boone Ditto [Newcastle 1 December 1676] Sir Yo[u]rs of the 4th past I have Rec[eive]d and accordinge to yo[u]r desire have pay[e]d the Bill of £100 upon the accountes of M[esseur]s Cha[rles]: & Ja[mes]: Bankes and if there bee any thinge here that I can serve you in I pray comand upon all accountes him that Realy is without any Complem[en]t MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 1 Dec 1676

Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 1 December 1676] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 18th: 21th: 23d and 25th past all w[hi]ch God willing I shall now answer att large If nor [noe] Screene bee bought pray dissist buyinge of one till further Order for wee are nott yett resolved of w[ha]t Collour to have itt; but if one bee bought I will Stand to have itt pray dispose of my Leed as well as you can; if you gives mee any Encouragement you shall not wa

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 1 Dec 1676

Mr Ed[ward]: Willett Ditto [Newcastle 1 December 1676] Sir I have only to thanke you heartily for yo[u]r Token w[hi]ch I have Rec[eive]d and have given my Father the Casse marked WB: w[i]th half of the Apples; for w[hi]ch doubtlesse hee will thanke you himselfe ~ I can nott for my life meete with a conveniencey to send you some Leed though I have Endeavoured itt as much as lies in my power Mr LeGender did agree w[i]th this James Weatherell for the takeinge In 600 p[iec]e

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 1 Dec 1676

Mr Hen[ry]: Maisters Ditto [Newcastle] p[ri]mo xber [1 December]: 1676 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 24th past thereby takes notice of the pieces of Iron w[i]th you pray advise mee p[er] first convenience if you could freight mee a small Vessell of about 20 to 25 Tonn and of theire demands if possible I will make bold to trouble you as I shall doe for the future when ever I shall have occation In the meane time remaynes MB:

Letter – James Standsfield to William Clerke – 1 Dec 1676

Memor[andu]m to Mr Wm Clerke anent Mr Vermuden. In the first place to obtaine from Mr Hartlip the <abbreviate> of my owne lres they make use of, and according to my lre left for him yesterday at Mr Lindsays. I shall then bee enabled to make a good and sufficient answetr; and shall know what lres are abstracted, for I finde Mr Hartlip had the perusall of all my lres in Mr Lindsays hands & tooke of them what hee pleased, wthout anye receipt or noate made of them & their dates.

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 2 Dec 1676

Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle xber [December]: 2d 1676 Sirs I refer you to my last of p[ri]mo [1st] present p[er] yesterdayes Post Since none from you Soe the lesse to Inlarge upon this Serveinge Cheifly to advise you that I have this day Vallued upon you £240 payable 10/d[ays] Sight To Henry Ashurst Esq[uire] or Order Vallew of Mr Geo[rge]: Murton To w[hi]ch pray lett the needfull Hono[u]r bee given I hope yo[u]r next will Informe mee of the Sale of my Leed

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Rumney – 2 Dec 1676

Cousine Ditto [Newcastle 2 December 1676] I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 28th past have p[ro]ceed acceptance to the Bill of £100 and Mr Wettwange tells mee you may relye upon punctuallity as to the discharge thereof w[he]n dew I have noe more commandes to lay upon you then to desire yo[u]r care In the making much of my loveinge Cousen; and I hope Mr Willett and you had one merry bout I hope to heare of the Effortes; for a Wigge pray trouble nott yo[u]r selfe too much for I car

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 5 Dec 1676

Mess[eur]s Cha[rles]: and Ja[mes]: Bankes: Newcastle xber [December]: the: 5th 1676 Sirs Since mine of the p[ri]mo [1st] past have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 10: 17 and 21 ditto w[hi]ch I shall now God willinge Answer att large Mr Boones Draught on mee for £100: upon yo[u]r Account have discharged and when more moneyes is in Cash shall advise him; but I thinke there is little yet for Since my last; I have but sold one Load more of yo[u]r Plankes for £4:10:= and one p[ie]ce Timbe

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 5 Dec 1676

Mr Jos: Pannell: Ditto [Newcastle 5 December 1676] Sir My last to you was of the 17th past To w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 24th ditto w[i]th the account of my Leed and Grindstones; w[ha]t you have by mistake remitted mee shall have done you good but I thought the nett proceed thereof would have beene forr more <..> I am about a Vessell for yo[u]r place and hopes to agree w[i]th him as I proceed advice shall bee given you God willinge by him that

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 5 Dec 1676

Mr Nicho[las]: Verlane Ditto [Newcastle 5 December 1676] Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 23th: and 24th past all Trad[e] now over till the Springe And then God willinge wee shall beginn againe ~ Yo[u]r bill of £60 I have discharged and Soe I will to the Ballance of account betwixt us w[he]n drawne upon mee I am Realy MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 5 Dec 1676

Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 5 December 1676] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 30th past doe thanke you for yo[u]r Cheese; but Jno fossett nott yett arrived – as also for yo[u]r Kindness to my Cousine w[hi]ch I take as done to my selfe ~ I have this day vallued upon you £100 payable 6/d[ays] Sight to Mr Jno Meriton or Order Vallew of Tho: Jennison Esq[uir]e To w[hi]ch let all hono[u]r bee given; am very willinge to allow you

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 7 Dec 1676

Mr Jno Strother Newcastle xber [December]: the: 7th 1676 Sir The reason of my omittinge Soe longe answeringe yo[u]rs of the 7th 8ber [October] was cheifely grounded upon my expectation of seeinge you here before this And assure you I would be very glad to see you but the Report goeinge In Towne that you have alltered yo[u]r resolution I thought itt convenient to write you these few lines; beinge very desirious to know w[ha]t becomes of my Salt for I hope ere this you have Rec[eive]d

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 12 Dec 1676

Mr Hen[ry]: Maister Newcastle xber [December]: the: 12th 1676 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 5th present the contents thereof have well observed I am concerned In the Trade of Iron Soe shall have occ[a]tions for the following Sortes w[hi]ch you must by all measures p[ro]cure mee; w[i]th the best; both as to Mettle and finnesse vizt of Socke moulds 1 Tonn nott too large and little Iron betwixt the Moulds~ of Coulter Mouldes ½ a Tonn as you thinke convenient

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 12 Dec 1676

Mess[eiu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 12 December 1676] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 5th and 7th present all my Bills therein mentioned I question nott but will finde dew complyance att any time If my thinge In disbursse for mee I am willinge and you shall all wayes find mee Soe To allow consideration; for the time to content ~ I take notice of the Sale of 20 of my Pigges of Leade for a tryall; w[hi]ch I perceive does nott prove to

Letters – William Blackett to William Blackett – 12 Dec 1676

Sr Iff It wear for my Life I Could not doe more to procure mony then I have don to get for you,, Mr Schand writs me he hath ordered Mr Scot of Harwood to pay me 60 £ the 20 x ber & by Robt Garrat who I sent to Edenb I peam [presume?] they will send 100 £ or two. He will be hear on Thursday or Fryday & It shall no soener come to hand but It shall be sent you. I hope to clear all with you ear primo January I am Yr Aff nal. nephew Wm Blackett 12 Xber 1676

Letter – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 15 Dec 1676

Mr Math[ew]: Lamb Newcastle xber [December]: the 15th: 1676 Inclosed is an account of w[ha]t Rents I want w[hi]ch pray Endeavoure to gett In against I[n]come over If you hitt right w[i]th the Butchers itt will bee more than ever I could doe yett; butt bee assured soe much as is sett downe I want of them att least; Soe keepe them to itt and Spare them nott a farthinge. Tho[mas]: Bell is a Rogue to tell mee hee payes fare Rent; I will see him hanged before hee playes the foole w[i]

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 16 Dec 1676

Mess[eiu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle xber [December]: the 16th: 1676 Sirs Inclosed you have a bill for £500=:3 of w[hi]ch w[he]n dew I pray procure the needfull and place itt to <to> account I have this day drawne upon you these followinge billes vizt one for a £180 payable 28/d[ays] after date To Mr Edw[ard]: Callender or Order vallew of Mr Geo[rge]: Murton .......................... £180:=:= one for £120 payable 28/d[ays] a
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467