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Letter – Cuthbert Peart to Richard Wray – 28 Jul 1778

Mr Richd Wray at Hexham Newcastle 28th July 1778 Sir I received your Letter on Sunday last Inclosing your Note for Candles delivered to Sir Thomas Blacketts Leadmine at Wolfcleugh to 30th June last amounting to Forty six Pounds Sixteen Shillings and inclosed you have Newcastle Bank Notes to the Amount of Forty five Pounds which with £1 . 16s in Cash is in full of that Sum. I should be glad to know that you receive it safe

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Robert Makepeace – 1 Aug 1778

Mr Robt Makepeace, Goldsmiths Newcas 1st August 1778 Serle Street Lincolns Inn London Sir I have this day sent you by Thomas Jennings the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Nine Hundred and Twenty six Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot at the Market Price & advise me on your Receipt of it. I am etc JEB

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 4 Aug 1778

J.E. Blackett Esqr N. Castle Dukesfd. 4th. Augt. 1778 Sir Inclosed you have July Month Accot. for the several Mills. Yesterday I rec’d an accot. f’m Mr Morrow of the rec’t of Sr J. Trevelyans Rookhope Lead, and have examined it with the Mills Accot. & find that the want is very considerable, I think the Accot. he has sent me will be Erroneous, and that one will not be able to make those Carriers (wch he has made defaulters) pay for the Lead wanting as I have seen some

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 12 Aug 1778

Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcastle 12th Augst 1778 Foster Lane London Gentn I am favoured with your Letter of the 8th instant with an Account of the last piece of Silver & am sorry to find the Price so low. I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co at Twenty Days date for Three Hundred pounds which I desire you will please to accept & place to the Account of Sir Thomas Blackett Ba

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 12 Aug 1778

Mr Thomas Wall Paper Buildings Newcas 12th Augst 1778 Temple London Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 8th instant & observe That on Mr. Turners Application to you that he should be supplied with what Money he may have occasion for & that you would advise me of the same. The late Sir Walter Blackett had £1200 of the late Major Carrs Money on the Death of that Gentleman & his Lady it came to his three Daughters _

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 15 Aug 1778

To Mr Jno Holmes Farnacres 19 Augst 1778 Dear Sir On Saturday last we drew a Bill upon you for £175:4 being the Amount of Six Hundred & Five Ounces of Bullion at 5s/9 ½ d and one half penny Over. The Bill is payable 20 days after date. You receive a Letter inclosed relative to the Boring Tools by which you’ll see where they are to be met with but Bro Smeaton having left this part of the Country before I reced. your last favour I had not an opportunity of sayin

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 24 Aug 1778

To Mr Jno Holmes Farnacres 24th. Augt. 1778 Dear Sir I think I neglected mentioning in my last that you wd. receive a Cake of Bullion by the Carrier who set out from Newcastle on Saturday the 15th Inst. weight 541 ½ Ounces & I therefore now trouble you with this. I am Dear Sir Yours &c. NW Junr.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 24 Aug 1778

Mr Thomas Wall Paper Buildings Newcas 24th Augst 1778 Temple London Sir Your Favour of the 15th instant I received & observe that you have been applied to by Messrs. Child & Co. for Mr Thurlows Composition I write to those Gentlemen by this Post and remit them Bills for the Amount. Mr Heron is at present from Home when he returns I will have some Conversation with him respecting the value of Ord Estates etc when you s

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Robert Carr – 24 Aug 1778

Sir Robert Carr Baro[ne]t Bath Newcas. 24 Augst 1778 Dear Sir I have made a Remittance to Mr Thomas Wall at the Paper Buildings in the Temple to pay off the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bond to the late Sir Will[ia]m Carr dated 3rd August 1776 for £1200 at 4 p[er] Cent[u]m The Bills will not become due till the 4th of October next at which Time the Payment will be made to Mr. Richard Carr Glyn & the Int[e]rest thereon to that Day

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Child – 24 Aug 1778

Messrs Child & Co Bankers Newcas 24th Augst 1778 London Gentn Inclosed you will receive two Bills amounting to One Hundred & fifty seven pounds ten Shillings for one half Years Composition for Weardale Tithe Ore due from Sir Thos Blackett Bt to the Revd Doctor Thurlow the 15th Augst instant. When you are in Cash for the same you will please to send me Doctor Thurlows Receipt in the interim acknowledge

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 3 Sep 1778

J.E. Blackett Esqr N. Castle Dukesfd. 3d. Sept. 1778 Sir When at Rookhope yesterday I found that the Ore does not increase upon the Smelting at this time, and cannot hear that we have any case to expect that Weardale Mines will send this season what will make the Lead required for Blaydon refinery – therefor if you think proper would send f’m Allanhds & Coalcleugh Mines to Rookhope Mill Ore that would keep Her Working till the Spring; for both this & Allanheads Mills

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 4 Sep 1778

To Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 4th Sepr. 1778 Dear Sir Yours of the 11th and 29th. Ulto. are now before me and below is your Accot. for the Balance of which I have this day drawn upon you payable Thirty Days after date and am for Mr Turner & Self Dr Sir Your’s &c NW Junr. Due from Mr Jno Holmes To the Commissioners & Govrs. Of Greenwich Hospl. For 541 1/2 Ounces of Fine Silver at 5s: 9 1/2d £156 16 2 Due from Mr Walton Junr. To Mr Holmes Aug

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 9 Sep 1778

To Thomas Wall Esqr. Paper Buildings Newcastle 9th Sept. 1778 Temple London Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 3rd inst[an]t inclosing Sir Edward Winningtons Receipt for his Int[e]rest. Inclosed you have Bell Cookson & Cos Bill on Castell & Co for £110 . 5s . 0d to pay the Int[e]rest on the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bond and Notes to the late George Carr which you will please to pay on the 2nd Octo[be]r next on a Receipt b

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mary Carr – 9 Sep 1778

Miss Carr at Sam[ue]l Rollestons Esqr. Newcas. 9th Sept. 1778 Old Alresford Hants D[ea]r Madam Your Favour of the 10th Ult[im]o I received at my return Home. Sir John Trevelyan apprehended that Captn. Astle was abroad & as his Receipt was necessary on the Payment of the Bond & Notes it was postponed on that account and Sir John finds that it will not be in his Power to pay off the £1200 till the 1st of May next which I hope may be c

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 13 Sep 1778

J.E. Blackett Esqr N. Castle Dukesfd. 13th. Sept. 1778 Inclosed you have the Mills Month Accots. and also the Accot. of a Plate of Silver wch I hope you’ll receive by tomorrows Carrier I suppose you had not been at home when I wrote last in regard to sending Ore to Rookhope Mill fm Allanhds & Coalcleugh Mines; fm that supposition and believing you would not be against it have set on Carriers to carry Ore fm Coalcleugh to Rookhope and in case I do not hear f’m you to the co

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 14 Sep 1778

Farnacres 14th. Septmr. 1778 To Mr. Jno. Holmes Dear Sir On Saturday we delivered a Box to the London Carrier directed to you containing 636 ½ Ounces of Silver Bullion which you will we hope receive safe on Saturday Sennt., and are Sir Your &ca Walton & Turner

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 18 Sep 1778

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcastle 18th Sepr 1778 Foster Lane London Gentn I have this day sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Eight Hundred and Sixty three Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Market Price & advise me on your Receipt of It. I am etc JEB

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 20 Sep 1778

To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 20 Septr, 1778 Mr Mulcaster I was realy much surprized at receiving your Letter of the 16th. Inst. and beg you will take the first opportunity of going to Alston and seeing Mr. Hilton and Mr Percival together about the Ore wantg. from the Companys Mines which was upon the 26th. of August as mentioned in the inclosed Paper conformable to the Accounts as settled by Myself and which we must abide by, and insist upon the Duty being delivered accordin

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 24 Sep 1778

To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 24th Sepr. 1778 Mr Mulcaster Having examined your Operations we find a mistake in that ending 27 June & afterwards, your Stock at Guddamgill Burn Cross Vein South End No.2 appearing to be 18 Bings Short. You have here with extracts from the Several Operations which will enable you to set the matter right and we shall be glad to hear from you at any convenient time how the Operations are to be altered. We suppose altering the Stock would s

Letter – Robert Allgood – 25 Sep 1778

Morpeth Sept 25th 1778 Dr Sr Wod you or any friend or any of my Creditors Choose to give away what I have without a Reasonable Consideration, Doe not you and They, see that there's no purchasers at present no money to be had If the Stocks or Funds had not been so very low I believe I cod have made a Friend but he cannot get Sold out without a monstrous Great Loss. The same thing in the Sale of Lands yet one knows not how soon times may Change In Regard to the material part o

Letter – Robert Allgood – 25 Sep 1778

Sir, I have thought it highly necessary to lay my situation before you and the rest of my Creditors you being one of them – Messrs Surtees and Burden of Newcastle having Security out of an Estate of mine called Sunneyside within about a mile of Hexham, and the house in Hexham for the principal sum of £2500 there being an Arrear of Interest obliged me to Turn Tenant to them last Martinmass at £110 a year Exclusive of the Woodland thinking to make them Easy the first half years Rent du

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 2 Oct 1778

To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 2d Oct 1778 Mr Mulcaster I duly reced. your Letter of the 30th Ulto by your Brother this Morning and am sorry you have met with so great a disappointment in consequence of which I am also disappointed. I however hope notwithstanding the distressing situation Mr Hilton has brought himself into that he will be able to Clear up the matter of the Carriage and Mr Turner and I are much obliged by your care on this occasion tho’ it has not produced

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 3 Oct 1778

Mr Thomas Wall Paper Buildings Newcastle 3rd Octor. 1778 Temple London Sir Inclosed you have a bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co on Messrs. Castell Whately & Powell at 30 d[ays] dated 29th Sept. for Two Hundred Pounds to make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyans Account from 30th Sept. to 31st Decem[be]r next for w[hi]ch you will please to send me your Receipt as usual. Mr. Rich[ar]d Carr Glyn called on me Y

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 4 Oct 1778

To Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 4th October 1778 Dear Sir On Friday last we drew upon you for £182.6.1 being the Amount of 636 ½ Ounces of Fine Silver at 5s/9 ¼ d p[er] Ounce after deducting £1.7. for the Ear Trumpet and Colours which you were so obliging as get for Mr. & Miss Walton. You will soon have another Cake of Bullion sent you as we expect one every day. We are Dr. Sr Your &ca W & T Farnacres 2d October 1778 Thirty Days after

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 8 Oct 1778

To Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 8th Octr. 1778 Mr Mulcaster We are much pleased with your last Letter and perfectly agree with you in Sentiment. It will certainly be improper to go faster than the Lead Mine Adventurers in the Carriage that is we think it would be improper to be much ahead at any time or at any Mine but we would wish to be rather ahead than the Contrary and yet it would most assuredly be improper to go to excess in that; we therefore most cordialy join with you in t
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467